X-ray Is More Than I Thought

Chapter 77

Chapter 77

X-ray is more than I thought Chapter 76

X-ray is more than I thought Chapter 78

It seems that this time, its different.

F-Father asked if we can live together in his next location. Of course, including Mota

Hearing my mothers words over the phone, my head turned blank.

I cant understand what my mother was saying


Rikka has an uneasy expression on her face as she call me out whos standing with a phone on the head.

O-Oh Its nothing

I put down the phone, then answered Rikka looking at her.

I-Is that so? Then thats great

Rikka forces a smile while having an anxious expression.

She mustve heard my talk with mother. Rikkas hearing ability isnt average after all.

Theres still some time so think about it.

Thats what mother said.

It seems that this might be the last relocation.

In that case, father will be staying on that new location until his retirement.

Then we can transfer to a permanent residence.

My father is calling mother and I to his new workplace, in short, hes telling us to move.

But, mother gave me time to think. Then she gave me choices.

Would you move to your fathers workplace together or will you stay here until you graduate?

She got me there. That really got me.

Normally, parents will decide on moving without your permission. They take their children forcibly.

But mother, no both of my parents gave me a choice.

Im sure that Marina and Yuka were the reason.

This loner me who had no friends had invited Marina home for the first time. Then Yuka comes to get me every morning.

Its not just the two of them. Yukina got close with mother, and mother wasnt dissatisfied with her.

It seems that mother has reported this to father. And then they decided by talking about it.

It was Leave it to my judgement

M-Master. U-Uhm, uhm, that

Looking up at me, Rikkas trembling and having a cramped smile.

If I move, I will leave Marina and Yuka. But, both of them have a place to stay. But, Rikka doesnt have one.

Rikka doesnt have anywhere but me.

Rikka suddenly run towards the kitchen. After a while she jumped out of the kitchen then came back running towards me.

The water shes holding spills.

W-Water! Have some water in a glass! Is your throat dry?!

Saying that, Rikka presents me a glass of half-spilled water.

W-Want to watch television!? Want me to massage your shoulder!? T-Thats right! Want to play needle sting with me?! My wounds cure immediately so you can play it a lot of times! Its okay even if you cut my arms or feet!

Rikka whos having tears on her red eyes desperately talks to me.

That is a flattery too easy to know.

Rikka will survive even if I abandon her. But thats not it. Thats not the case but I know.

Rikka will gladly die for me. But, its more painful for her to lose her place than to die. Shed rather die for my sake than lose her place to stay.

Therefore, shes flattering me. Shes desperately flattering me.

With the mind of staying with me until she dies, she flatters me.

I thought about my parents who informed me about the current case. Then, I have to think seriously. I shouldnt answer immediately.


Dont worry. I wont go anywhere without you

I say while stroking Rikkas head.

U, Uuusorry, Im sorry, Im sorry

Rikka whos having her head stroked lost her smile, tears overflow from her red eyes then sat down on place as if her waist lost power, then she kept apologizing to me over and over again.

She thought that my mobilization would be bound because of her attitude and remarks.

Mother has given me the choice assuming that the whole family will live together on my fathers workplace.

To be honest, that made me happy.

They told me that Im needed after all.

But, I dont think it will go well.

I havent met my father for a few years already, I cant say my relationship with mother is good.

If we suddenly live together, we might avoid each other more than before.

Even if I know that they need me, I dont think well open up easily.

I want a bit more time.

Asahina said that Im a brat.

A brat covered in a skin of a rationalist completely. I must really be a brat that wants to depend on someone. But, I would be a loser if I keep averting my eyes from reality.

I think it is really the case.

But, I guess its a bit different. I met Marina and Yuka and shared time with them, I feel that Ive changed even a bit.

Thats why I want more time.

That way, even if for a bit, I might change more than what I am right now.

In that case, I might be able to tell my parents my honest feelings.

Master, Im sorry. Even though I swore to give myself to Master. Even though I swore to die for Masters sake. I, II dont want to be abandoned so I troubled Master

Rikka whos sitting on the floor looked up at me with a masochistic smile then said that.

This ones honest.

Those who can honestly say their feelings are strong.

Rikkas gotten stronger. Shes stronger than when she first stood in front of me.

At least, more than me.

Im staying here because of Yukina


Rikka tilts her head.

I have a huge debt I have to repay. I cant leave this place until I return that

Saying that as I squat down, I pat Rikkas head whos looking up at me with an anxious expression.

I dont know how to reassure Rikka. Therefore, in the end, I just made an excuse pointing at someone.

Sorry, Yukina. Even though I havent returned anything yet, I owe you again.

Somehow, I always owe you.

How should I say it, youre easy to ask a favor from.

You look like a girl but how should I say that? Youre my first Male friend? You may be cheeky and troublesome but I think of you as a cute brother.

Its also convenient for me to stay here. Youre just my bitch so dont be conceited thinking you can bend my will. You dont have to do anything but follow me

Saying so as I stroke her head, her wrinkled face spills tears as she clings to me.

Master is the strongest. Even though your body is of a human, you wont lose to anyone. Thats why youre the strongest. If I had met Master sooner, mother and everyone else couldnt have died. Im sure that Master can easily beat any enemythats why youre the strongest

Clinging to me, Rikka mutters in a crushed voice with her trembling shoulders.

Hizuki, Hizukis the same as us. I thought of doing everything to Hizuki who accepted us. But, somewhere in my mind, I feel pity towards Hizuki. I thought that shes pitiful


Kamuro Hizuki has lived her life using her ability.

If she used her ability for her desires like me, even if shes lonely, she couldve lived comfortably.

Surely shes bad at running away.

Unable to do that, shes gone mad.

Master is similar. But, different. When I saw Master for the first time, I felt excitement from the bottom of my heart. I wanted to fight. I wanted to fight and win. I wanted to win. Its not to beat down but to win, I thought. Thinking about it now, thats surely what my instinct told me. This person is strong. I might be defeated if I fight this person, I thought. I might lose but thats why I thought of wanting to win

Clinging to me, Rikkas trembling looking down, looked up with a cramped smile then said.

Im strong you say.

I wonder.

I think that Im considerably strong. But, I feel weak recently.

To be honest, I dont understand.

S-Suzuhara, Suzuhara Motarou.

When I was about to answer, I suddenly felt like I heard a voice.

I felt my heart rustling.

Chill running up my spine.

What? Whats this feeling?

I grabbed Rikkas shoulder and looked at the front door.

Because I released my ability, I can only see the usual door.


Such words pass in my mind.

This is the first time. I feel something even though Im not using my ability.

Concentrating on activating my ability, I felt cold sweat running down my cheek.

In just a moment, the information within the range of my ability comes in my brain. And something among them is.

Rikka, action stations. You dont have to do anything. Just keep your stance and standby

Hearing those words, Rikka whos been crying until now has her expression turned steep.

Rikka instantly shifts to her battle stance, put her right hand behind her back and grabbed the large knife hidden under the yellow parka shes wearing./

Stay here


Stay here

Ill fight! If its for Masters sake, I can always die

Its an order

Rikka tries to refuse but she reacted when I say its an order.

If I leave the guard to Rikka, my safety will rise significantly. But, this ones tough.

It was Kazahana invading the range of my ability.

However, shes not in her normal state.

I judged that its better to let Rikka stand by.

Im the strongest aint I? Then stay here quietly. However, dont let your guard down. Sharpen your nerves and escape without hesitation when something unexpected occurs

R-Run?! Im abandoning Master!? Never! If I do that, Id rather suicide

Listen. Youre strong. Your potential surpasses me. If you learn how to use your power, you can win against anyone. But, you cant win against me. If you cant win against me then you cant win against those opponent who will win against me. Do you get it? Theres no meaning for you to fight if I lose

Rikkas eyes opened wide from my words then she grit her teeth. But, she didnt reply.

Suppose I lose, I wont lose my life immediately. Then theres enough opportunity for counterattack. Run if I lose. Then ask Marina and Yuka for help. They have no special abilities but they know how to use your abilities. Theyre weak so they know how to fight. Do you get it?

Telling Rikka, she clings to me and looked down without replying.

Rikka is stronger than Kazahana. But, Rikka doesnt know that. No, even if she knows it, Rikka wont be a match against Kazahana.

The elder sister has rubbed the idea that shes much stronger and excellent since childhood. Even if she wins in skills, the spirit is easily defeated.

But, Marina and Yuka should be able to draw Rikkas ability beyond limit.

Especially Yuka. Yuka right now is different from before. To be honest, if Yukas talent blossoms, its scary.

Yuka has an excellent insight and Marina is trained in leading. If you send Rikka to those two, they can definitely launch a counterattack.

Also, its dangerous for Kazahana and Rikka to meet each other.

Ill definitely come back. You should just stay here. If possible, go to Marina as soon as possible

Saying that, I stand up and Rikka stands up too.


I call her name as I look down at her, then Rikka whos trembling looked down to escape from me. She stand up and pressed me.

Rikkas opposing my order. Shes going to follow me even if she dies.


Calling her name once again, Rikka whos trembling squat down on the place. But, she stands up trembling then clings to me.

It seems the thought of following my order and protecting her master is fighting.

Disobedience results to severe punishment but the puppy whos desperately protecting her master even at the cost of her life desperately intends to be punished.

Rikka, I told you Ill come back. I said that Ill come back for the first time. Youre a subordinate, dont throw cold water on your masters resolution. I will definitely come back. Thats why wait here

Ordering her, Rikka whos clinging to me tremblingly, sat down on the place. And unlike the previous one, she didnt try to stand up again.

Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master, Master.

Rikkas heart is filled with me. Desperately enduring the thought, Rikka sits on the floor.

I told her to run if an unexpected situation happens but she wont be able to protect me.

If I had a bit more time, I can train Rikka to overwhelm Kazahana.

Well, the other side cant adjust to my convenience.

Also, this situation is somewaht strange.

Its possible that this may not be a battle. But if I come together with Rikka, its possible that the situation may turn worse.

Good girl. Then, Im going

Please, be a good girl and stay here, I went out the house with that thought.

The effective range of my ability is supposed to be 15 meter in radius. But Kazahana is about 30 meters away from me.

Its clearly out of the range of my ability. But, she got caught within range.

Who wouldve thought that I can use it like this

Kazahana who should be outside the scope of my ability, is now within the range. Thats because the effective range is distorted.

The effective range was a circle before. Up, down, front, back, left, and right, its 15 meters in radius. But, its oval now. In short, the excess range shrinks and the shrunk range extends.

Its convenient if you ask but because it has expanded forward, the other areas shrunk. Judging from safety perspective, its better to keep it a circle.

Enough about that, why did my ability catch Kazahana is the question.

My ability was definitely cancelled. And Kazahana is outside of the normal ability range. And yet she got caught.

As if a warning bell before I activate my ability.

lthough its different from auto-activate, it seems that its appropriate for the ability.

Also, there are things to remember with this ability.

I saw a flower in Yuka.

Even though I have my ability released, I certainly saw a flower in Yuka.

That wasnt a hallucination. Its not an imagination either.

I think I saw something invisible.

The thing sleeping inside Yuka. Its not what shes thinking in her heart but I saw her heart itself

A sense other than the five?

Is this an enhanced version of mind reading?

In short, my ability has sensed Kazahanas heart and it informed me of it.

You can say its a sixth sense or something like a premonition. And its also possible to catch things outside the range of my ability with that.

If that the case, my ability to detect danger has increased significantly.

But well, its all just a speculation. If I rely on my ability too much, I might get in trouble. Lets not relax our guard.

Walking in the night road, I caught Kazahanas in my view.

You look horrible, hey

Knowing it with my ability beforehand, I murmur instinctively.

Kazahana walking along the wall staggering isnt wearing any clothes. Her young naked body has numerous holes open. Blood is dripping from those holes.

It looks like an ice pick. No, it feels like her whole body is punctured with a drill.

I forcibly return my ability to a circle, confirmed my surroundings then ran towards Kazahana.

Kazahana doesnt seem to have noticed me approaching her, then she desperately head front walking along the wall of the house.

Should I say she has no hostility? Thats not the case.

S-Suzuhara, Suzuhara Motarou. If its him, he definitely can help HIzuki. Just a bit more. Just a bit more. I have to go to Suzuhara Motarou.

Activating my ability, I look at Kazahanas mind.

Hmm. Is she asking me for help? Asking for my help, that mustve been big.


I walked in front of Kazahana, stopped and called her.

Kazahana reacted then looked up slowly. Then

Dont say anything. I dont get it but you probably shouldnt speak

I tell Kazahana as I close her mouth with my hand.

I dont know what happened but as far as I can see, Kazahana lost.

And Kamuro Hizuki whos protected by Kazahana cant be seen anywhere.

Thats okay but the problem is Kazahanas injury.

Theres numerous holes open in her body and blood is dripping down.

Normally, you would die from that kind of injury but the hole opening in her body avoids any vital points amazingly. Therefore, even though she has such wounds, her super-recovery isnt active.

Then, she should just injure herself just like when Rikka fought with me. If she does that, her super recovery ability would heal her wounds in an instant.

But, Kazahana didnt do that.

The reason is perhaps

Somethings embedded in her heart. This isnt a machine. Its an organic object

I tell while holding down Kazahanas mouth.

Kazahana doesnt show any resistance even if Im holding her mouth, her eyes opened wide when I say that.

Theres something embedded in Kazahanas heart.

It looks like an insect.

Its something like an ant or a tic thats digging to her heart.

Because its embedded in your heart you cant activate your super-recovery ability, dont you? When you activate it, the insect embedded in your heart will react and kill you. It seems the opponent is a very cruel one

When I ask Kazahana, she slowly closed her wide open eyes. Then tears run down her cheek.

I met him. I met Suzuhara Motarou. I met Suzuhara Motarou who you want more than anything else. Hizuki. Please wait for a bit more. This guy is strong. If its him, he can surely rescue you.

Kazahan mutters from the bottom of her heart and then her voice was cut off. Next, I hugged Kazahana whos about to collapse.

It seems that she fainted.

But still, she did well coming here naked with her animal ears and tail

Im more surprised of that than the fact that Kazahana lost.

That said

Kazahana feels like a messenger in order to rescue Kamuro Hizuki. But when she asks someone for help, the insects in her heart will react and kill Kazahana. In short, she must not have the intention to ask for help. Thats really evil

Muttering as I hug Kazahana, I start to walk home.

The opponent who beat Kazahana and Kamuro Hizuki can be said to be a powerful enemy. But, Kazahana lost agianst Marina. Its possible to deal with them with humans that use their head.

Also, Kamuro Hizuki is unstable. Even if she says she can read minds, its very fragmented and the effective range is narrow. To be honestm Kazahana can move alone freely would be strong.

Kamuro Hizukis abilitys effective range is capable to trap others with strategy but its almost impossible to deal with sudden attacks. On the contrary, shes just a baggage.

If you pierce that, no matter how strong she is, its possible to win against Kazahana enough.


Seeing that they let Kazahana go as a play, do they not know my existence? If possible, they dont know my ability. Or could it be that theyre underestimating me

Either way, the enemy is probably enjoying hunting.

In that case, I think that I should be observing here now.

Kukuku, stupid guy

Now. Nows the biggest chance. Theres no chance to kill me after now.

After all, Rikkas here. Furthermore, my ability is on a different dimension than Kamuro Hizuki.

My ability and Rikkas ability have an outstanding compatibility.

Now that were acting separately, its best to take me down at this moment.

If not, I will fight back you know?

Rikka is my dog. Youll be able top do what you want with that dogs sister

Walking in the night street, I laugh and mutter to no one.

They really picked one. Yeah, they picked one. They picked a fight with me. Even if the enemy didnt intend that way, they made a move on my dogs last sister. Rikka will get angry. Even if shes not in good terms with her, shell definitely get angry. Then, if the dog gets angry

I stopped and looked up in the sky.

Its reasonable for the master to get angry too. Definitely, without mistake, helplessly logical

When its reasonable, then theres no need to hold back.

Nothing but thoroughly and mercilessly


I mutter while staring at the moon floating in the sky.

I dont have any grudge against them. But they meddled with Kazahana. Rikkas sister. Then, theres no choice but to crush them. Thats the only way. No, that road is enough. Theres no need for other ways.

Its too late. No more forgiveness. No matter what reason it is, its unrelated. I gave Rikka my surname. I gave her the name Suzuhara.

You meddled with my dogs sister. Its too late already.

Also, Im not feeling refreshed. I dont have any sympathy towards Kamuro Hizukui but I can understand her pain of having a special ability. And that is why Kamuro Hizuki is attracted to me.

A moth dancing on the light in a dark night.

Even though I have a special ability, my quiet life may have been dazzling. And she probably just want to get that light by all means.

But that girl, Kamuro Hizuki stepped back graciously.

She accepted she lost and retreated bravely.

You can say that her virtue is admirable.

By retreating, I have seen her in a new light.

Shes rational.

I dont hate that.

Thats why Im not feeling refreshed.

Very well. Ill rescue you. Even if I help you , Ill clearly tell you that its not my hobby.

I decided. Thats good. Lets do that.

Convinced, I walk home in a hurry.

X-ray is more than I thought Chapter 76

X-ray is more than I thought Chapter 78

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