Becoming the Luna

Chapter 312

Chapter 312

Kieran wakes up on the third ring of his alarm as he does every other day, although he doesn't have a fixed time to go to work even as the Head Beta, it was just routine.

He brushed his teeth mechanically, padding through his big house in a bathrobe and shorts.

The house is straight out of a pricey magazine, spacious and done in warm colors, small rectangular windows let in plenty of light and have been added to the house in a most asymmetrical way.

He is on his way to his personal in-built gym ready to begin his daily exercises when his phone rings, he takes it out of his shorts and is surprised to see Dream's name in the caller ID.

Was the Omega okay? Why was he calling so early in the morning? He doubted most people were even up yet.

"Hello?" He asks into the phone with a grin, stopping in his tracks.

"Kieran?" Dream's voice floats through his receiver. "Thank goodness I was able to get to you, I didn't wake you up did I?" He immediately starts to ramble.

Kieran frowns harder, Dream never got flustered so his rambling was a bit out of place. "No, I was already up, what's wrong?" He asks bluntly, wasting no time mincing words.

Dream starts to mumble again, audiby nervous. "Um I might have knocked Dale.unconscious." he narrated hesitantlty, glancing worriedly at Dale.

"What." Kieran spluttered, beyond shock. "Is he badly hurt?" He can't help but ask, knowing the Omega.

Dream wincea at the reddened bumps on Dale's head. "In a manner of speaking."

Kieran knows not to ask now, he would just hope the information is accurate but if it was that bad, Dream would probably dragged the Alpha's body secretly to his room.

Changing directions he starts for his bedroom again. "Sure, I'll be down in fifteen."

Dream stares forlornly at his phone when Kieran hangs up, he was relieved the Head Beta had been of much help but he did not want to wait for so long before taking Dale down to the clinic.

That would mean he had to try to call up Darian, he did not really know anyone and he did not want to escalate the situation.

Plus who knew how the Pack members would take seeing their alpha knocked out cold on an outsider's couch, it did not look very promising.

But calling up Darian was another headcase, his brother could be really difficult sometimes.

He goes for the risk anyway, calling up Darian.

"Dream?" Is he first thing Darian says, accusation in his tone. "What happened?"

"Good morning to you too, big brother."

"Don't call me that, it is weird and tell me what happened." Darian is quick go cut him off making Dream antsy.

"Does something have to happen for me to call?" He complains, hearing Darian scoff through the phone.

"The sun is not even up yet, you are never awake by this time unless something happened so what is it?"

Frame face palms softly, he had totally forgotten about that tiny tidbit of information over worrying about Darian's reaction.

"I might have knocked Dale out with a pan." He decides to go for honesty.

Darian blinks, unsure if he has heard well but then red flags go up, if he is knocked unconscious, it meant Dream had to protect himself for some reason.

This was the best fucking scenario, he could get Dream out of there. "Want me to help you finish him off?" He asks with absolute seriousness.

Dream's mouth falls open in shock, his hand gripping his device tighter. "What the fuck?? No! I need your help in taking him down to the clinic, preferably through our Pack House."

Darian is already moving at Dream's first words only to freeze when he gets to the conjoining hallway. "Why the hell would you want to do that?" He demands in disbelief.

"Darian." Dream calls in a warning tone.

"Fine," Darian backs off. "Your loss." He mutters hanging up.

Dream paces impatiently as he waits for Darian to show up, well if this was not a fun way to start his morning, by knocking his boss unconscious.

He glances up at the knock on his door, hurrying over to open it, it had to be Darian.

"Thanks a lot, Darian, I owe you one." He gushes to his older brother, letting him in.

"I will remember that." Darian mutters ominously, taking a gander at the room. "What the fuck happened here? Is that a bruise on your cheek?" He immediately rounds on Dream, dark blue eyes probing.

"I will explain everything later and I promise it was not Dale's fault." He is quick to say - well it is sort of Dale's fault but Dream is not saying that to his older brother, and run a risk of Darian throwing the Alpha's limo body down the stairs? No, thank you.

Darian glares at his for a long while more, eyes narrowed. "Fine." He grouches, visibly upset, going over to easily hoist up Dale's body to throw over a shoulder. "What is with the action figure patterned PJ's?" He makes a face.

Dream just shrugs, relieved that the entire floor is empty, explaining the situation would be a shit ton of work, no matter who it was.

Quickly, which is a surprise to Dream, they make their way to the Crimson Pack House and Dream is relieved that this crazy situation happened so early in the morning so they were free from onlookers.

The other floors are equally quiet, the few people they run into preferring to mind their own business.

Which came in really handy seeing as they were in a hurry, although they looked really suspicious, like Dream had murdered his husband in the night and called for someone to help him get rid of the body.

The clinic was quiet and just as Dale has predicted, Shana is on duty.

"What the fuck?" Is the first thing that falls out of her lips, directing Darian to a hospital bed for the Alpha. "Are those bumps on his head?" She notes with suspicious eyes. "What did the idiot do now?" She half groans, going through the motions of checking his vitals even as she spoke.

Darian had not even waited after plopping Dale down on the bed, turning around in a flash and making his way out.

Dream colors up a little. "It is a little complicated."

Shana does not even break a stride at his diversion of her question. "It always ends up being that way, he looks okay" she pronounced after checking his vitals. "Except for those two hideous bumps in his head." She winces, glancing at Dream who is much quieter now. "Did you do that?" Sje asks curiously.

Dream shrinks into himself, he had not done it out of spite or cruelty but he still felt nervous about it. "Yeah." He responds after clearing up his throat.

Shana whistles, laughing out. "He probably deserved it, don't look so nervous, I have seen he and Virgil get into worse fights, he is a touch one so he will be fine." She reassures him, her sharp eyes zeroing on his bruises and slightly pale skin and she bites her lip to stop herself from commenting.

What the fuck was going on between the two of them?

She knew about he filling in for Erin and she thought that was a really nice thing for him to do, considering the people eligible for the position in Dale's Pack we're all dingbats.

But whatever was going on between the two of them was not her place to intrude on, Dream did not come to get himself treated.

"The worst that could happen is a concussion." Shana was saying, pacing around the room to keep her hands and eyes busy so that she did not end up staring too much at or touching Dream's bruises, it really bothered her, maybe she could go to Hayden about it, he was really close to Dream.

"Plus, Mae is coming to pick me up in a but I could ask her to fix him right up." She continues saying, flashing Dream a smile, he obviously does not remember that he has visible bruises on his face.

"Oh, wow, that is so kind of her." Dream mutters, distracted.

"Nah." Shana is quick to wave away. "She is happy to help her friends is that not what we are here for." She turns around at this point, her smile strained. "Now you should go get some rest, I will call you up when he wake up if that is what you want." She offers gently.

Dream nods in relief, "yes, please I would appreciate that." He was already starting to panic when Dale was showing no signs of waking up not Shana had put his fears right to rest.

He is already back in the fourth floor of Dark Moon Pack and halfway to his room before he remembers about his visible bruises, well this sure does not look like a colorful picture, he thinks to himself.

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