Dawning Skye

Chapter 373

373 New Era(Part One)

When Murdoc, Amara, Skye, and Tidas came out, the people of Alcon cheered for their leaders. Gavin and Petrie were the first ones to come up and greet them, then the stream of their friends stayed steady for a while.

The RMC members were the closest, so they all came over to congratulate them on the signing. Arthur, Ralph, and several of the Generals congratulated them first, followed by Klaus, Ronnie, and Kari, who had been at the forefront of the crowds. Keeping everyone away from the stage when they had become clamorous.

Tables were set up in rows as far as the eye could see, with thousands of people walking around the sides getting food. Murdoc took off like a bat out of hell, yelling something about potato salad. Everyone shared a look, then chuckled as they watched him duck and dodge people as he scanned the tables.

Once their laughter had subsided, Tidas held out his arm to Skye, and followed after Amara and Gavin to get food. She was starving as usual, and planned to spend the next several hours tasting as much food as the Highlands had to offer.

After they dealt with Tidas’ uncle, they would head home, and didn’t plan to leave again for quite some time. They had seriously been considering starting a family when they got home, especially since they both wanted Magnus to meet his grandchildren before he died.

Considering how bad his health had been before they had left Alcon, both Skye and Tidas had been happily surprised to read that he was doing very well. It gave Tidas a much-needed piece of mind since he’d been worried about his father the entire time they’d been gone.

Skye had noticed his worry, and they had talked about it throughout their stay in the Highlands. Tidas and her were laying in bed together a few nights ago, and had talked about the possible situations they might be going back to...


Since Skye was with them, if Magnus had suddenly fallen ill, or gotten hurt: he would’ve most likely died. There were a few capable Shamans in the capital, like Doctor Gohan and Doctor Stein, but none that could handle what usually plagued the King..


Skye was positive that Marco was the one poisoning Magnus, but she had no proof. There was nothing she could do to convince him that Marco was the culprit, at least not yet. Being in the Highlands had given her the brilliant idea to set up a small recorder within Magnus’ chambers; with his permission.

If she could catch Macro using his magic on Magnus on video, then there was nothing he could do to wiggle his way out of it. With it, she might actually be able to convince Magnus to reconsider him as the next king. Tidas Really didn’t want the crown, so she had come up with a compromise..

“A Regent? Couldn’t Karena become the Queen Regent-”

Skye flashed a completely shocked expression, making Tidas immediately realize what had just come out of his mouth; “Don’t yell! I know how utterly stupid it was to say! I apologize!”

Skye sighed deeply, ignoring his comment before explaining; “Marco and Karena could either stay in Alcon, or go to Meccano if they wanted, and their children could be brought to the capital ta begin their real trainin’. This would satisfy both the nobles and common folk.. I don’t think they’ve completed formal trainin’ yet, have they?”

“They should’ve by now,” Tidas replied as he rubbed his chin; “Actually, I’m surprised that Karena isn’t insisting on it. I wonder if Marco’s manipulating her like he tried to do to me, and what he does to my father. I don’t think he could get her to back off otherwise.”

Skye nodded; “Since she can’t use magic, she won’t sense me if I scan her. I just gotta figure out a reason ta touch her long enough ta do it away from others..”

Skye had shot up in bed; “Oh! I could invite her ta the house after we furnish it! Ta get her ‘expert opinion’ on it, haha! She’ll jump at the chance ta tell me how bad me taste is in me own home!”

Tidas chuckled as he pulled her back into his arms; “Using her bitchiness against her, I like it. But I really don’t want the crown at all, love. Isn’t there someone else? Like Lawrence? ...No, he couldn’t. The nobles would never want a foreign ruler in control of the kingdom, even if he is our brother.. Damn it!”

Skye quirked an eyebrow at her husband; “We could always dismantle the crown’s power, and do it kinda like Sai.. But then ye would have ta kill a bunch of nobles.”

“Done,” Tidas said in a joking manner before speaking in a serious tone; “I’ll do it if I have to, I just don’t want to. I understand how heavy that crown is, and I prefer to spend my time with my beautiful wife: makin’ wee bairns..”


A jolt of attraction ran through Skye as she recalled where the conversation had led them. As she looked up at her dashing husband piling his plate, she leaned up on her tiptoes, and kissed his cheek.

He instantly turned and smiled at her, sending a flutter through her chest. Tidas leaned down and returned the favor, but Skye turned her head so he would get her lips instead of her cheek. Several people whistled, making Skye blush at her own boldness, but it passed after a second.

She wasn’t ashamed to be utterly in love with her husband, and laughed at anyone who turned their noses up at them for being ‘improper’. The Highlanders weren’t as uptight as the Alconian nobles were, so they normally got whoops and whistles of encouragement for their displays of affection, rather than disapproving glares and whispers.

Tidas grinned again and winked at her, then went back to piling his plate. Skye did the same as they moved down the line..

Two hours later: Skye and Tidas were finally full. As they sat and digested a moment, they decided to go and check on Zazzy. She marked the farthest end of the party, but seemed to be the center of it. An enormous empty plate with lick marks sat next to her little house, and she was in the open space nearby.

Both children and adults were climbing all over her, and she was smiling like the happiest dragon that ever lived. Skye worried that so many people might hurt or irritate her, but Zazzy seemed to be happily playing.

Nonetheless, Skye walked over and told her to roar loudly if she wanted everyone to give her peace. Zazzy nodded, then went back to swinging people on her tail. Tidas chuckled at her as she walked through the throngs of admirers, back over to him..

“You’re so overprotective.. It’s kind of adorable,” Tidas folded a strand of hair behind her ear; “I can’t wait to see you in the role of mother to our children..”

Skye grinned as she leaned against her, but their peace was interrupted by a Highlander guard. He came running out of the bunker door in a panic, screaming and scanning the crowds for Murdoc, Amara, or Petrie. When his eyes landed on the Alconian Representatives, he decided to take a chance..

“Do ya know where the king is?! Tis Urgent that I speak wit’em!”

Skye nodded; “We don’t know at the moment, but I can find ’em if ye give me a minute..”

As Skye funneled her magic into the ground, and spread it out with her Shaman trait to identify Murdoc and Amara, Tidas asked what was happening. The guard caught his breath, then said; “Radar picked up several people on horseback heading towards the pass!”

Skye and Tidas shared a look, then Tidas told the guard; “As soon as Skye tells you where they are, run like hell. Tell Murdoc and Amara that we took Zazzy and flew ahead, understand? I think we know who they are..”

The man breathed a sigh of relief right before Skye said; “Murdoc is closest. Run for two-hundred and thirty meters that way, and ye will see him. Amara is almost twelve-hundred meters passed him.”

As they split apart, Skye and Tidas ran to Zazzy, and helped to clear the people off of her. Once everyone backed far enough away, Zazzy took off into the fading light of the sky..

They flew over the strath, then past the mostly blocked off entrance into the valley. As they cleared it, around two-hundred men or so came riding out of the patch of woods that the Highlanders liked to ambush in.

As the came closer, Skye beamed as she recognized her father’s banner, and that of Lord Reinbolt’s. Tidas smiled as well, liking who Lucas had chosen to send. And Lord Reinbolt’s men seemed a good mix between young and experienced.

Feeling her parent’s excitement, Zazzy roared, surprising most of the soldiers below. Tidas had received a message saying that reinforcements would be appearing in the next few days, but he figured that they wouldn’t make it in time.

As the Moonstone and Reinbolt men cheered and called out to them, Zazzy circled close enough for the wind make them grip their saddles. The chuckled as Zazzy cooed, excited to have more people to play with..

Skye and Tidas looked up at the setting sun, and thought about the battle to come. Tidas just wanted the ordeal over with, but Skye hoped to find answers. Richard’s actions made little sense to those that knew him, especially his loved ones.

Magnus and Marie deserved not only for it to be over, but for answers to why it had happened in the first place. Skye hadn’t told Tidas, but she’d been having the dream from their honeymoon again.. The one with the man that called her his ‘Little Lass’.

As she took in a shaky breath at the memory of it, Tidas asked her what was wrong. She didn’t want to tell him, but knew that if their situations were reversed: she’d want to know, and be mad at him for not saying anything.

As they flew back, Skye told her husband about the dreams. He didn’t react at all how she’d expected..

Confusion crossed Tidas’ face before a light shined in his eyes as he said; “I want to be mad, but then I’d be a hypocrite.. I’ve been having bad dreams, too..”

“About what? Are they like mine?” Skye asked in a hasty tone.

“...Aye. Except for one big difference..”

As Zazzy swooped down to land, Skye asked in a panicked tone; “What?! Speak, husband! Yer givin’ me palpitations!”

Tidas sighed deeply before he finally replied; “I always die at the end..”

Zazzy completely misstepped as she landed, too shocked from hearing what her father had said. As she face-planted, Skye and Tidas were thrown from her back. Tidas hit the ground and rolled, but Skye was shocked to find herself unharmed.

Looking up, she came face to face with a grinning Murdoc as he said; “Since I caught ya, does that mean I get ta keep ya?”

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