Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 188: Extreme Third Level

Chapter 188: Extreme Third Level

As Tang Wulin was moving towards the original spot, he was at before Yue Zhengyu and Dai Yun'er came to him. He was able to catch sight of Wu Siduo, who was moving towards the familiar shore of the Sea God Island, with a bag around her shoulder.

"Is she going somewhere?" Questioned Zeref with a raised brow.

"I don't think she is going back to Tenrou Island." Said Sleipnir after a bit of thinking.

"Could it be she is going to visit her family?" Questioned Yggdrasil causing all of them to stop and blink their eyes.

"...I guess that makes sense."Mutter Zeref after thinking about the actions of Xu Xiaoyan.

From the words of Xu Lizhi, the others didn't really get that much time to talk with or visit their parents after coming to Shrek. If that wasn't bad enough, they all went missing for over a year and a half.

Tang Wulin didn't say anything as he changed his directions and went towards Wu Siduo. As he was approaching her, Wu Siduo felt someone approaching and turned to see Wulin coming.

"Your back." Said Wu Siduo in surprise as her eyes widen in delight before a slight frown appeared on her face.

"You're going to visit your family?" Questioned Tang Wulin causing Wu Siduo eyes to slightly widen.

"Yes, I'm surprised you were able to guess." Said Wu Siduo with a light laugh before sighing.

"It's my mom...I haven't seen her in years. I bet she is making up a storm at home."Said Wu Siduo lightly as her eyes soften.

'I see.' Thought Tang Wulin with a nod before moving towards Wu Siduo and seizing her hands before moving forward.

"Wulin? What's wrong?"Questioned Wu Siduo as Wulin began dragging her forward.

"Hm? Isn't it obvious, were going to see your mother." Said Tang Wulin causing Wu Siduo's eyes to widen in shock and surprise.

But then it all turned into joy, as a pleasant smile bloomed on her face. How could she be unhappy?

She was planning to leave Shrek and go back home to check on her mother. And yet as she was heading out, she not only met Wulin but he was willing to come with her!

"You can't go back on your words." Said Wu Siduo before gripping Tang Wulin's hand and dragging him towards the boat the shore. Tang Wulin only sighed and shook his head but he still followed along with her.


"We're here." Said Wu Siduo softly as she walked on the small cobblestone path that had a small creek next to it.

Wu Siduo's mom lives in the small town Raxus, south from where Heaven Dou City use to be. Surprisingly enough, it was one of the places that weren't destroyed as Fafnir came from the East side of Heaven Dou.

Wu Siduo had a faint smile on her face, as she gently pushed the door open and walk through with Tang Wulin following behind her. As they moved through the house, Tang Wulin notice the vast assortment of books and ancient texts all around.

"Wow...Could it be Wu Siduo's mother is a collector?"Questioned Zeref as he began walking around and glancing at the books.

"If she was, then I guess she is a collector of history." Said Sleipnir as she glances at all of the history books and texts lying around.

Tang Wulin didn't get a chance to comment as he heard footsteps coming from the doorway down from him and Wu Siduo. Wu Siduo also heard this, as she turned towards the doorway but she didn't move.

As a figure moved through the doorway, he notices that Wu Siduo was trembling. The figure was attractive, with snow-white skin, slightly slender purple cat-like eyes and long flowing red hair.

"Is that you honey?" Questioned the women as she walked towards Wu Siduo while joyful tears were forming in her eyes.

"Hey...Mom." Said Wu Siduo softly as she moved to eagerly embrace her mother.

Tang Wulin didn't say anything or show any reaction as he watched Mother and Daugther embracing each other. Even Zeref and the other were surprisingly quiet as just like Tang Wulin, they knew this wasn't the time to speak.

After a few minutes of them embracing and crying to each other, the Wu Siduo mother turned to Tang Wulin in delightful surprise.

"Oh, I'm sorry. My name is Wu Yiyi, and you must be Wu Siduo's friend." Said Wu Yiyi with a gentle smile.

"I'm her boyfriend." Said Tang Wulin with no intention of dragging or keeping Wu Yiyi in the dark about their relationship.

"...Ah! Oh my. That explains why my little girl seems so happy."Mutter Wu Yiyi while glancing between Wulin and Wu Siduo.

"Mom!" Shouted Wu Siduo and to the surprise of Tang Wulin, he was able to see the small hue of rosy red on her face and a new side to her.

"I guess even she isn't immune to a mother teasing." Said Zeref before glancing at Tang Wulin with a smile.

'Quite.' Thought Tang Wulin with his lips twitching.

"Oh aren't you just adorable." Said Wu Yiyi with a laugh before pinching her daughter's cheek.

"Mom! Why do you consistently do this!"

"Well I could say, this is your punishment for not calling in years, but~"

"Of course, the real reason is you are just too cute." Said Mu Yiyi with a hand on her face while she continued pinching Wu Siduo's face.

'Huh, strangely I feel closer to Wu Siduo.' Thought Tang Wulin as he watches Wu Siduo swiping her hand but Mu Yiyi didn't seem to notice.

"You get cuddles of death by Lang Yue, while she gets pinch." Said Zeref while trying to control his laughing.

"Prepare for the future pinching you must endure, Wulin." Said Sleipnir with a delighted giggle causing Tang Wulin lips to twitch.


Tang Wulin and Wu Siduo found themself in the backyard of the Wu little house. After finally getting her mother to let go of her cheeks, Wu Siduo told her she promises to spend time with her but she first needed to do something.

When Mu Yiyi heard her daughter's words, she couldn't help but scream in joy. And to the horror of Wu Siduo, pinch her daughter cheek once again.

Wu Siduo wanted to finish her the third level of the Body Sect Innate Revamp Method. When they were heading towards her house, Wulin told her about his progress and how he already mastered the third level.

Not wanting to be left behind, she knew she had to master the third level by the end of the week. When Tang Wulin asked why she wasn't training the third level, she told him a month ago after he and everyone left.

She broke through from a Spirit Emperor into the next rank, a Spirit Sage. So getting a recommendation letter from the Sea God Pavilion, she was able to go to the Spirit Pagoda and get herself a spirit soul over a hundred thousand.

She told him, that the whole process took a whole month because she couldn't find the right one. It wasn't until it was at the end of her time at the Spirit Pagoda. That she was able to find the Spirit Soul that was a fit for her.

"Normally, it would take you months before you can master this level if we look at your talent and the training you been through. But It's possible for you to complete it in a day." Said Tang Wulin towards Wu Siduo who was sitting down in front of him.

"What's the consequences?"

"The pain and danger will be even more terrifying. It's not incorrect to say, the pain you will go through, will make you think everything before was nothing more than a light pat. Of course, I will be here to help, so you don't die but the pain will still be there." Said Tang Wulin causing Wu Siduo to flinch but then she still nodded her head.

"Bring it on."Said Wu Siduo with her eyes flaring with determination.

"When you start, remember to push the refinement and condensation." Said Tang Wulin with a light sigh while putting two Lacrimas, Destruction and Life in front of her.

Wu Siduo nodded her head after she had completed all of her preparations, adjusting himself to the greatest state. It was then Wu Siduo's gaze sharpen as she thrust out her hand towards both of the orbs and then began absorbing them.

Similar to what happened to Tang Wulin before, streaks leisurely began refining everything from the cell of Wu Siduo to her blood.

As the two energies passed through her blood cells, the impurities that were inside of her was being released from the interplay between the Lacrimas. With this process, her bloodline was becoming more denser and vigorous filled with origin energy.

But she knew, she couldn't do this the standard way. And so with an inhale of breath, she forcibly began to pour the Destruction and Life Energy through her body.

Instantly her right arm snapped viciously.

Pain! Intense and unendurable pain was flowing through Wu Siduo at the moment as her entire body began trembling uncontrollably. Her body began to contort with her other arm also snapping apart and the cells inside shattering.

In the next moment, all of the bones in her body were cracking, and then breaking. Yet that wasn't the end, as even her blood cells were beginning to develop cracks before completely breaking apart.

This was something terrifying and horrifying that would make one vomit or pass out just by watching. As at the moment, Wu Siduo's body was quite literally forcibly breaking and shattering apart internally.

"You have to hold on." Said Tang Wulin as he instantly put his hand on her forehead before pouring out all of the life energy inside.

It wasn't just him but the grass, plant, and trees behind him were lending some of their vitality towards Wu Siduo. It was only because of this that Wu Siduo was able to forcefully supported and recover.

The shattered cells and bone were being pulled together by distinct strands and thread of life energy as it flows through her body. Yet it was doing nothing to lessen or alleviate the unbearable pain and pressure she was suffering.

Blood began to leak from her eyes, ears and even her nose. Yet Tang Wulin didn't panic as he knew this was also the impurities of her body.

"It seems her body is using other parts to expel the blood out. I guess her pores can't keep up with the excessive expulsion." Said Zeref as he appeared next to Tang Wulin with a grave look.

Sleipnir didn't say anything, as she and Yggdrasil were too busy regulating the vegetation around to help Wu Siduo.

'It hurts! It's hurt! It's hurt so badly!'

Was the thoughts of Wu Siduo as she forcibly held on with her willpower, as blood began running down on her body. It was only because the pain was too much that she wasn't screaming out loud as she didn't have time for even that.

Yet even then, she still continued to forcibly make the destruction and life energy refine her bloodline and essence. The pain was too much for her to know or comprehend how long it has been as each second was hell.

After an unknown amount of time, the pain she felt became more and more intense. Tang Wulin began noticing the shroud of green and purple energy coiling around Wu Siduo.

'She's close to finishing.' Thought Tang Wulin as his eyes began to narrow before pouring even more life energy inside of her.

He knew she had to give it her all and surpass the pain if she wanted to fully master the final level of the Revamp Method. As the energy that was coiling around began to glow brilliantly, it all exploded outwards.

It was only through his fast reaction, that Tang Wulin was able to suppress the explosion from destroying the house and courtyard. After it died down with a bit of dust and smoke flowing out, he saw a figure walking out.

It was Wu Siduo who looked calm, with her expression and body looking peaceful. Not only that but she was without clothing, probably from the explosion earlier.

'It seems she pas-'

Tang Wulin's body moved before he could finish his words, as he saw Wu Siduo falling. He was able to bring her into his embrace before she hit the floor.

"She's fine." Said Tang Wulin with a sigh after checking her body and seeing nothing was wrong.

"...Wulin."Mutter Wu Siduo as she slowly opens her eyes.

"You did well. Rest, for now, I will be here when you wake up." Said Tang Wulin causing Wu Siduo to slowly nod her head with a smile before passing out.

'Alright, its time to go back inside.' Thought Tang Wulin while ignoring the stares of Zeref, Sleipnir, and Yggdrasil.

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