Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 167 What Did You Do?

"....mummified human skin and discarded dog hair."


At Xue Ning's words, Zhou Yu let out a war cry and launched herself straight at her. Normally, Wei Yan should have been holding her back by the hand, but he was so shocked at the savage description in Xue Ning's words that his grasp on her arm lapsed for just one tiny moment, enough for Zhou Yu to slip out of his hold.

Xue Ning narrowly dodged her outstretched nails that were out to gouge her eyes. She quickly ducked (finally her lack of height was good for something) and then headbutted her in the chin.

Zhou Yu stumbled, but rage kept her standing and she used this chance to wrap her fingers in Xue Ning's hair, pulling it as though she wanted to render Xue Ning bald.

So of course Xue Ning had to return the favour. Luckily, Zhou Yu had longer hair, which meant it was all too easy to reach up and give it a painful tug, wincing as her shrieks assaulted her ears.

Tears began to bead in Zhou Yu's eyes. Never before had she been hurt physically in this way! She was the only child of Zhou enterprises, and no one had dared to lay a hand on her for as long as she had lived!

How could a peasant bitch best her like this! She screamed louder, but her stance became unsteady due to the unfamiliar pain, and in that moment of weakness, Xue Ning easily turned things around, pulling her down to wrap her head in a chokehold while Zhou Yu stomped all over her slippered feet with her heel boots.

That hurt! But Xue Ning refused to let go, sheer spite kept her holding on to Zhou Yu's head. This woman insulted her parents and hawker store owners alike, beating her up was tantamount to doing good in society!

"FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT '' The crowd chanted and cheered as everyone took out their phones to record the rare sight of women brawling in public with their fists and not just with words. One person was even narrating it as though they were watching an MMA fight.

That person was internet celebrity Xie Bi, also known as Bibi to her fans. Who knew that she would stumble onto something so exciting - and she didn't even plan for it this time! She could see the subscriber count soar already.

"Everyone, as you can see behind me, this is a fight for Sun Jingwei's love! Sun Jingwei's current lover has his ex in a chokehold and is spinning her around! Incredible!"

Her fans and random viewers alike began to leave comments and emojis.

"Oof that fall would have hurt! Oh, is the ex-lover crying? Yes, but she isn't giving up! Such persistence - ooh now Sun Jingwei's fiancee has slammed her into the door of her own car, that was embarrassing, since she was the one that didn't want to move her car in the first place!"

Bibi smirked in delight. Perhaps she would get Sun Jingwei's fiancee on her channel for an interview. She could hear the coins flowing in!

Meanwhile, Bai Yue's mom had used the distraction to frantically drag her inquisitive daughter away from the carnage. It was easier said than done, for her daughter refused to look away from the fight.

"Mom!" Bai Yue complained, as she tugged at her arm, trying to make her way closer to where Sun Jingwei's wife had her opponent in a chokehold. Such violence! If this was a movie it would be rated PG-13. She hurriedly covered her daughter's eyes, but her daughter peered through her fingers.

"Mom, I wanna help her fight! I can fight!"

"No you don't want to help her fight," She scolded her fiercely. "You are in big trouble, young lady, now we're going!"

They weren't going home, because their way home was still blocked. Hopefully a trip to the shopping mall would distract Bai Yue enough. She personally needed a month at the spa to recover.

"Mooooom -" Bai Yue whined as she was pulled away, her head still craning to get a look. "I can help!"

Her mother internally cursed Sun Jingwei's wife for filling her daughter's head with strange ideas. Because of this woman, they might have to change their identities and go into witness protection!

Hopefully, Zhou Yu's attention would be more focused on the humiliating beatdown she suffered at Sun Jingwei's fiancee's hands, that the rudeness of her daughter would be an afterthought. She chanced a quick glance at the both of them and shuddered.

Even from a distance, she could hear the heiress of the Zhou family scream expletives loud enough for everyone to hear. Unfortunately she only had two hands, so she couldn't cover her impressionable daughter's ears.

"Mom, what's 'fuck you and your fucking slutty pussy'?" Bai Yue asked innocently.

"Something you should never say out loud," her mother said faintly. "Not even once."

"Oh," Bai Yue said, nodding obediently. "Then what about 'you lying whore'?"

"That too. If I ever hear you say such things, be prepared to be grounded for life!"

Zhou Yu, with her cheek pressed against the side of her own car's window, was still hurling worse descriptors. Xue Ning held her firmly even as her eyebrows climbed higher with every insult.

From her parents, to her grandparents, to her great-grandparents, to long-lost relatives, to her future children and grandchildren, even all the random cats, dogs and hamsters she might own in the future… Zhou Yu spared no expense, shooting vulgarities at all of them.

Xue Ning's hand was already getting tired, but Zhou Yu's motor mouth still wasn't stopping. It was almost impressive. She could make it as a female rapper.

"I'll execute your parents in front of you! Then I'll execute you by ripping you apart - "

"Please shut the fuck up; isn't your throat already dry?" Xue Ning scolded. "Wei Yan, take over for me, I'm getting tired."

"Right! Yes Miss Li," Wei Yan said, leaping to attention. Back when the two women were brawling in public, he could only stand by and watch. With the way they fought, it would have been worse if he tried to get in the middle of them and ended up hurting Miss Li.

He was supposed to be helping Miss Li, but frankly, she had it under control! In fact, he felt entirely unnecessary, like a white crayon in the crayon box.

Now that he could finally do his part for her, he eagerly took the burden off her hands.

"What happened here?" Jingwei yelled in surprise as he strided their way. Even in a simple T-shirt and pants, he remained ridiculously handsome, and his muscles were a joy to behold. The crowd that was slowly dispersing quickly gathered again.

​ "Are you hurt darling?"

"Jingwei!" Zhou Yu cried out, making sure to sound pitiful and weak. Her saviour was here!

No matter what, surely Jingwei wouldn't leave her in the lurch, especially when she looked so pathetic, with her hair dishevelled and a bruise on her chin. They had a history after all, and Jingwei was once in love with her. She was his darling!

But Jingwei didn't even spare her a single glance, his eyes were only focused on Xue Ning. He cradled her face in her hands, looking into her eyes anxiously.

"Xue Ning, darling, are you hurt? Your hair is now messy… poor thing…" Jingwei said, as he began to pat her hair back into neatness, fussing at her, while Xue Ning bore it all with stoicism.

Everyone sweatdropped. Why was Sun Jingwei behaving like a wife that found out her husband had a long day at work?

"Yah Sun Jingwei! What is the meaning of this!" Zhou Yu whined, feeling more aggrieved that she was completely ignored by him. She struggled, but it was futile. Wei Yan's hold was even stronger than Xue Ning's, possibly to make up for the fact that he was useless in the earlier fight.

"Jingwei, don't ignore me! Look what she did to me!" She cried out, deliberately letting a few big fat tears roll down her cheeks. Wei Yan gave her an utter look of disgust. "Even my father has never hit me like this!"

"That explains so much," Xue Ning muttered to herself. "He should have walloped you more."

Meanwhile Jingwei blinked as he looked over Zhou Yu.

"Excuse me, who are you again?" Jingwei asked, but he didn't even wait for a reply before turning back to Xue Ning over, his face darkening at the bruises on her feet caused by Zhou Yu's heel boots.

"Your feet are hurt!" Jingwei exclaimed. "What happened?"

"Nothing important," Xue Ning said, casually shrugging as she adjusted her rumpled shirt. She survived Ya Ren and Lu Sheng trying to kill her, Zhou Yu was practically a level one slime in comparison.

"A mad dog was blocking the road. It barked and it bit me." She leaned in closer and whispered conspiratorially into his ear. Jingwei tilted his head down, playing along. "I hope it doesn't have rabies."

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