Dawning Skye

Chapter 487

487 The Box Of Memories

Skye and Tidas didn’t stay up longer than an hour or so, once they had reached their room. Each had quite a bit to drink at dinner, and Tidas in particular was exhausted from the day. After he’d left with Zas, Tidas wound up using a combination of Zazzy, and his trait to run to a few of the towns south from the capital.

It was usually a few day’s ride, but Tidas had made it in just a few hours thanks to Zazzy. The few soldiers he had riding with him freaked out at first, but had calmed down after the first hour or so. Zazzy made it a point to fly as leveled as possible, so they would be more at ease.

Her efforts were appreciated by the men after Tidas explained her intent. They hadn’t interacted with Zazzy like the soldiers that had accompanied him to the Highlands, so it made sense to her that they were uneasy around her. Especially since they were riding on her back during the first time they’d met her up-close.

Due to Zazzy’s growth, she could fit four people on her back now, but they were a bit squished since they were all bulky men. She kept the base of her tail leveled with her back, to give them more room. When Tidas told them, he also had to explain that Zazzy told him telepathically, which led to a long, distracting discussion.

Afterwards the men realized that they’d been so enthralled by Tidas’ story of baby Zazzy, and lulled by the smooth ride that they’d forgotten their fear. Their trip was simple after that, although frustrating. The few soldiers in the southernmost towns had already interviewed the few witnesses there were, and had sent their findings along as soon as the information chain was up.

Thanks to Zas, multiple Tamers were already posted in each town going from the capital, to the southern town that Karena had supposedly disappeared in. The sold dresses were located closer, but reports led a team to the town where the stagecoach had been found. Anything discovered could be passed along the chain until it reached Tidas, or back to the palace.

According to the witnesses, no one saw other people in the stagecoach other than the two drivers. The windows were drawn, so it was hard to see inside, but a few old and nosy gossips had peaked in when the drivers had stopped in the town to eat. They gave the soldier questioning them a description of the men who had stopped in the tavern, then they confirmed the description with the bartender who served the two travelers.

They matched the details given from the guards’ families to a tee, leading Tidas to wonder what the hell was really going on.. ‘It’s like she and Draco just disappeared! The last town they were seen in was Valley’s Edge, but the dresses were sold two towns after that.. Then the stagecoach was abandoned at the boarder town..’

‘Is this trail intentional? To keep us busy? Should we send a message to Karena’s brother, asking if she had arrived or not? How do we explain it if she hasn’t? Dammit..’


As frustration was beginning to get the better of him, Zazzy reminded her father that they needed to leave if he wanted to make it back in time for dinner. After returning and rushing to get ready, Tidas had mostly enjoyed the night. But when he saw his bed after the night was nearly over, he couldn’t resist it’s call.

Peggy had done most of the packing, but had left a box for them to go through. She didn’t tell them what was in it, just that she wanted them to confirm that the box could go to their new home. Tidas had passed out before Skye had seen the note on top of the small wooden hope chest.

It was intricately carved with little flowers and hearts, and odd symbols that Skye didn’t recognize, which was unheard of. It was an old box, and housed some of Skye’s most precious possessions..

Two tiny cups that Tidas had bought her to ‘lure faeries with’ when they were little. A pearl that had been on a beloved hair ornament that had broken, and a rock with strips of sky-blue in it that ‘matched her pretty eyes’.. A warm smile stretched across her lips as Skye recalled the origins of each item.

They were mostly mementos and things that Tidas had given her, except for two. A strip of white lace with a tiny sapphire imbedded in it, and a plain blue ribbon. The lace was from a dress that Lucas had bought Skye as a wee lass. She’d picked it out with him, and it was one of the few times during her mid-childhood that he’d connected with her.

The blue ribbon was from a time before Skye could remember, but she’d heard the story so many times that it felt like a real memory. The was the ribbon that Peggy used to tie up Skye’s hair for the very first time. Apparently it made her look like she had a red puffball on the top of her head, and Peggy had laughed hard: which made Skye laugh for the very first time.

It was one of Peggy’s most cherished memories, so Skye cherished it, too. As she reached in and picked up the rock, Tidas shot up in bed. Skye immediately put the rock down next to the box, then went to his side..

“Are ya alright, love? Ye popped up so fast that I jumped..”

Tidas took in several deep breaths as he wiped the sweat from his face, then replied; “I’m alright, just a bad dream..”

“What was it about?” Skye inquired with a concerned expression.

“...I don’t know, I don’t remember. It’s already gone.. Must’ve fallen off of Zazzy, or something,” Tidas replied, but his body language screamed liar.

Skye sighed; “It’s fine if ya dinna wanna tell me, husband. But dinna blatantly lie ta me, ya ken? Or I’ll stop believin’ everything ya say.”

Tidas nodded, but didn’t say anything until he saw the box on the table. Skye knew that he was just switching the subject, but didn’t call him out on it. The dream had obviously bothered him, and she wanted to give him time to sort through it before asking about it again.

Getting up, Tidas walked over and picked up the rock from the table. He grinned as he looked at it, then chuckled when he saw what was still in the box. Going through it all, he verbally recounted each item except the two he hadn’t given her. When Skye told him who the other two were from, he smiled, but confusion was clear in his eyes.

After she badgered him, Tidas explained; “I’m just surprised that there’s nothing from your Mother in here.. Either of them.”

Skye sighed with a touch of sadness to her face; “Well I didna ken me real Ma, and me Mother hasna really given me anythin’ wit sentimental feelings behind it..”

Tidas nodded with a contemplative expression, then got up, and walked over to where she kept her jewelry in the bathroom. After stopping for a bathroom break since he was in there, Tidas came out with the light-blue choker necklace that Lidia had made for her; for their wedding. Skye stared at it a moment, then smiled warmly at him for the gesture.

“That’s perfect since I dinna wear this one. Thank ya, husband,” Skye said as she grabbed the choker, and set it in her memory box.

Tidas smiled sweetly at her, then kissed her as he wrapped his arms around her. Skye leaned into him and enjoyed his warmth for a few minutes before they both went to sleep. The next two days would be hectic, then they would leave in the morning.

The rehearsal dinner was tomorrow night, then the wedding would be the following day, then they would leave for Sai the early the next morning. As they laid in bed, Skye smiled to herself as she thought about seeing Mei so soon. Tidas, on the other hand, worried about his dreams..

His nightmares had been intense since he’d come back for the Highlands. They always started differently, but all ended the same; with everyone Tidas loved dead on the floor around him. He would be surrounded by them except for one person: Marco.

He always stood just a few feet away with blood-covered hands, and a creepy laugh. Tidas didn’t know if his dream was just a nightmare or a warning, but he would treat it like the latter. Marco still hadn’t returned from his hunting trip yet, and Tidas wondered what he was really doing as he drifted off to sleep..


Tidas found himself in a dark room with a light seeping in through a crack at the bottom of a door. He opened it to find Skye, Shasta, Lawrence, Zas, his father, and many others that he cared for standing in the bright sunlight. He smiled as Skye and Shasta chased the twins, and Lawrence talked with Murdoc and Amara.

His father was talking with Marie, Lord Reinbolt, and Doctor Gohan as others like Athena and her father Sven chatted with Peggy and Lucas. Everyone that he cared for even a little bit was there, even Jonathan McKurdy and Cu Sith. As he walked over to Klaus, Ronnie, Kari, and Petrie, the sun-filled sky turned blood-red..

He blinked, and everyone was on the ground: dead. Some just looked like they were sleeping, while others looked like they had died in extreme pain, but Tidas knew that they were all gone regardless. As confusion and fury filled his heart, he heard someone whisper his name..

Whipping around, Tidas came face to face with his oldest brother. A dark smile was stretched across his face as he raised his hand, flicked his wrist, and sent Tidas flying back into the dark room. Chains came out of nowhere, and wrapped around his arms, feet, and neck.

He looked at them, then back at Marco as he fought against the chains. He was now holding Skye in his arms and smiling, which infuriated Tidas. He tried to break the chains with his magic, but all that did was make his brother laugh at him. As the chains slowly pulled Tidas back into the darkness, Marco laughed triumphantly, then said; “You’ve already lost..”

Tidas screamed at him to let go of his wife as he was dragged backwards. As he neared the darkness, he could hear the voices of the ones he’d killed in battle calling out to him. As he struggled against the chains, a thousand hands shot out of the darkness, and yanked him completely inside.

The last thing Tidas heard as the door closed was his brother repeating the same phrase over and over; “You’ve already lost..”

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