World Keeper

Chapter 922: The Trial Of The Keeper

Chapter 922: The Trial Of The Keeper

“How do you want to start, my Keeper?” Tsubaki asked, the two of us having moved to the isolated world where they used to conduct their mana experiments. With those experiments no longer necessary, it made the perfect training ground for the two of us. Especially since the Sky Citadel had already proven unable to withstand the power of Tsubaki’s ‘martial will’. Thankfully, I had already instructed Scarlet to come to this world to produce a true martial spirit.

However, I had to think that over for a few moments, before shaking my head. “When it comes to actual weapons that I have used, I’ve practiced with the chakram and sword, but most of my combat experience is unarmed, either through the use of ki or divine powers.”

Tsubaki nodded her head slowly, already aware of this. “Then, if you do not have a desire for a specific type of weapon mastery, I have two suggestions for you. You are free to choose either of them, or you may even choose both.”

“Go on.” I gestured, to which she nodded again.

“The first is rather simple, training your unarmed martial arts to the point where you develop this ‘martial will’. Since you have some foundation with unarmed combat, this won’t be as difficult as trying to pick up a sword or spear.”

“The second suggestion would be to practice with firearms.” When I heard those words, my eyes went wide in shock. “You are wondering why I am suggesting firearms, not that bow that Tubrock made for you?”

I couldn’t help but nod my head. In truth, I hadn’t gotten any significant chances to even use the bow yet, despite its great power. However, Tsubaki simply smiled. “I have multiple reasons for suggesting a firearm over a bow. First of all, all archer abilities can be equally applied to both weapons.”

“I know that you did some archer training some time ago, my Keeper. This means that you already have the foundation for using archery techniques. Unfortunately, the method that you trained was unsuitable for developing a ‘martial will’, according to my understanding.”

“Why’s that?” I couldn’t help but ask.

“Quite simply, from what I have understood, a martial will develops in response to the use of a weapon through ki, especially during dangerous situations. Ki was only one small part of your archery training, and you suffered no setbacks during your training that forced you to seriously consider a situation. Thus, I believe it would be just as easy for you to apply those techniques in firearm training with the end result being a martial will.”

“Additionally, firearms have a higher degree of accuracy over a longer range. The drawback is that energy-based firearms consume far more energy than an equivalent bow, but your energy reserves should be able to more than bridge that gap.”

All in all, I couldn’t refute anything that she was saying. Although it was a shame that I wouldn’t be practicing with my fancy bow, I was not doing this so that I could look cool. This could easily turn into a matter of life and death. “Alright, then I will try to handle both. What do you suggest we do to get started?”

“First, we need to buy a firearm befitting your level.” Tsubaki said, reaching to click her synchronization bracelet. “I will have my Virtual self handle that task while we get started on your unarmed training. When your weapon arrives, we will move on to a combination of training the two.”

“Until then, I would like to impose a set of rules, if I may be so bold?” Seeing me gesture for her to continue, Tsubaki spoke further. “You are permitted to use your Keeper reserves of energy to maintain your health, but not to increase your fighting ability. Additionally, I would prefer if you do not use the benefits of your skill system to acquire a high level unarmed ability. I would like to keep these rules in effect until you have mastered the corresponding martial will.”

I blinked, slowly nodding my head. “I can understand the first, but why the second?”

“Quite simply, I am afraid that if you use another individual’s skill, it will taint your learning process. You will not be learning as the Keeper, as yourself. Instead, you will just be imitating the abilities of others. While you will be able to obtain some insights from practicing their techniques, they will inevitably guide you down a different path than you would normally travel.”

“That makes sense.” I agreed, slowly stretching my arms. “In that case, how do you want to train?”

“As I said, a martial will should be developed more easily in stressful situations. Because of that… I will be attacking seriously. Although I will only be using my ki, and restrict this martial will, rest assured that you will genuinely suffer if you do not respond accordingly.” Tsubaki’s voice was surprisingly calm as she talked about this. “That is why I allowed you to use your Keeper powers to maintain your own life. Until you have mastered your martial will, I will be facing you as an enemy.”

“If you wish to change your mind about this training, now is the time, my Keeper.” Tsubaki said, taking a deep breath. I could see the normally stoic look in her eye change in an instant. It no longer gave the appearance of a dutiful servant, but rather a savage hunter. As if a switch had been flipped inside of her, similar to when she entered her trial of blood.

It took some effort to suppress the chill running down my spine. She’s doing this for my own good. Otherwise, Tsubaki would never choose to hurt me. However… because it’s for my own good, I have to consider that she won’t hold back. Terra, if it looks like she isn’t able to control herself enough, just pull me back to the Admin Room.

Given Tsubaki’s words, there was no way that I could just calmly handle this like a normal training session. Tsubaki was an extremely proficient combatant. As soon as I told her I was ready, she was sure to charge at me with everything she had.

This is incredibly reckless, Dale… Terra spoke up, a trace of worry in her tone. I’ll be keeping a very close eye on the two of you.

If it were possible, I would rather do this in a virtual space. However, martial wills were a new concept in the universe, and it was possible that training in a virtual space wouldn’t count for that. More importantly… I wouldn’t feel the same sense of crisis.

I steadied my breath, looking straight ahead at Tsubaki. Her level nearly doubled my own, when we weren’t taking into account the Keeper buffs. Although these levels were spread out amongst a great many classes, the same could be said about myself. In this situation, I was undoubtedly the underdog.

“I’m ready.” I said, and Tsubaki’s body seemed to vanish. I vaguely sensed a surge of ki to my right, bringing my arm up to defend. However, the strike that hit me came from the left, Tsubaki’s fist planting in my side.

I let out a groan of pain, my body picked up off the ground and launched from the force of her strike. I couldn’t tell how far she threw me, only that the wind was rushing against me for several seconds before I landed, a forest to my back. I forced my body to stabilize, eyes wide as I looked for Tsubaki. The kitsune was nowhere to be seen, though her voice echoed in my ears.

“Until you have completed your training, you may use any resource in this world. Whether it is the trees, or the ruins of our old factories. Even if you find a weapon on the ground, you are free to use it. Our battle will not be constant, but I will allow you no time to relax. I will be hunting you, my Keeper.”

“This is your Trial of Blood. If you persist until the end, I promise that it will be worth it.”

“You’re training the Keeper to fight with guns?” Dana asked as she and Tsubaki sat in a Virtual market, opening up a window to browse different models. “I’ve never seen you train anyone else before, not seriously…”

Tsubaki’s Virtual self nodded her head, carefully studying each type of weapon. “Due to recent developments, my Keeper and I have decided that it is necessary for him to master at least one style before enemies with similar skills come for him.”

“I suppose.” Dana nodded. “Though, it will likely take a few months, at the very least. Lifre’s trained with a sword for decades, but she failed to acquire the will or whatever.”

To Dana’s surprise, Tsubaki shook her head. “Seven days. I will bring out his martial will within seven days, presuming we can find a firearm capable of handling his maximum output.”

“S-Seven?” Dana’s eyes went wide in shock. “Tsuba, even if the Keeper’s good and abuses his natural benefits, seven days is…”

“It is enough.” Tsubaki spoke confidently, before furrowing her brow. “Normal firearms for Maxers won’t cover it. Bring up the market for Fragments of Acidia, I want to look at the various weapons catering to gods.”

“Are you sure?” Dana asked, bringing up the page Tsubaki had asked for. Although the galactic empires in Fragments of Acidia were mostly antagonistic towards one another, there were multiple mercantile agencies that operated regardless of such borders. “What kind of training are you putting him through?”

“The Trial of Blood.” Tsubaki said in a calm tone, skimming through the firearms selection while Dana froze.

“The… you mean that hellish ritual you do whenever we get a new game, the ultra hardcore mode that has you constantly on the brink of death? You are willing to subject the Keeper to that?” Dana looked at Tsubaki like she couldn’t believe what she had heard. 

“That’s right. I couldn’t think of a more effective method. Personally, I think I gave him a rather lax set of rules, but this is his first trial. He’s had too few serious conflicts in his life. If he wants to achieve a martial will, I have no choice but to get excessive.”

“But… what if he dies?” Dana asked, her voice low.

Tsubaki’s answer was as confident as ever. “I will not allow that to happen. I will not let a monster capable of taking advantage of his weakened state appear within one kilometer of him. The only true enemy he has to face in this trial is me.” As she said that, she clicked on a pistol model, looking it over. “This has a nice upper limit… if we get them to swap out a couple materials, it should be suitable as his weapon. It’s just a matter of how quickly they can be made.”

Dana wasn’t surprised that Tsubaki was secretly protecting Dale during his trial, but more that she was personally playing the role of his enemy. “Aren’t you… afraid that he’ll hate you after this, or that he’ll be too traumatized to face you?”

Tsubaki’s hand froze for the first time, and she gently bit her lip. Dana could see the flicker of hesitation across her face, before her gaze became resolved again. “I… don’t believe that it will come to that. However, I have prepared myself. If the Keeper wishes me to leave his side after this, I will have no complaints.”

You’re lying. Dana thought to herself. Tsubaki would never forgive herself if she truly made the Keeper see her like that. Do your best to hold on, boss…

Dana could already imagine the situation the Keeper was in, having watched Tsubaki’s progress through some of her trials in the past. There were not many cases in which one was in the position to pity the Keeper, but she truly felt that such a feeling was warranted. Dana even wanted to try to offer him some assistance, but knew that there was nothing that she could do without negatively influencing the trial.

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