World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 382

Chapter 382 Dung Man Game (2)


The science and ability to artificially control, manipulate and transform mana to distort the laws of nature and embody the individual's will into the world. Originally, it was the same power as the authority granted only to transcendental dragons fulfilling the mission of the creator, but due to their unique curiosity and playfulness, magic spread to many different races including humans.

Merlin, the Archmage of Truth.

Elemental Master Mist.

Gandalf the Gray Wizard.

Bellatrix, the hooked-nosed witch.




The great wizards who met dragons by chance and received direct instruction from them reached the level of great wizards, moving the narrative of the continent and changing history. Through them, the study of magic spread throughout the continent, and the flower of civilization bloomed prosperously, but as always, the mage towers were not on good terms.

[joy. Those who lock themselves in the corner of a room and only dabble with reagents are magicians without even knowing the subject?] [

The Arcane magic and knowledge of our Elemental School cannot be compared to any other school.]

You don't even know the subject, do you think you're a wizard?]

Because each school pursued a very different direction and goal, and because of the closed culture unique to wizards, they looked at each other as competitors, so they have fought countless bloody wars in their long history.

And the magic towers that have barely stabilized in the midst of countless tragedies.

After the five Magic Towers came together to form the Supreme Council of Magic, they had been living without much trouble, but one day they suddenly faced a moment of cataclysm.

Continental unification of Pangea.

Through that incident, the 5 Mage Towers sighed as they saw countless mages who existed in an unknown continent far beyond this continent.

[Ah..... How long have we lived as frogs in the well...] A

huge world full of schools and magical knowledge that we have never heard of before. And as if they had waited, they began to exchange information with each other and go face-to-face.

[The Summoning School that summons monsters...? Could it be that it is a place where exchanges with the phantom world are possible!]

[Hoh... A school specializing in making golems. That's unusual...]

[The school of necromancy that studies corpses...? Are there still continents where black magicians walk openly?]

[They fly on broomsticks...? That's crazy.]

The situation is getting sorted out to some extent while learning about the existence of so many diverse and colorful wizards. However, while they were estimating each other to some extent, another huge incident occurred in the 5 Magic Towers.

[Circle 8 Magic Book Complete Set. How much would you like to buy it for?]

A proposal from the Pie Merchant, which has recently gained popularity and is rapidly expanding its influence, to the Mage Tower. However, at first, the person in charge of the Mage's Tower snorted at the absurd suggestion.

[The whole volume of the 8th circle magic book? What is that, the sound of a 1st circle mage casting 8th circle?]

[If you want to bluff, do it with a little common sense. Do you really think you would believe that?]

A state that has never been allowed to humans.

8 circles.

However, when the proposal was formally accepted and went directly to the tower masters, the reaction was immediate.

[If it's the pie corps... the guild that handed over the 8th circle to us the other day...?]

[I can't believe it... wasn't that the end?]

Immediately after the Mado Supreme Council was convened, Lemon brought out Looking at the 8th circle magic books, they couldn't help but be astonished.

[I can't believe it... How... can this happen...]

[Ohhh... God...]

[Finally... the 8th circle for us... [...]

The 8th Circle, which has never been allowed to humans. The masters of the Mage Tower completely lost their eyes when all the forbidden knowledge, which was known as the privilege of dragons, was put in front of their eyes, but they had no choice but to come back to their minds at Lemon's resolute attitude.

[1.5 billion gold.]

[1.5 billion...?]

[What kind of nonsense...?]

The top pie stock demands a price that can't be covered even if you really scrape together all the properties of the Mage Tower. However, as they continued to charge the same price and strongly showed that there was no room for negotiation, the 5 Mage Towers had to make a choice they had never made before.

[Put formal proposals to other mage towers. Are you thinking of buying the 8th circle magic book?]

[Ask those warlocks as well. Because this deal must succeed unconditionally.]

[If it doesn't work, put in all the suggestions for wizards. Even if you sell your underwear, you have to raise 1.5 billion gold somehow!]

A proposal that was put into wizard groups and organizations across the continent. And they rushed in as if they had promised, and ended up making this ridiculous deal.

Woo woo woo.

Antique-looking books placed on a huge round table.

Eight wizards staring greedily at dozens of magic books that alone exude unusual mana. In a tense and solemn atmosphere, each of them carefully read the parchment in front of them, nodded as if there was no problem, and swung their pens.

Woo woo woo.

A powerful wave of mana that spreads as soon as it is signed, as if it has been specially treated magically. After confirming that the Oath of Mana, which forced everyone to fulfill the provisions written in the agreement, had been invoked, Galia, the owner of the Blue Mage Tower, stood up from her seat and solemnly declared.

“Then, with this, I will declare the establishment of the official Magical Supreme Council.”

Originally, the Supreme Council of Magic was composed of only the masters of the 5 towers of magic.

But now, this committee, which has been transformed into a huge organization representing all the wizards that existed on the 8 continents, started handling the most important agenda.

“As agreed, 19 of the 22 magic books for the 8th circle will be allotted 2 books each and exchanged every 5 years to keep. We decided to put the surplus of 1 book in the new allied magic academy, Uroboros, and to permanently seal the 3 books considered black magic through further discussion...” Ownership of the recently acquired 8th Circle Magic

Book The wizards came to a conclusion after a long negotiation over the . They put aside their complicated interests and war of nerves and eventually came to a peaceful conclusion, but not everyone agreed with this decision.

“It's black magic, to seal it forever without even researching it. That is too unfair!”

A school of necromancy that understands death and dreams of immortality. Hans, representing all the mages of the 8th Continent, strongly protested against these measures and shouted. However, at his insistence, Galia sighed with a tired face and repeated the same story again.

“Sir Hans, once again, I will not reject the revival of black magic on the continent where your school is located, but its spread to other continents has already been limited by the agreement with the Holy Empire. In addition, magic that is directly connected to the demon world can cause serious confusion in the future, such as the return of the demon king, so it is absolutely unacceptable...”

Gallia was repeating the same thing she had already said. However, when Hans noisily retorted to his businesslike attitude, a little girl laughed loudly and muttered:

“Kyahahahaha. Why does that damn old woman repeat the same thing over and over again?”

“What is it?”

Hearing those words, Hans jumped up from his seat and brightened his sharp eyes. However, despite his eyes, the little girl who was less than 10 years old smiled and replied back.

“why. right? Why are you complaining about the same problem when you know everything and even signed the agreement? If there are so many complaints, give up and fall into the 8th circle spell book. Do you think this is an old people’s home where old friends listen to all their whining?”

Contrary to his lively and cute appearance, he is very thick and full of fighting power. Upon receiving the dizzying blow, Hans' face turned bright red, but soon he was conscious of the other wizards' gazes, regained his composure, and sat down again, muttering cynically.

“joy. Lowly things carrying brooms pretending to be wizards. I'm sorry.”

The young girl's laughter disappeared in an instant at those words. And soon, he growled with a cold face, giving off a murderous expression that was unbelievable for a child.

“Hey, you old man with a corpse arm. what did you just say?”

“They said I was a crazy bitch riding a broomstick. why?”

“...Let's see if that kind of sound comes out even after becoming a frog?”

“Hey, it would be nice to take your corpse and turn it into a zombie and clean my lab.”

No matter how long it's been since they signed the agreement, the two are already raising their mana by exuding murderous feelings to each other. However, they had no choice but to stop under the pressure of the powerful magic that suddenly rose up.

“Both of you, stop.”



“What is this...?”

gripping support.

Galia, the lord of the Blue Mage Tower.

Representing the Second Continent and becoming the first head of the newly reorganized Supreme Magic Council, he looked at the two people in amazement and said with a dignified face.

“Oz of the Witchcraft School. And Hans of the necromancy school. It would be good for each of us to act after realizing that we are magicians representing each school and where we are now.”

It's just a story told in a low voice. However, unlike such a soft tone, the powerful mana that tyrannically and violently strangled the two was so fierce that they could not even lift a finger.

“Turn it off.....”

“I can’t believe it..... How...?”

The great wizards of the 7th circle have already reached the maximum level that each of them can climb. That's why everyone in this room could instinctively notice it without saying anything.

“Circle 8...?”

“How... how... the 8th circle...?”

The fact that the Gallia in front of them now had already reached the level of the 8th circle.

‘Could it be that there is another 8th circle spell book besides this one...?'

‘What the hell happened?'

‘It's the Blue Magic Tower... I'll have to investigate it a bit more clearly.'

Oz and Hans become docile after being completely overwhelmed by Gallia's magical power while everyone's thoughts get complicated and a fierce battle ensues. Seeing that the two had calmed down, Gallia, who had collected that tyrannical mana, briefly refreshed the atmosphere and opened her mouth again.

“Then, it seems that the discussion regarding the 8th Circle magic book has been roughly settled, and as the chairman of the Magical Supreme Council, I am going to propose a new agenda.”


“What is that all of a sudden...?”

When he suddenly proposed a new agenda, those who tilted their heads with a puzzled expression began to stir at Gaul's bombshell declaration.

“I would like to add one more member to the Supreme Magic Council.”

“Are you crazy...?”

“To do something like this after we’ve done all the consultations... would be nothing but trying to break the table, right?”

“What qualifications do you have?”

The 8-member Magical Committee decided by electing one representative from each continent in fierce debate. However, when Gallia suddenly said that she would add one more person, everyone protested as if it were absurd. But Gallia nodded as if she knew this would happen.

“Don't worry. Because they won't claim any rights to the 8th circle magic book. And the reason I made this decision is for the benefit of all of us and for the better development of magic, so please do not object.”


“For the benefit of all of us...?”

The mages looked as if they couldn't understand Gallia's words. Those who had curious eyes soon opened the massive meeting room door and could not hide their embarrassment when they saw a young man with a petite body walking at speed.

“What is it? This new blue guy is...?”

“Wizard... isn't it...?”

A young man who seems to be in his early twenties now, with little sense of magic. Pointing at the man who bowed down with an awkward smile, Galia said.

“Let me introduce you. He is said to be Haimer, the founder of the Canon Philia school and the representative of magic science.”

The most popular class mage after Arcadia was first released.

Before a lot of information is released, many users jumped into it without knowing the majesty of the wizard who projects the splendid and powerful firepower depicted in the advertisement video, and the romance and romance of medieval fantasy. I couldn't help but shed tears.

“Ugh..... Why is the supply and demand of mana so hard...”

“Ha..... To raise the skill rank, you have to experiment with magic, but the cost of one experiment alone is 3 million won. Isn’t this crazy?”

“One magic book costs 50 million won...?”

Even with the money-eating hippo, which requires a level of billing that is different from other jobs in order to grow, it becomes a nuisance that cannot do anything because of mana that quickly runs out even after using magic a few times, and has to cheer from behind. same job.

For this reason, it was easy to find cases in which ordinary users gave up on the path of a wizard and belatedly turned to other jobs because of the fact that they had to spend a lot of time and effort or spend astronomical amounts of money for growth.

However, despite such an ignorant difficulty, a small number of users have steadily grown as wizards. Among them, Stella, the witch of starlight, was reborn as an unrivaled being, moving ahead faster than anyone else.

A huge swamp area.

Stella walks slowly through the poisonous swamp, where bubbles keep rising, spewing green poison smoke as if it were full of miasma. Perhaps thanks to her wearing a silver-glowing robe over her head, she was still intact even with the miasma that melted everything, and she was slowly stepping on the surface of the swamp and walking towards the center of the swamp.


Stella was walking quietly on the surface of the water without making a sound and moving through the swamp. And as soon as she reached a small rock in the center of the bog, the entire swamp started to tremble.

[The predators of the Filthy Blood Swamp have sensed the smell of their prey.]

[All creatures in the swamp feel threatened by the prey targeting the Foul Blood source.] [

The Stealth effect has been dispelled.]

[The Concealment has been detected.]

[Many enemies appear.]

[Emergency quest emergency escape has been created.]

Along with the message that they were caught, the swamp area began to sway with unusual splashes. And seeing that, Stella sighed in regret, picked up the glass lying in the middle of the swamp, and sighed.

“Haa..... In the end, the 20 million won mission failed. Even though I paid attention to it because it cost a lot of money, I guess it was impossible with a 6th rank stealth rating.”

Viewers who see themselves failing in the streaming window and write chatting quickly as if having fun. Seeing their reactions, Stella stretched her appetite as if regretting it, but she didn't show any signs of embarrassment.




Hundreds of contaminated crocodiles appearing from all sides, drooling profusely. The majesty and menacing appearance of those spraying vicious acid all over the place was terrifying enough that the viewer could not help but shrink, but Stella rather smiled.

“Fortunately, no group of tainted hounds appeared. Those guys move fast, so it's very difficult to respond, but if there are so many crocodiles, it's easy.”

A situation where he was completely surrounded by monsters in the late 180s.

No matter how high her level and abilities were, being surrounded by hundreds and thousands of them, it was a dangerous situation that she couldn't even dare to run away from, but Stella picked up the staff she had tucked behind her back as if this was not the first time or two.

Woo woo woo.

A staff that resonates with her mana and emits powerful light. The huge mana that engulfed the entire swamp area was raging around her like a storm, and it was a majestic sight that made my heart feel grand just by looking at it, but Stella was constantly looking into the sky and smiling brightly while doing business. I was busy.

“to? Use arcane magic here? That's honestly a waste of mana potion money... 5 million won or so? Oh, then of course you should use it, customer.”

Stella continues to prepare magic while chattering and communicating with viewers. The swamp crocodiles, who had been slowly approaching her, opened their mouths wide as if they had seized the opportunity, and began to charge at once.



An attack full of will to divide it into two at once. However, Stella's magic was faster than those crocodile attacks.

“Big Bang”

woo woo woo woo.

That moment. All light disappeared around Stella.

A dark, empty void where nothing exists.

And in that short void and darkness that was close to an instant, a tremendous explosion sounded with a pure white light that seemed like it would go blind.


And at the same time, the crocodiles that rushed towards Stella evaporated without a trace.


Intense light energy that spreads rapidly in all directions centered on her. Those who were watching Stella's broadcast couldn't hide their excitement when the enormous wave of energy that spread throughout the swamp ended and the monsters, who were completely charred and unrecognizable, appeared.

-and! After all, Stella-sama's Big Bang is always powerful, right?

- Wow. my sister is cool too I want to become a powerful wizard like my sister!

-[‘Starlight Witch Guardian Leader' sponsored 5,000,000?.]

-Starlight! Starlight! Sister, you are so pretty today!

The moment when the procession of support and support, such as the deterioration of followers and fans who follow her, is endless. And Stella did not miss this opportunity and responded with a pretty sincere fan service with a smile.

“What. If you are satisfied, I am happy with that alone.”

Stella, who always maintains a friendly and mannered attitude, naturally proceeds with the broadcast. Neither too stimulating nor boring, she captivates viewers with just the right breathing and atmosphere, and even in Arpendia, which is notorious for its harsh and heartless wildness, she has established herself as a famous BJ and has been fairly well-received.

-scent. After all, hidden classes have different classes.

-A starlight witch is honestly top tier. good at hunting The content is also fun and well chosen. nice As far as being pretty? Is there any reason not to subscribe?

- Also, did you know that a certain portion of the profits you make is donated to an orphanage every month?

-There are really few streamers on this floor that you really like.

Stella is loved by many people.

But even for her, there were antis.

-Uuuuuuuuu! The villain who harassed our magic warrior, Angelina!

-strength! Xuan! strength! Xuan!

-In four years of earthen pot, Angelina's older sister's hideous and bulky iron bar (?) will judge!

-Heheh..... Angelina Nunna.....

1st class archmage. A Korean crazy magician who beats until he loses if he doesn't fall behind. come force judge.

Angelina, who is called all kinds of weird and bizarre modifiers, is very popular with many male users. Those who follow and follow her relentlessly follow Stella when she starts broadcasting at some point, and start committing all sorts of terrorism regardless of means and methods.

[Are you trying to steal my sister's magic book? Are you still human? Huh?]

[My older sister is crooked because of you! Take responsibility!]

[It was then. The reason why my older sister wielded that hideous iron bar and began breaking everyone's earthenware pots mercilessly...]

Stella, the Witch of Starlight. Moonlight Mage Angelina.

A job title that gives off a strong smell of something related just by hearing it. And after the secret story of the past between the two was publicly known to the public through Angelina's broadcast, it was Angelina's viewers who persistently came to Stella's broadcast and scolded them through real-time chatting, saying they would avenge their sister (?). .

However, Stella did not blink an eye at the appearance of such people, but instead greeted them with an attitude full of composure and smiled with an apologetic face.

“I apologized before, but I am really reflecting on that. No matter how much I say it was because of the quest for a higher job, it is definitely my fault for trying to take it by force through skill exercise without any consultation.”

A thing that happened a long time ago. In addition, as a result, Angelina was building and walking her own new path, completely different from her own job, so Stella bowed her head again and apologized to Angelina's followers who were rambling.

“Once again, I apologize for causing controversy to everyone. I have already expressed my sincere apology to Angelina, who was harmed by my careless actions, and fortunately, Angelina accepted my forgiveness and we have reconciled amicably. I will continue to reflect on my past mistakes and do what I can to make up for them and repay them. I plan to do a lot of volunteer work and continue to do good deeds such as donations.”

Stella responded by openly admitting wrongdoing and neatly apologizing, rather than brazenly going out or ignoring the incident at all.

Rather, it was an atmosphere in which sympathy public opinion prevailed as she apologized excessively to the point where it was embarrassing to be angry, begged for wrongdoing, and asked for forgiveness.

-Ugh. Did those apple crows come again?

- Apologize even if you apologize dozens of times. Are you an old man with dementia or a cub?

-The victim said he forgave them, but what do they say? Ugh.

- Mr. Stella! Stop responding to these guys' demands. No matter how much I apologize, they don't change? They're idiots who do that just because they want to insult Stella.

- Bottle eating.

Right now, the window is being filled with chatting messages defending Stella, swearing at Angelina's followers with a vicious momentum. It was an overwhelming situation that they couldn't even dare to rub against with firepower, but Stella was so kind to them.

“Don't be too hard on yourself. I did something wrong and this is all my karma. I've been prepared for a long time that I will always be the shadow that will follow me and become the scarlet letter. I don’t want to avoid it and run away just because I hate myself and don’t want to criticize me.”

Stella, who is kind enough to be foolish.

It was the viewers who took the side of those who cursed and criticized her and wrote down all kinds of advice in chat as if they were frustrated seeing her accepting everything as karma stemming from her own mistakes.

However, they all hesitated at Stella's continued words.

“So I decided to see Angelina again tomorrow.”


-Meeting Angelina...? That crazy X?

Viewers were stunned by Stella's words that she would reunite with Angelina, who had been following and harassing her so persistently. And to those people, she spat out a bomb declaration as if she had been waiting.

“And Angelina decided to hand over her magic book to me as a wish for my future. He said it was something he no longer needed.”


- You really decided to give it to me? just....?

Starlight Witch Stella.

The reason why she was different from other mages and the source that allowed her to have overwhelming and powerful combat power compared to mages of the same level.

Starlight Magic Book.

And the other half of that starlight magic book, Angelina's moonlight magic book she's been longing for so far. Stella declared to everyone with a slightly flushed face that she had expected it more than anyone else at the fact that she had finally obtained it.

“Yes. I'm finally going to change jobs to a high-ranking Starlight Witch job tomorrow.”

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