You Practice Immortality, I Farm

Chapter 460: Bloody Massacre in the Forbidden Land

Chapter 460: Bloody Massacre in the Forbidden Land

Chapter 460 Bloody Massacre in the Forbidden Land

He put away the half-bottle of Emperor's Liquid and returned to the Cloud House.

A moment later, there was a slight movement outside the house. Lu Xuan opened the door. The little white ape was standing at the door, staring at a pair of crystal red jade eyes.

Hand held a small white jade bottle in his hand, which contained a full bottle of Emperor's Liquid.

When the little white ape saw Lu Xuan, he handed him the vial directly.

For me? Lu Xuan asked in surprise.

The little white ape nodded and kept making gestures with his hands.

Because it was so small, Lu Xuan could directly see a few silvery white hairs on the back of its head.

From the thoughts it conveyed, I learned that this bottle of Emperor Ooze was collected by the old ape and given to Lu Xuan as an early payment for cultivating the Heart Ape Fruit for him.

If you dare not refuse if you are gifted by an elder, then I wont be polite.

Lu Xuan was so happy that he took the bottle of Emperor's Ouyang, took out some spiritual fruits from the storage bag, and gave them to the little white ape as snacks.

When he was collecting the emperor's ooze before, he saw many spiritual beasts in the blessed land using their own methods to intercept the emperor's ooze with their bloodline talents. Among them, the strange phenomena caused by the white ape and the dragon turtle were the most obvious, even on high clouds. , can also be seen clearly.

A white ape form a hundred feet tall appeared out of thin air, raised its head as if swallowing the moon, and countless emperor fluids poured into the form.

The other one developed a huge hexagram, and the spiritual patterns of the hexagram moved around, absorbing all the imperial liquid that had fallen from dozens of miles around into the hexagram.

Unexpectedly, the old ape was very considerate and left a bottle for him.

After the little white ape left, Lu Xuan felt bored and was thinking about the countless monster materials in the forbidden area, so he came to the lake.

Young man Lu, are you here? How much did you collect from the Bodhi Ooze just now?

The old dragon turtle was lying comfortably on a flat boulder, with dozens of old and mottled blue and black turtle shells drying next to it.

Im pretty lucky, I collected half a bottle of Emperor Ooze, which can be used to feed a few spiritual beasts raised in the sect.

Lu Xuan answered truthfully.

"It's only half a bottle, what can you do? Take it, this bottle is for you to exercise."

Old Dragon Turtle sneered, and a bottle of Emperor's Liquid floated in front of Lu Xuan.

Hey, thank you, senior!

Lu Xuan didn't expect such an unexpected surprise and hurriedly expressed his gratitude.

As for the mockery in the tone of the sixth-grade Dragon Turtle, he didn't take it to heart at all. With a bottle of Emperor's Liquid in his hands, he could continue to mock him for a few hours.

By the way, senior, I want to go for a walk in the forbidden area today, but Im worried that the evil beasts inside will cause some problems, so I want to trouble you, senior, to try divination for me.

He collected the Emperor's Liquid and asked the old dragon turtle.


The old dragon turtle simply replied. The spiritual patterns on the dozens of turtle shells next to him kept swimming. Lu Xuan sensed that there was a qi machine locked on him. After a few breaths, the qi machine disappeared, and a hexagram was revealed on the tortoise shell. icon symbol.

Dont worry, theres no danger. Once its done, there seems to be some opportunities.

Old Dragon Turtle blew on two long dragon beards and waved his short forelimbs towards Lu Xuan.

I dont know how you got to the middle stage of foundation building, youre so cautious.

I cant help it if Im not careful. I still want to compare my longevity with an old guy like you!

Lu Xuan chuckled lightly and said goodbye to the old dragon turtle. Half a moment later, he came to the edge of the forbidden pit. Spiritual consciousness penetrates into the palm of the hand to hold the demon command. A layer of light red light appears on the surface of the demon command. The formation prohibition outside the forbidden area touches the red light, and a passage that can allow one person to pass through automatically appears.

He slowly floated down the pit.

This time without the old dragon turtle around, Lu Xuan had to be more cautious.

Fortunately, all the ferocious beasts and evil beasts in the forbidden area are blocked by formations and magic weapons. The only fifth-grade fox spirit beast that can threaten him is Lu Xuan. With the Demon Control Order, the power of killing is in Lu Xuan's hands.

In addition, out of caution, he asked the old dragon turtle to do a divination for him. He had various hidden magic weapons and methods on his body. Even if there were several monks with perfect Foundation Establishment or ferocious beasts of comparable strength, Lu Xuan was confident that he could easily solve them.

Last time I came here, I just took a general look, but this time Lu Xuan took a more detailed tour.

He noticed that there were four narrow passages in the caves on all sides, and there was a strong smell of blood in the passages.

Lu Xuan listened carefully and could faintly hear a slight roar of an animal coming from inside.

The green light on his feet appeared, and a spiritual force pushed him to the entrance of the passage.

The soil on the ground in the passage is soft and dark red. You can feel a slight sticky feeling when you step on it. I dont know how much monster blood has been incorporated into it.

Lu Xuan slowly walked towards the depths of the passage. There were also stone caves on both sides of the passage, which contained many types of monsters, most of which were second-grade, and there were also many third-grade foundation-building level ones.

Seeing Lu Xuan, all the monsters bared their teeth at him. Unfortunately, under the influence of the formation outside the cave, they could only bluff.

After walking a mile or two, Lu Xuan entered a huge stone hall.

The moment he entered the stone hall, his pupils shrank slightly. There was actually a monk in the center of the stone hall.

With his current spiritual awareness, he didn't notice the monk's aura when he was detecting it.

The monk was bare-chested, with a bald head and swollen muscles. His body was filled with blood. It was unknown how many dead souls had been killed by his hands.

There was a dark red chain separated, passing through his left and right bones, and the runes on the chain flashed.

He was holding a huge ghost-headed knife about one foot long in his hand. The ghost-head on the handle was chewing a piece of monster meat.

There is a huge wolf-shaped demon beast crawling beside its feet. The blade of the ghost-headed sword is aimed at the wolf demon's head, and it is released lightly.

The head immediately rolled down, and the crack was extremely smooth, as if the essence and blood in the monster's corpse had not yet reacted.

After the bald monk killed the wolf demon, his hands were like flying, handling various parts of the wolf demon's body.

Useful parts are piled together, and other useless organs, intestines, flesh and blood are put aside.

Your Excellency is a bit strange. I dont know what to call you? Why do you have Uncle Cangwus Demon Palm Order in your hand?

The bald monk saw Lu Xuan and asked while handling the corpse of the monster in his hand.

"I am Lu Xuan, a disciple of the inner sect of the Tianjian Sect. I am in charge of the blessed land of Ten Thousand Monsters Cave here in place of my uncle, the alchemy master. Who is my senior brother?"

Lu Xuan keenly noticed that the bald monk called Master Cangwu his uncle, and he probably learned that he was also a monk of the Tianjian Sect.

His spiritual sense roughly sensed it, and through the **** aura that was as strong as substance, he could vaguely detect that the bald monk had a perfect foundation building state.

I cant even remember who I am. Now Im just a blood slaughterer staying in the forbidden area. Just call me Senior Brother Blood.

The bald monk put the processed monster meat into the storage bag, while another pile of useless scraps piled together.

During the movement, the dark red chain passing through the shoulder blades kept shaking, and there were bursts of slight sounds.

"I am just a sinner in the sect, and I am just staying in the forbidden area to slowly atone for my sins."

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