Your Majesty Please Calm Down

Chapter 21: Crisis

Chapter 21: Crisis

Tian Qi did not know what important issues her shifu had to discuss with her. In his life, what he considers most important may be that of meeting different servants of the palace. These were her thoughts when she looked for him. Ding Zhi, with a serious face, said, "I've been thinking about this for a long time, but I realize I do not understand exactly what's wrong."

Tian Qi found his strange statement. "What happened?"

Ding Zhi knows a woman palace palace Ci Ning, called Yue Rong. Today, she came to get him to let her know that the Dowager Empress was very angry with Tian Qi and was about to end her life. Hearing this, Ding Zhi asked if she knew exactly what was going on, but Yue Rong does not personally serve the Empress Dowager. She does not know what they talked about, only that she met the younger brother of Sun DaLi and that their shifuhas died with Shu fei. She (YR) was aware of the relationship between Tian Qi and Ding Zhi and wanted him to tell her (TQ) before it was too late.

"What did you do to anger the Dowager Empress?" Ding Zhi, worried, asked Tian Qi.

Tian Qi thought back to his installation for Song ZhaoYi's miscarriage. Although the emperor has absolved him of his sin, but the Dowager Empress will see her in an unfavorable light and will not want her around his son.

Such things were inevitable. She was only a little eunuch, so all her enemies had to do to tarnish her reputation, it was saying a few words here and there. The Dowager Empress does not need to know if the information was credible or not, she could simply order that her death be an example.

Tian Qi shook her head. "It's too late to worry about what I did wrong, and what's important is how the Dowager Empress intends to deal with me."

Ding Zhi, worried, said, "What can I do to help, I will try to keep an eye on the news of the Empress Dowager, I do not think we can get away with it." Tian Qi, whatever the wishes Unfulfilled that you have, you tell your shifu and he will do it for you.This should allow you to leave in peace, without any unfinished business. "Saying this, he rolled up his sleeves and rubbed his eyes.

"No, shifu, do not cry for now." Tian Qi was a little helpless "It does not necessarily mean that things can not be improved."

"How are you changing things now?" She's the Empress Dowager! It's easier to kill you than to kill ants. "

What Ding Zhi said was logical. Even though Tian Qi's mouth could be soft, she did not represent anything in front of the Dowager Empress.

Tian Qi held her chin and thought for a moment before saying, "I work directly under the emperor, it is impossible for the Empress Dowager to hang me without good reason." If she wants to get rid of me, the first thing that It will be necessary for me to leave the front lines, otherwise the Emperor may complain of giving him no face.The Dowager Empress is a clever and cautious woman, she will never do something so insipid. to the Emperor that she has a high esteem for me and wants to transfer me to the palace of Ci Ning. "Filial piety will not allow the emperor to refuse."

Ding Zhi listened to his analysis and felt a headache. "What are you saying exactly?"

"What I'm saying is that I have to stay at Gan Qing Palace, I'll have to find a way to get things done until I understand what rumors have been passed to the Empress Dowager. I will have realized it, then I will be able to plan Even if, in the end, I will die again, at least I will live one more day. "

"You are shedding light on such serious matters, how are you going to drag things?"

"I have my own way."

"Wang Meng, give me a medicine that can make someone sick." Back to Shi San Suo and seeing Wang Meng, asked him Tian Qi.

"What kind of disease?"

"Just something I can eat and then catch an infectious disease."

"In," Wang Meng nodded. "Do you want plague or smallpox, do you want them to die of disease or be better off?"

Tian Qi felt a shiver run down his back. "...... Is there anything else?"

"There are many other options, but tell me first: who do you want to target?"

"It's for me."

Wang Meng was in shock. He looked up and down and asked, "What's going on?"

Tian Qi hit him on the head, "Do not think of nonsense, I just want it to look scary without any real danger to my health, I always want to live after being afflicted for a while."

Wang Meng thought about it for a moment. "And chicken pox?"


"It's wrong, but it looks like you have chicken pox, it's not a serious disease, you can not die."

Tian Qi found that Wang Meng looked as weak as a dry aubergine, but when it came to medicine, his eyes shone and he spoke with enthusiasm. He looks completely immersed in the subject. For this reason, Tian Qi has full confidence in his medical skills. She patted him on the shoulder. "It's perfect, the life of this younger brother is in your hands."

"When do you need the medicine?"

"The earliest would be best..."

Wang Meng and Tian Qi did not return to Shi San Suo, but went ahead to An Le Tang.

An Tang was a place dedicated to the medical treatment of internal officials (of the palace). Since Wang Meng decided to practice medicine, it is not enough for him to read books. He must also gain practical experience with patients. Therefore, he always comes to An Le Tang to help doctors perform their tasks. The conditions in this place are not very good and doctors are therefore more than happy to receive a free hand. When he saw him coming in with Tian Qi, no one asked him any questions.

Wang Meng gave Tian Qi a false prescription for chicken pox. All orders released from An Le Tang are kept in their files. Tian Qi therefore asked to write two ordinances - one for herself and one for himself - so that their little trick could not be discovered.

The next day, Ji Heng did not see Tian Qi all day. He could not help but ask Sheng AnHuai where she was.

"To answer your Majesty, Tian Qi had a fever so he went to see a doctor, was diagnosed with chickenpox and was sent to An An Tang's isolation ward."

Ji Heng was surprised by the sudden news. How could he be fine one day, but suffer from chicken pox the next day? "Look for a good doctor to take care of him."

"Yes your Majesty." Sheng AnHuai waited for other orders, but there was nothing. Whenever employees contract infectious diseases, their masters are generally disgusted, some even sending them back to their jobs. But seeing that the emperor had no other orders, Sheng AnHuai's heart was moved. Tian Qi is still the people of the emperor. Once healed, he can return to his job.

After giving his orders to Sheng AnHuai, Ji Heng decided to visit his mother, the Dowager Empress, at Ci Ning Palace. RuYi also got up from the bed, just ate her breakfast and was now sitting in the dowager Empress's arms, singing loudly. The lyrics are composed, so no one can understand what he's talking about.

It was very rare to see his son talking, not to mention singing, so Ji Heng was very happy and played with him.

After a moment, the Empress Dowager rested the little prince and handed it to the servants of the palace. She started talking to the emperor. "You seem to have a eunuch who works very hard, AiJia met him a few times and impressed him, in a good mood, helpful, the little prince seems to like him very much."

Ji Heng asked him, "Do you speak of Tian Qi?"

"Yes, yes, that should be his name." AiJia thinks it's rare for a child to meet a good, drenched servant, so it's better to transfer him to Ci Ning's palace so he can play all the time. you? "

Ji Heng finds this turn of things very unusual. His mother never asked him for a member of his people. Even if the child loves the servant, he can simply come and play at Gan Qing Palace. Their father-son relationship is very good, why should he transfer his people to Ci Ning Palace?

However, since his mother asked him, Ji Heng can not refuse, so he simply said "Mother loving the servant, it is the servant's blessing." Unfortunately, Tian Qi was diagnosed with chicken pox and was sent to the isolation ward at An Le Tang If he's better and he's not fired, I'll send him away. "

"Varicella?" The Dowager Empress did not know. "It's unfortunate for such a good servant to be afflicted with such an illness - if you are unhappy, you can not just let him be." The implication being that he should kill him or send him away.

Ji Heng frowned slightly, then relaxed again. "What my mother said makes sense, but chickenpox is not a serious illness, and as long as he gets the proper care, because the disease has been detected in time, he should be able to recover easily. let him live in An Le Tang for a while and then send him away if it becomes necessary. "

The dowager Empress nodded. "You're right, AiJia is too worried."

Ji Heng eagerly added, "The son knows that his mother has a son in his heart."

Ji Heng discovered that things were getting strange. First, Tian Qi was diagnosed with chicken pox and put in isolation. Immediately after, his mother, the Empress Dowager, asked to transfer him to his palace. It was impossible that it was pure coincidence. He immediately called Sheng AnHuai. "What's happening at Ci Ning Palace?

Sheng AnHuai has already investigated the details. As the supervisor of the eunuchs on the front line, he has already heard about it. Originally, he had planned to stay on the side and let the events unfold. However, since the Dowager Empress asked that Tian Qi be transferred to her palace without the emperor knowing the truth, he is now caught in the midst of these two powerful masters. Thinking about this again and again, he decided to go out pure. The emperor is his master and that's where his loyalty should be.

"To answer your Majesty, this servant has learned that yesterday the Imperial Superintendent of Stables sent a eunuch to the palace of Ci Ning to meet the Empress Dowager.This shifu of this eunuch was one of the eunuchs of the deceased Shu fei He told the Dowager Empress that Tian Qi was nicknamed "Harbinger of Doom" by all servants of other palaces.

Ji Heng frowned "Nonsense".

Sheng AnHuai was skeptical and tried to remind the emperor "All of his three previous masters have all died in the month following Tian Qi's service."

Ji Heng asked, "If that's the case, he's been serving zhen for over a month, how is it that zhen is not dead?"

Sheng AnHuai was so scared that he knelt down. "Your Majesty is the Emperor of Great Qi, please, do not say such things lightly."

"Do you know the saying 'Do not ask ghosts to ask ghosts and gods'?" (PPS: I'm really unfamiliar with the saying, so keep the translated phrase as it is)

"This servant does not know."

Ji Heng "..........."

Ji Heng felt that no one could understand him and that made him alone. The servants are stupid and he can not be friends with the women of the harem. Sheng AnHuai works very hard, but that's all it is. Tian Qi is smart, but he still manages to drive him crazy and wants to put him to death.

Thinking of Tian Qi, Ji Heng could not help but laugh. This little guy is really daring, wanting to interfere with the plan of his mother. He also has the chance to hear the wind in advance and offer such a ride. Otherwise, he could not have served the emperor now. But now, Ji Heng has to give a face to his mother and transfer Tian Qi to Ci Ning Palace. Once this is done, it will probably be its end.

Thinking this, Ji Heng looked at Sheng AnHuai kneeling on the floor and said, "Get up, go to An Le Tang."

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