You, CEO's Secret Wife

Chapter 134

Jian Yun opens the door with a spare key. As soon as she enters the room, she sees several large suitcases and several stacks of books bound together in the living room. Jian Yun frowns. Does Luo Yanyan have to move?

At this time, Jianjun heard the voice of speaking from Luo Yanyan's room.

"Yan Yan?" Jian Yun crossed the boxes and went to Luo Yanyan's bedroom, calling out.

However, Luo Yanyan did not respond to Jian Yun. There was a loud voice in the room. Jian Yun heard the voice of a strange man. Luo Yanyan seemed to be arguing with him about something.

"Yan Yan!" Jian Yun is a little worried. These days, she has been in the hospital and seldom comes back. She hardly meets Luo Yanyan. When she stayed in the Boshan night resort not long ago, what Luo Yanyan said to her was still in her ears. Jian Yun always felt that since Luo Yanyan was lovelorn, the whole person's mood was not quite right. So she suddenly saw Luo Yanyan move and became nervous.

Jian Yun was about to reach out and knock on the door, but the door was opened from inside, and a man's face came into view.

The man didn't expect that there was a man standing at the door, and he was still a beautiful woman. First, he was startled and suddenly backed back. When he saw clearly the man from Chu, he saw a light in front of him, and the corner of his mouth also raised a smile. He held out his hand to Jianyun, "are you Jianjun? I often hear Yanyan mention you."

Jian Yun dropped her eyes, looked at the man's hand, hesitated and did not reach out to hold it.

At this time, Luo Yanyan came from inside and saw Jian Yun. Her face was a little unnatural, but she still introduced her to her: "Jianyun, he is Qin Dong, I, my fiance."

"Fiance?" Jian Yun's eyes show surprise, Luo Yanyan and the blind date man are engaged? Haven't they known each other for about a month?

"Yes, we were engaged a week ago." Luo Yan Yan said uneasily. She didn't look at Jian Yun's eyes.

Although Jian Yun was shocked, she could not lose her politeness, so she reached out and shook Qin Dong for a moment and said with a smile, "hello."

At the same time, Jian Yun is also looking at Qin Dong. First of all, the most intuitive impression is that he is not tall. She stands with him in flat shoes. He is not taller than her, so he is 170 at most. His appearance is moderate. He is very energetic with thick eyebrows and big eyes. His lips are a little thick, but they are not ugly. On the contrary, they give people the feeling of loyalty and honesty. They are dressed casually and in suits Even with sneakers.

"Miss Jane is so beautiful. No wonder Yanyan always praises you." Qin Dong sincerely praised him. After that, he looked back at Luo Yan Yan and asked, "what else should I do?"

"It's nothing. You can take the box to the car first. I'll have a word with Jian Yun." Luo Yanyan said.

"Good!" Qin Dong answers, smiles at Jian Yun, goes out over her, carries two boxes and walks outside.

"Yan Yan, why don't you say anything about your engagement? What's more, are you too fast? " Jian Yun has been choking for a long time. Seeing Qin Dong go out of the door, she can't help it any more. She grabs Luo Yanyan's arm and asks.

"The time is too hasty, also is the temporary decision, the aunt is in the hospital again, did not inform you." Luo Yan Yan had no choice but to meet the eyes of Jian Yun and spread out her hands, "quick? Some people are slow. "

"Yan Yan, what's going on? Don't you like him? Why did you suddenly decide to get married? Did your parents force you? " Jian Yun was so anxious that she and Luo Yanyan had known each other for 89 years since she was a freshman. She was afraid that Luo Yanyan had made a wrong decision.

"Marriage doesn't have to be in love. It's just to find a man with better conditions to live with." Luo Yanyan laughs bitterly, but she avoids the last question of Jian Yun.

But how could Jian Yun not know the meaning behind Luo Yanyan's bitter smile? She was so angry that she couldn't say a word, "your parents, how can your parents do this?"

Luo Yanyan's smile couldn't stop. She put out her hand to wipe her face, trying to hide her loneliness and deliberately piled up a smile. Instead, she comforted Jian Yun, "well, maybe it's not that bad. Although Qin Dong and I haven't known each other for a long time, he treats me very well. He used to be a soldier, and he's also very diligent. Don't we just look at these things when we get married?"

"But, Yan Yan, are you willing?" Jian Yun's heartfelt pain.

"What can I do if I don't want to? I won't love you any more. My family is like this again. Although the conditions of Qin Dong family are not very good, at least he has a public office, his parents are retired, and there is no burden. The house is fully paid, so it's good that their family doesn't dislike me. " Luo Yan Yan curled her lips, but the expression on her face was indifferent.

"What nonsense are you talking about! You are so good that a better man should love you Jian Yun doesn't like to hear Luo Yanyan say this.

"Xiao Yun, my brother talked about a girlfriend last year. He made a big belly. The girl's mother quarreled with her and forced her to get married. But they didn't have money. They asked me to give them 100000 yuan as betrothal gifts and a banquet. I didn't have so much money, so I refused. My brother quarreled with my mother at home every day, forcing my mother to go out to borrow money. My mother was forced by him to borrow usury. As a result, he did not get married and his money was ruined. Now it's time for usury to pay back the money. They have no money to pay back the loan. Every day the usury comes to our house and the house is smashed. My brother doesn't know where to hide. My father's blood pressure is rising and I'm hospitalized. My mother cries with me every day. What can I doWhen Luo Yanyan said these words, her tone was very calm, as if she was stating something that had nothing to do with her own affairs. However, Jian Yun saw desolation and despair from her eyes.

Yes, any one of them would be in despair, especially if there was a spoiled brother who would only ask for money. In addition, with her son preference parents, it was very rare for Luo Yanyan to have no mental breakdown.

"Do you still have the money?" Jian Yun loves Luo Yanyan. She knows that Luo Yanyan attaches great importance to her family. It is not her fault to have such parents and relatives. She is only wrong because she is too soft hearted, too kind and too simple.

"I don't have any money. They've drained all my money." Luo Yanyan laughed bitterly at the corner of her lips. At last, she couldn't hold on. There was a big tear in the corner of her eyes. She choked: "Jane Yun, I really want to ignore them, but I can't be cruel. I can't ignore my parents. I hate myself!"

"Yan Yan, in fact, you know better than anyone else. They just think that they can count on you, so they will do this. You must be cruel. You can't get used to them any more. Otherwise, it will be you who will suffer in the future." Jianyun hugs Luo Yanyan. She has said these words more than once. She feels powerless.

"I know, I all know, I tried to ignore them a while ago, but - if I don't pay back the money, those usurers have threatened to cut off my brother's hand, my mother cries with me every day, I can't watch them die..." Luo Yan Yan cried more and more, and then she choked and couldn't go on. #####

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