Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 151: Towards the Devil Island.

Chapter 151: Towards the Devil Island.

'How annoying?' Thought Tang Wulin in slight annoyance as he glances out of the window of the moving aircraft. It was steadily speeding along, but even with its high speeds, it would take a while before they reached their destination.

It has been only a few hours since he, Xu Lizhi, Shen Yi and Wu Zhankong have boarded the aircraft that Yun Ming got for them. Originally it was supposed to be just him, Shen Yi and Wu Zhankong.

But Xu Lizhi came towards him yesterday, two days after Gu Yue and Na'er left with a face filled with determination. Xu Lizhi asked Tang Wulin to him along on the trip to the Demon Island, after his teacher Long Yeyue and Yali advised him about it.

'To think that old women was his teacher.' Thought Tang Wulin as he recalls the terrifying pressure he could felt from Long Yeyue when he glances at her at the festival.

From what Xu Lizhi told him, Long Yeyue happened to witness him training with the Holy Spirit Yali and somehow gained an interest in him. One thing led to another and he became her disciple to the joy of everyone around him.

Tang Wulin didn't question why he wanted to come as there was no need to. As just from his body language and the determination he could already understand what Xu Lizhi wanted to do at the Demon Island.

'...Still, why does he like to cuddle anything he gets his arms around.' Thought Tang Wulin as he glances down to see Xu Lizhi snuggling upon him.

Shaking his head, he glances towards Wu Zhankong who had his eyes closed and arms folded. He hasn't opened up his eyes, ever since they got into the aircraft.

Then he glances over to Shen Yi who had a smile on her face while she was handling the aircraft.

'The Demon Island, huh.' Thought Tang Wulin as he begins recalling what Yun Ming told him.

The Demon Island appeared around six thousand years ago in the North Sea area of the Douluo Continent. The strangest thing about the island was it had no origin energy in the area, making it so one couldn't recover their soul power.

Shrek believed it was the destruction energy around that caused most life and origin energy to disappear. While there are still plant life on the island, they have no life energy.

Of course, this caused Tang Wulin to question just why he was going to a place like that, and Yun Ming answered him.

It is only in the center of Demon Island, that there are life and origin energy. Sea beasts roam in the ocean surrounding the area because of the life energy suppressing the destruction energy on the islands.

Yun Ming believes Tang Wulin should be able to absorb the Life Energy inside of the middle of the Island, although he was a bit reluctant. As this place was where Shrek Academy would train some of their students at.

But compared to the Gold Tree. Demon Island still couldn't compare in terms of importance. Naturally, he did tell him to be careful of the destruction energy on the Island and also, the demons.

'Demons...' Thought Tang Wulin in contemplation as he was somewhat pondering over Yun Ming vague words.

He didn't explain to Tang Wulin about any of the beings on the Island or what he meant by 'Be careful of the demons'. But Tang Wulin didn't put too much thought into it.

He doubts Yun Ming would send him to a place that would jeopardize the recovery of the Gold Tree.

After a few hours had passed, Shen Yi's eyes lit up when she saw the array of islands. They were spanning around the sea, and she knew they were close to the Demon Island.

"We're here." Said Shen Yi causing everyone on the aircraft to either be woken up or turn their attention out to the window.

Wu Zhankong begins narrowing his eyes, at the various islands. He was searching for the island that resembled the one on the map that the Sea God Pavilion Master gave them.

It didn't take him too long to find it, as the image of a large Island identical to the one on the map began appearing in his view.

"Are we landing there with the aircraft?" Questioned Xu Lizhi towards teacher Wu.

"Normally no, but since this is a special case. We will try landing."Said Shen Yi with a sweet smile as she slowly began descending towards the vast island.

"Get ready, the aircraft is about to shake for a bit." Said Shen Yi as they were getting closer to the Island.

They were currently about a few thousand meters in the sky, but that was slowly shortening as they were going down.

Xu Lizhi didn't understand what teacher Yi meant at first but he soon found out when he felt and saw the whole plane vibrating. That wasn't the end as the plane began shaking as if it was about a part for a few seconds before stabilizing.

"What was that?" Questioned Xu Lizhi after feeling and seeing that there was no more vibration happening.

"Don't worry, you will find out why soon enough but for now." Said Shen Yi as she started spreading out her spirit and soul power around the aircraft.

It wasn't only her as Wu Zhankong was also spreading out his, causing the aircraft to Xu Lizhi slightly shock to gain a luster like a look.

"The Demon Island that we're going to has a intense gravitational force than the Douluo Continent. Because of this, normal aircraft like these can't handle the pressure and will either tear apart or be crushed. It's why Shen Yi and I exerted our soul power around the aircraft."Said Wu Zhankong.

'So it's like that.' Thought Xu Lizhi but he wasn't shocked since he has seen continents with different weather or forces.

It didn't take them too long before the aircraft was slowly coming up on the ground. As they were coming closer, Xu Lizhi and Tang Wulin were able to see the environment on the island.

The ground was completely black, but it was not made of rocks or soil. On the island where the mountain ranges rose and fell, plants covered the terrain. Surprisingly, these plants were black as well.

That was why, from afar, the island resembled a black monster.

"Can this aircraft take the gravitational force even with your energies around it?" Questioned Tang Wulin as he could somewhat sense the increase in gravitational force.

"...No." Said Shen Yi with a sigh as she could already see parts of the aircraft breaking and tearing in the front.

She didn't know the gravitational force would be this terrifying, as this was her first time going to the Demon Island. Zhou Shi did tell her and senior brother a bit about the Island.

'So it wasn't because it was a trial that one had to abandon their aircraft.' Thought Shen Yi but then she shook her head before turning to the people behind her.

"Get ready to jump, it seems we will have to fly back to the Academy." Said Shen Yi as she began unstrapping herself from the seat and began moving towards the back.

Tang Wulin summoned his Blue Silver Genesis and then began having the vines wrap around everyone's waist. Then without further ado, they all jump outside of the aircraft and it was then they felt the fierce pull of the gravity.

Tang Wulin summoned his Light Wings while holding on to Xu Lizhi, while Shen Yi and Wu Zhankong summoned their battle-armor to use their wings.

Yet to the shock of most of them, the pull was still strong enough to force them down with shocking speed. Tang Wulin quickly sent more of his vines towards Wu Zhankong and Shen Yi, causing them to wrap around them like a ball.

It was then the ball of vines touched the ground and made a small crater. Fortunately, Tang Wulin employ his neutral mode which made the vines thicker, allowing them to absorb most of the force. As the vines began unwrapping from around everyone, Tang Wulin began glancing at the map.

Seeing where he should go, he began moving forward with everyone following behind him. They all conserve their energy while keeping Tang Wulin vines around their waist incase of an emergency.

There were no roads on the island, only pitch-black forests. They had no way of making out the directions. They could only head in the general direction of the internal regions of the island.

As they enter the forest, a type of dead stillness was being exuded through the island. It's something that would make anyone unforgettable or nervous.

It was only through the breathtaking beauty of the multi-colored vines and the peaceful aura around Tang Wulin that they find the gloominess wasn't so bad.

"To think destruction energy was this terrifying." Said Zeref as he appeared next to Tang Wulin while glancing around.

"Well, it's from the God of Destruction." Said Sleipnir as she appeared next to him.

'The destruction energy on this island is from that god? Is it the same for Life Energy?' Thought Tang Wulin.

"Yes, Life Energy has the same distinct aura as the Goddess of Life. Although how it got here, is something I'm not sure of."Said Sleipnir as she begins getting lost in thought.

'So that why, I feel a constant longing.' Thought Tang Wulin as he could the energies inside of his soul core fluctuating and raging inside.

It was like they were trying telling him to hurry along and move faster. To where? He had no idea as the energy wasn't giving him a direct direction.

"Ok, then how did it get here?" Questioned Zeref but Sleipnir didn't answer as she was still consumed in thought.

'This looks similar to that area after draining away from the destruction energy when we were dragged to the past.' Thought Tang Wulin causing Zeref to nod his head in agreement.

"Are you going to continue ignoring her?" Questioned Zeref with a raised brow.

'I'm busy.' Thought Tang Wulin causing Zeref to sigh.

"Alright fine, but what are you going to do now? Are you going to absorb the energy now or wait for them to leave?"Questioned Zeref.

'It doesn't really matter if they see it or not, but I will wait till we get to the center and just call all of the energy.' Thought Tang Wulin.

'Still, I wonder if I can gain control over all of it.' Thought Tang Wulin as he continued running ahead of everyone.

The group dash through the forest for about thirty minutes before finally exited the gloomy forest. The outside of the forest was similar from before with the ground being pitch black with it also being burned but something was shining in the distance.

It was enough to cause everyone except Tang Wulin to flinch as they saw the eerie glow. The purplish-black glow was faint and gave them a numbing feeling.

Tang Wulin narrowed his eyes at this but still kept on moving while sending more of his vines around the people behind him.

They all began calming down from the tranquil and comforting aura of the Blue Silver Genesis. They didn't stop moving and only pick up the pace, with Tang Wulin narrowing his eyes even more after a few minutes had passed.

"Be careful, a terrifying amount of destructive energy is ahead." Said Sleipnir as she appeared next to Tang Wulin.

'I know.' Thought Tang Wulin as his senses and instincts were going off with his body tensing up in preparation.

"Can the life energy inside of his body protect him?" Questioned Zeref.

"It should be able to but as for the people behind him..." Sleipnir trailed off causing Zeref face to grimace and then for him to glance to Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin didn't say anything to Zeref or acknowledge the look he was giving to him as he still charged forward. He knew the destruction energy in front was not something Xu Lizhi and maybe even the others couldn't survive without being severely wounded.

Still, he didn't try and warn the people behind him, as they kept dashing forward.

"It's right ahead." Said Sleipnir with her voice sounding urgent.

Zeref didn't say anything as he had an unreadable expression on his face as he stared at Tang Wulin, who still didn't try to inform his friends.

It was then the surrounding air in front of them all broke apart and came streaming forward. It was small streams of purple blades that were coming forward, that caused Xu Lizhi, Wu Zhankong, and Shen Yi eyes to widen in fright.

They could all feel just from the aura alone, that the energy in front of them was something that should not be trifle with. They didn't know exactly what the energy was but for some reason, Wu Zhankong and Shen Yi had a slight feeling this may be one of the reasons their master was scared of this place.

Yet they didn't stop moving as one thing was standing out between Xu Lizhi, Wu Zhankong, and Shen Yi.

It was Tang Wulin who kept on charging forward as the streams of purple winds were coming towards them.

'Does big brother have a plan?' Thought Xu Lizhi as he slightly narrowed his eyes.

'Destruction energy...' Thought Tang Wulin as he saw the terrifying thing before him.

He once asked Sleipnir in the past about the destructive energy of the God of Destruction. He asked what it was exactly, as it was somewhat similar to his Annihilation power but felt somewhat more controlled.

The God of Destruction governs the concept of destruction, meaning he controls the energy that governs the fundamental principle of the universe itself. It was one of the primal power of the universe, with it surpassing most if not all of the other powers.

This also means the power of destruction of the God of Destruction could turn anyone that came into contact with it, into nothingness. Powers that one would think or should be impossible to absorb as that would be going against the laws or principles of the universe itself.

Tang Wulin slightly narrowed his eyes as opens up his mouth and began to inhale steams of destruction energy.

Wu Zhankong, Xu Lizhi, and Shen Yi's eyes widen in absolute shock as they saw the actions of Tang Wulin. It wasn't just them as Sleipnir's eyes were widening in shock as she saw Tang Wulin doing another absurd thing.

"What the hell are you doing!" Shouted Sleipnir but it was too late as the destruction energy began flowing and swirling into Tang Wulin mouth.

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