Becoming the Luna

Chapter 311

Chapter 311

Dale's sniffling starts up again. "It really hurts, Dream."

"Ugh, fine." Dream yields, moving closer to fulfil the Alpha's request.

Dale positively beams at this, his leaf green eyes shining with unshed tears as he takes away his hands to reveal a vicious looking red bump.

Dream winces at the sight of it, he might have gone overboard, maybe they should go down to the clinic to check if he had given the Alpha a concussion.

He leans forward, worried about Dale that he doesn't even think too much about his kiss that was apparently supposed to make the painful looking bump feel better. His eyes reflexively slips close, the closer his face gets so he does not see the plotting in Dale's eyes.

Dale swerves his head last minute making Dream press his lips against his own instead, the Omega freezes for a split second too long, eyes widening in horror before rearing back in a rage and bonking Dale on the head again with frying pan still clutched in his right hand, this time significantly less harder than the first.

Dale still yelps at the impact of the steel pan, scrambling backwards in the case Dream got the inspiration to hit him a couple more times. 

"I'll get you two icepacks." Dream says calmly, turning around to make his way to the kitchen.

Dale watches him go with a soft smile not missing the red tips of the Omega's ears or how badly his hands are shaking.

"Totally worth it." He murmurs to himself, wincing as he reaches up a hand to prod at the bumps sitting there.

Dream manages to keep his cool till he gets to the kitchen and returns the pan before bending over letting out a silent scream of horror.

He had kissed Dale!!!

How the fuck had he not seen that coming, the Alpha had the personality of a five year old, he had been more worried about a possible concussion though.

He groans, trying and failing successfully to forget the feel of Dale's soft lips which was ridiculous, their lips had only met for like a fraction of a second how the hell did he get so much detailing.

Wait! He was supposed to be getting something, he freezes up when he realizes that he might have spent a little too much time in the kitchen just staring into space and thinking of a kiss that did not happen.

What was it again?...

Oh! Yeah, he had nearly given Dale concussion so he needed ice! He snaps a finger moving into action.

In no time he had ice wrapped up in hand towels and was making his way out again.

"Here." He hands them to the Alpha not making eye contact."Keep it up against your head." He orders sternly, sitting on the couch beside the one Dale's was on.

"We might have to go down to the clinic to check if you could have gotten a concussion." Dream tries to say flippantly but it just comes out really worried.

Dale makes a face knowing that Shana was down there and if he went he would never hear the end of it from her. "I have a harder head than that."

"Obviously." Dream mutters under his breath, rolling his eyes. "Don't remove the ice packs." He scolds Dale who gets distracted and lets his hands fall.

They both fall silent for a while, a clock ticking somewhere in the room as it slowly got brighter outside.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Dale asks quietly, expression grave.

Dream glances at him, confused for a brief moment. "What?"

"Why didn't you tell me about the members of my Pack?" He repeats, dark green eyes steady on Dream who sits cross legged in sweatpants and an oversized chocolate brown sweater.

Dream shrugs. "It didn't seem that important."

Dale stares at him in disbelief. "No kidding." He scoffs, glancing away.

"Hey, I never asked for any of this." He retorts making Dale wince.

"I know and I'm sorry." Dale apologizes, looking contrite. "It just sort of stings you know" He shrugs, dropping the ice packs. "I mean, I know you can take care of yourself. You prove that every single time, I just thought maybe that we were friends" he trails off, looking away.

He wasn't even bothered that Dream hadn't told him about something like this even as his standing as the Alpha, he also acknowledges that the Omega had proved himself awfully capable of taking care of himself - as someone who had a deeply seated fear of the one he loved getting hurt, this was a big relief.

But the fact that each time Dream kept it away from him, for some reason it hurt

Dream blinks rapidly at this friends? It just hit him that he had never thought of the Alpha in that capacity, that wasn't good.

"Oh." Is all Dream manages to mutter, twiddling his fingers.

All he had been thinking about was not coming as weak to the Alpha, he never imagined all this.

He racked his brain for something else to say, seeing as Dale's seems to be expecting him to say something but he just comes up blank, avoiding Dale's expectant gaze.

A soft thud drags his attention back to Dale only to see that the ice packs were dropping out of the Alpha's now lax hands, his eyes at half mast as he sways slightly.

Dream is out of his couch before he registers his legs moving, hurrying over to Dale who is weaving harder now, eyes unfocused.

"Dale!" He panics, reaching out for him.

Dale just slumps in his direction, nearly toppling him over in his haste, passing out cold.

Had he just knocked the Alpha of a Pack unconscious?

Was that illegal?


With great difficulty he pushes Dale's limp body carefully to rest on the couch - had he killed the Alpha?

Well, at least now he knows of the top ten ways to get out of an awkward conversation - he thinks to himself even as he rushes for his phone to call up Kieran - knock them out cold with a frying pan.

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