Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 401 399-Something Approaches

Chapter 401 Chapter399-Something Approaches

Ethan had been trekking for an extended period, and now dusk was fast approaching.

Aware of the need for rest, Ethan considered stopping for the night.

His physical endurance was remarkable, allowing him to travel for days without sleep if necessary.

However, Ethan was well aware of the perils that lurked within the forest, especially as he neared the transition from Shadow Forest to the Venomous Serpent Swamp.

Navigating the swamp at night was fraught with danger, so Ethan decided to find a suitable place to rest, planning to resume his journey at dawn.

His choice of resting spot was made with great care, for he remembered an earlier encounter when he had almost been ambushed by a Three-eyed Serpent while seeking rest.

Only his quick reflexes and preparedness had saved him from a potentially lethal encounter.

Thus, with extra caution, Ethan ensured the area was safe before allowing himself to relax.

The night passed without incident, and the new day dawned bright and clear.

After a modest breakfast, Ethan was ready to set off again.

But just as he was about to resume his journey, he sensed something unusual in the surroundings.

In the Shadow Forest, it was not uncommon for wild beasts to approach; such occurrences were part and parcel of the wilderness.

However, this time, Ethan's instincts told him that the situation was different.

He sensed that not one, but at least two entities were moving towards him.

This realization put him on high alert, as the nature of these approaching beings remained unknown.

Ethan's senses were extraordinarily sharp, and he trusted them implicitly.

He was certain that at least two entities were approaching his position.

This realization brought with it a sense of perplexity.

Based on his extensive experience in the Shadow Forest, Ethan knew that most animals here preferred solitude; never had he encountered any moving in tandem.

Thus, the sensation of two creatures simultaneously nearing him struck him as highly unusual.

Moreover, Ethan could discern that these creatures were not approaching together.

Rather, they seemed to be converging towards him from distinct, distant locations.

This puzzling situation left Ethan somewhat bemused, unable to immediately comprehend the circumstances.

Could it be that two different entities had independently discovered his presence and, by some strange coincidence, were both moving towards him, possibly seeing him as potential prey?

Contemplating this possibility, Ethan decided not to hastily vacate the area.

Instead, he chose to climb a tree to better observe and understand the unfolding situation below.

Most would opt to flee in such a scenario, considering the unknown nature and dual approach of the potential threats.

Staying put in these circumstances would typically be deemed perilously risky, and anyone else might have already fled.

But Ethan was no ordinary individual.

With his current prowess, he believed that no matter the situation, he could handle it effortlessly.

Within the confines of the Shadow Forest, Ethan was confident that nothing could corner him into a dire situation.

At the very least, he knew escape was always an option.

Thus, Ethan remained in his perched position, curious to see what creature would reveal itself.

Soon enough, he spotted something darting towards him from a distance.

It was not particularly large, but its speed was remarkable.

With a gaping maw and razor-sharp fangs bared, it was unmistakably a ferocious beast.

Upon seeing it, Ethan recalled having heard of such a creature before.

Known as the Specter Forest Wolf, this animal was known for its agility and ferocity.

Despite its modest size, it was notoriously vicious, attacking with lightning-fast speed.

Ethan understood that this species was among the most formidable in the Shadow Forest, and he hadn't anticipated attracting the attention of such a creature.

Clearly, the wolf had sensed Ethan's presence.

Hungry and without its morning meal, it seemed eager to make Ethan its prey.

It appeared that this Specter Forest Wolf had rarely, if ever, faced a real challenge in the Shadow Forest.

Its confidence in approaching any living being it sensed suggested a lack of setbacks or encounters with danger.

This brazen attitude indicated that it was unaccustomed to fear or caution.

Seeing the wolf's demeanor, Ethan couldn't help but feel a desire to confront and discipline this audacious creature.

It was the first time something had dared to act so boldly in his presence.

Encountering such a creature, Ethan felt compelled to teach it a lesson, to show it that not all encounters in the forest were to its advantage.

At this moment, the Specter Forest Wolf prowled restlessly beneath the tree.

It sniffed around, its eyes darting in search of something.

Ethan could tell from its behavior that it had detected his scent and followed it here, only to be confounded by his apparent disappearance.

The wolf's perplexed and frantic search was quite a spectacle, and Ethan couldn't help but watch the unfolding scene with amusement.

For quite some time, the wolf circled the base of the tree, growing increasingly agitated.

In the Shadow Forest, a creature of its caliber typically found hunting effortless, almost second nature.

Yet, this particular encounter seemed to have thrown it off balance, fueling its frustration.

Ethan, meanwhile, remained masterfully concealed, making it impossible for the wolf to pinpoint his location.

Observing the wolf's mounting irritation, Ethan had to stifle a laugh.

Deciding to further tease the creature, he quietly snapped off a small branch and tossed it directly at the wolf's head.

His aim was precise, hitting the wolf squarely.

The sudden impact sent the wolf into a rage, but with no visible adversary, its fury had no outlet.

Despite its anger, the wolf could do little but howl and snarl in confusion.

Seeing the Specter Forest Wolf in such a comical state, Ethan couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

Although his laughter was soft, it didn't escape the wolf's acute hearing.

The wolf instantly became alert, scanning its surroundings vigilantly.

Realizing this, Ethan quickly stifled his laughter.

His sound had been faint, and although the wolf had heard something, it couldn't discern the direction from which the noise originated.

It didn't think to look up towards the trees, and thus, Ethan remained unseen.

Ethan found it amusing that the wolf hadn't noticed him.

He considered the creature rather dull, which only made it more entertaining to toy with.

It wasn't really the wolf's fault; among the beasts of the Shadow Forest, it was known for its strength.

However, Ethan's prowess far surpassed the wolf's, making it easy for him to conceal his presence.

Seizing the moment, Ethan broke off another small branch and tossed it onto the wolf's head.

Struck again and still unable to locate his assailant, the wolf flew into a rage.

It began to attack wildly in all directions, clearly demonstrating that anger had overwhelmed its senses.

The wolf's temper was evidently quite fierce.

Unable to find the source of its irritation, it resorted to blind, furious attacks, venting its rage on the surrounding forest.

The scene was almost theatrical: the mighty Specter Forest Wolf, infuriated and confused, lashing out at invisible enemies in a display of raw, unbridled emotion.

As a result of its rage, the trees surrounding the Specter Forest Wolf bore the brunt of its fury.

Being one of the top predators of the Shadow Forest, the wolf's strength was not to be underestimated.

Its frenzied attacks wreaked havoc on the nearby trees, with several thinner trunks snapping and falling to the ground under its assault.

One could only imagine the terrifying force of the wolf when fueled by anger.

Fortunately, this area was on the edge of the Shadow Forest, where the trees were not as densely packed as in the heart of the forest.

Otherwise, the collateral damage to the vegetation would have been far greater.

Now, the Specter Forest Wolf had completely lost its sense of reason, driven solely by its rage.

It continued its relentless attacks on the surrounding trees, and more and more of them fell victim to its fury.

An increasingly wide clearing was forming around the wolf as it continued its destructive spree.

In this wild display, the forest's usual tranquility was shattered by the beast's uncontrolled aggression.

The natural order of the Shadow Forest was momentarily upended, as the raw power of one of its fiercest inhabitants was unleashed in a blind rage.

The scene was both chaotic and captivating, a vivid demonstration of the primal forces that lay dormant within the forest's serene facade.

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