Celestial Peak

Chapter 529: Heresy

Chapter 529: Heresy

At the northernmost part of the Universe, there was a plane devoid of life and to get there, one must pass a Cosmic Road connected to seventy-three fallen worlds. 

This road was known as the Frost Path of the Abyss because of the thousands of Abyssal Demons littered across its long path. This was an infamous path that had claimed the lives of thousands in the name of greed.

Any world taken over by the Abyss would turn to a ball of purple haze, an abyss, ruled by mindless, trapped souls, incapable of passing on to the wheel of reincarnation. However, this fact does not deter hopeful people from venturing deep into its heart.

Fallen Worlds, though dangerous was known for its abundant resources left behind by the Empires that once ruled the area. A Desolate World devoid of life would have long deteriorated and showed the legacy ruins that could be easily taken.

Some succeed in raiding these worlds, however, the majority fall in their pursuit of strength. So many had fallen over the course of 15,000 years that, at this time it was only a barren landor so it should have.

The Cosmic Path that birthed thousands of Abyssal Demons now left beyond recognition. The Abyssal Crystals that once was the corrodes space for the Abyssal Portal to appear was now gone, reduced to dust.

Amongst the lot of Fallen Worlds was the Abyssal Tundra that was once said to hold one strongest World Treasure in the Cosmos. Many have made the claim, but none had seen its truth. However, one man now raised his head, looking at the strongest treasure.

This man was of course Naor, the one who once ruled this world now turned to ruins.

A mountain, desolate and devoid of life. Over the towering Mountains covered in sheets of white snows were purple beings observing the Devil bearing five pairs of Black Wings. The Devil trudged onto the only pathway not covered in frost. 

A grueling track to the mountain top where a golden furnace's aureate flames billowed ever so calmly. The Demons could not touch the entire mountain, their innate fear of the furnace was enough to bring them crawling out of the way.

Before the All-Father disappeared from the eyes of his creations, he left two things in the hands of the Origin Races. These two things were the greatest Treasures of the Universe, the source of life as they were called.

The Golden Bell was in the hands of the Holy Race. A towering creation the size of a world, turned to a normal mountain size bell. It was an item that holds the secrets of souls and through only the All-Father knew of its name, the Holy Race and the Devils rereferred to it as the Bell of the Heavens or more intimately as the Family Bell.

The Golden Furnace, a simple furnace that was a meter big. It was a sun size creation and had been tiny since its appearance. This furnace holds the secrets of the flames that created the Universe itself. According to the many myths of the Devils and Holy Races, the Golden Furnace, or otherwise known as the Origin Furnace was the source of existence itself or at least what was used to create reality from nothingness.

These two mysterious and unknown items could only be used to its true potential in the hands of the All-Father. However, even then these treasures held more power than any being could ever realize in the hands of the two GodKings.

The Family Bell that holds the power over the soul helps the young of the Holy Race grow to attune to the worlds around them. Worlds have life, despite not being sentient, it has a soul that connects to the Holy Race and this allows to them showing strength beyond reasoning.

The Origin Furnace created the Mountain of Trials that temper not only the body but the God's Mark. A power that makes anyone that could endure its intensity be reborn as a new, more powerful being that could easily match any God of the Mortal Races.

The Furnace could even bend space, and that was the very ability that locked it in place in the first place.

Currently, the Family Bell was in the hands of the Holy Race, kept safely at the top of the Heavenly Mountain surrounded by the Holy Emperors. As for the Origin Furnace, it was placed simply atop the highest peak of the Abyssal Tundra.

It was unprotected, but it mattered not for the Furnace was a treasure that keeps away any and every being that is not a Devil of the highest lineage. A pure-blooded Devil Emperor of the GodKing himself could approach it, and even then, the furnace was currently locked in space due to its property. Only a single World Treasure could unlock it from its place.

Long ago, when Naor left the Abyssal Tundra, he gave his speak and armor to Kareem. Supposedly, he left empty-handed, but, the fact of the matter was that he didn't, in his hand were blood-soaked chains, the "key" given to him by Garm, his GodKing.

~It can only be used if you come to and get it, I trapped your family inside the furnace, once you awaken the furnace it will once again burn and it will free everyone meant to be kept inside. If you wish for it, you can keep them here, forever, never to be destroyed, never to be disturbed maybe, there will come a time when the souls could be freed from the curse of Death, but until then, their fates now rest in your handsnot mine.~ a letter to him, from Garm given through Kareem.

Just before the peak, Naor stopped, in front of him were an impossible number of Abyssal Demons gnashing their teeth like savage creatures. The Abyssal Demons kept away from the furnace for hundreds of meters, however, around the Golden Furnace sat seven beings.

Bearing the face of the All-Father, they opened their eyes ever so slightly and spread their five pair of wings, "I reckon you delivered the key for me to use?"

One of the Devil Emperor Revenant, "It had been a hundred and fifty years since we started Naor sighed, he expected it to be easy. Now that he donned waiting here, and finally you arrive."

Naor sighed, he expected it to be easy. Now that he donned the armor and his spear, he was virtually invincible, but not before the All-Father, his creator.

"As I thought, I feel weak even though you are but mere imitations of the All-Father. I cannot even summon half of my strength, much less fight you in full."

The Revenants laughed, "You are smart to know your current situation. Then you must be aware of what would happen if you fight us. So, let us not waste time, why not kill yourself and hand over the key?"

Naor laughed back at them, and against what the Revenants thought of Naor, the Devil Emperor actually raised his spear and pointed it at his plated chest, "I will be willing to die, however, may I ask if you had fought a Devil Emperor before? One that is not close to the All-Father, at least?"

"No, we have not."

"Oh, then that would explain your reactions I remember the All-Father's Devil form before his death was incomplete, and the [General] wasn't full-blooded like us so, surely, you must be unaware of this"

Naor laughed and plunged his spear into his heart, and then, the dark spear disappeared into his body. Naor smiled as blood flowed from his mouth, "Forgive me Father for your Son'sHeresy"

Silence befell the world


"A form so grotesque we cannot show it to the All-Father"

The Revenants who watched this held a crooked smile they did not know how to react.

Naor's body exploded with strips of obsidian God's Mark

Somewhere, on the other side of the highest mountain, in the deepest trenches of the Abyssal Tundra, golden light filled the darkness. Eleven Circles surrounded a single figure and then, it opened its eyes, holding a bow.

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