Cosmic Editor

Chapter 57: Q-unit

Chapter 57: Q-unit

"After hours of YouTube videos on PC building, I am finally ready to try but as you all know, mine comes with some level of increased difficulty in the sense that I want to make it a quantum computer. Let's begin" David said as he excitedly grabbed the PC case.

The PC case had nothing special to it, it looked as normal as possible but David planned to use it. The plan was to design and create a quantum computer that civilians could use.

He already achieved that with the Nous phones but the way that worked was vastly different from what he was about to achieve.

As soon as he placed the case down, David began picking up component after component as he screwed them in tightly

"Finally we have the Qboard, a quantum motherboard, this is the major thing in this entire computer. It is the thing that will allow me play fortnite if i wanted to... we have already established that it is impossible to do so on a quantum computer" David said as he brought out the normal looking motherboard from its package on the table.

"This is the brain of the entire operation hence it is advised that you install it as carefully as possible" David said as he carefully placed it on its position in the case then screwed it in.

After that David brought out a few other components and connected them quickly. A few minutes in and the once empty case was starting to look like a normal computer.

"With that we are almost done. All that remained now was to turn it on" David said as he immediately plugged in the computer

Doing so, he saw his monitor lit up. It didn't show anything major apart from the basic background actions to indicate that it had turned on but it didnt boot to a home screen

"Dont worry, it hasnt crashed yet... its just that i have yet to install an OS yet. So here comes the magic" David said as he brought out a hard drive

"On this is an OS i created for the purpose of maximizing the functions of the Qboard" David introduced as he quickly plugged it in

In doing so, David began the standard confusing procedures of installing an Operating system but thankfully this was easier to do considering how fast the computer actually was.

Just twenty minutes later, the system was rebooted and this time, it brought them to a lock screen. Tapping on any random key on his keyboard, the computer was unlocked and it took him to the home screen.

At first glance it looked familiar but looking closer, one found the designs to be vastly different from what they were used to.

"Oh and i forgot both the keyboard, mouse and all are specially designed to interact with this interface... regular keyboards and other input devices wouldn't be able to interact with a quantum computer" David said remembering a small blunder on his part

[Login] [Sign up]

A small window appeared asking him to create an account so David immediately clicked on log in. He had an account already

Instead of the standard log in screen, a bunch of boxes appeared asking him to type in a certain code but David didn't mind as he quickly put it in. As soon as he did so, he was immediately log into his account.

"And that's all... well for those confused as to how it has internet connection and what sort of logging in that was, you would have to what my video on the 'Nous Operating System' to fully understand" David explained

With everything done, it was now time for David to check it out. the ain goal was to prove that it could be used by civilians which meant that he had to use it for the so-called intensive things, people normally use their systems for.

Opening up his browser, he immediately searched for the most intensive game he could find. Animal crossing.

Downloading the game took less than a second. David was surprised by the speed considering that even if the connection was now quantum in nature, it still needed to collect the data from

a source.

David opened the game to test it out, it loaded quickly. The game loaded quickly without any issues which proved that the computer was functioning properly.

Now for the real intensive work, David downloaded Cyberpunk 2077. From the reviews he had seen of the game, people were always complaining that it was made for very high end computers.

As always, the game downloaded quickly despite its 70GB size. The way the internet worked for the computer and practically all his quantum products was simple.

They had access to his servers and the servers collected packets of whatever they wanted and brought it to them. The collecting part should be slow but it seems it wasn't at all.

Within a minute, the entire game was fully downloaded and David proceeded to install it. This was equivalent to simply choosing to crash his computer but at the moment, this was the risk he was willing to take.

The installation took a bit more time but it was done quickly. As soon as the installation was done, David immediately launched the game.

The game immediately booted and played as smoothly as David had thought it would. Going past the title screen as quickly as possible, the main game started as David smiled

An hour into the game and David was still yet to face any problems. The game went smoothly and he enjoyed it.

He would have played his own game but Nous had made Renovatio too economic. All PCs could handle it but not all could play it well.

To put it simply, it required the same PC specifications as GTA San Andreas, which was already a miracle of its own

A few more minutes and David exited the game as he began other means of stressing the computer to its limits. There were websites designed just for such things.

Activating it, the website began its duty. The computer though a full blown quantum computer still followed the principles of a regular computer so the tests were still valid.

The tests continued for an hour with the intensity increasing every second but the PC didn't seem like something that was performing any form of intensive work

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