Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 189: Primordial Era (1)

Chapter 189: Primordial Era (1)

In a place occupied with absolute darkness, as if it was the abyss itself sat Wu Siduo who was in a lotus position. She didn't make any movements or gave off any sign that she was breathing or even alive except for the blood essence fluctuating off of her.

Wu Siduo at the moment was on experience a dream-cycle like

As she was meditating a figure appeared in front of her. It was Wu Siduo Martial Soul, the White Tiger that appeared in front of her and was inspecting her. The White Tiger narrowed its eyes before slowly walking around her with its eyes still on her.

Yet after a few minutes, the opposite of the White was the Hell Civit who was just like the White Tiger began circling Wu Siduo figure. Neither of them made any noise or violent movement, as they continued their walk.

It was just then, that the Hell Civit and White Tiger figure began to disperse into smoke. Black and White began to rotate around Wu Siduo similar to that of a Yin-Yang diagram.

Wu Siduo's hair began to scatter all-around before the monumental figure of the Hell White Tiger appeared in front of Wu Siduo. It stared deeply at Wu Siduo with brilliant flames and dazzling light flaring all around it.

"...How many years? Has it been since someone has gotten this far?"Mutter the Hell White Tiger with a wistful sigh before it stared down at Wu Siduo.

"You're are drawing close young one. Continue on this path of yours and just maybe, you can return us to the full pureness of our bloodline." Said the Hell White Tiger as it began to move its mighty paw toward Wu Siduo's forehead.

"If you are able to reach that level...Then I will leave it all to you." Said the Hell White Tiger as the visible light began to shine serenely on Wu Siduo's forehead before it removes it paw.

It was then the Hell White Tiger look above to the deep blackness of the sky before it opens up its mouth and roared out.

An overflowing wave of light began to burst and erupted outward as it swept through the abyss-like world. As this was going on, the figure of the Hell White Tiger began dispersing all around.

At that moment, Wu Siduo's whole figure became engulf by the Hell White Tiger and the overflowing wave of light before the whole abyss began shattering.


"...Where am I."Mutter Wu Siduo as she slowly began to open her eyes while moving around.

"In your room." A voice rang out causing Wu Siduo eyes to slightly widen before it relaxed in the next moment.

As Tang Wulin's face was above her own, with her noting she was still in his embrace and they were in her room. Tang Wulin said nothing as he saw Wu Siduo looking all around before her face soften.

Wu Siduo didn't say anything about having her clothing destroyed or Tang Wulin catching her bare. Partially because she doubts he would have blinked an eye and another part because she, strangely enough, didn't mind that much.

Then she began moving even deeper into his comforting embrace causing him to arch a brow. But she didn't seem to see his arch brow or maybe she didn't care as she continued to dive deeper in.

Wu Siduo couldn't help but let out a small hum as she felt the delicious warmth and comforts of Tang Wulin embrace. It was a place where she was beginning to think it was an excellent place to relax and waste the days away.

"How long have I been out?" Questioned Wu Siduo after finally getting comfortable inside of Tang Wulin arms.

Tang Wulin lightly sighed with his lips twitching as he saw Wu Siduo snuggling upon his chest while moving her arms around his body. He didn't know whether to be amused or not at her eagerly taking advantage of the situation.

But alas he didn't say anything and simply allowed her to do what she wishes.

"It's night time, so over eight hours." Said Tang Wulin causing Wu Siduo's body to tense but relax in the next moment.

"...How worried was my mom?"Questioned Wu Siduo after a bit of thinking while moving her hand towards Tang Wulin's hands.

"She...Was frantically moving around the house, while constantly asking me if you were alright."Said Tang Wulin with a sigh while ignoring whatever Wu Siduo was trying to do.

"Hehe, sorry about that. My mom has always been a worrywart when it came to me. Even when I first embarked on my journey as a Soul Master, she would always make sure I don't push myself and overreact at the faintest injury."Said Wu Siduo softly as she moved Tang Wulin's hand closer to her.

"Ahh, I still remembered when she first heard I had a twin martial spirit." Said Wu Siduo as she brought Tang Wulin hand towards her head.

"Funny enough, unlike other parents who would be happy to see their kids so talented...She was more worried and distress that this would put pressure on me. It truly was funny and hilarious when I realized why she became so frantic all of a sudden." Said Wu Siduo while glancing at Tang Wulin with her eye shining towards him.

"...Is this why she isn't living at the main house?"Questioned Tang Wulin after giving into Wu Siduo's desire of him moving his hand through her flowing hair.

His face didn't change nor give a reaction as he heard and saw Wu Siduo beginning let out a small moan. If it was anyone but him, they would have commented on how cute and precious she looked and sounded.

He came to this conclusion because he found it hard to believe this was the Wu family manor. Compared to the Xu family, this wasn't even close to being a noble house, let alone one for a genius like Wu Siduo.

He believed the Wu family must have had Wu Yiyi moved towards this area, where she wouldn't be a determent to Wu Siduo's progress. As from what he saw and could tell of Wu Yiyi, she was too kind to be able to truly make Wu Siduo the way she is now.

"...You notice that, but it's not what you think. My mother knew that she wasn't much help towards me and knew she may be the one that will hold me back. And so..."

"She moved here for your sake." Said Tang Wulin as he finishes Wu Siduo's sentence and began feeling her trembling body.

"...Yes. It wasn't until a few months before It was time for me to go to Shrek, that I met up with her again. And to my shock, we were able to easily connect, as if we never parted for so many years." Said Wu Siduo softly.

"The radiant smile she showed and gave me was so bright. As if no matter what I did or go, her arms would always be here to embrace me." Said Wu Siduo with a beaming smile.

"About the third level?" Questioned Tang Wulin after a bit.

"Oh that. It seems my bloodline really did become terrifying and denser, just me lying here I can feel its vigor." Said Wu Siduo with a light laugh.

"I can see that your physical prowess increase." Mutter Tang Wulin as he knew that the third level also increases one physical prowess and martial spirit strength.

Wu Siduo nodded her head with but she didn't say anything more. As she wanted the rest to be a surprise but she did tell Tang Wulin that she could also fuse her bloodline with her martial spirit.

Tang Wulin was a surprise as he knew this wasn't something that everyone with a strong bloodline could accomplish, let alone do. Although Wu Siduo hasn't tried it out, she weirdly enough had a gut feeling she could do this.

After that, Wu Siduo kiss him once before obscuring her face in Tang Wulin's chest.

Tang Wulin said nothing and simply held Wu Siduo. He continued rubbing her hair while moving his other hand to her back.

And in a matter of moments, she began to gradually fall back to sleep. With Tang Wulin watching over her and falling into thought.


"Oh honey, please don't' scare mommy like that." Said Wu Yiyi with teary eyes as she continued hugging Wu Siduo with all she had.

"Ok, mom! Just please stop!"

Wu Siduo was squirming in her mother's embrace, while Mu Yiyi didn't seem to mind and simply began to hug her even tighter. Tang Wulin sighed while ignoring the Daugther-Mother Duo and the people laughing next to him.

"Are you a collector?" Questioned Tang Wulin towards Wu Yiyi after recalling all of the history books and texts that are still lying around.

"Actually no. I'm just an avid historian!"Shouted Wu Yiyi after letting go of Wu Siduo.

"Can you tell me about some of the books you have read?" Questioned Tang Wulin after the constant pleading of Sleipnir and Zeref.

"I would be glad to!"

Wu Yiyi quickly led both Tang Wulin and Wu Siduo over to the living room before she grabs some books that were lying around.

"So which book do you -"

"Do you know anything about the Primordial Era?" Questioned Tang Wulin causing Wu Yiyi to blink her eyes before nodding.

"You actually know about that? Amazing, not many people knew about that era or even the name of it." Said Wu Yiyi with a sigh of regret.

It wasn't the name of the Primordial Era wasn't written in ancient texts and book, it was just that the people nowadays didn't care. The world was now focused on Soul Masters, Soul Technology and the legendary figures of today.

No one wanted to sit down and read up on the past. Wu Yiyi found this both sad and regretful as so many fascinating things were hidden.

Wu Yiyi began talking about the Dragon Clan from the ancient days, as they were the most prevalent and first written legend. She didn't know why this was the case, but she had some theory that it was because they were the starting point for humanity.

As she continued, she began to show her excitement and enjoyment of history towards Wu Siduo and Tang Wulin, who couldn't help but silently praise her. As Mu Yiyi truly was showing the expression and feeling of someone who dearly loved their work.

As she was continuing, she began talking about a topic that caused both Wu Siduo to be shocked, while Tang Wulin was slightly surprised.

"Our ancient ancestors after the death and end of the Dragon Clan didn't have a good time." Said Mu Yiyi with a sigh.

"From what this text says or parts of it, they may have been enslaved or even worse hunted." Said Mu Yiyi as she seized one of the ancient texts that were laying next to the table stand.

"...Here it's. It seems our ancient ancestors really were living such a miserable life."Said Mu Yiyi before properly beginning to read.

"We were bound, chained and nailed to the ground. Force to accept our bitter fate of being nothing more than sheep for the slaughter. There was no hope, no sign of life or freedom."

"Our children were born in a world filled with overwhelming despair and hell. With nothing to look forward to, except the endless terror and fear of those monsters."

"Monsters who hid the dark, who prowled through the world and lord over us all. Countless years we were filled with misery, countless years were filled with sadness, all for what?"

"Sometimes we all wished it was us who would have disappeared instead of the Dragon Clan or maybe this was our own defeated soul sprouting such words? We didn't know the answer but what we did know, was things were hopeless."

"Hopeless to fight..."

"Hopeless to struggle..."

"Hopeless to live..."


"Something changed, something broke the cruel chains of fate and destiny. As if it was trying to flip this unfair world upside its head. Not many people know of him, not many people, understand his actions and what he did for us."

"But we of old will always remember, we will always remember his words to us and the example he set for us."

"For the sight was truly engraved in all of our hearts."

"His march through the world, as he trampled upon the monsters. His golden hands uprooted those who prowled in the night. His blazing red light that turned those who lord over all of us into dust and sparked a fire inside of all us."

"His golden spear that was like the sun itself that shined and pierce through our darkest time. His sharpened golden-red eyes that were so unnatural and demonic that caused shivers through the souls of the monsters. His flowing robe that was so incomparable and majestic that soaked in the blood of countless beasts and monsters."

"Many may not remember his true appearance and maybe his miraculous legend will be lost in the irresistible currents of time."

"Yet his miraculous deeds and action will always shine bright through the eternal Spirits of Humanity. For he was the beginning, the beginning of humanity's rise to glory and fame. The one who made us not into prey..."

"But into Absolute Predators."

"His proper name may have been lost to time but his title could never be forgotten."

"He was known to the world as..."

"The Demon King."

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