Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 416 414-Pulling Out All the Stops

Chapter 416 414-Pulling Out All the Stops

In this very moment, the battle between Ethan and the Stone General intensified, igniting Ethan's combat fervor to its fullest. 

Confronted by such a formidable adversary, Ethan's fighting spirit surged within him. 

No longer content to wait for the enemy's attacks, he took the initiative and once again met the Stone General's fist with his own, their punches colliding in a spectacular clash.

Ethan, watching the Stone General launch yet another attack, wasted no time and swiftly sidestepped, deftly circling behind his stony opponent. 

The Stone General was fast, but Ethan's speed surpassed even that of the formidable foe. 

Ethan had rarely encountered anyone with greater combat prowess.

At this point, Ethan had discerned that engaging the Stone General head-on would come at a cost. 

Though he believed he could ultimately defeat the Stone General, doing so would likely leave him with aching hands for quite some time. 

After all, the Stone General was made of rock, while Ethan was flesh and blood. A direct confrontation with stone was not a wise choice.

Given these circumstances, Ethan decided to outmaneuver his opponent and employ tactical cunning against the Stone General. 

In the heat of the moment, Ethan found himself positioned behind the Stone General. 

Seizing the opportunity, he leaped into action, vaulting onto the Stone General's back. 

His hands gripped the Stone General's head tightly, and in one fluid motion, his entire body swung around, suspending himself in mid-air behind the formidable foe.

Although the Stone General boasted lightning-quick reflexes, Ethan's speed was unmatched. 

The Stone General had no chance to react, as Ethan had seized him in a vice-like grip.

At this very moment, Ethan's hands tightly gripped the neck of the Stone General, his body suspended in the air, and then with a sudden exertion of force, he pressed down, placing his entire body weight upon the Stone General. 

This grappling maneuver was one that Ethan had rarely employed in his previous encounters. 

However, facing the Stone General, composed entirely of stone, Ethan had no choice but to use such a tactical move against it.

Initially, Ethan had intended to use his own weight to topple the Stone General to the ground. 

After all, the Stone General was constructed of solid rock and was inherently heavy. 

If it were to fall, it would certainly make for a powerful impact. 

Yet, Ethan hadn't anticipated that the Stone General's body would be as immovable as a small mountain. 

Despite his efforts, the Stone General remained steadfast and unyielding.

Ethan was taken aback by the Stone General's surprising resilience. 

It seemed that this formidable foe was even heavier than he had anticipated, and he couldn't budge it with his strength alone. 

This unforeseen challenge left Ethan momentarily stunned.

In the midst of Ethan's astonishment, the Stone General reacted swiftly, reaching out to grab Ethan, who was suspended from its neck. 

However, the Stone General's arms and hands were made of stone and lacked the flexibility of flesh and blood. 

While it could attack in front of it, reaching for Ethan behind its back proved to be a more cumbersome task, its movements rigid and slow.

Capitalizing on this opportunity, Ethan quickly evaded the Stone General's grasp. 

He knew all too well that staying in close proximity was not an option. 

If the Stone General's massive stone hands were to seize him, it would be anything but child's play. 

Under normal circumstances, being caught by those hands would result in shattered bones. 

Ethan was far from foolish and had no intention of remaining within reach.

In a split second, Ethan used his feet to push off the Stone General's body, launching himself to the side, landing steadily on the ground.

Ethan's strength was formidable, and with a powerful kick, he managed to slightly stagger the bulky Stone General, almost causing it to topple over.

At this moment, having missed his grab, the Stone General pivoted towards Ethan. 

Its two hands stretched forward, seemingly intent on capturing Ethan. 

Sensing the imminent danger, Ethan leaped up without hesitation and delivered a forceful kick directly onto the Stone General's head. 

This kick, executed with considerable strength, emitted a dull thud and caused the Stone General's body to wobble slightly again.

However, such an attack did little to harm the tough-skinned Stone General. The impact was minimal, almost negligible. 

After all, using fists and feet against stone is hardly an effective way to inflict substantial damage. 

Moreover, being a stone man, devoid of flesh and internal organs, it was impervious to such injuries. 

Ethan now understood that this adversary was not as easily subdued as he had initially thought. 

To tackle this foe, it would take more than sheer strength; it required strategic thinking.

After kicking the Stone General on the head, Ethan did not pause. He used the momentum to propel himself upwards. 

The Stone General, reacting to the kick, naturally tried to strike Ethan with its hands. 

At that moment, its two stone arms clapped upwards, attempting to trap and crush Ethan between them.

Seeing his strike miss, the Stone General retracted its arms, gearing up for the next round of attack. 

Meanwhile, Ethan's body descended back to its original position, landing steadily on the Stone General's shoulders.

Immediately, Ethan clamped the Stone General's head tightly between his legs. 

Then, exerting force from his waist, he twisted his body in mid-air. Ethan intended to wrench off the Stone General's head with this maneuver. 

However, to his surprise, he found the Stone General's body astonishingly hard. 

Ethan almost strained his back in the attempt, but the Stone General's head remained immovable.

Such an adversary was new to Ethan. 

Through the prolonged engagement, he had discerned that the Stone General's strength was indeed inferior to his own; it couldn't overpower him. 

Yet, defeating it was not an easy feat and would require considerable effort. 

It seemed that Ethan was in for another prolonged battle.

At this moment, Ethan resolved within himself to thoroughly best the Stone General as a way to vent his frustration.

His plan thwarted, Ethan saw the Stone General's stone arms reaching for him again, almost capturing him. 

Without hesitation, Ethan leaped down from the top of the Stone General's head. 

Landing on the ground, he rolled in a swift motion to regain his stance. 

Just as he steadied himself, the Stone General charged once more. 

Ethan had barely regained his footing and couldn't dodge in time. 

So, he instinctively rolled to the side. As the Stone General closed in, Ethan saw his chance. 

He stretched out a leg, aiming a kick at the Stone General's legs, hoping to topple it to the ground.

Having already experienced the Stone General's remarkable resilience, Ethan put all his strength into a kick aimed at its legs, hoping to bring it to the ground. 

However, even with such force, Ethan couldn't topple the Stone General. 

Instead, he ended up with a throbbing pain in his foot.

Fortunately, while Ethan's kick didn't knock the Stone General down, it wasn't without effect. 

The powerful blow caused the Stone General's body to wobble, nearly losing its balance. 

Seizing this opportunity, Ethan disregarded his own pain. 

In the blink of an eye, he leaped up, once again wrapping his arms around the Stone General's neck. 

Simultaneously, he swung his body sideways, using his weight to forcefully pull downwards.

Ethan had attempted this move before, but it hadn't been effective that time. 

This instance, however, was different. 

The Stone General was already off-balance, so Ethan's maneuver successfully brought it down. 

The Stone General crashed heavily to the ground, like a giant slab of stone hitting the earth, emitting a thunderous "boom" and raising a cloud of dust.

Ethan, naturally, was not about to let this opportunity slip. 

Seizing the moment, he leaped into the air and descended swiftly. 

As he fell, Ethan drove his knee downward, landing it forcefully onto the Stone General's body.

This knee strike, fueled by the gravity of his descending body and his own muscular power, was significantly more potent than his previous attacks. 

It landed heavily on the Stone General, producing a resounding boom. 

The impact was so intense that visible cracks appeared on the Stone General's stony surface.

It seemed that this time, the Stone General had sustained considerable damage. 

This was a promising start for Ethan. 

He surmised that at this rate, it wouldn't be long before he could triumph over the Stone General.

Emboldened by this thought, Ethan's fighting spirit soared. 

He quickly got up and took a couple of steps back. 

As the Stone General was attempting to rise, Ethan swiftly extended his leg, performing a sliding tackle close to the ground. 

This move caused the Stone General to stagger once more.

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