Cosmic Editor

Chapter 58: Compound

Chapter 58: Compound

{Damn, where can i get this} A comment asked

{Is that still even classified as a computer}

{I still dont see the point of having such a computer, spending the extra money would get you

a classic system that can do the same thing}

{Bro would you shut the hell up}

{Would the Nous Phones perform the same}

{Surely that cant be the only feature right, Quantum computers are too powerful for them to be only used for such a thing}

David read through the comments and smiled since it meant that he had found another product to sell.

When he had brought up the idea about such a device, Nous had shut him down because it felt that it was a waste of parts and asked what he thought they would use it for.

But turns out, Humanity just wants to go fast. It didnt matter if they would actually be using the technology to its fullest extent, they just wanted it.

"Naturally, quantum computers are too powerful for this to be its only function but remember this is just a sixty-four qubit quantum computer, its powerful but its not really there" David answered the comment

He felt like that was what most people would complain for. Quantum computers were meant to be used to solve difficult problems in physics, allow humanity to simulate the birth of the universe in its entirety and create new medicines and materials.

However the computer sitting in front of him was just a 64-qubit quantum classical computer. In its current state, it was an absolute beast for the mundane things people do.

Things like gaming, graphic designs, programming, game development and even high quality animations could be done quite easily on the computer but no matter what you do, it would never be used to predict the weather.

Well that's unless the user hooks it up to some other device and writes a program that can do that but even then, it would be too heavy for the computer. Just in the same way, your regular laptop or PC cant do it.

"In simple terms, its best to thing of this set up as a glorified PC, a rugged PC which ever you want to call it, its just your normal PC on steroids but it cant compare with the supercomputers we have"

{I don't care, just tell us when where we can pre-order boy}

{Damn, Star Citizen about to get a lot of new players}

{To the person above me, yh, I'll finally have a PC that can carry the game at highest settings}

"As for pre-ordering, i am not too sure yet... my wife handles everything concerning the main business but i will inform you all when its possible to do so" David replied

{Awwn, he's a house husband}

{Wait a minute, you're not married, you don't even wear a ring}

"Okay you've caught me, we aren't married yet but we will soon after we're done setting things up" David said as he raised his hands into the air as though surrendering

{Bro's got a sugar mama}

{Bruv be living the soft life}

The comments kept coming and David answered as many as he could before finally going offline. The session was a fruitful one and it looked like his aim was achieved as well.

The point of the entire livestream wasn't just so that he could build his pc and play games. He also did it just to prove to certain nay-sayers that in the same manner that he made a Quantum phone, he could also make a PC version.

It wasn't necessary but he did it anyway because he could. Since he didn't have much work to do in the first place, David simply sat down and continued gaming.

Meanwhile somewhere else, in a location far off from society... well at least it was a few kilometres away from the nearest metropolitan area. Two young men could be seen walking with their bags in hand

"Omo guy, are you sure that guy wasn't planning on using us for ritual" One of them asked cautiously

The location of their destination may be innocent but it was too remote that they had to consider their options.

"It doesnt matter if he's a ritualist or just a killer, let us reach first and confirm, if anything happens then we can fight off and escape" his friend said as they continued their journey

"Na true, even if we cant beat him, we can at least escape" the man said

Despite their courage, it was clear that they still held some level of fear in their hearts as they walked.

Looking around them cautiously and ready to run at a moment's notice if they heard anything suspicious. Even if they had a goal to achieve here, they didnt plan to die achieving it.

A few minutes later, the two came upon their destination... or at least they thought it was the place. It was a fenced property that stood out from the rest of the environment.

The fence stretched far into the bushes around them that they couldnt see its end nor could they even see an entrance into the property.

"Call am again, i no wan loss" The friend said expressing his clear lack of trust in the building

Hearing him, the man immediately picked the phone and called a number. The wait didnt last long before the call was answered

"Hello Good day ma, its Ireayo ma" the man said

"I know its you, are you hear yet?" the person on the other end of the call asked

"Yes ma, its the fenced building right?"

"Yes it is, I will be waiting for you here" The woman said before the call was cut.

"She said its here" The man told his friend

With that the two began walking towards the fenced property and searched for its entrance. As soon as they got close enough they saw the entrance.

The gate was wide open but a boom barrier could be seen blocking the way, preventing them

from going in.

"Welcome to the Compound, i am surprised that only two of you came but we will manage" a female voice said as soon as they managed to squeeze themselves past the boom barriers

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