A Lucky Wife Born Again From a Farm Family

Chapter 3188: At the end of the full text, celebrate the rest of your life [Test of God’s Possession, Gold List

Chapter 3188: At the end of the full text, celebrate the rest of your life [Test of God’s Possession, Gold List

The end of the full text of Chapter 3188, celebrating the rest of life [Testing on divine possession, title on the gold list]

After Mrs. Chu scolded Emperor Jingyuan, she added: "His Majesty the Wei Dynasty was wise and broke the enemy's conspiracy, which gave a bad breath to the predecessors. The remaining two tasks of destroying the enemy's country and taking revenge and saving the world must be relied on. Your Majesty, your ministers and generals, and all of you will complete it."


"There is no need to mention the rights and wrongs of the Chu Dynasty and Emperor Jingyuan. Now it is the David Dynasty. We are the people of the Wei Dynasty, so we should serve the Wei Dynasty. If we think about the previous dynasty any more, we are traitors!" Mrs. Chu's words were sonorous, including gratitude and threats.

Finally, she knelt down in the direction of the imperial city gate: "Zong Zhengluo's mother and son colluded with the sinful concubine and rebelled against the thief Ning, and they have been punished on the spot... It is okay for me to discipline them. I asked your majesty to punish the mother and son for helping the thief."



The people were stunned, and those who supported the Chu Dynasty were even more distressed. They scolded Zong Zhengjia: "This Zongzhengjia's girls really don't have any good things. They are just vicious. They should be punished." They dip the pig cage!"

Some people were unconvinced and retorted: "It's so difficult for women, and the joys and sorrows of hundreds of years are left to others. Although the sinful concubine sisters are vicious, at the end of the day, it's not because the men of the Zongzheng family are greedy and want to use women to seek the throne. Let my grandson be the emperor. But the two plans failed, and he was used by Ning Thief, and he ended up where he is today!"

"In the final analysis, as a human being, you still have to be satisfied. Being too greedy will only harm others and yourself!"

Wei Changling waited for Mrs. Chu to kneel for a while, letting everyone see the Chu family's submission to Wei Xiao, and then came over to help her: "Please get up quickly."

Mrs. Chu shook her head: "The Chu family is guilty, and I should apologize..."

Brother Hao made a big mistake and almost massacred the entire Wei family and his in-laws' family.

And back then, how many innocent female family members died in the Wei, Qin, Luo, and Yu families. She still dare not think about it, nor dare to look directly at Wei Xiaoer and Mu Geer, let alone worship Wei Qinluo. People from the Yu family who were beheaded.

The Chu family, Chu Hao, and she are all sinners. If it werent for protecting the Chu familys female relatives, she would have died to apologize!

Wei Changling couldn't bear it anymore and tried to persuade her, but Mrs. Chu just couldn't bear it until...

Dong dong dong!

On the upper floors of the imperial city, the drums were beating in unison.

Your Majesty has arrived, everyone will retreat to both sides of the road and kneel to welcome him! Hundreds of forest guards rode their horses to open the way, shouting continuously.

The people were shocked when they heard the words. Just when they wanted to cheer, they were driven to both sides of the road by the shield soldiers: "The holy emperor is coming in person. Everyone is not allowed to make noises or look directly at the holy face. They must kneel on the ground to welcome him. Anyone who violates the rules will be beheaded!"

Even if Wei Xiao was harmed by enemy thieves and sinful concubines, the emperor's power should not be offended. Otherwise, once the emperor's power cannot be suppressed, there will be chaos in the capital.

Back off, kneel down! Zhou Huang and Wu Changzhens troops moved in unison, and the people were so frightened that they hurriedly followed the instructions.

Da da da!

The sound of horse hooves was approaching, and Commander Yuan came with thousands of imperial troops.

And Wei Xiao's chariot driver was surrounded by the imperial guards. He was wearing armor and sitting on the chariot, with a solemn face and cold eyes, staring ahead without saying a word.

After the holy chariot, there were four magnificent chariots without a roof. The first chariot was occupied by Qiangqiang, the only prince of the David Dynasty. The person holding him was Cheng Geer, who represented Lu Feng and the Qingma King.

In the second car sat the big wolf and the second wolf, who represented the Qin family.

In the third car sat Xiao Luo You, who represented the Luo family.

The fourth car is empty.

The motorcade moved slowly and stopped for a while after reaching the place where Mrs. Chu knelt down. After Mrs. Chu was helped onto the empty carriage, the motorcade started moving again.

The sound of horse hooves was slow and dull, like the sound of war drums, beating in the hearts of the people, making them hold their breath and dare not speak rashly.

There are also bold young people who secretly glanced at Wei Xiao, but were frightened by the murderous aura around him and quickly lowered their heads... Your Majesty is so intimidating that just one glance can make people intimidated and they dare not look again!

The convoy continued until it reached the entrance of the Imperial City Avenue and then turned back.

After arriving at the middle section of the road where he had beheaded the enemy thieves, Wei Xiao raised his spirits and said in a deep voice: "Feng Chu all perished due to the conspiracy of foreign enemies. Wei should strengthen himself and unite as one to eliminate the enemies and thieves in the world, so as to comfort the predecessors and support the future. People, I encourage you all!"

He also said: "After today, whoever dares to cause trouble inside again will be killed by me!"

After shouting, the motorcade immediately started moving towards the imperial city gate.

After the convoy had gone far, the people reacted and shouted: "Your Majesty is wise, we will obey the holy command... We must strengthen ourselves, get rid of the enemies and thieves, comfort those who came before us, and help those who will come after us!" Wei Xiao heard this, I was very relieved, but I kept my back straight. When the car arrived at the imperial city gate and the people were gone, my body relaxed and I spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Your Majesty." Old Doctor Wu quickly pressed his acupuncture points to ventilate the blood.

Wei Xiao: "I have nothing to do. Let's go back to the imperial city first."

Yes. Old Doctor Wu responded and followed the convoy back to the imperial city.

The second wolf didn't know when he ran to Mrs. Chu's car and said to her: "Second wolf knows you, you are the grandma of the Chu family... Don't be afraid, the bad guys are all gone. You can sleep peacefully at night." Go to sleep."

He asked again: "Are you hungry? The two wolves have eggs for you to eat."

When Wei Xiao saw this, his throat felt sweet and he almost vomited blood again... When did this brat climb into Mrs. Chu's car? Is the Imperial Guard dead? What do you think? !

Zhou Lin said hurriedly: "Your Majesty, Mr. Qin crawled over when Dr. Wu was pressing your acupuncture points. He was very obedient along the way and did not cause any trouble to us."

He didnt even laugh, and he didnt interrupt randomly. He was really well-behaved and cooperative... It was a blessing from God.

After Wei Xiao heard this, he didn't punish the second wolf. He just regretted taking him out... But he was afraid that the second wolf would feel ignored and resentful, and he would be dissatisfied with the big wolf in the future and do the same thing as Wei Qi. , so they brought their brothers out together.

He was really afraid of brothers fighting for titles and causing family ruin.

Forget it, after Mu Geer returns in triumph, he will give the two wolves a title, so that their little brothers can all have titles without fighting.

Wei Xiao thinks too much.

Children of the Qin family will not be like this. Father Qin has always taught Qin Mu brothers... As long as you have the ability, you can earn any family fortune, but if you don't have the ability, I will return the title to the court!

Qin Mu and Qin Dad have the same idea...only those who have the ability will be given the title. If brothers are fighting for the title, then no one will give it to them.

"Your Majesty." After Mrs. Chu coaxed the two wolves, she came to see Wei Xiao and apologized, saying that she should not show up and speak without orders.

He also talked about Zong Zhengluo's mother and son: "I took it upon myself to kill Zong Zheng with a stick... Xiao Liu was taken into prison, but he was seriously ill and could not survive."

The sixth prince is actually not sick, but the sixth prince must die.

Wei Xiao said: "Mrs. Chu has done a good job and there is nothing wrong with her."

It can be said that the wrong things about Zong Zhengluo's mother and son have been exposed.

Mrs. Chu was very grateful: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Wei Xiao nodded, and there was a moment of silence, a little awkward.

Wei Xiao said: "Everything in the capital has been settled. I will send a group of imperial guards to the Chu family villa to protect them. Mrs. Chu can rest assured and lead her family to live their lives."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Mrs. Chu knew that Wei Xiao was in poor health, so she didn't stay much longer and left after explaining the matter clearly.

"Grandma, Grandma of the Chu family, don't leave. Erlang will take you to the dormitory in the city tower. It will be fun!" Erlang wanted to stop him, but Xiao Luoyou held him tightly.

Xiao Luo You said: "Erlang, we are going home tonight too."

Sure enough, Gu Jinli, Widow Xiao, Chen and others, as well as Luo Huiniang, had already gone to the gate of the imperial city after learning that they were back.

Gu Jinli greeted them: "Big Wolf and Two Wolves, go say goodbye to your ancestors quickly. We have to go home and read the letter... Your father has returned with a new letter."

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