World Keeper

Chapter 906: Loopholes

Chapter 906: Loopholes

Listening to Arya’s account of the past had given me quite a lot to think about. For instance, I had seen for myself how rich the air was in divine energy. If Arya was speaking truthfully, and she had no reason to lie about that, it would be possible for people to become gods by simply spending a few years living on that floor.

However, the restraint set up by the old god certainly made it tricky to establish a long-term colony and raise gods in this manner. If there were any conflict between the races, we would be unable to defend ourselves. Just like how the system currently considers entities like these gods as monsters, the divine law on this world would not recognize those who come from the lower floors as members of the ‘divine races’.

Unfortunately, I doubted it would be so forgiving in reverse. So if one of my people killed a hundred gods from this floor, they would be executed by the divine law. But, if they killed a hundred of us, there would be no punishment.

If I want an alliance here to work, I need to alter the law such that it includes my people. And I need to do it before anyone realizes this loophole. I even knew the perfect way to do so. Or rather, the perfect person to do it. Can I leave that to you, Irena?

Of course.

Irena took a deep breath, feeling particularly invigorated when she arrived on the thirty-ninth floor following Dale’s instruction. The law power interwoven in the divinity made it so that her own Justice domain felt more at home in this area. Due to the sheer size of the golden crystal, it was impossible for the local gods to properly cover it for protection.

Though they were able to make buildings around its base to use as a form of ‘neutral ground’, there was nothing that they could do high above the ground. This is what Irena wanted to take advantage of, looking down at the ground below. She estimated that her altitude was at least three hundred thousand kilometers. At this distance, even she could only barely make out some vague movement below, and only when she specifically focused on one area.

Nodding her head in satisfaction, she walked through the air to the edge of the pillar, taking out her pen. Closing her eyes, she formed a simple pathway for her divine circuit that would allow her to use her Justice domain to alter divine law. With that done, she brought her pen to the side of the crystal, and began writing.

A divine race is defined as any individual possessing both divinity and sapience. Should an individual possess divinity without sapience, they shall be defined as a divine monster. Should an individual possess sapience without divinity, they shall be defined as a mortal race.

As per the pre-stated law, any who slay one hundred members of the divine race, regardless of their own classification, shall face the aforementioned punishment. Should a member of a divine race kill just ten members of a mortal race, they shall also face the aforementioned punishment. Should any individual order the death of one hundred members of a mortal race, that ruler shall face the punishment exclusively.

All individuals may review their current progress towards any punishment by praying for this information, regardless of the target of their prayer.

Every letter Irena wrote shone in golden light, standing out even against the crystal pillar. Once she was done, the letters faded into the pillar itself, and there was a pulse of golden energy that spread out through the air. Irena clenched her teeth for a moment, feeling the drain on her energy from having written this addendum.

Now she could understand why this law had been left unchanged for so long, as most mortal gods would be unable to pay the price. It’s done, Dale. Irena sent back with a smile, keeping the effects of the drain out of her mental voice. There was no need to worry him over something like this.

Thanks, Irena. I owe you one. Just those words made her smile turn far more vibrant, her body vanishing from the skies of Fyor.

“Alright, you’re all set!” Udona said happily, looking over at Tsubaki, Lifra, Alme, and Aznod. Julia was the first person to complete her divine circuit, so there was no need to include her in this lesson. Instead, she was likely off playing with Aurivy somewhere.

Dana grinned from over at the side. “About time. I was getting bored watching you all.” Naturally, as a Fallen Goddess, there was no need for her to undergo this procedure herself.

“My apologies.” Tsubaki said softly as she stood. “However, you could have gone to spend time with the Keeper? I’m quite certain he would have been happy to entertain you while we trained.”

Dana simply shook her head. “Yeah, he left like five minutes after you started forming your circuits. According to Terra, he went to start speedrunning Fyor.”

Tsubaki stiffened when she heard that, eyes going wide. “I-Is that so?” She asked, trying to keep the unease out of her voice. “Then, we should go to assist him, should we not?”

Dana laughed lightly, looking at Tsubaki. “What’s your level, right now?”

The kitsune goddess couldn’t help but hesitate, taking a moment to find that answer herself. “Four thousand, three hundred, and eighty-nine…”

Dana’s brow twitched at that. “Just how many different classes have you practiced?”

Tsubaki lowered her head, ears folding against her skull. “I wish to be of use to my Keeper, so I will naturally train anything that I believe will be useful.”

Dana sighed, shaking her head. “Regardless, if your level’s that high, you won’t be able to go to Fyor to be with him. I’ve been keeping tabs, and the level limit just hit twenty-four hundred and fifty. And it looks like he’s got one last orb to hand in. So there’s nearly a good twenty floors before you’ll be able to move freely in Fyor.”

Tsubaki flinched at those words, looking like she had been struck, before a light laugh called out from the hall. “Not necessarily!” Aurivy grinned, stepping into the doorway. Tsubaki turned to look at her, eyes full of hope.

“Do you have an answer, Lady Aurivy?” Tsubaki asked, but Aurivy quickly shook her head.

“Nuh uh! Drop the formalities while you’re here. While you’re here, we’re family! I’m not your boss, I’m not your boss’s friend, I’m your little sister, just like Dana there!” She said firmly, pointing to a suddenly flustered elven girl.

“W-Well, that’s quite sudden.” Dana remarked before Tsubaki even had the chance to speak.

“Deal with it.” Aurivy stuck her tongue out, giving Dana a cheeky smile. “You’re nobody’s servant while you’re here. If you want to do things for Dale, by all means. But remember that this is his home where he comes to relax and get away from all that ‘Keeper’ business. If you want him to be happy with you here, that means you’re joining our little family!”

Tsubaki’s face went flushed at that, and she only nodded her head slightly. “If that is what will make my Keeper.. D-Dale happy, then it is what I shall do.” She ducked her head after she said his name, as if expecting some heavenly retribution for using her lord’s name directly.

“That’s more like it!” Aurivy gave a resolute nod. “Now, as for a way around Fyor’s level restriction…” She snapped her fingers, and a black bracelet appeared on Tsubaki’s wrist. “I’ve been working on this little gadget for… about five hundred years, give or take? I thought it’d come in handy, eventually, so I’ve just been tinkering in my off time.”

“Basically, I’ve synchronized it with the crystal pillar of Fyor, integrating my own Travel domain. With it, you’ll be able to visit any currently explored floor, arriving at either of the floor’s gates. However, there are some conditions for it to be used.”

Holding out four fingers, Aurivy began counting off the conditions. “First, as I said, the floor must already be activated. Secondly, there can’t be a break in the connection. So, if you’re on the third floor, and the fifth floor’s crystal is broken, you can’t skip to the sixth or higher. Third, it operates by harmonizing with the crystal pillar of Fyor, so you can only activate it while on Fyor. Finally, for the same reason, you can only activate it while it is daytime on your current floor.”

As Tsubaki stared at her new bracelet in wonder, Dana interjected from the side. “If you have something like this, why didn’t you give it to the boss? Err, sorry, give it to Dale?” She quickly changed her wording when she caught the look Aurivy sent her.

“Because he doesn’t need it anymore.” She simply shrugged. “In his little speedrun right now, he’s taking it high enough to bring the level limit above his own, natural level. And for this, he’s bringing along someone to open the door for him. With that being the case, there wouldn’t be any benefit to him having this backdoor key. I only managed to finish it a few weeks ago, so I haven’t really had the chance to give it to him before this, either.”

Dana gave a small nod of acceptance at that, while Tsubaki looked almost pleadingly at her. “How do I operate this device?”

“It’s easy!” Aurivy placed her hands on her hip proudly. “Simply focus your mana into it while thinking of the floor number you want to go to, and then either A or B. A is for the gate going down, and B is for the gate going up.”

Tsubaki quickly nodded her head, her body vanishing with a burst of blue light. “...Well, she was in a hurry.” Lifre grinned, looking at the spot where Tsubaki had stood previously.

As I was walking through the thirty-ninth floor’s Gate’s Rest, I felt a small surge of mana behind me. Thinking it might be a monster that had snuck in, I turned while maintaining my guard. Instead, I saw Tsubaki standing their, tails waving happily behind her. “I have found you, my Keeper!”

I couldn’t help but tilt my head, wondering how she had gotten here. Though, it was probably Aurivy’s doing. “Is everything okay, Tsubaki?”

Tsubaki, in turn, quickly nodded her head. “Yes, my Keeper! Everything is perfectly fine, my Keeper. Nothing to worry about at all, my Keeper.”

I blinked in confusion, having to focus a bit just to make sure that this was properly Tsubaki, not some illusion. “Why are you talking like this?”

Tsubaki’s cheeks went slightly flushed. “This is how I have always talked, my Keeper.” At the same time, I heard a small voice from her surface thoughts. I can’t believe Lady Aurivy made me say his name directly… I shouldn’t do such things as a maid! From now on, I should just try to avoid using his name at the house, and make sure to address him normally elsewhere! That’s right, that’s how it should be.

It was… difficult to hold in the chuckle that threatened to rise when I heard the flustered tone of her thoughts. “Well, it looks like you had a good time in the Admin Room, at least.”

“Yes, my Keeper.” Tsubaki nodded her head. “Lady Udona has helped me to consolidate my Divine Circuits, and I have integrated the power of Death from Lady Irena into them. Additionally, Lady Aurivy gave me a tool through which I can easily move through the floors of Fyor.” As she said that, she held up her arm, directing my attention to a black bracelet that stood out on her light skin tone.

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