Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 400 398-A Treasure

Chapter 400 398-A Treasure

It was evident that the barbarian was extremely hungry. 

Upon hearing Ethan's offer to resolve the food issue, a glimmer of hope shone in his eyes. 

The barbarian fixed his gaze on Ethan, curious to see how he would address the problem.

Ethan, well-prepared for his journey, had brought along a substantial amount of food for the road. 

He promptly took out some of his provisions and handed them to the barbarian, saying, "Go ahead, eat."

The moment the barbarian saw the food, his eyes sparkled with a bright light. 

He grabbed the food from Ethan's hand and began devouring it ravenously. 

The barbarian's famished state was apparent; he ate with such ferocity that Ethan was taken aback. 

Ethan thought to himself that the barbarian could probably consume an entire cow in his current state.

In no time at all, the barbarian had finished all the food Ethan had given him. 

This appetite startled Ethan; the amount he had brought was enough to last him two days, yet the barbarian had wolfed it all down in mere moments. 

The sheer magnitude of his hunger was astonishing.

After finishing the food Ethan had provided, the barbarian turned to look at him again. 

Ethan quickly offered more of his supplies, and the barbarian, without any hesitation, accepted the food and continued to stuff his mouth.

Ethan was increasingly amazed as he watched the barbarian continue to eat voraciously. 

He wondered just how large the barbarian's appetite could be. 

Fortunately, Ethan had brought enough provisions to suffice, even for the barbarian's extraordinary hunger.

Finally, having finished his meal, the barbarian stopped asking Ethan for more food. 

He sat there, patting his belly and letting out a contented burp, before lying down on the ground, appearing utterly satisfied.

At this moment, Ethan said to the barbarian, "You've had your fill, and I don't owe you anything now. I need to be on my way."

As Ethan prepared to leave, the barbarian called out to him. "Hey, don't go."

Ethan was puzzled by this request. 

He had compensated for his inadvertent action, so why was he being asked to stay? 

Could it be that the barbarian, now well-fed and hydrated, was looking for another round of combat? 

The thought crossed Ethan's mind, and he readied himself for a potential confrontation. 

After all, the barbarian was unpredictable, and it wouldn't be entirely surprising if he chose to fight again. Ethan thought it wise to be prepared.

However, just then, the barbarian unexpectedly said to Ethan, "You gave me your food, and I won't take it for free. I have something here for you."

Hearing this, Ethan realized that the barbarian wasn't seeking another fight. 

This eased Ethan's mind considerably. 

Though the barbarian was a formidable opponent who couldn't defeat Ethan, he was challenging and time-consuming to engage with. 

Ethan didn't have the time to continue this prolonged encounter.

Previously, Ethan had resolved that if the barbarian challenged him to another fight, he would find an opportunity to leave and avoid further entanglement. 

Now, it seemed Ethan had misjudged the barbarian. 

The barbarian's words gave Ethan a new perspective, showing him as a principled individual. 

This revelation brought a newfound respect and a slight fondness from Ethan towards the barbarian.

Ethan, however, was skeptical about the prospect of the barbarian possessing anything of real value and didn't show much interest. 

So, he said to the barbarian, "It's alright, I don't need anything from you. I freed your prey, so consider this meal as compensation. You don't owe me anything."

Upon hearing this, the barbarian insisted, "No, it's not the same. I can't just take your food without giving something in return. If I've eaten your food, I must give you something."

With that, the barbarian handed Ethan a cloth bag. 

Ethan, curious about what the barbarian could possibly be giving him, took the bag and opened it to find a very peculiar stone.

The stone appeared quite ordinary at first glance, not seeming like anything remarkable. 

At a casual look, it was just like any other rock one might find on the ground, with no apparent difference. 

The only distinctive feature was a faint blue sheen it possessed, but this was so subtle that it was barely noticeable unless one looked closely.

Ethan felt a tinge of disappointment upon seeing the stone. 

Previously, when the barbarian mentioned giving him something, Ethan had wondered if it might be something of value. 

However, it seemed he had overthought it.

After all, the barbarian didn't appear to be someone who would possess valuable items. 

The fact that he offered this stone to Ethan probably meant it wasn't anything special. 

But considering the care with which the barbarian had stored the stone in a bag, it must have held significant value to him. 

The barbarian's regard for this seemingly mundane object suggested a personal attachment or importance that Ethan couldn't immediately discern.

In Ethan's eyes, while the stone might not have been of great importance, it clearly held significant value for the barbarian, evident in the way he carefully preserved it. 

Touched by the gesture, especially considering he had only shared a meal with the barbarian, Ethan felt moved. 

In response, he took out more food and handed it to the barbarian.

"These provisions should last you for a few meals," Ethan said to the barbarian. "With these, you won't have to go hungry until you catch your next prey."

The barbarian was deeply touched, mistaking Ethan's generosity as a sign of his appreciation for the gifted stone. 

He then attempted to insistently place the stone into Ethan's hand.

Ethan, seeing this, quickly gestured for the barbarian to keep it, saying, "No need, keep it for yourself. I wouldn't have much use for it anyway. It's better if you hold onto it."

However, the barbarian replied firmly, "No, I've eaten so much of your food, you must take this." 

Without waiting for a response, he pressed the stone into Ethan's hand.

Faced with this insistence, Ethan found himself unable to refuse any longer. 

Initially, he had no desire for the seemingly unremarkable stone, understanding the barbarian's attachment to it and wishing to let him keep it. 

Now, it seemed he had no choice but to accept it.

At that moment, the barbarian said to Ethan, "This stone might look like any ordinary rock, but it's actually not. It possesses a very powerful energy."

"What kind of energy?" Ethan asked.

"I don't know," the barbarian replied.

Ethan was momentarily at a loss for words. 

The barbarian's statement was as good as saying nothing at all. 

Just as Ethan had started to develop a slight interest in the stone, it dwindled once again.

The barbarian then added, "This was given to me by someone I saved in the past. He told me that although it looks like a regular stone, it's actually a powerful treasure. The energy within it is sealed, and it can be unlocked only by someone destined to do so, who can then access the energy inside."

"Really?" Hearing this, Ethan took a closer look at the stone. 

He hadn't expected such an unremarkable-looking stone to have such a mysterious background.

"Of course, it's true," the barbarian assured, noticing Ethan's skepticism. "I wouldn't part with it if you hadn't given me so much food."

Ethan, hearing this, became more interested in the stone. 

Despite its ordinary appearance, it had a subtle glow, hinting that it might be something extraordinary after all.

With this in mind, Ethan began to closely examine the stone.

[Unidentified Object] 

[Contains a sealed, unknown power]

At this point, Ethan found himself compelled to believe the barbarian's words. 

It seemed that the stone was not as ordinary as it appeared on the surface; it truly was a stone with sealed energy, potentially a remarkable treasure. 

This realization excited Ethan; he hadn't expected to stumble upon such a valuable item by mere chance. It was indeed a surprising turn of events.

Although the exact nature of the energy sealed within the stone was still uncertain, Ethan couldn't help but wonder if, given the right circumstances, he might be able to unlock the seal and access the power hidden within. 

It was an intriguing possibility.

Ethan was amazed at the thought that simply sharing some food with the barbarian had led to such an unexpected reward. 

It seemed like a stroke of fortune for Ethan, a serendipitous gain that he hadn't anticipated.

Feeling grateful, Ethan expressed his sincere thanks to the barbarian, sharing many words of appreciation. 

Then, with the stone in his possession, he left the area.

Now, Ethan was unaware of what dangers might lie ahead of him, but the unknown challenges only served to pique his interest even more. 

The allure of unforeseen adventures and the potential of the mysterious stone he now carried added an exciting edge to his journey, a testament to the thrill of discovery and the endless possibilities that life can offer.

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