World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 327

Chapter 327 Death's Apostle (1)

Arcadia wouldn't be strange to call it another world.

People jumped into this perfect world for different reasons.

Just for a quick bite of fun or entertainment after returning from work or school.

In the twilight of life, in order to challenge the dream that he could not achieve, either virtually or again.

To forget the painful reality that is no different from hell and feel comfort and consolation for a while.

For various reasons, men and women of all ages jumped into this virtual reality and enjoyed the adventure for their own purposes, but most of the users had a separate purpose.


Money in English.

Unlike other games, Arcadia adopts a unique and complex economic structure.

Therefore, unlike other general games, inflation, which should occur indefinitely over time, did not occur in this world.

[Eh... I don't have a perfect understanding of the virtual reality system, but basically the world of Arcadia adopts an economic structure that is terrifyingly similar to the real world. The price of everything is formed according to supply and demand and fluctuates in real time.]

A famous American economist said in an interview that he was astonished at the economic structure operating inside Arcadia. He spoke confidently on the spot.

[And the vastness of its scale. There are definitely some parts that have been compromised and adjusted to some extent for the sake of the game, but nevertheless, the value of currency is kept stable so exquisitely. I don't know if the management team and the developer are planning and controlling all of this one by one.... If such a vast economic market is being operated so perfectly, they must be outstanding talents who should be recruited by the Ministry of Finance, not by the game company. I will.]

The ability to control close to perfection itself.

In reality, production and supply are controlled at a level that is almost impossible, and the economy is stably adjusted to meet the insanely explosive demand. Arcadia's gold began to establish itself as another currency through this tremendous economic management ability that would make the Ministry of Strategy and Finance or the US Treasury roll their eyes and drool.

In other words, virtual reality, a profitable business item.

That's why guilds, which are organizations in games that are created in a haphazard fashion, have begun to be created in a really systematic and professional structure, rather than a rule of thumb like other traditional and classic games.

-Decision on strategic alliance with Judgment Guild Hajin Group. 30 billion investment.

- Guilds in virtual games that are becoming corporate. Is this also a new future industry?

- Guilds that earn in-game currency. Companies drooling over their staggering performance.

Guilds that recruit only carefully selected talents through difficult interviews and screenings and put up huge down payments to secure influence in the game and try to lead the way.

Among them, it was clear that Holy Cross was clearly at the forefront of any other guild.

[I have found the entrance of the ruins that has an ominous energy.]

[A strong death energy is blocking the entrance.]

[You must satisfy the hidden conditions to enter.]

“Hmm..... It was hidden in a place like this. Guess?”

Somewhere in the middle of the Erda Mountains, a very small gap between rocks wide open enough for one person to fit through. There were huge thorny vines growing on a huge boulder that no one would care about, so there was something hidden there, full of deep darkness that no one dared to grasp, where monsters and other creatures wouldn't even come close.

“It's a powerful death energy... I don't know what it is, but it must be a divinity related to evil.”

“It seems so.”

Just looking at the phrase, it's a historic site that comes out with a quote. Hallelujah suddenly smiled as he looked carefully at the entrance, which was exuding an ominous energy just by looking at it.

“This is true. Did you mean to keep those old people in check like this because they were worried that their rice bowl would decrease?”

Vulcanus, the god of fire and steel.

His divinity was obviously not that threatening to the Church, so Hallelujah did not understand the Holy King's instructions to hinder and prevent their resurrection at first, but now he knew exactly what it meant.

“By the way... what exactly do you mean?”

Hallelujah for discovering the ruins that were a condition for the success of the quest. Strangely, however, various notification sounds were popping up, but not as much as a message announcing the success of the quest.

That moment when I tilted my head like that and pondered for a while.

Suddenly, a refreshing message began to be heard.

[The investigation request of the Quest Church has been updated.]

[Please check the related information.]

A message indicating that the contents of the quest have been newly updated. Hallelujah, who confirmed that, soon turned his head and began to gaze at the bush not far away.


A sudden loud sound of grass. Then, I saw the back of a man who ran away in a hurry without looking back with a baggy bag on his back, but Hallelujah didn't panic at all and activated the skill in a small voice.

“The weight of faith weighing down.”

Woo woo woo.


With the activation of the Divine Bondage skill, he slumped on the floor and slammed his face into the ground. And Hallelujah, who slowly approached the subdued prey, soon found a middle-aged man with a terrified face.

“I am very sorry. This lowly guy passed by and accidentally saw something he shouldn't have seen...”

He didn't ask anything, but he said he was sorry and bashed his head. The symbol of the Holy Church engraved on the priest's uniform and the armor of the Paladins meant that the NPCs had tremendous authority and power that they could not dare to treat carelessly.

‘His name... Kane...?'

Hallelujah as I glanced at the name appearing above the frightened NPC's head. And he soon glanced at Kane's appearance from top to bottom, and was able to roughly figure out his identity.

“It looks like you were a herbalist digging up herbs here. Sorry to disturb you. Excuse me, just in case it's a group of wicked people who are interfering with God's will.”


Hallelujah, who waved his hand with a benevolent and benevolent smile and released the restraints holding down Kane. Then he lifted him up, who was trembling with fear, and told him not to misunderstand.

“Do not worry. The Holy Church is a place for powerless people like you. I have no intention of accusing them of taking a quick glance at us out of curiosity while passing by.”

“Aaaaaaaa thank you. thank you.”

Kane was terrified of what would happen here. He bowed his head in gratitude over and over again for the unexpected warm hospitality.

“By the way... can I dig herbs deep in the mountains until this late? It is time for the sun to set soon.”

As the sun went down, it started to get dark little by little. Looking at the sky for a moment, Hallelujah asked with a worried face, and Kane said with a smile.

“Oops. no. It was still on the way back to the village. It's not too far from here, so if you go down diligently, you can arrive before sunset.”

The rugged Erda Mountains with no large towns or cities nearby. That's why Hallelujah asked with a little surprised look.

“Ah... Was there even a village in this rugged mountain?”

“Yes yes. It's a village of slash-and-burn farmers who have few villagers and can't pay their taxes properly... The priests probably don't know.”

Kane smiled and scratched his head as if he was embarrassed to speak. But Hallelujah shook his hand as if he was okay.

“It doesn't matter. If you don't mind, can we stay overnight in the village? I was planning to stay homeless because there is no village in the vicinity, but it turned out well.”

“yes....? Are you in our village?”

“why? Will it be difficult?”

The existence of those who are single, single and have a good smile, but something anxiety surges in their hearts. However, Kane nodded as if he was being pushed in the warning sound of a strange instinct that he should not refuse the request and said.

“Oh no. Let's go.”

Kane began to walk somewhere rustling through the bushes. Hallelujah, who had been laughing single-singly at his back, was sneering with a cold laugh before he knew it.

“Hey, now I know. That's why they gave us, adventurers, these quests? They don't want blood on their hands.”

A quest that does not appear to be complete even after finding the entrance to the sealed ruins. And the residents of the nearby village who witnessed them while passing by as if fate.

As a result, Hallelujah's quest was changed to something completely different.

[Quest Dead Men Tell No Tales]

A ruin where a very evil and ominous god is sealed. However, an ignorant herbalist witnessed the existence of the ruins. Those who don't know if they're drunk and spreading secrets that should sleep forever. Are you willing to put blood on your hands to prevent the sacrifice of all innocents in order to preserve the peace of this continent?

-Destroy villages near sealed ruins (0/1)

The easiest and fastest way to hide a secret.

Murderous Extinction

This is an incredibly brutal and horrific quest that requires you to burn down the villages that exist near the Erda Mountains and kill everyone.

However, none of his subordinates, including Hallelujah, felt any moral remorse.

“Guild leader, then can we just follow him and get rid of him?”

“Well... it's a very small scale, so it shouldn't take that long.”

They expected a tough battle, but there were fewer monsters than expected, and the thought that they were going to eat a piece of cake made them laugh and chatter as if their tension was relieved. They slowly began to follow Kane.

And... it wasn't long before the sun completely set and it was an early night.

A bright light began to emanate from the vicinity of the Erda Mountains.

Burning down a small village completely.

By destroying all innocent life that existed within it.

* * *

“This is...? why....?”

After sleeping soundly for the first time in a while, Lucas accesses the game.

He had apparently disconnected from his cabin and stood there for a long time in disbelief as he looked at himself in the ruins where everything was charred and scattered in white ash.

“My... Pablo... Mister! Uncle Kane!”

As if not only his own hut but the entire village were completely engulfed in fire, the residual heat that still remains is feeling hot. As if he couldn't accept the current situation, he ran around like crazy and called out to people anxiously.

“Miss Lila! Mrs. Dorothy!”


Precious people who greeted you whenever you accessed the game.

Even though they were NPCs, they laughed, cried, got angry, and treated themselves like family, just like living people.

A very faint moaning sound came from somewhere.

“Mo Morse...”

“Uncle Kane!”

He was already seriously injured and dying. Looking at his condition, Morse hurriedly took out a health potion from his inventory, but it was not a level of injury that could be saved with only an intermediate potion.

“I’m sorry. I'm so sorry..... It's all my fault.....”

Kane kept repeating his apology even in the midst of the rapidly dying flame of life.

Looking at him like that, Morse felt the trauma of the past come to mind again, trembling like crazy and weeping silently.

“They said they saw things I shouldn’t have seen in the mountains, and this entire village...”


Cain trembled, unable to speak properly, vomiting blood from his mouth. And he looked with difficulty at Morse, and was clearly speaking to him.

‘I'm sorry.'

A strange voice suddenly began to be heard in the ears of Morse, who was crying in grief and despair while holding Kane, who had died while dying in gray, leaving only a word of sorry

until the end .

[Do you want power?]

An evil voice so sticky and full of darkness.

The whisper, which sounded so small that it made me think that I might have gone mad, began to sound more intense little by little.

[If you long for revenge, find me.]

[I will help you with your revenge.]


a message he had never seen before appeared before his eyes.

[The death of the beginning is watching you.]

[You have obtained the secret of the quest Erda Mountains.]

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