A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 734 There's Enough Room

Chapter 734 There's Enough Room

With a bright smile, Kassandra released Archer from her kiss as she informed him of the group's upcoming plans, ''We're having a meeting, so find something to do.''

Archer nodded but soon spotted Aeris and Lucrezia chatting with Hemera, Ella, Nefertiti, and Talila. He wondered what was happening, only for the Kraken Princess to reveal, ''Ella said that the second Council of Wives is being held.''

''Okay,'' he smiled. ''Well, enjoy yourself. Find me when you're done.''

Kassandra agreed with a stunning smile, gently pecking him on the cheek before walking over to the girls and chatting with them. This allowed Archer to appreciate the Kraken Princess's beauty; her face was finely sculpted like a work of art brought to life in living flesh.

Her beauty could launch a thousand ships, and her smile could melt the coldest hearts. Archer loved her sleek, ebony hair, tied into a high ponytail, which mirrored the shade of her mesmerizing black eyes like two dark pools pulling him into their depths without a word.

'She is truly breathtaking. I'm lucky to have her in my life,' he mused silently.

Archer shook his head slightly as his eyes drifted down Kassandra's warrior figure, which flawlessly blended muscle and female charm. Her thighs were taut and firm, and her waist was perfectly slim, which had utterly charmed him.

He sensed within her a primal, unbridled power that stirred his excitement as he was attracted to strong women, and Kassandra epitomized that strength. Yet, the prospect of having a Kraken wife, a powerful Titan in her own right, excited him.

After observing Kassandra for a while, she left the living room with the others, leaving him alone; he took a deep breath and decided to take a bath before heading to the bath chambers for a hot bath.

While walking through the treehouse, he spotted some Brownies cleaning the kitchen. Seeing the little creatures, he thought, 'They seem happy.'

Archer soon entered the bath chambers, started stripping out of his clothes, and felt the steam hit his skin as he pulled off his pants, causing him to sweat. He was relaxing as he checked his Item Box to see if he had any hearts.

To his surprise, there were six hundred he must have forgotten about. He transformed into his Shadow Prince form and opened his giant maw before dumping all the hearts into his mouth.

Once Archer finished eating, he returned to his humanoid form and relaxed while checking his status, as he hadn't done it in a while.

[Archer Wyldheart]

[Race: White Dragon]

[Age: 17]

[Rank: Sovereign Mage]

[Level: 614]

[Exp: 1800000/4000000]

[SP: 1000>1600]

[New Magic: Primordial]

[HP: 34000>36000]

[Mana: 700000>720000]

[Strength: 38000>4000]

[Constitution: 36500>38500]

[Stamina: 37500>38500]

[Charisma: 28000>29000]

[Intelligence: 34000>34500]

[Plasma Missiles: 9>10]

[Azur Cannon: 8>9]

[Aurora Healing: 8>9]

[Dragon's Domain: 7>8]

[Draconic Synergy: 6>8]

Archer was pleased with his boosted status but was shocked by the number of Status Points he had amassed. That's when he decided to use them by spending one thousand points on mana while distributing one hundred points to every other stat.

This resulted in an increase of thirty thousand mana and one thousand for every other attribute. While doing that, the door opened, causing him to turn around only to spot the rabbit girl, Eveline, standing in a striking red string bikini that complemented her beautiful chocolate-colored skin.

He admired the rabbit girl's rich brown skin, yet Archer soon realized that his gaze was causing her cheeks to darken with a gentle flush while her full lips curved into a nervous smile. She met his gaze with saucer-sized eyes, remaining stock-still and unmoving.

Archer's gaze traveled downward, marveling at how her perfectly toned body exuded both strength and grace. Though her muscular figure resembled Kassandra's, albeit less bulky, he knew she dedicated hours daily to maintain it.

Standing just under six feet tall, she surpassed most girls their age in height. Archer couldn't help but notice her shock as his gaze lingered on her thighs, yet he admired the thickness of her hips, likely inherited from her rabbit lineage.

Her decently sized boobs sat perfectly inside the bikini top, allowing Archer to notice her nipples poking through. His lust soared, but he had to control himself from jumping on the gorgeous rabbit girl.

Archer was enchanted by her beauty and had to admit he was mesmerized. Her red eyes were like scarlet pools, drawing him in like a sailor to the Siren's Song. He had to shake his head to avoid getting lost in them when he noticed her nervousness.

He next spotted her beautiful, long white locks cascading down her body like a waterfall of pure snow, and her rabbit ears stood straight, staring at each other while not moving.

'Wow,' he thought to himself. 'But if I remember correctly, she works hard in class and loves to train, which is a plus in my book.'

Archer smiled as he closed his eyes to control himself. ''Join me. There's enough room in here.''

The rabbit girl walked over to the side of the bath before stepping into the hot water. ''I didn't know you were in here, Arch.''

''Don't worry about it. I thought you were with the other girls.''

Eveline shook her head, causing her perky boobs to jiggle, which caused Archer's eyes to glow, but her next statement brought him back, ''Sorry about the sight,'' she said. ''My siblings and cousins say men aren't attracted to manly women.''

Archer was confused and questioned, ''What do you mean?''

The rabbit girl gave him a sad smile before she explained, ''I'm muscular, and my bottom half is thick, unlike the other princesses.''

'She's insecure,' he thought while looking at the white-

haired girl.

He gave her a charming smile, deciding to change her view of herself, ''Eve,'' he said. ''Look at Nala, Teuila, Talila and Kassandra. They are warriors and built like them, and I find them extremely attractive.''

As Eveline heard his words, a rosy flush tinted her cheeks, evoking a warm smile from Archer, who continued, "I find you beautiful, and I am interested in seeing where this goes. We can take it at your pace if you prefer."

''Okay,'' she replied. ''I don't want to kiss or anything because I'm not ready, but I'd love to talk and fight with you sometime.''

Archer beamed, ''Definitely. Once everything settled down, we will fight my rabbit girl.''

Eveline nodded, and the two continued to chat about fighting and their excitement about the next part of the tournament. Archer enjoyed spending time with the rabbit girl until he got out to get something to eat.

He said goodbye before getting fresh clothes, leaving the bath chambers, and heading for the kitchen. No one was there when Archer arrived, so he started making some to eat himself.

After twenty minutes, he made several sandwiches full of meat and tomato-looking vegetables. Archer started eating just as Mary appeared in the room, which shocked him, but he quickly teased the older woman, ''What are you doing here? Missed me already?''

Mary gave him a radiant smile, ''Of course, I missed you, my love,'' she replied. ''But I spoke to a girl named Ella and was asked to attend a meeting.''

Archer chuckled and gestured toward the girls' meeting hall, eliciting gratitude from Mary. She planted a kiss on his cheek before joining the others. Archer then rose from his seat, opting to visit his kingdom.

With his destination in mind, Archer cast Gate and stepped through to find himself near Drakonia, where residents went about their activities. But what confused him was the town was tiny the last time he saw it.

But now, it was five times the size and resembled a city with a rural charm. Some buildings were made from wood, while others were built from stone, dotting the streets. Mana Streetlamps lined the roads, lighting up the walkways.

Archer noticed hundreds of smoke plumes rising from chimneys all over the town and the sound of bustling activity filling the air. Dozens of buildings lined the streets. Some were General Stores, while others were Blacksmiths, Bakeries, Alchemy stores, and many other shops.

Other buildings were quaint cottages with bare wooden roofs and the apartment block he told Aisha about, while others were sturdy stone houses with carvings of dragons fighting monsters in a fantastical scene.

After looking around, he saw Drakewood's main road stretched before him, leading straight to the town square where the market was in full swing. He wrapped himself in a black cloak to shield himself against the cool breeze sweeping the streets.

The material flowed around him gently around as he approached the bustling square. As he got closer, Archer soon realized no one had recognized him, which caused him to smile while looking at the different stalls.

Merchants called out their wares, and townsfolk bartered and haggled over goods. Archer caught the scent of freshly baked goods drifting from the nearby shop, mingling with the savory aroma of roasted meats from the town's restaurant.

Arriving at the square, he marveled at the colorful stalls that lined the cobblestone streets. He spotted even more vendors doing their best to sell their goods, including rare fruits, magical items, weapons, and other wares.

His gaze swept over the crowds, and they heard the lively chatter of people shopping. 'I hope the whole kingdom is like Drakonia. It would be pleasant,' he thought while looking around.

Archer saw dragonkin, humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, and many other races doing business. He concluded that Drakonia was a temporary hub for trade while Stormwatch Port City in Dragon's Cove, southeast of the Bastion, was being expanded.

It was the name he decided to give their first trading port. While wandering around, Archer caught sight of a group of his Homeguard Soldiers, clad in their distinctive armor and bearing the sigil of Draconia embellished on their armor.

The soldiers moved with purpose and vigilance, instilling a sense of security and reassurance among the townsfolk. Archer smiled proudly as he watched them patrol the streets, exchanging friendly nods and greetings with the residents they passed.

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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