Celestial Peak

Chapter 528: The Exiled

Chapter 528: The Exiled

Millions of years ago, approximately 10,000,000 years, a pair took care of the balance of the Universe of the Northern Cosmos. They were a pair of lovebirds who made others nauseated seeing their acts of love they were called the Great Protectors.

The couple was dedicated to their cause, believing that it was for the greater good of all. They killed many of the Demons, saved millions, then billions, and then, after generations trillions of lives.

They, however, cared little for what others think of them. Like they had always wanted, they fought the Abyssal Demons, closing Portals one after another, keeping the sacredness of life intact. Eons, they spent fighting, and along their path of peace, their love blossom in the form of a wonderful and cheerful daughter.

The pair were happy and decided to create a house to settle down for the coming eons. On a desolated World where endless Frost raged, a mansion was erected outside of their realm so they could raise their child while still being able to do their job.

However, all of that changed seventeen thousand ago, the time after the appearance of the Emperor of Death. Resurfacing from the world of the dead, the Universe was flipped upon its head and from all corners, the stream of Abyssal Demons surged and sieged the Cosmos.

Across the entire Universe, billions of Gates opened and the protectors rallied and prevented their invasion, however, there were too many of them, billions upon billions appeared to face the Protectors of the Cosmos, eventually pushing back the Great Protectors.

To the northernmost region of the Cosmos, the Protectors fled. They failed to retreat to their original Realm. The Great Protectors' daughter trembled in fear, but, the father smiled, saying, "Pray to the All-Father, and when you do, his divine protection shall be given to us. Fate is under his palms, and as we are his children, he will save us, even if he is no longer of this plane of existence."

From their manor, it was then that came bursting in a group of Demons bearing the strength of an Emperor of today's standards. Alone, it did not stand a chance to the Protectors, but numbering in the tens of thousands, a tide of death sieged them from all sides.

Two Protectors of the Universe fought the Abyssal Demons for thirty nights and thirty-one days. They bled black blood after igniting their killing intent with their blood essence, summoning the world crumbled in the process of the fight.

However, against all odds, even when their people could not come to their aid, the family stood strong they survived the battle or at least the father did.

With tears streaming down his face, he knelt on the ground, his hands trembling, holding the bodies of his wife and daughter riddled with holes from the sharp claws of the Demons. He bears five wings and was the absolute master of the Spear. He was an Emperor, the only one of the Five, now four to match the power of the Right-Hand of the GodKing Kareem, yet even someone who lived for eons could not stop his sorrow.

A tear streaked fell on his face, he was crying, yet a crooked smile remained on his face, "Father the window it is cold"

He smiled for his daughter's sake who was on the brink of death. She held onto her Father's clothes, afraid, of what was to come, "Father what will happen to me? What will happen to Mother?"

A Devil, dying, no such thing has happened for billions of years. The Protector did not know what to say to his daughter for he never questioned this fate, yet as he forced a smile, he said the best he could, "You and Mother will meet our Creator he who gave us life from the ashes and blood he will appear before you, and hold you tightly."

"That sounds wonderful father." 

Cold and lifeless, he held his daughter's body. The Great Protector did not move, instead, he knelt there, without strength despite the overwhelming power welling up inside him. Slowly, his wife and daughter were encroached by a Purplish Fog from within.

Flowing out of their mouth and eyes, the purple fog lifted them from the ground. The scent of death followed suit, and their corpses fell upon the hands of the Emperor of Death. Their bodies turned dark, and almost like smoke, losing their clothes, and their faces.

The soul was dragged into the mire of a dreadful curse, the dead rose and their souls chained, the Great Protector watched, limp, devoid of a will to continue living. The two Abyssal Demons instantly shot up to the strongest forms of Emperor Classes, enough to match his strength these two would become the first God-Classes, but to the Great Protector, he would refer to these two as his wife and daughter.

He opened his arms, ready to die by the hands of the two. He did not let out a sound, he only accepted a fate leading to free him from depression


But, his fate was to not die. Just as hundreds of tendrils were about to pierce his body, a fist, that was as hard as steel got on the way, "Get back, Naor"

Ever so calmly, the mighty figure of a single man descended before Naor. Bearing six wings and a chain link, he was none other than the GodKing of the Devils, Garm, "It appears I was too late, I apologize, Naor I will spare you the terror"

Garm touched the two's chests, he intended to kill them as quickly as possible. The longer they existed, the more Naor would suffer, "I apologize, my Brothers"

They were strong, but they were not as strong as someone like him. He meant to kill them in a single blow. Garm's power flowed through his black marks, and then, just as the blow was about to reach the Demons' chests, a spear swept his arms up.

"NAOR! What are you doing!"

Naor (Roan), stopped Garm from killing his family. Tears still flowed from his eyes, "Please don't"

"STOP THIS! They are already dead Naor! The darkness has devoured their souls, not even the Wheel of Reincarnation can spare them from this fat"

"I don't care!" Despite their transformation to a Demon, Naor didn't want to kill them. Despite becoming demons, he still saw them as his family. He stood against the GodKing, his body broken beyond recognition, "I beg of you please don't destroy them"

As Naor shouted, the two demons dashed forth intending to kill the nearest being bearing the flame of life. Naor saw Garm moved quickly to stop them.

He appeared before Naor and put him to sleep with a quick strike on the back of the head.

While Naor slowly fell, the last he saw was chains interlocking around his family, "Brother please don't"

Three weeks later, when Naor woke up, next to him was Garm, seeping tea, next to him was Kareem.

"I am alivewhy why didn't you let me die?"

"Naor, wait, calm down, older did" Kareem wished to interject, but failed.

"ANSWER ME GODDAMMIT! Why didn't you let me die!?"

"" Garm did not say anything.

Naor looked Garm, and slowly, his face warped from anger, "WHY!? I FAILED PROTECTING THE COSMOS, I ALREADY LOST MY EXISTENCE, MY ROLE, MY PRIDE, MY FAMILY!"


"Why didn't you just let me die them!? JUST WHY OLDER BROTHER!?"



"look behind you"

Naor did what he was told and saw a Black Furnace, floating.

"That's the All-Father's Origin Furnace" Naor's face slowly contorted from anger to that of confusion, and then realization.

Garm stood up from where he sat, "It is the least I can do for you, Naor. You have served the Cosmos and your Race for so long, this is the least I could at least do this for you. Inside the Furnace, your Wife and Daughter lie I realized I don't have the right to end them for you I was being cruel and foolish forgive me."

Garm stepped out and disappeared from the world itself, leaving Naor and Kareem.

"When I got here, Older Brother had tear stains on his face. He must have been sad about their death. He's the oldest of all the Devils, and in his eyes, everyone is his family he is detached from us all, but he is the closest, forgive him for his attempts to destroying them he just thought it was for the best. He said that this is the least he could he will leave the Furnace here, and you can come back to it anytime you want to no one can enter this mountain peak, even if they want to, the Furnace will keep them out. Naor, let's go back for now"

Kareem's words echoed in Naor's mind. As Kareem said, Naor did stand back up, but, he also shed his weapons, giving them to Kareem. Naor raised his right hand

Kareem's eyes widened, "Naor! What are you doing!?"

Without any hesitation, Naor suddenly pierced his chest with his right hand, "I, Naor, the Devil Emperor, hereby declare a solemn Oath to the Origin"

Thus, would be the beginning of an oath that would last to the present.

An Oath that dictated that the Protector would not take a life outside of the Demons or return to Hell Realm until the Furnace returns to the hands of the Devils.

He robbed them of the only gift left behind by the All-Father and knowing he hadn't the heart to finish what he should, Naor robbed himself of the chance to return to Hell.

He also swore to not touch any living being outside of Beasts for he did not wish to become someone who would kill if he ever loses his temper. He did not wish to take it out on others.

Naor left, leaving behind his weapons to Kareem, his closest friend, and Brother. He disappeared into the Cosmos, only writing letters from time to time.

But now, after weeks of breaking through the ranks of the Abyssal Demons, Naor returned to the Tundra, and from the bottom of a mountain, he saw the golden glow of the furnace.

"I am here to return the Furnace for the All-Father."

Naor, finally returned, intending to kill what he could not. The end of his tale draws near.

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