A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 801 All She Does Is Watch You

Chapter 801 All She Does Is Watch You

Archer looked at Tiamat, standing before them in a long white dress made using stunning materials he didn't know. Her long white hair was tied into braids that rested on her shoulder as it shined whenever the light hit it.

He looked into her beautiful violet eyes, which sparkled with endless wisdom and shimmered whenever the torchlight hit them. Framed by delicate, arching brows, they held a depth that could enchant anyone.

Beneath her graceful brow lay a perfectly sculpted nose, its elegant slope leading down to plush, rosy lips that curved into a gentle smile. Archer couldn't help but find her otherworldly gorgeous face adorned with high cheekbones that glowed celestial radiance.

Archer forgot how beautiful Tiamat indeed was, which caused him to think, 'She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.'

It wasn't only him who shared these thoughts, as Kassandra and Elara became charmed when they looked at the Dragon Goddess.

He couldn't help but notice her perfect curvaceous body, sculpted by the hands of the divine. Every curve, from her slender waist to her shapely hips, was a masterpiece of divine craftsmanship worthy of adoration from mortals and gods alike.

Tiamat had the same shade of skin as himself, which was pale white, but it still had a color to it. When the dragon goddess felt his eyes on her, a radiant smile appeared as she approached him.

Archer watched as Tiamat closed in on him and cupped his face before kissing him, which sent a shock shooting through his body, but he quickly returned the kiss with a passionate one of his own as he held her shapely waist.

The goddess pressed against him like a cat, causing Kassandra and Elara to gasp in shock. Minutes later, the two broke the kiss as Tiamat stepped back and explained, ''I have created The Plains Of Dracoria for all the souls who worshipped me in life.''

''Have you always had Dracoria, Goddess?'' Kassandra questioned as she moved next to Archer.

Tiamat turned to the black-haired girl with a friendly smile as she answered, ''I have, but thanks to no one worshipping me before my white dragon came along, I couldn't access the realm. Now, thanks to you, I have more power than ever.''

Archer smiled, but Tiamat continued, ''You must head back to Draconia and prepare for the coming wars. Darkness will cover the world. Free the people from the Swarms grip so Thrylos will have a chance.''

''Wars?'' he asked. ''You make it sound like there will be more than one.''

A sad smile appeared on Tiamat's face as she spoke, ''The coming years will be chaos as the Dark Gods are building their powers thanks to underground cults and churches worshipping them.''

She turned around and looked at the two women before continuing, ''Me and the other gods have been trying to find them, but nothing seems to help.''

''I can send out my Shadow Creatures and Tressyms to find them,'' Archer offered.

Tiamat shook her head, ''It won't work,'' she said. ''They know almost everything about you apart from being the Shadow Prince, which you need to save until the time is right.''

Archer nodded in understanding, ''Okay,'' he said. ''What brings you here?''

''I thought I'd test out some of my new powers and reassure you that your soldiers will be happy with their afterlife,'' Tiamat revealed before the three of them continued chatting.

Tiamat informed them the world was under attack, but Pluoria seemed to have been hit harder than the other continents. She stayed for another half hour before returning to wherever she came from.

Once she was gone, the two women turned to him as Archer spoke, ''Elara, where can we meet the 1st Fleet?''

The redheaded Marshal thought briefly before speaking, ''Two miles from Hammergate, the Dragon Marines set up a temporary harbor.''

''Okay. Let's head there once the two legions are ready to leave,'' Archer said. ''I will send the Stone Men out to scout the area to see if any creatures are trying to ambush us.''

''Yes, My Lord,'' Elara replied before leaving their tent.

Kassandra turned to him as her black eyes were full of love. Archer grinned as she approached before the two started to kiss. This continued until the Kraken girl separated and said she would help Elara organize the soldiers.

Then, Archer emerged from the tent and approached the temporary fortress that housed them. Stepping outside, he beheld vast grasslands stretching endlessly to the horizon. He summoned his wings with a flick, unfurling them before taking flight into the boundless sky above.

He flew toward Hammergate and passed it as the soldiers below were bustling the town, preparing to leave. Soon, Archer reached the harbor, where three DRN cruisers and a battleship were docked.

A stone wall was built around it, with Howler Cannons on top, watching over the landscape. When the lookouts spotted Archer, they rang a bell, causing the commanders to appear in the courtyard.

Archer descended before touching down as the men knelt, but he commanded them, ''Do we have any support ships? And how long would it take the 1st Fleets support convoy to arrive?''

''One day, My Lord,'' an older human man spoke up. ''I am Captain Johnathon Devereaux, commander in the 1st Fleets support, and to answer your question, they are already coming to support the 1st, 3rd, and 4th Legions against the Swarm.''

''Okay,'' he said while examining the warships docked in the harbor before giving his orders. ''Send for every support and transport vessel while the army makes their way here.''

''If you don't mind me asking, what's happening, My Lord?'' Johnathon questioned.

Archer looked at the man and said, ''The Swarm is attacking the world, and their mages have blocked teleportation magic.''

The Captain's eyes widened in shock, but Archer continued, ''We are returning to Draconia and going to prepare to invade the mainland to clear the Swarm and their overlords.''

Johanthon's eyes widened, but he agreed before rushing to give Archer's orders. That's when he saw pigeon-like birds take off from one building and start flying to sea to find the navy.

While watching the sailors get to work, Archer spotted the Dragon Marines rushing toward the wall. They wore bluish armor with white trim; it looked durable and didn't impede their speed or movement, which was helpful in sea warfare.

They set up on top of the wall, waiting for signs of the Swarm. Once everything was in motion, Archer returned to the traveling legion, ready to head to Hammergate and then to the harbor.

While flying, he decided to check his status.

[Experience: 300000/4000000]

[Experience Gained: 1000000]

[Level Up: 615>616]

[Status Points: 2000>2002]

[HP: 39000>40200]


[Strength: 42600>43800]

[Constitution: 41300>42500]

[Stamina: 42000>43200]

[Charisma: 30850>31050]

[Intelligence: 37000>38200]

Happy with his status, Archer descended lower until he saw the makeshift fort that the 3rd and 4th had set up. He landed with a thud, attracting everyone's attention, but soon he was jumped by the Tressyms who swarmed him.

The flying felines started licking him while some nibbled on his pointy ears, causing him to shiver. Archer tried to push them away, but the cats returned to continue showing him affection.

This scene caused everyone to laugh. Kassandra and Elara appeared while giggling, and Archer could stand up while holding the leader. He ran his hand through its silky fur, causing the furball to purr happily.

He walked over to the two women, ''The transport ships are incoming along with the 1st Fleed,'' he revealed. ''Let's prepare to move, and I'll travel with the legions.''

Elara nodded before rushing off as Kassandra commented, ''You've completely charmed that general Arch. You know she adores you to the core, not just for your handsome looks or who you are.''

''What do you mean?'' Archer inquired.

''Your Dragon Marshal has fallen in love with you, and all she does is watch you when you're not paying attention,'' the Kraken Princess revealed.

Archer didn't reply but just thought about the situation while watching the redheaded dragonkin woman rushing around, ordering around the different units while keeping the baggage train organized.

The Supply Line guards were ready to move out. Lucian led the Drakewing Outriders to scout the route ahead, and the Drakeguards rushed the soldiers into a column. An hour later, Archer, Kassandra, and Elara sat in a carriage in the center of the three legions.

There were no attacks, but the occasional flying monster would appear. The Spellfire Battalion battered them with a wave of spells. Archer watched how they operated and was proud of the training and effectiveness.

Archer used Aura Detector to scan the landscape but didn't find anything apart from something coming from below them. Once he sensed that, he ordered the long snake-like column to hurry to the Harbor and skip Hammergate.

He sent Lucian ahead with the Outriders to get the 1st legion moving to the harbor ahead of them and ordered them to secure the fortress. As they saw the town in the distance, a very loud horn sounded out, causing the column to stop.

Archer jumped up and exited the carriage while shouting an order, ''Form up into a large square with infantry on the outside! Hurry up now.''

Once the commanders heard this, they quickly formed a big square so thick with soldiers that it was a sea of black armor and shields. When this happened, Archer summoned his wings before taking off.

He flew above the two legions only to be peppered with arrows that surprised him. Archer managed to block most, but a dozen pierced his skin, causing something inside him to activate.

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