Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 150: A Week Later

Chapter 150: A Week Later

A week has passed since the Sea God Festival, with all of the other schools and organizations leaving after the event. During these weeks, the reconstruction of Shrek City has been the main focus of most of the people living in the city.

There was a lot of noise permeating through the ruined city from everyone's mood and morale being boosted from the festival. While also the mood of love and affection was still lingering around the city as countless new couples emerged from the event to the horrors of the singles.

The biggest news would be the Dragon Spear Goddess having a lover, which broke a countless amount of singles heart. Even those in a relationship was slightly heartbroken, although to the irritation of their lovers.

If that wasn't bad enough, her lover also had five more other lovers other than her. The other lovers were just any girl, as they were all famous throughout the outer and inner court of Shrek. Each one of the girls had countless admirers and yet they were all taken by one guy.

To say that caused most of the singles to feel jealous and rage would be an understatement. The man in questioning gain the hatred and loathing of all of Shrek Academy, even some from other areas.

Of course, this was mostly from those who were singles, while those who were in relationships didn't dare to show they're jealous in fear of gaining their partner's wrath. Either way, this event would go down as one of the most interesting and shell shocking Sea God festival this year.


"Who are we waiting for?" Questioned Na'er as she glances around the small food stand that they were sitting at.

It was in the morning with the rays of the sun penetrated through the small umbrella stand above the table they were sitting down at. They already order some food which was easily devoured and was now enjoying their drinks.

"Weren't you training with Yun Ming?" Questioned Tang Wulin as he doubts that overprotective person would let Na'er out of his sight anytime soon after founding about their relationship.

"I was, but I was able to gain a break because of mistress." Said Na'er with a sigh and frown on her face.

Ever since her master found out about her relationship with Tang Wulin, he has been keeping and locking her away in the Sea God Island, with the excuse of training. Because of this, she was forced to only spend time with Wulin at night, when they slept in her private cabin.

Naturally, she kept this a secret from her master, in fear this information may push him over the edge and caused him to try to kill Wulin.

'Stupid overprotective teacher.' Thought Na'er with a cute pout. As she knew it was only because of Yali coming in and forcing Yun Ming to let her have a break, that she could be here.

Not unexpectedly, he argued back with her, saying this is for her good. Nonetheless, it took them compromising before she was allowed to leave.

"I see, well I'm waiting for an acquaintance." Said Tang Wulin while sipping his drinks and causing Na'er to blink her eyes.

"Acquaintance?" Questioned Na'er.

"Yes, acquaintance! I thought we were more than that Wulin." A voice rang out causing Na'er to shift her head towards the direction of the voice.

A girl that looks like she was in her twenties was walking towards the food stand. She had long black hair that drapes down her back with a pair of red phoenix eyes that held a sense of mischief in them.

She was neither gorgeous nor was she average looking but she somehow as able to capture the attention of those who she walks past.

"Next time you take so long, I'm leaving." Said Tang Wulin without glancing at the women.

"Of course, little brother." Said the woman with a charming smile.

"She is?" Questioned Na'er as she glances between both Tang Wulin and the woman.

"Oh! Who is this right here! Little brother, don't tell me you already found yourself a little wife?"Questioned the women with a teasing smile.

"...Wife."Mutter Na'er as her cheeks had a rosy hue on them while Tang Wulin only rolled his eyes.

"Her name is Liu Yuxin. She was one of the seniors at East Sea Academy, that I, Gu Yue and Xie Xie went to." Said Tang Wulin while not being phased at Liu Yuxin teasing.

"Little brother, why are you such a joy kill." Said Liu Yuxin with a pout but then she started to smile again.

"Still, I wonder how many people heart both of you have broken?" Questioned Liu Yuxin with a giggle as she glances between Tang Wulin and Na'er.

"Enough, do you have anything on Star Luo?" Questioned Tang Wulin causing Liu Yuxin to sigh at the joy kill in front of her.

"Not much, as there seems to be a storm forming in Star Luo Continent." Said Liu Yuxin causing Tang Wulin to slightly narrow his eyes.

Liu Yuxin after she graduated became a person who delves on the path and lines of an information broker, after his suggestion.

Tang Wulin did this because of Zeref advising him multiple times to form an information network on all of the continents. As information is the best weapon against any fundamental change in the world and unknown enemies.

With this in mind, Tang Wulin has been supplying her with the money he gained from Mu Xi. Then he had Mu Ye send Liu Yuxin a bunch of elders to guard her and also some disciples to help her out.

Through the years he was gone, she was able to form a base on Star Lou, Dou Ling, and the Douluo continent.

"How bad?"

"I'm unsure but from what I have found out and been told so far, corruption seems to be brewing over there." Said Liu Yuxin as she was able to receive information from across the continent with the communication Lacrima Wulin supplied her.

"Corruption? Is their already in fighting?"Questioned Tang Wulin.

"Yes, the elders of the empire are already proclaiming themself a-"

"How do you know all of this!" A voice rang out causing Liu Yuxin and Na'er to glance to the side.

They both saw Dai Yun'er whose expression was one of anger and next to her was Yue Zhengyu who had a hand on his forehead.

"Well, well. If it isn't the missing Princess Dai Yun'er."Said Liu Yuxin causing Dai Yun'er to flinch.

"...You how do you know all of this! N-"

"Quiet little princess, you're being too loud." Said Liu Yuxin causing Dai Yun'er to clench her fist and then went towards the table to sit down.

"Now then little princess, why don't you tell us what has been happening in Star Luo continent." Said Liu Yuxin with a sweet smile.

Dai Yun'er glance between all of the people present at the table and began gritting her teeth. As she started to think about the pros and cons of telling them. From what she could tell and hear, the girl with the black hair seems to know a lot, too much in fact.

As if she has someone in the Star Luo empire that seems to be relaying information to her.

'But how! Those bastard practically shut down all forms of communication and has been executing anyone who tries to go against them.' Thought Dai Yun'er as her face began contorting but then her eyes widen as she felt a hand on her shoulder.

Yue Zhengyu didn't say anything but that didn't hide the concern that was showing in his eyes causing Dai Yun'er to be surprised.

'Does he...Actually, care how I'm feeling?' Thought Dai Yun'er.

"Little princess, I don't know how you are feeling right now but I can at least say I'm sorry about what happen to your father." Said Liu Yuxin as she started losing her smile and Dai Yun'er flinches once again.

"...So you know about that too."Mutter Dai Yun'er with a bitter smile forming on her face.

"Her father?" Questioned Yue Zhengyu with a raised brow but Liu Yuxin didn't answer him as she was gazing at Dai Yun'er with a hint of pity on her eyes.

"It's fine..." Said Dai Yun'er with a sigh.

She began explaining to them what has been going on with the Star Luo Empire. The amount of damage the Sea Serpent caused to the empire was massive, as most of its soldiers and buildings were destroyed.

Countless amount of deaths was the result, as even the Emperor Dai Tianling suffered too. He was sent into a coma after being wounded from one of the Sea Serpent attacks. With the emperor being in a coma, the Star Luo Empire lost its leader, which led to infighting between the crown prince and the elders.

It wasn't bad at first as everyone was relying on more on their words to argue who should be the king. As some believed that the crown prince was too weak and young to be the acting emperor.

Others would refute this by saying, that Star Luo Empire needs its Emperor and no one would be better than the next in line.

But of course, this could never last and in just a week things began to escalate with the attempted assassination on the crown prince, Dai Yueyan.

Dai Yun'er didn't know the full detail of what happened or if her brother was ok. But the Head Master of Monster Academy told her, she had to get out of the empire.

The captain of the Eight Heavenly Kings Long Yue was supposed to journey with her. But he was forced to stay behind after finding out people were chasing after her. The last time she saw him was at the docks at Star Luo City before she left.

There was bleak silence that followed after Dai Yun'er was done talking. To say most of them were shocked would be an understatement, as just from Dai Yun'er's words alone, the Star Luo Empire might just collapse on itself.

As one of the greatest ways, an empire can fall is through infighting.

'But that's not all.' Thought Tang Wulin as he recalls Yun Ming words about the Federation and the other continent.

The Douluo continent was running out of resources and such they needed to find another way to gain them. There were plans for creating outer-space technology to try and find other planets for the resources.

But researchers found it would be impossible with the number of resources left on the Douluo continent. This is why apart of the Federation suggested that they invaded the other two continents, Star Luo and Dou Ling Empire.

The other parts soundly rejected that suggestion with the help of Shrek who didn't believe that invading and plundering would be the right way. Of course, Yun Ming told him, the main reason why was because they fear the war may strengthening the evil soul masters.

'But after the attack of the Calamities...'

The Federation may just be forced to invade the other empires, as the damage and loss they sustain were not small. Yun Ming told him that not even Shrek can come up with a good reason to stop this. As even they had to agree on the resources problem, it is a blow they can't withstand.

Whether or not they can win the war, don't matter at this point. As right now, the people who are benefiting the most are the Evil Soul Masters who thrive on despair and melancholy.

'Although that might happen, as the Spirit Beast and Humanity might have just passed a point of no return.' Thought Tang Wulin.

But then again, it wasn't like he cared about the relationship between humanity or the Spirit Beast. He only promises to help Na'er and Gu Yue find a way to keep them safe, not mend their relationship.

'And if they try going to war, then I simply would just crush both sides to the point where they can't fight anymore.' Thought Tang Wulin while ignoring the disapproval from Zeref and Sleipnir.

"Liu Yuxin here is Yun Ming number. From now on, I want you to inform him of anything that is happening in the Star Luo Empire. This also includes the positions of the Calamities if they show up."Said Tang Wulin as he starts getting up.

"The Calamities?"

"The Beasts that attacked." Said Tang Wulin causing Liu Yuxin to furrow her bros but nonetheless nod her head.

"What are you planning to do, Yue Zhengyu?" Questioned Tang Wulin.

"Right now? I'm planning to go back home and do my Holy Baptism." Said Yue Zhengyu causing Tang Wulin to nod his head.

"I guess it's just me, Shen Yi, Wu Zhankong, and Shen Yi then." Said Tang Wulin with a sigh causing Yue Zhengyu to raise a brow.

"Only you guys are staying here?"

"No, we are going to an island not far from the continent." Said Tang Wulin but he didn't say anything more to Yue Zhengyu who was still confused as he begins walking away.

"Little brother is still the same." Said Liu Yuxin with a faint smile as she watches Na'er running after Tang Wulin and then glancing at the number of the Atlas Douluo Yun Ming.

'Still, he sure has a lot of connections.' Thought Liu Yuxin in shock.

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