World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 477

Chapter 477: Winner Takes It All (3)

[End Project No. 2 Winner Takes It All]

After this scenario was released, the reactions of people who looked at the related contents were mixed.

-Oh, finally, there is a scenario that ordinary users can try.

-I'm glad I'm not as crazy as the first scenario.

-Really;; Also, if a bizarre raid mob appeared and made a mess, this time I would have gone to a real company and made the same joke.

-But isn't this like a guild war rather than something that an individual can do? What do kids who don't belong to the guild do...

- Where are the people who don't join the guild? If that's enough, you're either a low-level beginner who can't even participate in this final chapter scenario, or you're just a psychopath with no social skills.

- Lol lol. Will it be fun though?

-Finally, the super-large guild war content is out.

From people who are relieved at the fact that it is a more ordinary scenario than the first catastrophe, to the disgruntled voices of those who have no particular interest in the guild, and the reactions mixed with excited anticipation... This second scenario has mixed reactions. And they soon began to argue fiercely about who would win the final scenario.

- Guild Heroes, a symbol of America and full of the strongest heroes, is of course the best!

- What bullshit? Didn't you see the analysis data that the 12 stars have the highest specs of the average user? Although there are many top-ranked players in Heroes, the most important thing is the overall quality of users.

-Hey, aren't they guilds in small countries where the number of guild members barely reaches 100 million? With an overwhelming number of 900 million guild members, Moorim deserves to be the strongest guild.

-Yeah~ I know that most of them are full of low-level scarecrows who haven't even reached level 100.

-Are you ignoring the pride of the Oceania continent, the Kangaroo Knights? Do you still have quite a bit of power?

Users who each proudly say that the guild of the continent they belong to is the best and noisily disturbs Arfandia. In the first place, they knew very well that this scenario was not their domain, so most of them were just talking about who would rise to the top among the guilds representing each continent.

-Is it a war? Where can I float properly?

-uh! Let's float! You fucking bastards! Where is the subject of a small country, dare to attack a large country?

-Anyway, those bastards don't like what they say?

-Europe is the best! Long live the European Union! Long live France!

Small-scale disputes sparked by people who have been hurt in a heated argument. Each of them had a big and small fight with the guilds belonging to the other continent, and the process of eating and being eaten occurred, and strangely, an atmosphere was formed in which clouds of war drifted all over the place, but strangely, the large guilds mentioned by people showed no reaction or movement. There wasn't.

“It’s strange...”

“Why. What else is going on?”

Ignis, the deputy guild master of deck fan art, muttered, frowning at the strangely surging coolness as he looked closely at the whole situation.

She glared at Arthur, the Master of Deck Fan Dance, who seemed to have no idea, and gave a bruise in a voice mixed with annoyance.

“What is it? It is because of the second final chapter scenario that started this time.”

In the position of running a guild... and the larger the scale of the guild, the bigger the scenario. That's why Ignis, who was so nervous, couldn't help but feel like something was going on in his stomach watching Arthur, who seemed to be calm unlike himself.

“What is it? We decided not to participate anyway. Do I need to worry about anything?”

“It's not going to happen just because we're not going to participate. Besides, you turned down that strange offer that came to you the other day.”

“what? The company that does the blue stone or the black stone or what?”

“Really... do you even know what kind of company Blue Rock Investment is?”

“What... did you listen to the proposal at the time and search the Internet?”

A huge capital force that controls the world's economy. Watching them come and reach out to them in person, Ignis guessed that something tremendous was going on in the shadows, but Arthur refused all the offers without her having to say anything.

“This guild is a guild that runs for faith, not money? No, I agree that that is not wrong, but you have to do it while looking at the situation and the opponent. We shouldn't have to decide after hearing a little about what kind of plans they are making and what interests they will give us. What would you do if you didn't even listen to the proposal properly and just recklessly revealed your intention to reject it?”

A guild made of a mixture of admiration and envy for Dex, twisted and twisted obsession, and perverted sexual desire.

What color are Dex's panties?

Unlike other guilds that operate in a vertical and controlled hierarchy, this guild, which does not pay attention to anything other than Dex-related issues, is so free-spirited and sometimes self-indulgent that one may wonder if it is a group of psychopaths.

Arthur and Ignis, who are in charge of the role of administrators who lead those who are full of real madness. However, since all of the members of the guild were full of astonishing madmen, the influence these two actually had was not that great.

“What can I do? Even if you join hands anyway, if you try to do something strange while allying with another guild or something, they will rush at you like crazy and run all over the place. I'm sure you can hang me and you in front of the guild office, telling me not to do ugly things that tarnish Dex-sama's name, right?”

Even with the proposal to change the name of the guild to Dex's panties black, they were divided into supporters and opponents and fought a bloody battle for a long time of six months. As Arthur knows better than anyone else the tremendous firepower and potential that they have, he firmly told Ignis to believe his words.

“Anyway, we’re not interested in what the final scenario will be like, right? Rather than regretting the poisoned Holy Grail later, it's more comfortable to do what you normally do...”

But at that moment.

Arthur couldn't finish what he was saying at the sudden sound of a notification.

[The ‘Moorim' guild asks ‘What color are Dex's panties?' Declared war on the guild.]

“Mu Moorim?”

A message notified to all guild members. So Ignis, who heard the same message as Arthur, shouted with a startled face.

“Why Moorim suddenly...? Or rather, Moorim must be a force of the Chinese government?”

Blue Rock Investments, a member of Wall Street, a symbol of American wealth.

Therefore, Ignis was keeping an eye on the trends of their main forces, the Heroes Guild and several North American guilds, anticipating numerous situations that would arise as a retaliatory measure for the rejection, but among the hostile forces she expected, Murim was not included.

But... a disturbing hypothesis that suddenly passes through my head.

Though it was close to impossible, Ignis, who recalled the worst possible assumption with a very slim probability, jumped up without realizing it and muttered in a trembling voice with a hard expression on his face.

“no way....?”

“what's the matter? What are you doing all of a sudden?”

Arthur is taken aback by Ignis' unusual reaction. However, he had no choice but to freeze as he saw the countless messages pouring in as if he had waited.

[The ‘Heroes' guild asks, ‘What color are Dex's panties?' Declared war on the guild.]

[The ‘Twelve Stars' guild asked ‘What color are Dex's panties?' Declared war on the guild.]

[The ‘Referee' guild asks ‘What color are Dex's panties?' Declared war on the guild.]

[‘Asmodeus' guild asks ‘What color are Dex's panties?' Declared war on the guild.]

[‘Mauri's Wanderers' guild asks ‘What color are Dex's panties?' Declared war on the guild.]

[The ‘Gauss' guild asks ‘What color are Dex's panties?' A declaration of war has been declared against the guild.]




Top guilds that make their name in Arcadia, where billions of users play.

The so-called hegemonic guilds, each of which boasted enormous influence, were declaring war on the deck as if they had promised.

“What are these things?”

Deck Fan Mu entered a state of war with dozens of super-large guilds in an instant.

Arthur muttered with a stiff expression, as he was in an overwhelmingly unfavorable situation to the extent that the numerical and qualitative difference alone could make a difference hundreds of times.

“I can't believe it..... You really gathered all the guilds in the world...? By what means...?”

Ignis muttered to himself over and over again with a white face as if in disbelief. Shaking her shoulders roughly, Arthur stared straight into her slightly frightened eyes with those black eyes that gave off a strong impression a little differently than usual.

“Now this... are you saying that you rejected the offer of those bastards asking for that blue stone or something?”

‘Why is this all of a sudden...?'

Arthur, who usually seems like a man without a screw, who has no idea what he is thinking, but always held the center in this crisis situation. When he asked with a serious expression, Ignis could not hide his embarrassment, but calmly nodded and answered.

“It seems so. Now, for the final scenario, the super-large guilds that would not be enough to check and oppose each other... Seeing that not one of them, but all of them declared war on our guilds at the same time, someone behind the scenes must have united all of them. I don't know how the hell they persuaded everyone...”

“ that so...?”

Arthur was quietly thinking about something. And he immediately asked Ignis.

“What should I do?”


“Those blue stone bastards. If you ask me to negotiate even now, I might honestly accept it... Didn't you tell me to contact you if you change your mind at any time later?”

“That’s true, but...”

As if he had foreseen this situation, an official from Blue Rock disappeared after saying that he would wait for a call, even adding a friend. Recalling the memory of that time, Ignis replied shyly.

“I did it my way, but things turned out this way, so this time I will do as you say. If we were forced to join hands because of the current situation, it seems to be a situation where the other guild members can also seek understanding.”

Arthur would raise the white flag even now if he wanted to. However, Ignis was seriously worried about that suggestion.

A fight that clearly has no chance of winning.

All continents except the central continent, even large guilds in Korea, which are no different from the same family, declared war on deck fan dance... Ignis was wondering if he should fight a lonely battle in complete isolation. Her head, which was the only one in the guild full of madmen to think and make rational decisions, said that joining hands with them was the only reasonable and only option.



Her throbbing heart was saying no.

In an RPG game that I can't even remember the name of the past, she was unable to even hunt properly due to the unreasonable control of hunting grounds by the guild that had already seized the interests, and was exploited because of the ignorant tax rate, and played the game hard.

The conviction against any violence and domination by those with vested interests and power blocked her rational decision and clamored to choose a different path.

“huh? How to?”

And Arthur, the leader of Deck Fan Dance, urges an answer amid such worries.

As if he had made up his mind about his question, Ignis answered with ferocious eyes.

“...What are you negotiating with those who have already declared war? We must fight to the death.”

Arthur smiled as if he was very satisfied with Ignis' answer.

“also.... That's why I can't help but love you.”

With Arthur's sudden love confession, the stage of the second scenario that will decorate the final chapter of Arcadia has risen in earnest.

In the lonely struggle of one guild against guilds all over the world.

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