World Keeper

Chapter 949: In The Shadow Of The World

Chapter 949: In The Shadow Of The World

In my opinion, this other world story felt… bland? Perhaps that was just due to having gone through something of a similar nature myself, but I just couldn’t develop much of an interest in this adventure. Granted, I was able to fully appreciate the nature of the ability that brought me here. Galahad was truly an amazing deity, to be able to create an adventure simulation with so many branching paths, each filled with fully realistic characters.

However, at the same time, I soon discovered that the pacing was similar to that of a movie. For instance, whenever I began training, I felt a ‘montage’ going by, as if weeks passed in mere moments. Various techniques were unlocked in my interface, but I couldn’t really call it satisfying.

In the end, I was able to identify several of the different branching story options. For instance, I could have chosen to rebel against the kingdom, or even woo the elven princess. The identity of the enemy’s leader was also uncertain. Given the hints I found, it could have either turned into an otherworldly beauty for a romantic encounter, or a great warrior for an epic confrontation.

Naturally, once I discovered these hints, I led the story towards the great warrior side. This kind of thing is probably incredibly popular with most, but for me… it’s nothing new.

After defeating the enemy leader, I was allowed to leave the simulation without any problems. Upon exiting, I found that only a little more than two hours had passed, and was given the option of saving my journey as a file to watch again later. Given the expectant face of the receptionist, this seemed to be a common choice.

However, I denied that option, leaving with a polite smile. I had been gone long enough, so it was time for me to return to Olympus. With that thought in my mind, my figure disappeared into the void, crossing space to appear once more in my bedroom. As my main body was still lying on the bed, I transferred the borrowed money back before dissipating this avatar.

When I opened my eyes, there was a refreshed smile on my face. “Athena, how is Tsubaki’s progress in her trial?”

Athena’s voice rang back in my ear. “It is estimated at her current progress that it will take her at most three days to complete her first iteration, so long as there are no accidents.”

“Three days, huh?” I muttered, before giving a slight chuckle. “You have a lot more faith in her than Fifi and Vivi did.”

“I am basing this assumption on her previous track record, as well as how I have seen her perform within the current trial. Three days is already the bare minimum, as full completion of the trial will require that she transcend the physical body provided to her.”

I gave a small nod of agreement. Even if it was Tsubaki, training from what was essentially a newborn to the level of perfection would take a little bit of time. If she tried to rush it too much, it would only cause her body to damage itself from the constant level increases, or she might not be able to keep up with her changing stats.

So, how did it feel? I was surprised when I suddenly heard Irena’s voice speaking in my mind.

Hmm? Naturally, I wasn’t quite sure what she was talking about, but she simply chuckled.

Walking around without your identity or your guards, experiencing a ‘normal’ life.

When she explained what she meant, I gave a look of understanding. A small smile surfaced on my face, and I nodded my head. I can see why you always preferred doing it this way. Though, I’d hardly say that what I did was of the same level. I wouldn’t be able to do that kind of thing without completely recycling this host.

And you can’t do that, because it would mean getting rid of Clover. There was a slight sigh in Irena’s tone when she said that. Still, I wouldn’t ask you to do such a thing, as it would deprive you of your Illusion domain. I’m just glad that you were able to see the world through a different perspective, even if it was just for a short time.

I gave a somewhat knowing grin as I heard her words. Is that why you brought Alena to Olympus?

For once, Irena seemed genuinely flustered. I-I didn’t mean it like that. I just… I thought that I would like to be with you there, even if it was only through her. I could imagine her face going red at my teasing, but I just laughed it off.

I appreciate it. If you ever want to come here in person, you’re always free to do so.

I know, Dale. There was a much gentler tone as she said that, before changing the subject. Do you have any idea what you are going to do next?

Thinking about that for a moment, I shook my head. We should be getting the report for our next opponent soon. And we still have that attack ticket that Lifre won for us last time. If our opponent is a tricky one, we can just use it to pick someone else. Otherwise, maybe we can take advantage of it for a bit of trade?

Oh? Irena seemed interested in my words. You mean, see what people in this rank want, and ‘attack’ them for the delivery?

That’s right. I nodded my head. It’d be better if we could force them to attack us, but that’s not really an option. I’ll speak with Balu later, and compile a list of the more generic items at our disposal. Or, maybe I’ll just have it advertised as a way to prevent people from being paired against a bad opponent. And then, we can just suggest a trade with whoever takes the offer?

It’s certainly possible. I’d say that the second option would be safer. If we publicly release our list of available goods, that would open us up to some enemies in the future. It would be better to use it to shield against someone who was going to be facing a dead end scenario, like you said.

With a small nod, I got to my feet and left the room. Tsubaki was still in the middle of her trial, and Dana was likely working on a project. With Lifre off on one of her other adventures, there wasn’t much that could be done for the moment.

For most people, the day of the Ascension Festival was a bright occasion when people laughed in the streets, enjoying the various performances. For others, it held a different meaning.

Some people saw it as the end of everything, when an army of the church marched on their lawn. Doors were kicked down, and criminals were dragged out while being read a list of their crimes. A select few stayed behind, comforting various individuals that had been impacted by the actions of those criminals.

Many of these that needed comforting didn’t even realize it, their minds having been altered to the point that they didn’t realize what had happened to them. For these victims, the church was patient, taking their time to heal while guiding home those who had a place to return. Many families were made whole again, and those who did not have a place to return were taken in by the church itself.

This was the first true show of military might by one of the Greater Churches interfering with normal functions. Due to the time having coincided with the rise of Olympus, many criminals trembled. They had thought that the rise of Olympus meant that the gods would become more distant, not more active.

Although these two events were not truly related, they could not simply be a coincidence in the eyes of the people. The gods were now truly watching over the world, and that meant that the shadows were no longer safe for them.

Within the fiftieth layer of Fyor, several individuals in black robes rushed along a golden plain, trailing one after another. Their steps carried an intense urgency, not stopping until they saw a towering tree in the distance, its leaves a multitude of colors. When they reached the base of this tree, they searched around it for a few moments before ducking under one of its roots.

After passing under the root, they found themselves in an entirely different area, one with a dark sky covered with glittering lights. In the center of this space was a small town, dim lamps flickered, though they seemed to radiate darkness rather than light. “We should be safe now…” One of the figures said, pulling back her hood to reveal blood red eyes and dark brown hair.

“Are you sure that we’ll be safe here?” One of the figures following her spoke as the leader walked calmly towards the town.

“Of course.” The woman looked back at her followers. “Even the Keeper needs help to cross the black stone walls. As long as we lie low here for a while, the outside world will have a chance to forget about us. It won’t be too late to start up business again when the heat has died down.”

“That’s right…” The follower nodded, pulling back his hood to reveal his slender, elven features and soft brown eyes. “If that’s the case, this may be the perfect place for us. Shame that it’s a bit small, though…”

The woman chuckled, glancing at the town. Compared to the kingdoms and worlds that existed outside, this place was certainly miniscule. “There are other Shadow Camps, but this is the one I felt was the most secure for us. This is one of the few, true Shadow Camps of the higher floors. You can tell by how the light is inverted, and that’s why we call it as such.”

The elven man looked back at his shadow, noticing how it was brighter than the surrounding atmosphere. “I see… I’ve never been to a Shadow Camp before. Can we still do business from here? After all, we have plenty of clients…” He gestured towards the town, clearly indicating the other ‘refugees’.

“That’s why I brought you along.” The woman grinned. “The heat won’t be as heavy for ‘extracurricular alchemists’ like us, but there’s still some risk that the gods won’t approve. I brought enough supplies to last for a year or two in a town this size, and we can sneak out to get more if we need them.”

“Hey!” A voice called out to them, and the cloaked figures all reached for their concealed weapons. Soon, they saw a black-haired and black-eyed man walking over to them, his body almost bursting with muscle. “You must be newcomers to the camp.” He grinned, cracking his neck.

Seeing that the man didn’t immediately start a fight, the woman nodded her head. “That’s right. I’m Maya Clairmont, and these are my associates. We can provide recreational potions to this camp for a price.”

“Recreational potions, huh?” The man chuckled, raising an eyebrow. “You almost seem too good for a place like this. Still, if you’ve got the stuff, you won’t be turned away. My name’s Barry, and I run the joint. Don’t cause a ruckus, and we won’t have any problems.”

“Of course, sir.” Maya smiled complacently. She had never been much of a fighter to begin with, always priding herself as more of a businesswoman. “We have plenty of our own materials, so providing for the area won’t be a problem in the short term.”

“Yeah, yeah, you want a channel to the outside.” Barry waved her off. “The true Shadow Camps like this one have secret passages leading between them. Give me a list of what you need, and I’ll see if another camp can provide it. For now, just pick a place that’s not used, and don’t get in anyone’s way.”

Maya nodded her head with that same smile, turning and walking to the town. Barry’s eyes traced after her, his shadow all but squirming beneath him. His black eyes turned cold as he looked at the various criminals leisurely walking the streets, as if counting them.

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