Creating Heavenly Laws

Chapter 182

Chapter 182

"An eighth-rank soul defense treasure."

Lin Yuan's gaze grew slightly intense.

Among all the treasures, soul defense treasures were undoubtedly the most precious kind. The soul carries the true spirit of consciousness, bearing the essence of life itself.

For high-rank evolvers, the destruction of the physical body doesn't equate to death. However, any issues with the soul directly affect the consciousness and true spirit.

Of all the treasures left behind by Evolver Ouyin, the most precious was undoubtedly this one. In fact, Lin Yuan had encountered soul defense treasures before.

The championship reward of the Canglan Star Arena Tournament included a soul defense treasure. However, that soul defense treasure was only of the third or fourth rank, nothing compared to the eighth-rank soul defense treasure left by Ouyin.

"Is it in the shape of a droplet?"

Lin Yuan took out the soul defense treasure. It was a drop of sky-blue liquid, about the size of a thumb. Upon closer inspection, fine cracks could be seen appearing on the surface of the droplet.

"Senior Ouyin had an eighth-rank armor for defending the body and an eighth-rank droplet for safeguarding the soul, yet he still perished, falling to an attack on his soul from the Black Abyss Clan's Qingyu."

"Even this soul droplet was almost penetrated."

Lin Yuan pondered silently.

Although soul defense treasures could protect the soul, it didn't mean they were foolproof. Even an eighth-rank soul defense treasure had its limits. Once surpassed, soul attacks could pierce through the treasure and directly assault the soul itself.

"Could that Qingyu from the Black Abyss Clan, at the eighth rank, possess the ability to breach the protection of an eighth-rank soul defense treasure?"

Lin Yuan wondered.

The designation of "eighth rank" for soul defense treasures indicated their ability to withstand the majority of eighth-rank soul attacks.

"Those aliens."

Lin Yuan shook his head slightly.

While humanity held an advantage in the war against the aliens, it was still only an advantage. Numerous strong individuals on the human side still perished.

Qingyu was merely from the Black Abyss Clan. If it were on battlefields against pinnacle clans like the Insect Clan, the casualties on the human side would be even greater.

"This droplet is damaged."

Lin Yuan reached out to touch the sky-blue droplet.

However, even if it was damaged, it was still an eighth-rank soul defense treasure. If Lin Yuan wished, he could easily exchange it for four or five pieces of eighth-rank armor like those left by Ouyin.

Most of the wealth of Evolver Ouyin was probably invested in this defense droplet.

"I should find my teacher when I have time and see if he can repair it."

Lin Yuan thought to himself. Since it was broken, it could certainly be fixed. However, repairing an eighth-rank soul defense treasure would depend on whether Red Kun Star Lord had the means.

As for whether revealing that he had inherited Ouyin's legacy would lead to any repercussions, even if it was exposed, what could happen?

Ouyin had perished over a million years ago, and as an indipendent evolver, Lin Yuan, as one of the Thirteen Peaks Masters of the Red Kun Lineage, had no one to answer to.

Moreover, the teacher, Red Kun Star Lord, belonged to the same tier of strength as Qingyu from the Black Abyss Clan a million years ago. He probably wouldn't be interested in a broken soul droplet.

"Special lifeblood essence elixir."

Lin Yuan took out a transparent test tube containing a viscous purple liquid.

This kind of special lifeblood essence elixir had no use for individual evolvers. Its greatest effect lay in implanting it into the bloodlines of offspring to create a powerful evolver lineage.

Such blood essence elixirs were much superior to those left by Rank-6 Star-Falling Level Evolvers. They were purer, increased the likelihood of awakening bloodlines in descendants, and had higher limits.

"In the future, I can also use this blood essence elixir to create a powerful evolver lineage for the purpose of fostering influence."

Lin Yuan had a plan in mind. Even if he didn't intend to create his own evolver lineage, he could sell it at any time if needed.

After all, such special lifeblood essence was scarce, and the elixir that resulted from drawing the essence of who-knows-how-many special life forms would only become rarer in the future.

Apart from the wealth and treasures left behind by Evolver Ouyin, Lin Yuan had also gained a considerable amount of rewards from killing several strong members of the Black Abyss Clan.

However, compared to Ouyin, it was naturally far less. Those strong members of the Black Abyss Clan who dared to venture onto the battlefield would undoubtedly leave most of their wealth and treasures in their homeland. What they carried were mainly weapons needed for battle.

"Upload the combat kill video."

Lin Yuan directly uploaded the video of himself killing those five members of the Black Abyss Clan to the Free Goddess.

This was also important evidence for the Free Goddess to determine whether to award merit points. The video recording function originated from the Three Goddesses, making it impossible for outsiders to tamper with or alter the videos.

Moreover, the video's perspective included oneself, eliminating the possibility of evaders killing members of the same clan and looting their videos to pass them off as their own kills.


"The authenticity of the video is confirmed, and the facts are verified. After judgment, it is worth five thousand merit points."

The cold and murderous voice of the Free Goddess resounded.

"Five thousand merit points."

Lin Yuan shook his head slightly.

While five thousand merit points seemed like a lot, it wasn't even enough to promote from a first-tier citizen to a third-tier citizen.

Promoting from a first-tier citizen to a second-tier citizen required one thousand merit points, and from a second-tier citizen to a third-tier citizen required five thousand merit points.

However, these five thousand merit points required killing five members of the Black Abyss Clan.

The concept of Rank-6 aliens was akin to Star-Falling Level Evolvers, but there were six of them at once.

"Researcher C24763 Alien Battlefield."

Lin Yuan's Yin Spirit rode on a spaceship, swiftly advancing in a certain direction.

"Such marvelous spatial fluctuations."

Lin Yuan took a light breath, feeling the constantly undulating spatial forces from all directions, his mind exceptionally pleased.

[Your Insight is unrivaled, sensing spatial fluctuations, further deepening your understanding of spatial rules.]

[Your Insight is unrivaled, sensing spatial fluctuations, further deepening your understanding of spatial rules.]

[Your Insight is unrivaled, sensing spatial fluctuations, further deepening your understanding of spatial rules.]

The Yin Spirit shares consciousness with Lin Yuan and naturally possesses Unrivaled Insight. At this moment, entering the alien battlefield, almost every moment deepens its understanding and perception of spatial rules.

"So far, I haven't encountered any aliens."

Lin Yuan glanced around and shook his head slightly.

This was the norm in alien battlefields. Except for certain special periods, the vast majority of the time, one wouldn't encounter any aliens.

If one wanted to find aliens, they would need to go to the central part of the battlefield, where powerful armies of humans and the Black Abyss Clan gathered, and where war could erupt at any moment.

Lin Yuan, who had just entered the battlefield not long ago and encountered several strong members of the Black Abyss Clan, even inheriting the legacy of a Rank-8 human evolver, that was abnormal and could be counted as a major opportunity.

"That should be the location of the permanent spatial rift in this battlefield."

Lin Yuan's gaze shifted towards a direction.

He faintly sensed extremely violent spatial forces surging there.

"The main world is nearly perfect, with a sturdy space that is almost indestructible. Even if one forcibly tears open the space with their understanding of spatial laws, the rift will quickly recover."

"As for the formation of a permanent spatial rift..."

Lin Yuan couldn't quite understand the reason for the formation of a permanent spatial rift and could only attribute it to the overwhelming power of the strongest beings.

"According to the information, there are humans and Black Abyss Clan strongholds guarding beside that permanent spatial rift. To approach and comprehend it, one must obtain the consent of either the humans or the Black Abyss Clan."

This wouldn't be difficult for Lin Yuan. When the time came, he would only need to reveal his identity as a human to pass through.

In fact, many evolvers entered the alien battlefield to comprehend spatial rules, and it was the same for the Black Abyss Clan. Most strong individuals didn't possess Lin Yuan's terrifying Insight, so they couldn't break through just by meditating. They could only rely on entering such dangerous places and attempting to advance further.

Red Kun Main Star.

Lin Yuan sat cross-legged.

In front of him, strands of spatial power appeared, constantly converging and interweaving to form a mysterious spatial model.

After who knew how long...

A spatial model in the shape of a high tower formed. In an instant, with the high tower spatial model at its center, the surrounding space suddenly stabilized.

"The 938th spatial model."

Lin Yuan opened his eyes, a smile appearing on his face.

Among the 965 basic spatial models, each had its special use. For example, the high tower spatial model that Lin Yuan had just condensed had the effect of suppressing space, allowing him to condense the surrounding space within billions of miles and prohibiting the use of various spatial powers such as teleportation with a wave of his hand.

"There are still twenty-seven basic spatial models left."

With a slight movement of his mind, the high tower spatial model in front of him dissipated, and the surrounding space returned to normal.

"In at most a month, I will completely comprehend the basic spatial models."

"By then, there will be no obstacles to opening the seventh-rank martial path, and I can completely step into the seventh rank."

Lin Yuan was quite satisfied.

Of course, the reason why he could comprehend at such a rapid pace was mainly because the Yin Spirit, being in the alien battlefield, provided him with an equal understanding of spatial comprehension. This allowed Lin Yuan to advance much faster in comprehending the 965 basic spatial models.

"Seventh-rank martial path."

Lin Yuan looked forward to it. In his plan, this stage's importance was beyond doubt. Opening up his own inner world within his body was the foundation.

According to the gains from Lin Yuan's comprehension of other paths of evolution, opening an inner world within the body would require at least breaking through to the eighth level during the sixth to seventh level transition.

As for opening an inner world within the body during the transition from the sixth to the seventh level, in the more than two million years of Star Sea history, there were very few specific cases, and none were replicable major opportunities.

Battlefield C24763.

"Here we are."

Lin Yuan maneuvered the spaceship to a halt.

Not far away was a floating mountain range, winding for hundreds of thousands of miles, emanating a terrifying aura.

The moment Lin Yuan approached, he voluntarily released the aura of the battlefield pass.

Before long, a tall figure clad in black armor descended.

"Brother, what's your intention in coming to this battlefield?"

The man in black armor approached, speaking warmly.

Since Lin Yuan could release the aura of the battlefield pass, it proved that he belonged to the human race. The aliens couldn't mimic the aura of the battlefield pass, not even those few strongest pinnacle clans could.

"I'm planning to head to that permanent spatial rift and comprehend the spatial rules."

Lin Yuan immediately stated his purpose.

It was obvious that the man in armor loved battling aliens and was now thinking of recruiting Lin Yuan.

"Oh, I see."

Disappointment flashed across the man's face.

"Then come with me."

The man in armor turned around and flew towards the floating mountain range behind him.

Lin Yuan followed immediately.

Soon, the two entered the floating mountains.

"Half of the area near the permanent spatial rift is occupied by the Black Abyss Clan. Be careful when you're there and don't get too immersed," the man in armor warned.

In the alien battlefield, clashes between humans and the Black Abyss Clan still retained some rationality. There were areas where fighting was implicitly prohibited, such as around the permanent spatial rift.

Both human evolvers and strong members of the Black Abyss Clan went there to comprehend spatial rules. Therefore, for tens of thousands of years, both sides tacitly agreed not to engage in combat there.

But if someone thought that area was really safe, they would be foolish.

That's why the man in armor reminded Lin Yuan.

"I understand," Lin Yuan nodded.

He had made more than enough preparations before coming.


"Follow me."

The man in armor led Lin Yuan to a teleportation area.

From here, they could immediately arrive near the permanent spatial rift.


The teleportation began.

Lin Yuan felt the intense fluctuations of spatial power around him.

When it finally settled down a bit, he found himself in another location.


Lin Yuan looked up and saw a dark 'crack' not far away.

It was filled with hazy gray gas, with a large amount of spatial power surging inside, causing even the spatial rules to fluctuate constantly.

"That's the permanent spatial rift in this battlefield," the man in armor explained in a low voice as he looked in the same direction.

"This permanent spatial rift was caused by a human evolver wielding an extremely powerful weapon, so it's not very large."

"In larger alien battlefields, permanent spatial rifts created by stronger beings can reach hundreds of thousands, millions, or even billions of miles."

"It's said that such large spatial rifts often have traces of 'outsiders,' and they're extremely dangerous."

The man in armor marveled as he introduced the rift.

However, there was something the man in armor didn't know.

At this moment.

Lin Yuan's heart was not calm.

Because as he gazed at the permanent spatial rift only about ten meters in size not far away, deep in his mind, the majestic and grand Gate of the Myriad Realms began to tremble slightly.


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