Dawning Skye

Chapter 372

372 Making It Official

The amphitheater’s viewing capabilities were set up relatively close to how the arena in Alcon was, despite it being smaller. Large monitors hung from the ceiling above the main stage, and massive speakers lined them.

As everyone took their seats, Murdoc, Skye, Tidas, and Amara walked onto the stage. The podium was in the forefront, then a decent gap lay between it, and a table. Behind that were rows of chairs meant for the Council.

Since Gavin wasn’t a Councilor, his presence wasn’t required on the stage. He ast down in the front row, center-position, waved at Amara, then happily watched the show out of the spotlight.

The other Councilmen followed behind them, then took their places in the seats behind the four. They were the ones who had approved the signing, but they were honestly only there to witness the event; like everyone else.

As the four of them stood there waiting, they were scanning the spectators for anyone who looked out of sorts, or misplaced. Tidas had heard at least two more voices saying something about a ‘target’, and had warned everyone about it. As the Highlanders filled the seats, the RMC members began to file into the room.

Many from the two groups called out to each other in greeting, making the four smile as they continued to scan the room. A few of them even tried to switch seats so friends could sit with each other, but the Generals on both sides weren’t having it. Since it was a historic event, and a proper ceremony, they wanted everything orderly..

Tidas and Murdoc shared a look, then yelled at the same time; “Let’em sit wherever!”

A few of them on both sides tried to protest, but Tidas countered; “Doesn’t it kind contradict the point of the treaty if we keep bonds from building? Let them sit wherever they want!”

Tidas looked to his soldiers; “Just don’t go too far, and keep your heads and manners about ya!”


The soldiers cheered, then spread out to join their new friends. Some stayed back and kept to themselves, but at least there was no threats, dirty looks, or bloodshed. The incidents had been few and far between, but the deep-rooted hatred between the two sides still reared it’s head on occasion.

Once everyone had found their seats, Murdoc grabbed the microphone, and spoke to his people..

“I would like ta say beautiful day to ya, but that doesna quite justify what kind of a day this is..”

“On this very day, we make the dream of the dead come true.. On this day, we make the kingdom whole again.. On this day, we do not bend the knee, but shake the hand of a brother in arms! On This Day! We! Make! PEACE!”

Everyone in the room jumped to their feet, and cried out. Some cheered and clapped, while some literally cried..

The cost of war had been great over the past several generations. With many fields being rendered useless for planting, they had to do even more raids than normal.. Until Lucas Moonstone had stepped in.

He gave them far more than they would’ve gotten from raiding his property, and harassing his people. So long as they didn’t raid Lord Moonstone’s territory in general, then he would give them supplies help bridge their wintertime gap.. Or at least they weren’t supposed to.

Some Highlanders, like the ones Petrie had been with when he had met Skye; didn’t care about their king’s deal with the Southerner. Lord Reinbolt had major issues with keeping his livestock and cotters safe. They had gotten so bad the past summer that he had to go to court to ask for help with it..

‘At least he willna have ta worry about them anymore..’

As the thought passed through Skye’s mind, the crowds calmed down enough for Murdoc to speak again..

“Wit this treaty, we usher in a new era for Alcon! An era of peace and advancement for the whole world! We have kept ta ourselves for centuries, until now! I say, that if a Warrick and a MacArthur can love one another, tis time we joined the world again! What say you, me people?! Do we continue to cower in the dark? Or do we embrace and walk in the light?!”

The Highlanders erupted into cheers and applause, literally making the stage shake. Skye and Tidas shared a smile as they saw something that no one had ever expected to see: Highlanders chanting Alcon’s name.

It had been thousands of years since the Highlands were considered a part of Alcon. In most other kingdoms, they were considered a separate kingdom. It was something that Skye had noticed as a child, and had always found to be a strange inconsistency.

Murdoc turned around, and grabbed a pen from the table, and signed the awaiting document. Afterwards, he held up the pen in victory, making the crowds clamor even more. He handed the pen to Tidas, who was the proxy for his father and brother.

After he signed it, Tidas did the same thing, and held up the pen in a triumphant manner, eliciting more screams. He then handed the pen to Amara, who was signing as a witness. She followed after the men, then handed it to Skye.

After she had signed it, she set the pen down, then grabbed Tidas and Murdoc’s hands. Gesturing with her head to Amara, Murdoc grabbed hers, then they all held up their clasped hands. The gathered Highlanders and Alconians looked the same as they cried out with elation..

All except a few..


Tidas had been correct in hearing others with ill intent, aside from the single Highlander assassin left. They were both RMC members, and talking mental notes of everything they had heard the four say.

One was meant to send the true happenings of the Highlander’s words and movements. He was also in charge of trying to kill the prince, if he got the chance. The other had a more nefarious purpose..

The soldier made ‘official’ correspondence to Prince Macro, but construed everything to sound like the worst situation possible: like Tidas was attempting to usurp his brother’s throne by forming an alliance with the Highlanders himself.

The way that the temporary treaty was worded was different from the official copy. The one that Murdoc and Amara would sign in the capital in early summer specifically called for an alliance between the King and his Successor with the Highlanders. The copy that Tidas carried only stated an alliance with Alcon’s royal family...

The soldier had an idea of why the Crowned Prince would want his correspondences to seem official, but slanderous towards his brother’s conduct. But wouldn’t saw the thought out loud for any reason. If the future King was willing to set up his little brother, then Marco was not a man that he wanted to cross.

The only thing that he was strictly forbidden from reporting was anything that painted the Princess as a traitor. He had heard the rumors of them being lovers, but knew it to be utterly false. The way that the two acted around each other was always with genuine affection..

‘They why avoid tying off such a powerful loose end? Is it Because of her powers? I suppose that, and the fact that the people will have a hard enough time believing Tidas is a traitor to begin with.. No way would Eir turn on the Crown without a good reason..’

As the soldier thought on the implications, the other one watched as the Highlander assassin stupidly made his way towards the stage..

‘He’ll get caught within six feet of the stage, I bet.. Ope! There the Commander goes! Oh! That looked like it hurt! Dumbass Nomad..’

The soldier watched as Tidas lept from the stage the moment that the assassin had pulled out a blade. He hit the man squarely in the jaw while Skye funneled her magic, and trapped the man. The crowds went wild to see the two in action again, and made the two spies smirk at how idiotic the Highlander assassins had been.

The ceremony didn’t last long after that. Murdoc said a few more words of encouragement, followed by a small speech from Tidas. It wasn’t until Skye had stepped up to the podium that they took a real interest again.

She looked stunning in the dress, and both of the soldiers could understand why the Crowned Prince coveted her. Grabbing the microphone to adjust it to her height, Skye spoke sincerely to those gathered..

“I dinna have much ta say except thank you. Thank you fer acceptin’ us into yer home, and sharin’ yer bread. Thank you fer the friendship ye offer, and yer help in dealin’ wit the Monster in the North. And thank ye fer helpin’ me ta learn who I am..”

“I may carry the name Moonstone, but I feel like me ancestors would be proud ta see how far we’ve come! It may have taken centuries, but Alcon will no longer be divided between the Warricks and the MacArthurs! We step into the future together! As one people! And I thank you fer that, too!”

The spectators cheered and chanted the Warrick name intermittently with MacArthur. The vast sea of people before her acknowledging both her and her husband’s efforts to bring the two sides together. As Skye grinned and waved, Tidas grabbed her hand again, and gently pulled her to him..

At first, Skye was taken aback by him kissing her on the stage. But she had immediately leaned in, and kissed him back with all the tenderness he was showing her. The crowds turned insane; screaming louder for the public display of affection than they had for anything else.

It was a sweet love story that showed the Highlanders what could happen without pre-conditioned hate. Skye and Tidas had no idea of the history of betrayal between their two families, and their love had blossomed because of it.

If the children of the north and south could be raised without any preconceptions of hate, then the healing process could become complete.. But that would still be a tall order to fill for the next few generations, or so Murdoc had thought..

‘Maybe seeing all of us up here, and seeing the love those two share will make things not drag on as long? I hope so.. Haha! Maybe I can find me a nice southern lass ta heal me heart when we go down there soon. Just one last unpleasant Thing ta deal wit..’

Shaking the thoughts from his mind, Murdoc walked up to the podium again; “Alright ye nuggets! Wheesht! Time fer the feast! Go home and grab yer goods! We eat in the strath wit our new Charaids in two hours!”

Everyone cried out in excitement as they started to exit the amphitheater in an orderly fashion. Everybody getting up by rows instead of individually clamoring to get out ahead of everyone else made the whole process take less time as a whole. Once the area was clear, Murdoc hooted as jumped from the stage and yelled; “Dibs on Mrs. Varga’s potato salad!”

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