You Practice Immortality, I Farm

Chapter 505: You don’t want anyone to know about selling fake seeds, right?

Chapter 505: You don’t want anyone to know about selling fake seeds, right?

Chapter 505 You dont want anyone to know about selling fake seeds, right?

After learning that the dark green spiritual seed in his hand was just a waste seed, Lu Xuan planned to go to the middle area, find the stall owner who sold the fake seed, and ask him to refund the money and compensate him.

The stall owner violated Duobaolous rules. If several major forces from Duobaolou intervene, it would be no problem to ask him to pay double compensation.

Lu Xuan was thinking in his mind, and suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind.

Perhaps there is a way to get more spiritual stone compensation?

Since the stall owner chose to sell fake seeds, he must have more than one in his hands, and he must have obtained many spiritual stones through deception.

His lifeline has been pinched by me, so I can pick out his wool. "

The more Lu Xuan thought about it, the more he felt that this method was extremely feasible.

The stall owner must have gotten a lot of ill-gotten gains through deception. If he came to his door now, the number of spiritual stones that could be compensated was limited. But if he made more and more money and was deeply involved, you could give him a hard knock. A rip-off.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Lu Xuan's lips.

He did not rush to find the stall owner who sold fake seeds to compensate him, but decided to observe him for a few days to search and collect evidence that the stall owner defrauded the monks.

In the next few days, he only took time to check out the lower area. After finding that there was no unknown spiritual species he wanted, he immediately returned to the middle area and stayed near the stall of the kind-looking stall owner.

Every time he comes here, he will activate the Qianyi Mask and the Qingyu Feather Magical Artifact to change his appearance and breath.

After practicing the "Shen Yan Sutra" for many years and being nourished by the treasure Yun Shen Tie in his mind, his spiritual consciousness has become far stronger than that of ordinary late-stage foundation-building monks, so he can observe stall owners and customers without being distracted. People noticed the slightest abnormality.

In the past few days, the stall owner sold no less than ten dark green spiritual stones and earned more than 20,000 low-grade spiritual stones.

Lu Xuan had already secretly written down the buyer's age, appearance, cultivation and other information. When he felt the time was right, he turned into the same person as when he bought the waste species and came to the stall.

Fellow Taoist, are you here? But you want to buy another Ink Bone Tree Spirit Seed?

The stall owner still had an impression of Lu Xuan. When he saw him for the first time, a warm smile immediately appeared on his face.

No, I have other things to ask you, fellow Taoist.

Lu Xuan was stimulated by the stall owner, and the veins on his forehead could not help but beat, but his expression maintained a smile.

Oh? Please speak.

The stall owner seemed to have great confidence in the fake seeds he was selling. He did not consider the possibility that he would be discovered at all, and said with a relaxed expression.

Lu Xuan looked around, took two steps forward, and said to the stall owner:

Fellow Taoist, is the ink bone tree spirit seed you sell fake?

The voice transmission was as soft as a mosquito, but it sounded like thunder in the stall owners ears!

His expression changed drastically, and a look of panic flashed in his eyes.

Tao...fellow Taoist, please dont make such a joke casually.

He tried hard to maintain his facial expression, forced out a stiff smile, and said to Lu Xuan.

You should know clearly, fellow Taoist, whether this is a joke or not.

Lu Xuan said lightly.

"Is it?"

After the initial panic, the stall owner quickly adjusted his mood and his expression became grim.

The spiritual seeds are full of vitality and complete in appearance. You can know the authenticity with just one look with your spiritual sense.

My fellow Taoist believers that there is something wrong with my spiritual seed before it has been planted. Isnt this slandering my innocence out of thin air?

Thoughts were racing in his mind, and he had absolute confidence in using the Millennium Mysterious Spiritual Milk to forge the useless seed into a normal spiritual seed. It was impossible to tell anything abnormal about the spiritual seed from its appearance.

Even if a flaw is discovered, it will only be after many years of cultivating spiritual seeds. By then, he will have already taken a huge amount of spiritual stones and escaped overseas.

If you are not confident enough about your spiritual cultivation level, you can return the spiritual seeds to me, and I will return some of the spiritual stones to you.

Just in case, he still left a way out for Lu Xuan, for fear that Lu Xuan would really see something.

Forget it about spiritual stones.

Lu Xuan said expressionlessly. "As for what you said without planting, you have no right to judge the authenticity of spiritual seeds. I wonder if you have ever heard of the special aura of plants and trees in the spiritual world that can induce the birth of spiritual plants?"

"Unfortunately, I have one in my hand. I only need to use the spiritual energy of the plants and trees to generate spiritual seeds, and I can know whether the spiritual seeds are true or false."

Fellow Taoist, do you want to give it a try?

Lu Xuan stood upright, but his spiritual sense locked the stall owner to prevent him from escaping.

No need, how about I return the spirit stone three times to fellow Taoist?

The stall owner looked uncertain, and in the end he did not have the courage to bet on the authenticity of what Lu Xuan said.

Seeing that the stall owner had already acquiesced, Lu Xuan's lips raised.

You want to send me away with triple compensation?

Fellow Taoist, you dont want other monks to know about selling fake seeds, right?

He said in a leisurely tone.

Then what do you want?

I will share 70% of the spiritual stones you earned from selling fake seeds recently.

His expression was firm and unquestionable.

Impossible! You are too dark!

The stall owner's expression changed and he blurted out.

Its just a waste of money to eliminate disaster.

I dont know, friend, have you ever thought about what Duobaolou would do to you if they knew you were selling fake goods and defrauding many monks who came to participate in the Baohui?

There are also monks who bought your spiritual seeds. Several of them are in the late stage of foundation building and the realm of perfection, right? They know that the spiritual seeds they spent a lot of money to buy are all fake. How will they deal with you, fellow Taoist?

"When the time comes, you will have to pay more than just these spiritual stones. If you are not careful, you will pay for it with your own life."

Lu Xuan sent a message to the stall owner, and casually told the appearance, cultivation level, and time of the transaction of the monks who were trading with the stall owner.

The stall owner's expression no longer looked as friendly and enthusiastic as before. He was as gloomy as water. He stood there, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Seventy percent is too much. I forged the spiritual seed and spent a lot of money. If my fellow Taoist takes away 70%, the loss will be too great."

He sighed, with a look of helplessness on his face.

Lu Xuan knew that it was extremely difficult to disguise himself, and he didnt want to push the stall owner too much, lest he die, so he said:

Then 60%, but you have to give me a copy of the method of forging spiritual seeds.

"Don't be too clever. Since I can find out that the spiritual seeds are fake, I can naturally tell whether your method is effective."

Also, I know exactly the number of spiritual seeds you sold, so dont try to cheat on the spiritual stones.

The stall owner took a deep breath.

Okay, I admit defeat.

Recently, I have sold fifteen spiritual stones at prices ranging from more than two thousand each, and earned about thirty thousand low-grade spiritual stones, which I will share with you, fellow Taoist, at 60%.

Here are one hundred and eighty middle-grade spiritual stones. Take a look at them.

In addition, the spiritual milk in the bottle is the key to forging fake spiritual seeds. Put it in and nourish it for a period of time, and the spiritual seeds will be filled with rich vitality, no different from normal spiritual seeds.

The spiritual power in the spiritual milk has been exhausted to the point where it will return to mediocrity in a short time.

The stall owner took out a small light green bottle from the storage bag and threw it to Lu Xuan.

Its easy to say, I swear that fellow Taoist selling seeds will not be known to any third party.

You take care of yourself.

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