A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 735 Exploring Draconia

Chapter 735 Exploring Draconia

Archer watched a human merchant sell a brand-new sword to an orc who loved the deal. When the deal was done, the orc's reaction was funny. The giant green orc jumped around while cradling the weapon and thanked the merchant, which caused him to chuckle.

After seeing those two, he saw many other vendors making sales with other races, showing people did have coins to spend in his kingdom. Archer spotted another human woman purchasing a bag of dwarven bread that an old dwarf man was peddling while the two spoke.

He was pleased that Aisha shared his vision and enacted laws prohibiting racism between the races. This initiative contributed to the kingdom's cohesion and attracted many new residents.

Archer stopped thinking about those things as his belly rumbled, telling him it wanted food. He looked around until he spotted a shop named Sweet & Treats bakery, which looked like a pleasant store.

That's when he decided to eat there and approached the shop. A delicious aroma hit his nose as he got close, causing him to speed up and enter the shop. When entering the bakery, Archer saw a dozen other customers shopping for something, forcing him to stand by the side while waiting to place his order.

Archer watched the bakers bustling around, serving customers and fulfilling orders. After observing them, he looked at the counters lined with pastries and cakes. He recognized some as fairy cakes shining under the mana lights while the meat pasties smelled delicious.

He saw a cake that looked like the red velvet ones from Earth, and the rich red color caught his attention. Another two he spotted was a chocolate cake that made his mouth water, while the other was a fruitcake that gave off a delicious aroma that caused his stomach to rumble again.

After that, he saw golden-crusted pies that hot that steam billowed off, giving off the aroma of exotic spices and unknown fruits. Glittering macarons in every rainbow color were displayed on the shelves behind the counter.

Turning his attention to the cauldrons that bubbled with molten chocolate while arcane ovens cooked all kinds of bread. Judging by the delighted expressions on the other people's faces, they relished every bite, which only heightened Archer's excitement for his meal.

It wasn't until half an hour later that the last of the customers departed, leaving the bakery quieter than before. The older elf woman behind the counter wiped the sweat off her brow before looking at him. ''How can we help you, sir?'' she said.

He looked at the baker, a beautiful, blonde, mature elf woman with bright blue eyes and a friendly demeanor that put him at ease. Archer shook his head as he replied, ''Can I see your menu, please?''

''Yes, dear,'' she said while handing him the menu. 'Here you go. Let me know when you want to order.''

Smiling at the woman before turning his attention to the menu. He saw several items he wanted to try, but struggling to choose, he eventually gave up and walked over to the beautiful elf behind the counter.

When she saw him, she smiled as Archer made a strange request: ''Can I order two of everything, please?'' he asked. It was hard to pick just one.''

The elf woman was clearly shocked but quickly nodded with a glowing smile, ''Yes, sir. Take a seat, and I'll bring everything over.''

''How much would that come to miss?'' Archer inquired before sitting down.

''Baker Rhiannon,'' she said in a sweet, melodic voice that put him at ease as it hit his ears. ''And your order will be eight gold coins, sir.''

Archer gave her a charming smile while taking out ten coins and handing them to Rhiannon, who took them as he spoke, ''Ten gold coins for the meal, but take two for you. It's a tip.''

Rhiannon beamed while thanking him. She rushed off to sort out his order, and he went to sit on the nearby table before taking a piece of paper and starting to write out other ideas for the kingdom economy and the plans to build Llyniel's gardens.

He wrote down plans for a storehouse to store everything the kingdom got from the mines they established all over the island. Once Archer did that, he moved on to the Manaheart Crystals, which he would hand over to the government when he met them.

While seated, Archer had an idea and decided to step outside in search of an alley. Once there, he swiftly entered it and summoned every Tressym available, numbering in the hundreds, with even more waiting in the domain.

Archer smiled when he saw them. He started stroking and pampering as many flying cats as possible before ordering the beasts to locate more Manaheart Crystals, valuable metals, plants, mines, and lost treasures.

When the creatures received their instructions, they dispersed while making adorable noises. Archer observed as hundreds more Tressym flew out of the domain's portal, causing astonishment among nearby onlookers.

To avoid drawing attention from guards, he promptly vanished using Blink. Archer reappeared on the roof and then used the spell to escape the alley before returning to the bakery.

He walked back in to hear Rhiannon's enchanting voice, ''Sir! Your order is nearly done,'' she said. ''Please take a seat.''

Archer sat down, and not long after that, she returned, pushing a trolley full of pie pastries and loads of other foods that caught his interest. Rhiannon started placing the plates on the table while speaking, ''Thank you for your patronage, sir,'' she commented. ''We do hope you return if you enjoy the food.''

There were so many choices of mouthwatering treats surrounding him that Archer didn't know what to eat first as the smell of freshly baked pastries and cakes filled the air, teasing his senses and making his mouth water in anticipation.

Rhiannon stood nearby, a warm smile gracing her as she watched his excitement. Archer turned to her, "Thank you," he said sincerely, his voice filled with gratitude. "This all looks amazing."

When the older elf heard his words, her smile widened. "It was my pleasure, sir. Enjoy your meal," she replied graciously before getting back to work.

With a nod, Archer picked up a knife; his eyes gleamed with anticipation. He first selected a piece of the red velvet cake, its rich color calling to him. As he took a bite, the moist cake melted in his mouth, and the sweetness of the cream cheese frosting danced on his taste buds.

A sigh escaped him as he savored the sugary treat. Once he finished the cake, he reached for a pie, the steam wafting up enticingly as he broke through the flaky crust. The scent of the exotic spices filled his nose, and the first bite exploded in his mouth.

The delicate meat and spices combined perfectly, sending waves of flavor coursing through his mouth. After eating the pie, which Archer enjoyed, he moved on to the glittering macarons; he couldn't resist their rich colors and delicious appearance.

Choosing a pink macaron, he started eating it, feeling the crisp shell yield a rush of sweetness. Each presented a different flavor, and he savored each, enjoying the combinations.

After an hour of eating, he finished the feast, which shocked Rhiannon and the other women behind the counter. Once Archer was done, he approached the older elf and asked, ''Do you like Drakonia?''

Rhiannon turned to him after cleaning some rubbish. ''Yes, I do,'' she replied in a happy tone. ''The town is growing into a city, which is amazing.''

Archer nodded, ''I hope so. '' He looked out the store window and continued, ''I just came here for a visit and am going on a tour.''

When Rhiannon heard this, she said, ''Drakonia is a wonderful place to live. My family came from the Avidia, and it was a nightmare as the war was getting worse.''

''It's a shame, but I'm glad you found peace here,'' Archer responded. ''I will see you soon, Rhiannon.''

She bid him farewell before leaving the bakery and exploring the town until he sensed Aisha approaching from the south. Archer didn't want to meet her yet and started walking toward the southern gate, where he saw the Homeguards clearing the road of people.

Archer approached the town walls and saw a column of Dragon Legionnaires marching toward them, with a protected carriage in the center. Without waiting, he decided to explore even more.

He turned down a side street with smaller houses on one side and a row of shops on the other, which caught his attention. Archer started walking while examining the General Goods stores dominating this part.

There were shops for camping, adventurers, explorers, and shops that sold bulk food goods. Archer was baffled by the number but didn't think about it much as he spotted an Inn nearby that would be useful for gathering information for normal people.

Deciding to wait until the girls were ready for him to return, Archer remembered he needed to send Ella a message. Within five minutes, he received a reply instructing him to occupy himself for a few hours.

Archer sighed but then shrugged as he neared the inn, decorated with a sign reading "The Jolly Jester Inn." He couldn't help but chuckle at the playful name, pondering whether the owners chose it deliberately or if it was part of an ongoing jest among innkeepers worldwide.

As Archer stepped inside, he immediately sensed the bustling atmosphere of the inn. However, a sudden hush fell over the patrons as all eyes turned to him. Shrugging off the attention, he made his way to the only vacant seat at the bar and settled in just as the bartender appeared before him.

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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