Dawning Skye

Chapter 356

356 Yuletide Eve

Tidas had put Ralph and Arthur in charge of getting the RMC members outside for the surprise. They knew that the tree was being lit up at midnight, which still wasn’t for a couple of hours. So most were wondering why they had been brought out early.

All of the Highlanders greeted the soldiers as they began to spread out. Ralph and Arthur had told them that once they were outside they had free rein to talk and enjoy themselves. None of them had understood how they could enjoy themselves in the freezing cold, but grasped the concept as soon as they saw the pary-like atmosphere.

All kinds of delicious smells filled the air, and enticed the soldiers over to the booths first. Hot sandwiches and cocoa were the favorite among the crowds, with whiskey and mead in a close second. Sweets such as pies, cakes, and cookies were handed out as well.

Both Highlander and RMC members were welcome to eat and drink until they ran out of goods. And even then, and simply sent their helpers to their shops for more. Since Skye had given them extra harvests, they didn’t mind added a bit of personal stock to the mix.

Most shops stayed closed on Yuletide except a select few; like Mead Hall. Gathering places were exempt from the shutdown, but all stores and most restaurants were closed until the day after Yuletide. Then everything except hospitals were closed on Hogmanay, so their stock didn’t matter much.

Skye ate about four sandwiches made of ham and cheese, drank two cups of cocoa, then proceeded to down a few shots of whiskey with their Highlander friends. Klaus, Kari, Ronnie, Ralph, and Arthur were all gathered around, too. Skye still missed Peggy, but the warm atmosphere surrounding her made it easier to deal with.

Zazzy watched restlessly as everyone ate and drank around her. People had been giving her all kinds of little snacks all day, but she was hungry now. The precision in which she had to use to fly around earlier had used up a lot of her stamina.

As her tummy rumbled, Murdoc popped up with a whole-roasted bear, and two whole pigs on the side. It had taken several mages to bring the overgrown Grizzly down, but worth it to see and hear the dragon’s reaction.

Zazzy trilled and stomped her feet as she wagged her tail with unrestrained elation. Bear was one of her favorite things to eat, but that was mainly because they usually put up a fight. Her mother hadn’t trained with her since they’d left home, so it was the only time she saw a little action.


That, and when she had faced the ‘Muck Man’ to save her mother. Zazzy got a very bad feeling about touching the goop, and she didn’t want to find out why. It was just one of those survival instincts that she followed..

As Zazzy happily ate her reward, Skye and Tidas talked with their friends. Amara, Kari, Klaus, Skye, Petrie, and Ralph all stood in a circle chatting away. Tidas, Murdoc, Arthur, Gavin, and Ronnie were right next to them, but lost in their own discussion about Malcolm’s trial.

The night air was cold, and burned the lungs of those outside; which made it perfect whiskey weather to the Highlanders. The chill calmed the slight burn from the alcohol, since the quality was a bit lower than what Skye and Tidas had gotten used to. It didn’t bother them, though: free drinks were free drinks.

Skye realized that she may have gone a bit overboard with her spending, but it didn’t bother her very much. As long as Magnus would continue to help split Zazzy’s food bill, she would be fine. Investing in Alfred’s restaurant was turning out to be very profitable for both of them..

Since the Cat’s Paw was known to be Skye and Tidas’ favorite restaurant within the capital, it had become extremely popular. Even Thistlewood in Dragonhorn had seen an increase in sales due to them. Zas being the owner made it well-known before, but it seemed like any business that the two fancied saw a surge in sales.

Even Mead Hall had seen a sea of new faces visiting, all hoping to catch a glimpse of the Last Warrick and the ‘Redeemed MacArthur’.

While the prince’s family were still considered traitors like their ancestors, in the eyes of the majority of Highlanders: Tidas alone had redeemed himself from his ancestors’ betrayal. His love and loyalty to Skye were plain for all to see, and she clearly loved him back.

Even now, engaged in different conversations; Skye and Tidas were holding hands as they spoke to others. Most thought it was a sign that the world was changing again. But the question was: would it be for the better, or worse? Only time would tell..

Murdoc didn’t talk as much as usual because he was too busy watching Skye and Tidas. Never in a thousand years would he have expected to be celebrating Yuletide with Alconians. On top of that, the man that he’d seen as his mortal enemy for years; Murdoc now thought of as a friend.

If Skye wouldn’t have saved him and Tidas from Drexel’s plot, Malcolm would basically control the Highlands right now, and they would still be at war with the Alconians. She had saved countless future lives of both Highlanders and Alconians by risking her life.

Watching Skye, Murdoc’s heart thumped in his chest. He really did care for her more than he should, but he couldn’t help it. She honest and kind; beautiful inside and out.. ‘What man in his right mind wouldn’t fall fer her..’

Usually when Murdoc wanted something, he took it. Not by violent means, he was just very persuasive. Women, food, trinkets, weapons; people generally just have him what he wanted because he was king. Skye was the first anything that he had wanted, but couldn’t have.

Pursuing her regardless of the obvious had crossed his mind, but there was no denying the way she looked at Tidas. The love was clear between them, which was fine with Murdoc, so long as she was happy and treated well..

‘Hehe, least I know he’ll treat her right. I’ve never seen a man so whipped by his wife in me life! ...But then again: I’d be the same way..’

As Murdoc inwardly lamented, Wallace walked up to him. Not many could tell when he was upset, but Wallace could always tell somehow. As he stood next to him, they spoke to each other in low tones..

“Does it tweak ye ta she her happy wit him?” Wallace asked, not mincing his words at all.

Murdoc barked a laugh; “Why would it? She’s clearly happy..”

Wallace grinned; “Aye, but had the Warricks lived-”

“But they didn’t, and ye know that Lucas woulda married her off ta them regardless. Better to be at a MacArthur’s side than in their path, especially since she be a Warrick.”

Wallace donned a ponderous expression; “Do ye think he knew of the contract?”

Murdoc chortled; “Oh, ye could bet yer arse he did, but I get his decision..”

“How can ye after seeing’ her?! She was supposed ta be yours-”

Murdoc looked sternly at Wallace; “She belongs ta no one, same as us. And I still woulda gave her a choice on the matter. I don’t believe in forcin’ marriage. The parties involved should at least care for each other..”

Wallace smirked; “But ye do care for her..”

Murdoc smile had a sadness to it as he replied; “Aye.. But not as much as him. Tidas deserves her-”

“Only because ye refused ta claim the contract. Sorcha wanted You to marry her, not a bloody MacArthur,” Wallace’s face crinkled in concealed anger, but Murdoc recognized it.

“I know ye loved her, Wally. But Skye isna her mother, and we dinna live a world where I can do as I please, king or not. Those two were meant ta be, any fool can see that: even you.”

Wallace huffed in annoyance. Sorcha was the love of his life, and even though he barely got to see her after their childhood, her death had hit him hard. When he learned of Skye betrothal to the MacArthur prince, it took Murdoc two days to convince him not to head south, and kidnap Skye from Lucas.

Sorcha had promised Skye to Murdoc, even though he’s older than Marco. It wasn’t uncommon for men to be twenty years older than their brides, but Murdoc found it disturbing. He hadn’t wanted a child bride, but a woman to be his companion in life.

Meeting Skye now let him know that he had made the right decision.. ‘Although there’s no harm in a wee bit of fantasizin’ now and again..’

Zazzy had heard most of their conversation, and couldn’t help but wonder who ‘Sorcha’ was. She’d heard the name a few times, but never cared enough to pay attention. As she finished the last pig, Zazzy made a mental note to ask her mother about it later...


A couple hours to midnight flew by, and before anyone knew it; it was time for the tree to be lit. As everyone gathered around, the spotlights began to be clicked off one by one...

Suddenly, gentle candlelight began to illuminate the moonless night. When they were all lit, the Highlanders began to sing a song. They sang it from the start of Yuletide, all the way through Hogmanay. It was called Auld Lang Syne, and it was beautifully done.

At the end of the song, the clock struck midnight, and the lights on the tree flicked on..

Colors shimmered and shined as the soft glow reflected off of every bulb and ornament. The crowds cheered and awed at the sight of it. Zazzy trilled loudly, then looked to her parents with a quirked head.

Skye and Tidas exchanged a cheeky glance at each other, then quickly nodded and followed Zazzy. A few people had gathered in her takeoff area, but cleared the way when they saw Zazzy coming. Stretching out her wings while her parents climbed on, the dragon readied for takeoff.

As soon as she was airborne, Zazzy flew up so she could see the tree from the darkened sky. It was like a shining star in the night, and left all three of them in awe. As they looked down at the Highlanders and Alconians below, a broad smile crept across Skye’s face.

“Ye know, no one wil believe us when we tell ’em about how amazin’ the Highlands are. Everyone thinks it’s just rocks and snow up here,” Skye yelled over a gust of icy wind.

Tidas tightened his arms around Skye as he replied; “I don’t think that’ll be a problem..”

“Why do ye say that?”

Tidas grinned mischievously; “Let’s just say that Murdoc, Gavin and I had already planned on picking out some gems ta bring home and show father..”

Skye beamed, then signaled to Zazzy to go back. As they descended, Skye kept adjusting her dress like a it was a nervous tick. Curious, Tidas jokingly asked if she was worried that the Highlanders would see her undergarments.

Skye flashed him a sultry smile as she replied; “Who said I was wearin’ any?”

As Tidas’ eyes went wide, Skye added; “Ye made a mistake challengin’ me, husband..”

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