Dawning Skye

Chapter 355

355 Teasing And Timeframes


After a few minutes of silently holding each other, Skye and Tidas released their hold so Skye could get clothes on. The dress that Amara had given her to wear looked fitted and warm, so neither would need to worry about her getting cold. Looking at the dress, Skye chuckled to herself..

“What’s so funny?” Tidas asked as he sat down at the top of the bed, and leaned against the headboard.

“Just thinkin’ how much Amara lucked out to be a Fire mage here. I imagine keeping warm isna an issue wit her..”

Tidas laughed at his wife’s observation, but quickly quieted down when she dropped her robe to dress. Skye’s naked form had instantly captivated him, and his reaction had brought a cheeky grin to her lips.

Slowly turning around, she grinned at her husband; “See, if ye woulda came ta bed last night, we coulda had a proper makeup..”

Standing stark naked in front of Tidas, Skye added; “And ye would’ve already gotten yer fill of me.”

Tidas chuckled in a husky voice; “Oh, love.. It’s adorable that you think there’s such a thing for me..”

Tapping into his magic, Tidas zipped over to Skye in the blink of an eye. He firmly wrapped his arms around her, and pressed her against him. She yelped as the coldness of his armor made contact with her exposed skin, then shivered as Tidas whispered in her ear; “I’ll Never have enough of you..”


Skye cheeks flushed as she tried to hide her face from him, but Tidas wouldn’t let her. Her flustered expression from being complimented or praised was one of his favorite faces that she made. Tilting her head up, Tidas felt his own need rising as he dripped honeyed words into her ear..

“Your touch, your taste.. I could love you for a thousand years, and I would still crave you, Skye..”

Her plan to tease him had backfired. As Tidas’ warm breath tickled her ear, a familiar throbbing began to build within Skye’s body. Goosebumps sprang up all over her as he gently ran his fingers up and down her backside.

Tidas already knew that Skye loved him just as much, which intensified his need for her. As he softly tweaked one of her taut nipples, she pressed herself against him. She felt the same way he did; a hundred lifetimes of loving him would never be enough..

After Tidas had finished speaking, he began to nip at the lining of her ear, then trailed his mouth along her neck. Once he reached her collarbone, he jumped to her lips, and stole her breath away..

Breaking the kiss, Tidas let his hand slip from her breast as he smirked and said; “If you insist on playing this game, I’ll expect a proper reward when I win.”

Skye’s demeanor went from dazed, to determined in three seconds; “Ye think that ye can tease me enough ta turn me wanton, do ye?”

“Oh, I don’t think it, love: I know it,” Tidas replied, then reached down to tease her bud.

Skye’s back arched instinctively into him as his skillful fingers worked her. As she felt her wetness building, she pulled away from her husband and grinned defiantly at him..

“We’ll just have ta see who breaks first,” Skye stated before starting her dressing process.

Tidas chortled at her, then went into the bathroom to adjust himself. When he came back out, Skye was standing near the end of the bed wait. He was surprised she’d dressed so quickly, but he figured that she probably didn’t want him messing with her again for a bit.

As a devilish smile spread across his face, Tidas walked up to her, and kissed her passionately enough to make her knees weak. Skye gripped his armor as she tried to maintain her footing.

Feeling her wobbling against him, Tidas held her up with his arm, pinning her to his chest as he took his time savoring her. He didn’t know why, but Skye always tasted sweet to him. Feeling his own lust rising again, Tidas broke the kiss, then released his grip once he knew that his wife wouldn’t fall over.

Smiling cockily at her, Tidas said; “You’re lucky we have places to be..”

“And yer unlucky fer challengin’ me ta a teasin’ contest, fer I have the perfect weapon against ye..”

Tidas quirked an eyebrow at her; “A weapon? Why kind of a weapon?”

“You’ll find out soon enough.. Come along, husband. We have a list of things ta do before the tree lightin’..”


As soon as Skye and Tidas came out of their room, all three of Skye’s body guards were waiting for them. Kari had gone and bathed as well, and gushed over Skye’s dress as soon as she saw it.

Unlike the wintertime dresses in Alcon, the one Skye had on actually looked warm. Most woman’s clothing was designed to look appealing to men, and not designed with comfort in mind. The ones that were generally got labeled as peasant dresses.

Skye had been slowly changing the way fashion was viewed in the capital when she was there, but who knows what they would be coming home to in a few months. April seemed so close, yet so far away.

As they headed toward

‘I wonder how Peggy’s doin’? We got word that she had recovered from her cold, but I havena heard anything since. I hope Genie didn’t fret too much about Zazzy being gone.. Ah, who am I kiddin’: I know he flipped his shit...Wish I coulda seen it..’

“What’s got you smiling so much?” Tidas asked, seeing his wife expression shift unprompted.

She shook her head; “Nothin’, just wonderin’ how everyone’s doin’ back home. I wonder if me parents came up ta see Peggy, or ordered her to Moonshire for Yuletide. I hope she isna spendin’ it alone..”

As sadness started to overtake his wife’s face, Tidas squeezed her hand as they walked and said; “I think she’ll be fine. Knowin’ yer parents, they probably called her home to help with their decorating and gift-giving that you made your parents promise to do in your stead. Dinna worry, love. Peggy’s as bonny as they come.”

Skye grinned at him; “That bit of northern twang to yer words is gettin’ more prominent, husband. Best be careful that ye don’t get too used to it, or Magnus will have a fit.”

Tidas laughed boisterously; “Like you’re one ta talk! You sound like you were raised here.”

Skye smirked; “Aye, but I have had years of practice hiding my regular speech patterns. You, good sir, will sound like a heathen to your father. I, on the other hand, can flick it on and off at my own discretion: like now.”

Tidas chuckled, amused by the court chamaeleon she could become when she wanted. Most people, be them from the north or south, had nothing but praise to say about Skye. With her character being nearly irreproachable, the way she spoke didn’t truly matter: except to the elitists.

They haven’t bothered Skye so far because she didn’t really act like the common born person she was. As long as she could continue to fit the facade of being a noble, then they could mostly overlook her heritage..

As Tidas thought about it, he wondered what would happen when Skye’s bloodline became known. With how much the Highlanders talked about it, the moment that the soldiers were let loose from their duties: all of Alcon would know that Skye was the Last Warrick.

He had already talked with Klaus, Ronnie, and Kari about the extra precautions he wanted them to take when they got back. Since the person or people responsible for killing all of the Warricks was never caught, Tidas worried that Skye would become a target...


By the time the group had finished running around, they were pushing their time limit. They made sure that all of their gifts had been finished, and taken out to the Founder’s Tree.

They were running late because of all of the well-wishes and happy holidays they’d received along the way. Plus, anytime Skye heard someone sneeze, she had to stop and heal them. According to her; “No one should be sick on the holidays.”

The reason that she had gotten up so early that morning was so that she could clear out the hospitals as much as possible. Skye wanted to make sure families could be together for the holidays, since she couldn’t be with all of hers.

Right as they came close to the main entrance to the Highlanders’ homes, they had heard Zazzy’s name several times. Apparently, she had saved a bunch of people from an accident..

Once they heard the details from a few passing Highlanders, Skye and Tidas rushed outside to see their scaly bairn. When they existed the doorway, they could see Zazzy in the distance.

Several Highlander children were all hanging off of her tail and wings as she slowly lifted them up and down. After a few moments, she’d set the children down and give others a turn. The parents were taking turns making sure that the children didn’t crowd or climb all over her, and we’re taking proper turns.

Skye and Tidas smiled at each other in relief, then looked around. Giant spotlights shined everywhere, making sure that everyone could see what they were doing. Booths had been set up that served food and drink, and one near the tree handed out candles.

It was a tradition in the Highlands light the candles after the tree was lit up, then carry the flame back to one’s home for good luck. No one knew when it had started, it had been done as long since the Founder’s Tree was big enough to decorate. The younger ones made a competition out of it each year.

As Skye and Tidas approached Zazzy, she tried her best to be patient, and not cut the children’s fun short. As soon as their turn was over, the parents told them all to thank Zazzy for playing with them, and that the tree lighting was happening soon anyways.

When everyone had cleared away, says he let her enthusiasm peek. Her tail wagged violently, and she nearly knocked Tidas over while trying to muzzle him. When she turned to Skye, her mother practically jumped on her and hugged her as best she could.

Since Zazzy was so big, it was akin to hugging a wall, but she still loved that Skye tried. It took a few minutes for Zazzy to mentally explain her day to her parents. When she’d finished, they told her how proud they were of her, which looked confusing to the people on the outside.

Once they finished going off to Zazzy, Skye went and double-checked all of the presents under the tree. She couldn’t detect any traces of poisons, or anything nefarious. As she finished, the RMC members started to file out right on time...

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