Creating Heavenly Laws

Chapter 183

Chapter 183

The Gate of Myriad Realms.

Lin Yuan's expression couldn't help but turn serious.

The Gate of Myriad Realms in the depths of his mind was not physical but rather a true projection of the Gate of Myriad Realms.

It was bound to Lin Yuan's true consciousness.

So whether it was Lin Yuan himself or his Yin and Yang spirits, they could 'see' the Gate of Myriad Realms because all three shared the same consciousness.

Similarly, when Lin Yuan traversed, his consciousness descended into other worlds, and the projection of the Gate of Myriad Realms would also appear in the minds of the carriers where Lin Yuan's consciousness descended.

After breaking through to the sixth rank, Lin Yuan obtained many pieces of information from within the Gate of Myriad Realms, including the location of the original Gate of Myriad Realms, which was in some mysterious place.

Currently, Lin Yuan's strength was fundamentally unable to withstand the true Gate of Myriad Realms.


Even though it was just a negligible projection of the Gate of Myriad Realms, it carried an almost timeless significance, making it difficult for external forces to affect it.

However, now.

The Gate of Myriad Realms deep in Lin Yuan's mind was actually trembling slightly?

"What could be the reason?"

Lin Yuan's thoughts fluctuated.

"Is it because of this permanent spatial crack?"

Lin Yuan's gaze once again turned towards a nearby spatial crack, about ten meters in size, emitting a faint grayish gas.

The change in the Gate of Myriad Realms began when Lin Yuan saw this spatial crack.

Just as Lin Yuan was pondering.

A piece of information surged out from within the Gate of Myriad Realms.

And Lin Yuan promptly accepted it.


"The speed at which the Gate of Myriad Realms accumulates 'Breaking Boundary Source Power' has increased?"

Lin Yuan was shaken.

Since Lin Yuan became aware of the existence of the Gate of Myriad Realms, the speed at which it accumulated 'Breaking Boundary Source Power' had never changed.

Three hundred and thirty-three days to accumulate a strand of Breaking Boundary Source Power.

And it didn't speed up with Lin Yuan's increase in strength.

But now?

"The current speed at which the Gate of Myriad Realms accumulates Breaking Boundary Source Power has changed to three hundred and ten days?"

Lin Yuan once again looked towards the nearby spatial crack.

"So that's it."

Lin Yuan's expression was pensive.

What is Breaking Boundary Source Power? Lin Yuan had never thought about it clearly before, only feeling that the Gate of Myriad Realms required this kind of energy, which he had never heard of.

Now it seemed to be related to the fragmentation of the world.

Here, the fragmentation was fundamental and irreparable.

If it were just spatial fragmentation, during the fifth transmigration, when Lin Yuan spent the last few decades in the Immortal Path World, breaking through space and drifting in the chaos, theoretically, the speed at which the Gate of Myriad Realms accumulated 'Breaking Boundary Source Power' should have increased.

But in fact, it hadn't.

"A great opportunity."

"This is my great opportunity."

Lin Yuan was delighted. After understanding the reason for the tremor of the Gate of Myriad Realms, he realized what impact it would have on him.

Is Breaking Boundary Source Power important? Certainly, it is important; it is the power source of the Gate of Myriad Realms.

To some extent, as long as there is enough Breaking Boundary Source Power, Lin Yuan can go to any world he wants through the Gate of Myriad Realms.

And bring back many treasures from other worlds unnoticed. What an incredible ability?

"If I get closer, will the speed of accumulating 'Breaking Boundary Source Power' increase?"

Lin Yuan's thoughts converged as he secretly pondered.

At his current position, he was not far from the spatial crack, but not close either.


"In a place like this, one must be careful."

After the armored man roughly introduced Lin Yuan, he turned and left.

Lin Yuan stood in place for a while, then cautiously approached the spatial crack.


"This alien battlefield is simply a treasure trove for me."

At the main star of Red Kun, Lin Yuan sat cross-legged, feeling the Gate of Myriad Realms deep in his mind, its speed of accumulating 'Breaking Boundary Source Power' slightly increasing.

His mood was unusually joyful.

The alien battlefield was full of dangers, and human evolvers were at risk of falling at any time.

Even the powerful Eighth-Rank Evolver, Ouyin, fell on an alien battlefield, and it was just a small-scale one.

But for Lin Yuan.

The alien battlefield was simply a treasure trove and a blessed place.

Ever since he dispatched his primordial spirit to the alien battlefield, Lin Yuan had been reaping rewards.

Firstly, he gained insights into spatial rules.

The fluctuations in the alien battlefield's space were obvious, making it relatively easy to comprehend spatial rules. By now, Lin Yuan had almost understood more than nine hundred basic spatial models.

Secondly, he obtained the legacy of an Eighth-Rank Evolver.

Those treasures might not compare to those of his teacher, the master of Red Kun, but they definitely surpassed those of a seasoned Seventh-Rank Peak Evolver who had accumulated wealth for tens of thousands of years.

Especially the broken soul defense droplet, even ordinary Eighth-Rank Evolvers would be tempted.

"The spatial fluctuations are becoming more obvious."

Lin Yuan sat cross-legged, sharing his perspective. As the Primordial Spirit of Yin continuously approached the spatial crack, numerous insights kept emerging.

[Your insight is unparalleled, approaching the source of the shattered space, deepening your understanding of the essence of spatial rules.]

[Your insight is unparalleled, approaching the source of the shattered space, deepening your understanding of the essence of spatial rules.]

[Your insight is unparalleled, approaching the source of the shattered space, deepening your understanding of the essence of spatial rules.]


Lin Yuan raised his hand.

Strands of spatial power coiled around.

In an instant, the nine hundred and fifty-first spatial model took shape.


"So wonderful."

"I didn't realize space could be like this?"

Lin Yuan lifted both hands, continuously manipulating the spatial power, affecting the space around him.

At this moment, in Lin Yuan's vision, space flowed like water, and every move of his could create ripples in the flow.

As the ripples spread, extending hundreds of thousands or even millions of miles away, constantly colliding and intertwining, eventually causing a spatial storm.

And this.

Just because Lin Yuan slightly manipulated the spatial power.

"This is it."

The permanent spatial crack in the alien battlefield was not far away.

Lin Yuan stopped approaching further.

Through his continuous attempts just now, he found that this position could greatly increase the speed at which the Gate of Myriad Realms accumulated 'Breaking Boundary Source Power'.

If he went further, the speed of accumulating 'Breaking Boundary Source Power' by the Gate of Myriad Realms would not increase.

Moreover, being too close to the spatial crack would affect his comprehension due to the turbulent spatial power it emitted.

"Now, the speed at which the Gate of Myriad Realms accumulates is..."

Lin Yuan closed his eyes and carefully felt it.

"Approximately two hundred and ninety-eight days to accumulate a strand of 'Breaking Boundary Source Power'."

Lin Yuan's eyes lit up.

Compared to the initial three hundred and thirty-three days, the speed of accumulating 'Breaking Boundary Source Power' at two hundred and ninety-eight days per strand had increased a bit.

In the short term, this increase in speed might not be significant.

But if stretched over time, it would be a considerable income of 'Breaking Boundary Source Power'.

With Lin Yuan's strength, living for hundreds of thousands or even millions of years was easy. Under such a long timeline, the increased accumulation speed would create a huge advantage like a snowball effect.


The greatest impact of this increase in the speed of accumulating 'Breaking Boundary Source Power' for Lin Yuan was not the increase in accumulation speed.

Instead, it showed Lin Yuan a second way to obtain 'Breaking Boundary Source Power'.

Before coming to the alien battlefield, Lin Yuan had always thought that 'Breaking Boundary Source Power' could only be accumulated slowly at a rate of three hundred and thirty-three days per strand.

But now.

Lin Yuan knew that these permanent spatial cracks could increase the speed of accumulating 'Breaking Boundary Source Power'.

From this, a conclusion could be drawn.

If Lin Yuan were to go to larger permanent spatial cracks, would the speed at which the Gate of Myriad Realms accumulated 'Breaking Boundary Source Power' continue to increase?

The spatial crack before him was only about ten meters long, but those in medium-sized and large-scale alien battlefields might stretch for thousands or even millions of miles.

Would the speed of accumulating 'Breaking Boundary Source Power' by the Gate of Myriad Realms skyrocket near such spatial cracks?

"Not in a hurry for now."

"Everything can wait until I reach the Seventh Rank."

Lin Yuan steadied himself, and with his deep comprehension of spatial rules near the permanent spatial crack, his understanding of space was increasing at a terrifying speed.

Almost every half day or so, he could comprehend a basic spatial model.

At the current rate of comprehension, in five or six days at most, he would comprehend nine hundred and sixty-five basic spatial models.


Lin Yuan could enter the Seventh Rank.

This Seventh Rank was not the ordinary Seventh Rank.

If it were just an ordinary Seventh Rank, Lin Yuan would have achieved it long ago after the Immortal Path World.

But Lin Yuan was not satisfied with that kind of Seventh Rank, so he had been delaying until now.

The Seventh Rank Lin Yuan wanted to reach was one that completely matched martial arts, a perfect Seventh Rank.

Time passed.

In the blink of an eye, seven days had passed.

At the main star of Red Kun, in the grand hall of the Thirteen Peaks.

Lin Yuan sat cross-legged.


Lin Yuan opened his eyes.

Strands of spatial power surged out.

Quickly condensing into a pyramid-shaped spatial model.


With the formation of this spatial model.

Lin Yuan's comprehension of space suddenly reached a kind of completeness.

"Nine hundred and sixty-five spatial models."

Lin Yuan's eyes drooped, muttering to himself, "All understood."

At this moment, the space around Lin Yuan seemed transparent in his eyes.

After comprehending all the basic spatial models, Lin Yuan's understanding of spatial rules had reached a new height, and he had his own cognition of space.

"This is it."

"My martial arts Seventh Rank should be like this."

"My path is complete."

Lin Yuan's spirits were high. With sufficient understanding of space and assisted by his unparalleled insight, he could almost effortlessly break through to the Seventh Rank.

"Let's begin."

Lin Yuan didn't hesitate much.

He had long experience in breaking through to the Seventh Rank, coupled with such high comprehension of space, he estimated that with the assistance of his unparalleled insight, breaking through to the Seventh Rank had a hundred percent certainty.


Lin Yuan closed his eyes.

The breath in his body began to slowly condense.

Red Kun Main Star.

Above, tens of millions of kilometers away, the space slightly twisted.

The Red Kun Star Lord wore a crimson robe, hands behind his back, standing quietly there.

Not far away, twelve figures stood in sequence, they were the twelve peak masters of Red Kun.

Except for Lin Yuan, the youngest junior brother, all twelve peak masters were present, standing with respectful expressions.

"Everyone is here."

The Red Kun Star Lord swept his eyes over the twelve disciples.

"Now, let me demonstrate for you the various applications of spatial rules."

The Red Kun Star Lord said lightly.

Although the virtual world could replicate almost everything from the outside world with near-perfect accuracy, the replication of spatial rules still could not be perfect.

So, every now and then, the Red Kun Star Lord would gather all the disciples and personally demonstrate the use of spatial power under the starry sky.

"Teacher, junior brother hasn't arrived yet."

At this moment, the Fourth Peak Master, Zuo Ge, couldn't help but speak.

He had been looking around for a long time and found that among the twelve of them, junior brother Lin Yuan was not present.

As soon as this was mentioned, the Fifth Peak Master, the Sixth Peak Master, the Seventh Peak Master, and other peak masters at the Sixth Rank all looked towards the Red Kun Star Lord.

They also noticed this issue, but since the Red Kun Star Lord didn't mention it, they didn't dare to ask.

"Junior brother?"

The Red Kun Star Lord glanced at the Fourth Peak Master, Zuo Ge, and the other peak masters who were still at the Sixth Rank.

Most of what they were teaching now had already been comprehended by Lin Yuan.

Last time, when he demonstrated the evolution of spatial models, the Red Kun Star Lord noticed Lin Yuan's comprehension of spatial rules.

So this time, he didn't specifically call for Lin Yuan, mainly to give some face to the Fourth Peak Master and the other nine peak masters at the Sixth Rank.

It was quite abnormal for someone who had bowed to him as a teacher for so many years to be surpassed by the youngest junior brother.


"No more nonsense."

The Red Kun Star Lord was too lazy to explain.

"Next, I will manifest the rules of space as much as possible, and you all should try your best to break them."

After the Red Kun Star Lord finished speaking, his figure disappeared from the original location.

This scene made the twelve peak masters on the scene nervous.

Even the peak masters who had already reached the Seventh Rank, such as the Grand Peak Master, the Second Peak Master, and the Third Peak Master, had solemn expressions. The manifestation of the spatial rules mentioned by the Red Kun Star Lord was definitely not a good thing.


The next moment.

The twelve peak masters found that the space around them began to distort.

Their own figures became smaller and smaller, almost turning into subatomic particles.

And above everyone's heads, a huge creature appeared, a star sea kun, whose size was tens or hundreds of times that of a normal planetary lifeform.

At this moment, with the twelve peak masters' figures reduced to subatomic particles, that star sea kun appeared even more like a brilliant starry river, overlooking everyone from above.

"This can't go on."

The twelve peak masters' minds trembled, realizing that if they didn't resist, their mental states would be destroyed, and they would definitely be scolded by their teacher again.

So the twelve of them all exerted their full strength, trying to resist the star sea kun that seemed to be collapsing from the sky.

However, the next moment.

There was no longer the brilliant star sea kun between heaven and earth, and the figures of the twelve peak masters returned to normal, and the twisted space quickly calmed down.

However, the twelve peak masters dared not relax at all.

Because at some point, their teacher, the Red Kun Star Lord, had already appeared beside them, standing behind everyone, looking down at the Red Kun Main Star below.

As if observing someone.


The peak master at the peak of the Seventh Rank also noticed something.

"This is the aura of breaking through to the Seventh Rank. Junior brother, junior brother has begun to break through to the Seventh Rank?"

The Grand Peak Master muttered to himself, but his voice resonated in the ears of every peak master.

"Breaking through to the Seventh Rank?"

The Fourth Peak Master, Zuo Ge, was stunned, unable to believe it.

The Red Kun Star Lord glanced at the Fourth Peak Master, Zuo Ge, and the other peak masters, seemingly saying,

"See that? Do you understand why I didn't call junior brother over now?"

The minds of the twelve peak masters were in a mess.


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