A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 802 DRN Archer’s Pride

Chapter 802 DRN Archer's Pride

Archer's body was shutting down due to the poison seeping into his system, causing his mana to go haywire. The pain was shooting through his body, and it felt like lava burning him from the inside, but he managed to climb to his feet with the help of Kassandra.

He looked at the shieldwall off thousands of Dragonblood Knights, Drakeguards, and Dragon Legionnaires holding off the creatures who wildly charged at them. The Anti-Venom started kicking in and eating the poison.

After a while, Archer felt better and looked at Kassandra with a strained smile, ''Kill them all,'' he said.

The black-haired girl smiled before vanishing as he remembered the hearts the Shadow Creature collected. So, with a wave of his hand, a creature appeared and gave him over 3000, which he stored in his Item Box before using Mana Manipulation to create a seat for himself.

Archer took a seat and relaxed as he felt the poison eat away at his organs, causing him to grimace in pain, but soon his Regeneration rebuilt it. While the battle continued, he transformed into his Shadow Prince form and ate all the hearts.

He dropped them directly into his mouth and felt the experience shoot up. After that, he summoned some Stone Men to help the soldiers so he could speed up their journey before deciding to spend the Status Points he had saved up.

Archer put 1000 on

[Experience: 800200/4000000]

[Experience Gained: 500200]

[Status Points: 5002>2]

[HP: 40200>45200]

[Mana: 759500>789500]

[Strength: 43800>53800]

[Constitution: 42500>52500]

[Stamina: 43200>53200]

[Intelligence: 38200>43200]

After checking his status, Archer closed his eyes and waited for the Anti-Venom to destroy all the poison eating his body. Another hour passed by the time the battle ended, and the Stone Men dropped a pile of hearts in front of him.

Archer quickly stored them all in his Item Box before standing up when Kassandra approached him with an excited smile on her pretty face. When he saw her, he smiled and greeted her, ''Hello, beautiful. How was the fight?''

''It was fun; some of the stronger monsters took a while to take out, but once I used my tentacles, it was easy,'' Kassandra answered while hugging him.

Following that, the column of soldiers started their march again. Archer climbed into a carriage with Kassandra and Elara, whom he dragged along. The Kraken girl smiled when she saw the dragonkin woman's red cheeks.

The three settled into the carriage as the driver prepared for the journey. Meanwhile, the 3rd and 4th Legions commenced their march down the road. Amidst the trek, Kassandra noticed Elara gazing at the floor.

Archer couldn't help but chuckle when he caught a twinkle in the Kraken Princess's eyes as she responded, 'So, Elara, what are your feelings for our king?'

At Kassandra's prompt, they both observed Elara's cheeks flush, mirroring the shade of her hair. Finding it utterly adorable, Archer found himself on the receiving end of an elbow jab from the black-haired girl, causing him to turn his attention towards her.

She gestured towards the seat beside the dragonkin woman, prompting Archer to comply, much to Elara's astonishment. As he settled beside her, he noticed her shyly avert her gaze, prompting him to gently lift her chin with his fingers, coaxing her to meet his gaze.

Locking eyes with her blue orbs, Archer leaned in and tenderly pressed his lips against hers, sending a jolt of electricity through her. Initially taken aback, Elara soon reciprocated, her hand finding its way to cup his cheek as the kiss grew more passionate.

Archer savored the sweetness of her lips as they melded together, his senses overwhelmed as her tongue tentatively explored his mouth, eliciting a low groan from the older woman. The two continued their passionate kiss before they broke apart.

Elara was staring into his eyes, but a smile formed on her face as she gently touched her lips, ''What was that for, My Lord?'' she questioned.

Archer replied, but leaned into her ear and whispered, ''I also like you, Elara Ravensong, and want to see where we go if we take this further.''

When the older woman heard this, her body stiffened as she looked away, causing Kassandra to giggle, ''Ela, don't be shy; you know Archer doesn't care about someone's roots or place. He likes who he likes, and nothing would stop him.''

Archer agreed with a nod, catching Elara's attention as she quietly asked, ''You don't care that I was a farm girl from a nameless village?''

''Nope,'' he answered without hesitation. ''Why would I care where the woman I like comes from? The place or way she was brought up doesn't determine what type of person you'd be.''

He glanced at Kassandra, remarking, "Take a look at most of my girls. They may be princesses, but they're down-to-earth, unlike their siblings.''

Elara nodded in understanding, and a happy smile appeared as she asked, ''Won't your other women have a problem?''

Archer shook his head as Kassandra giggled before commenting, ''He's a greedy dragon and takes what he wants, but he still treats all of us girls equally.''

''Okay, My Lady,'' Elara said before turning back to him with red cheeks. ''I would like to see where this goes.''

''Call me Kass and him Arch when it's just us, Ela,'' Kassandra commented before Archer could speak.

He agreed with the Kraken, which caused Elara to smile even more; the journey continued without any more attacks, and the legions finally arrived at the harbor the Dragon Marines secured.

Archer exited the carriage as he spotted the 1st Legion boarding the ships. Lucian approached him and informed him that most soldiers were on board and being ferried back to the mainland.

After that, the 3rd and 4th Legions entered the fortress to rest. It was cramped, but it was better than camping outside the walls. Once inside, Archer, Kassandra, and Elara spotted a dozen ships approaching the harbor as another vessel full of soldiers left.

Hours passed, and all three legions were loaded onto the ships, leaving a few hundred behind waiting for DRN Archer's Pride, which looked glorious as it entered the harbor. Its black hull glided over the water with ease as it pulled to a stop to allow them to board.

He had to admit that the ship was beautiful; it had dozens of power cannons that could level a city and was double the size of the battleships back on Earth. Archer thought it looked menacing, but that's what he and the dwarf sisters decided.

When Archer stepped aboard the Flagship, he was greeted by the beautiful Olivia, who gave him a room next to hers, which he suspected was on purpose, but he didn't complain as the bed looked comfortable.

Once everyone was settled, the massive Flagship blared its horn before setting sail and pulling out of the harbor. Kassandra asked if she could swim next to it to feel the salt water on her skin.

Archer agreed with a smile before kissing the black-haired girl as she walked onto the deck and launched herself overboard. She transformed into her Kraken form, which shocked all the sailors.

Admiral Olivia announced over the mana tannoys that it was Queen Kassandra, which caused the sailors to watch her gracefully swimming with fascination. While doing that, Elara checked on the soldiers, leaving Archer alone.

While watching the peaceful sea, his mind worked overtime, developing new ideas to benefit the kingdom. The first one Archer came up with was helping people with disabilities get into some form of work to help them and the realm.

The next was his industry, which would be built around the Red Silk, which he would have tons of when he returned to the domain. Even without that, he had all the rare ingredients from the Novgorod Empire.

They were already being grown in the gardens dotted all over Draconia, which Llyniel was helping with. Archer came up with entertainment districts in every city on the island, which would bring in even more income.

After that, he sent a message to Teuila asking if there were rare materials in the sea and if it would be possible to mine them from Draconia. The Aquarian Princess confirmed his questions, which caused him to come up with the Draconia Underwater Mining Company that he would own and profit from.

He thanked Teuila before asking Kassandra if there was a way to keep sea monsters away from an object. She informed him about Kraken Ink, which would keep weaker creatures away.

Archer asked her if she would mark out mining facilities and platforms. When Kassandra heard his request, the Kraken Princess happily agreed to it. She asked him what he was planning to do, and when he told her about his idea of mining resources from the sea floor to profit from, she thought it was a good idea as there was precious metal under the waves.

With that in mind, he decided to bring it up when he saw Aisha and to see if they had any races to explore the sea for them. Following that, Archer watched the sea stretch out as far as his eyes could see.

The balcony he sat on was isolated from the others, as it was next to the admiral's quarters, giving him all the peace he needed to generate many ideas. Hours passed, and now it was dark, with the stars shining above.

Archer didn't move from the balcony and sat there admiring the stars. While doing that, he heard a splash and saw Kassandra eating a whale monster, which made him chuckle as she gulped it down.

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