A Lucky Wife Born Again From a Farm Family

Chapter 3189: The end of the full text, celebrating the rest of your life【2】

Chapter 3189: The end of the full text, celebrating the rest of your life【2】

The end of Chapter 3189, celebrating the rest of life2

Ouch, Daddys letter, two wolves want to read it! The little guy was so excited that he waved goodbye to Mrs. Chu and ran towards Gu Jinli.

He quickly changed his expression: "Huh, daddy won't help mom fight bad guys. I don't like daddy anymore. Don't read daddy's letter!"

He loved to go shopping and heard a lot of gossip in the market. He soon came up with a big drama in his mind, which made him very angry. Finally he cried: "Daddy is not at home all the time. There must be another child outside and he doesn't want us." , Erlang doesnt want his father either!

Gu Jinli didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He hugged him and said, "That's nonsense again. Mom told you that your father went to the Northeast to fight against the bad guys, that is, to fight against the bad guys' accomplices who burned money from the national treasury. After defeating them, we can live a stable life." "


"Your father only has two children. We are the only one in our family. There are no other children... He loves us the most and wants to fly back to help us fight the bad guys. But it's too far away. There are also bad people to fight over there, your father. It's really... We cant come back in time, so lets not be angry, okay?

He also said that fighting is hard and your father is miserable.

Er Lang felt distressed and said hurriedly: "Er Lang forgives daddy... give daddy the New Year's money so that daddy can have money to buy meat instead of eating ashes!"

Don't look down on the grass ash. When there is no food, snow mixed with the grass ash can also quench your thirst and satisfy your hunger... Although he is making up stories to deceive children, Gu Jinli never makes them up, and always makes them well-founded.

Wei Xiao also felt sorry for Qin Mu and immediately ordered: "We must speed up the preparation of military supplies. We must not lack supplies for the Northeast reinforcements!"

"Yes." Ji Shengnong, who was accompanying the emperor, recorded the incident.

Lets go and see your ancestors. Gu Jinli was very satisfied to see that the military supplies had been sped up, so he took Big Wolf Erlang, Xiao Luo You, and Xiao Widow to say goodbye to Mr. Qin.

Zuzu, the two wolves are here! The two wolves ran to Mr. Qins chair and sedan, hugged Mr. Qin, and talked a lot about traveling with the Holy Emperor.

Mr. Qin listened happily.

The big wolf asked worriedly: "Does Zuzu still feel pain?"

Lao Qin felt warm in his heart and said with a smile: "It doesn't hurt anymore, Big Wolf, don't worry...but Zuzu is old, so he has to stay in bed and can't play around with you anymore."

This is to prepare the children, lest he goes and the children will not be able to recover.

He was afraid that Gu Jinli would take his pulse, so he said: "Hui Niang is still in confinement, so she has to go back to the harem to settle down. You guys should go home first. You have been too tired these two days, so you have to take good care of yourself."

Gu Jinli: "Okay."

Er Lang hugged Mr. Qin and didnt let go: Er Lang wont go back, so he has to accompany Zu Zu and Qiang Qiang!

"You are just a baby, and you still want to nurse the baby." Gu Dewang pulled him off Mr. Qin and said with a smile: "Obey, go home and eat and sleep. If you are full, you will have the energy to go to the palace to accompany Mr. Qin and Qiangqiang tomorrow. .

"Okay." Erlang saw that Mr. Qin had already yawned and stopped making trouble. He made an appointment with Mr. Qin to meet tomorrow and ran to see Qiangqiang. After saying some words of explanation to the infant Qiangqiang, he ran away again. After going to explain to Luo Huiniang, I got in the car and went home with satisfaction.

It was getting dark and the people had dispersed, but there were still soldiers busy on both sides of the Imperial City Avenue... cleaning up the corpses, cleaning the bloodstains, and arresting suspicious people who deliberately released "return the country to the Chu family."

These people may be hidden craftsmen, so they need to be interrogated before they can be released home if there are no problems.

Because they were escorted by the Royal Forest Army, the convoy quickly left the main street of the imperial city. After separating from Xiao Xinghua's family, it didn't take long to reach the street where the Duke of Qin's mansion was located.

Gu Jinli did not go home, but sent Ouyang Ming, Xu Zhong, Zheng and others first... There was no other way. There were many pregnant women, so she was worried if they were not delivered to her door.

"Xiaoyu, we're home, you should go home and rest quickly." Ouyang Ming looked at Gu Jinli's swollen and blue face, feeling sorry for her for killing the enemy and suffering: "The matter is over, you can take good care of yourself these days. Come on, dont worry about anything.

Gu Jinli smiled and nodded: "Well, I listen to my sister-in-law. I just eat, drink and have fun these days and don't care about anything."

Killing enemies is so tiring, she deserves whatever blessings she will enjoy next!

Ouyang Ming smiled and said, "That's how it should be."

Xu Zhong, Zheng and others also came to thank Gu Jinli: "Thanks to Xiaoyu, our whole family is safe and we can see our husband."

"We are all relatives, why are you talking about this? You guys have a good rest and send a message to the Duke of Qin if you need anything. We will go home first." Gu Jinli boarded the car again and took the children home with a large number of people including Widow Xiao, Ji Zhenniang and others. .

But when she saw the Duke of Qin's mansion again, she felt heartbroken again: "If it's in such a state of ruin, I'm afraid it will cost a lot of money to repair it."

Ning Gou, who killed a thousand swords, was as if her family had dug the Ning family's ancestral grave and sent several groups of people to attack the Duke of Qin's mansion, beating the good house to pieces. However, thanks to Ning Gou who sent everyone to the Qin family, Zhang, Meng, Qi and other families were spared. Otherwise, the Zhang Yan family, the Qi family, and the Meng Hong family might not be safe.

Widow Xiao gave her an idea: "Leave it alone, don't take the initiative to repair it. Your Majesty will definitely send craftsmen from the Ministry of Works to repair it in a few months at most."

This is the Duke's residence, and it is also the house of His Majesty's biological uncle. It has been in dilapidation and His Majesty is embarrassed.

Ji Zhenniang nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, your majesty will send someone to repair it, it will save a lot of money!"

Gu Jinli smiled, she had to pick up this money: "You are right, let's do it... As for the saved money, I will exchange it for military supplies and send it to Brother Qin."

When Ji Zhenniang heard this, she immediately shouted: "I'm dizzy and want to vomit. I'm afraid I've smoked poisonous cigarettes... I'm going back to the hospital to recuperate first, no need to send him!"

He quickly ran away for fear of being forced to donate by Gu Jinli.

Widow Xiao suppressed a smile and waited for Ji Zhenniang to go far away before she said to Gu Jinli: "So many families in the Ning, Xun, Zongzheng, and Quan clans have been confiscated. The gold and silver confiscated are enough to support the Northeast War. Where? Is there still a need for us to donate military supplies? But she is just too stupid to figure this out."

In order not to donate the property, she also pretended to be poisoned, which almost made Widow Xiao laugh to death.

Gu Jinli gave a thumbs up: "Aunt Lan is smart and sees things thoroughly."

You can indeed make a fortune by ransacking your home.

And teasing Ji Zhenniang can also make people feel good.

Grandma Yu, with Er Qing and others listening beside her, also laughed and said, "Madam, uncle, the food and soothing medicine are ready. Eat early and rest early."

Can't stand it any longer.

The two of them nodded and took their children back to their respective courtyards.

The three children were all asleep, but they had not yet drank the tranquilizer. Gu Jinli was afraid that they would have nightmares, so he waited behind the main house where they lived and shook them awake.

The second wolf felt angry and cried a lot, which made the big wolf and little Luoyou sober up.

For dinner, Carambola has made a big table of delicious food for you. Look, how delicious it is for me. Gu Jinli ate a bowl of colorful taro ball soup in front of them.

Erlang was so greedy that he started to eat immediately: "Ouch, these fried meatballs are delicious!"

The brat still loves to eat meat.

Da Lang, like Gu Jinli, ate colorful taro soup.

The big wolf needs to eat more meat to grow taller. Gu Jinli stuffed him with two chicken legs.

Xiao Luo has always been sensible during his travels and has eaten a lot of meat, vegetables and eggs.

After eating, they were taken to take a shower. After the shower, everyone was so sleepy that they nodded.

Dont sleep yet, drink this bowl of sweet soup first. Gu Jinli hurriedly distributed the soothing soup to them.

After Erlang smelled the smell, he quickly covered his mouth and said, "Mom, you're lying. It's not sweet soup, it's bitter medicine. Erlang won't take it!"

Gu Jinli: "If you don't eat it, you will have nightmares at night. You must eat it."

After being so frightened, if you dont suppress the shock, you will have a fever.

He added: "Hurry up, or else my mother will tell Qiangqiang that you dare not take medicine, and Qiangqiang will laugh at you."

After becoming a little brother, I felt so good. After hearing this, I cried and drank the tranquilizing medicine, and then accused Gu Jinli: "My mother only threatens two wolves!"

Gu Jinli was surprised: "Er Lang, you actually know how to use the word threat. Congratulations."

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