Dawning Skye

Chapter 488

488 Rehearsal Ready

Tidas was exhausted when he’d gotten out of bed the day before his brother’s wedding. He noticed that Skye had tossed and turned a bit as she’d slept as well, but he couldn’t tell if it was due to his restlessness, or something else. The chance to ask her was lost on account of Peggy’s insistence to start their day.

It was their last chance to go over everything that they were bringing to Sai, and Peggy had a bunch of things to pack up from their room. Anything personal was being sent to their new home, and only some clothes and basics were staying. She had several palace servants to help, but Skye and Tidas would be in her way if they lingered.

The other servants were shocked to hear Peggy speaking so informally with the prince and princess. None of them would dare to do so, even when the two royals encouraged it. It was odd, to say the least, but the strangest thing was watching the princess heal the prince’s fatigue from his restless night.

They assumed it was due to ‘marital activities’, but it was because of his nightmares. Skye seemed tired, but she wasn’t a morning person to begin with. Even after two years of waking up early, she still hadn’t adapted.

It was easy for Skye to negate her fatigue, but Tidas still required her to do it for him. He just couldn’t figure out how she visualized the chemical reaction in her head, so he was trying to figure out his own way of engaging his Shaman trait. There was the possibility that controlling her power to such an extent might be exclusive to Skye as the Catalyst, but Tidas decided that ‘he wouldn’t know unless he tried’.

Studying and training on top of his RMC and princely duties was seriously wearing Tidas out to the point of actual exhaustion. After they had kissed and parted ways, each glanced back at the other with worry and hope. Worry for the other’s health, and hope that their trip to Sai would offer a minuscule amount of relaxation.

Skye went straight to work on her Shaman rounds, which didn’t take nearly as long as she thought it would. Those that could were requesting to see doctors instead of holding out for Skye. Everyone knew that she was in the up-coming royal wedding, and also knew that they couldn’t depend on her while she was away in Sai.

To show their appreciation and understanding, the people were trying their best to limit Skye’s workload. Both she and Shasta were adored by the people for all the good they’d done, so it was like an unspoken agreement amongst them. Of course there were some that still needed her skills, but Skye was able to finish her Shaman rounds in a little over half of her usual time.

Afterwards, she went back to the palace to help finish setting up the throne room for the ceremony, and the banquet room for the reception. Golden chrysanthemums, white baby’s breath, and chocolate-colored accent twigs made beautiful centerpieces. The deep-red ribbons that tied them together added elegance to the homemade crafts.


No one would be able to tell that they weren’t bought, but they were too perfect-looking to be real. The servants adored them to the point of Shasta telling them that they could take them after the wedding. Otherwise they would just end up in storage with all the other decorations.

The servants were thrilled by their generosity, and thanked Shasta and Skye profusely throughout the setup. More servants rushed through their timed tasks to help, in hopes of taking home any of the wedding decorations. When the two found out, they gave permission for them to take anything that they used.

Everything from the rolls of fabric used to line the room and aisles, to the table runners and candle holders; it was all up for grabs after the wedding. There were a few arguments that had to be sorted out, but the dozen or so servants that had helped would all get rewarded for their time.

The only thing they would have left to do the following day now was the banquet room for the reception, which was the servants’ task. Technically, the decorating was usually left to the servants. But Skye and Shasta had wanted to do most of the work themselves..

Skye just liked making crafts, but Shasta never imagined that she would do something as ‘human’ as getting married. It was like a dream come true to her to marry Lawrence, and she wanted to be involved in every step of it. Having a friend like Skye made it easy to be excited about her big day, no matter what the nobles had to say.

Due to Lawrence’s rank as a King, and Shasta’s as the Vice Commander of the RMC, they had to invite every noble family. While the couple were okay with half of them refusing to come, Magnus was furious. He had granted all Fae equal rights pertaining to their station, like humans.

The ones refusing didn’t approve of Fae/human relationships, let alone a marriage. To them, the situation was made worse by the fact that marrying Lawrence would make Shasta a Queen. The closer it came to her wedding, the more stressful it was becoming for Shasta.. Except when Skye was around.

She threw herself into the tiny details, and dragged Shasta along with her. Effectively preoccupying her from all of the rumors, lies, and general drama surrounding what was supposed to be a wonderful day for her. Skye had done it without thinking, but Lawrence had put in extra effort to stanch the bile being spewed about his love.

Both he and Magnus had tried to get the nobles in line, but the ones loyal to ‘the proper ways’ were against the wedding. The only one who could get them in line was Marco, who was supposed to have returned already, but had yet to be seen. With Draco missing, no one knew where he was, and the search net wasn’t finding anything.

There had been reports of unusual moments throughout the forest near the orchard outside of Dragonhorn, but nothing turned up. Lawrence and Tidas were both talking with their father about it when Skye and Shasta came to steal their men away, to prepare for dinner. It was technically the dinner rehearsal, but was doubling as a meet and greet for the diplomats.

Skye wasn’t happy about being subjected to Lord Abari’s company all night, but Tidas, Genie, and the Highlanders would be present as well. She felt better knowing that Tidas, Genie, and Murdoc would all be with her. There was something about him that made Skye feel extremely uneasy.

‘I’ve never been wrong about me gut before, and I dinna intend ta ignore it now.. I dinna want that man anywhere near me..’

As Peggy futzed with her dress, Skye glanced around her room..

Most of the books had been cleared from her shelves, and any knickknacks or pictures they had scattered about on their walls were gone. The room looked almost barren except for her memory box still sitting on the table. She wondered why Peggy hadn’t shipped it yet, but pushed the thought aside for later.

Skye knew that they both still had duties to attend to in the capital, and was confused why Tidas was having everything sent ahead already. They weren’t granted unlimited time alone once they returned, so she call out to her husband while he was dressing in the bathroom..

“Are ya sure it’s okay ta move all of our stuff ta the new house without talkin’ to yer Da first?”

Tidas yelled back to her as he opened the door; “Oh, he knows. I made sure of it. I told him that if he wants grandbairns, then he’s gotta give us some alone time. I warned him it could take up to a year or two, but that we would definitely work hard to make one as soon as possible..”

As Skye laughed, he added; “After that, he told me that you can take as much leave time from the RMC as you need, but that you’ll eventually have to return.”

Skye nodded; “I wanna raise our children ta at least five.. That was the plan, anyway. I may have initially wanted ta join just because of you, husband, but I wanna stay fer me. I dinna know how Ima gonna balance bein’ a mom and a General, but I wanna do it.”

Tidas grinned as he came out of the bathroom, and replied; “As long as we get to take our time making bairns, I don’t care what we do after. As long as we can still make time for each other..”

“Ughh.. I really wish ye two wouldna forget Ima in here, too!” Peggy bellowed as she stood up from fixing the bottom of Skye’s dress.

Tidas chuckled at her as he replied; “Sorry Peg, but I know you’re in the same boat as my Father.. You want grandbairns, too, don’t you? Well, certain things have to happen for a bab-”

“Dinna even wit me, laddie! I know how bairns are made, and I dinna need ta hear about it from You! Now get over here so I can check ya two before ya go,” Peggy grumbled.

Tidas smirked as she strutted over, already knowing that he looked very good in his suit. It was fitted how Lawrence liked his suits, which meant his shoulders, chest, and arms were loose, but the rest was a bit tight-fitted. He didn’t like the way it felt, but knew how complementary the style was on him.

Skye was eyeing him up and down as he walked over, which made his cocky smile stretch further. He was doing the same thing, but his wife was clearly focused on him. As he took his spot next to her, Peggy beamed her approval at them.

Skye wore a light-blue dress that Shasta had picked out for her. It was a similar style to her Maid of Honor dress, but plunged a bit deeper in the cleavage than she preferred. The straps were thick, and had whitish-silver clips at the top that matched the trim around the hem lines.

Peggy had given her banana curls that hung loosely, making them bounce with the slightest movement. The white choker necklace she had with the shard of the Celestial Key on it was a beautiful touch, and almost matched the trim.

Tidas’ suit was a navy blue with a black undershirt. It made the blue of his suit stand out, and made the green of his eyes seem brighter. As they stood side by side, Peggy couldn’t stop herself from saying; “Ye two make the most fetchin’ couple I’ve ever seen..”

The two grinned and thanked Peggy for her compliment, then slipped their shoes on as she asked; “Are ya gonna replace Princess Karena, or just remove Prince Marco?”

Skye shrugged, then started to drag her yawning husband out the door; “Depends on if he shows up before tomorrow mornin’, I guess. Tis up ta Shasta and Lawrence.. See ya in a few hours, Peg! Dinna wait up!”

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