With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 211 It’s You?!

Once everything had been cleaned up, there was nothing else left for Master Feng to do here.

He had already delivered the document that he had been tasked with delivering and now it was time for him to go.

As he was about to leave, he couldn't help turning and asking one more time, "Are you sure that you're not willing to come work for my Feng Family?"

The head researcher had a firm look on his face as he said, "I appreciate your offer, but I've already said that I will not accept it." Then his brows knitted a bit as he said, "I hope that Master Feng will remember the role that you play here."

Master Feng gave a snort before saying, "You don't need to worry about that."

Then without another word, he turned and walked out of the research base.

The head researcher had a look on his face that seemed like he was saying, "Good riddance."

After they were gone, the head researcher turned back and said to his people, "Send word of this to the Mercenary Guild's president and make sure that he knows about Feng Yu Ze's hidden intentions. We can't let anything mess up our plans now."

The research assistants behind him nodded before heading off to send this message.

After they were gone, the head researcher gave a sigh and said, "I hope that everything will turn out well…The president has already suffered enough for this."

Then with one final shake of the head, he headed back to his research room.

Lin Fan didn't see any of this because he had already left the base.

He had gotten more than enough information from everything that he had seen, so now it was time for him to put his plan in action.

When Master Feng had left with his guard, Lin Fan had followed them out.

They came out the regular way and not far away from the cave, there was a group that had been waiting for them which could be considered their escorts. Though in terms of cultivation, this group was actually much weaker than either of them.

The strongest person in this group was only in the Sixth Qi Gathering Realm, but that was only the leader. Most of them were actually only in the Fourth Qi Gathering Realm, with a few of them being in the Fifth Qi Gathering Realm.

They wouldn't present a threat at all to Lin Fan's plan.

However, Lin Fan couldn't make a move just yet since they were still too close to the research facility. So instead he secretly followed behind the carriage that they got into.

At the same time, he sent one of Greeny's puppets into the carriage so he could listen to the conversation between Master Feng and the Foundation Realm guard during this time.

While Master Feng and the Foundation Realm guard were traveling, they were talking about what had just happened back at the research facility.

Master Feng was the first to speak as he said, "Good job taking that creature on. Now we know what that thing is capable of."

The Foundation Realm guard gave a bow before saying, "But master, did we really need to do all of that? We could have easily found out that information even without fighting it in the first place."

As he thought of what he had been put through, the Foundation Realm couldn't help feeling a bit of bitterness.

But Master Feng said, "If we didn't personally test it, who knows if we would have gotten the correct information? Do you remember what happened last time?"

The Foundation Realm guard paused for a second before giving a nod in response.

With the precedent of the other creature that could heal itself, he knew that it was impossible to completely trust the Mercenary Guild's president or the research facility anymore.

Seeing this, Master Feng continued, "We all know that this is a temporary alliance, so we need to gain as many benefits as possible from it. At the same time…we need to know everything about their forces and their experiments for when they turn those things on us. If we let our guard down even for a second, they will crush us under their feet."

The Foundation Realm guard was silent for a bit before suddenly asking, "What about the head researcher at that facility? How should we handle him?"

Master Feng didn't reply right away this time. After giving it a bit of thought, he finally said, "That Su Guang, he won't fall to benefits and he won't listen to threats…It is a waste to take care of a man of his talents like that, but he's giving us no other choice in this matter…"

After another pause to think, Master Feng said, "After the experiment is over, try to find a way to kidnap him. If he refuses to come with us, you know what to do." As he said this, he slid a finger across his neck.

The Foundation Realm guard gave a nod in response.

After this, they discussed some other matters that Lin Fan really wasn't interested in.

Just the discussion that they had previously was what Lin Fan cared about because it showed that there was a rift between the enemies. Since there was a rift, that meant that it was something that he could exploit with his plans.

But what surprised Lin Fan was that while Master Feng acted the way that he did, he actually had quite the brain in him. It seemed like he wasn't just a foolish person and was someone that actually had some depth to him.

He was now just waiting for the right opportunity.

That opportunity came quicker than he thought.

The carriage that Master Feng was taking suddenly stopped in the middle of the forest. He headed off into the forest with just the Foundation Realm guard, but that Foundation Realm guard didn't go all the way with him.

That was because he had stopped to go to the washroom.

Naturally, he wouldn't want a guard standing over his shoulder as he did his business, so the Foundation Realm guard stayed back while he went to relieve himself.

This was the perfect opportunity for Lin Fan.

With his illusion spell, he easily made his way over to where Master Feng was doing his business.

As he approached, he found something funny.

Master Feng was one of those people who completely took off all their clothes when they used the washroom. Even if it was just for a number one, he still took off all of his clothes.

Lin Fan shook his head with a faint smile before making his way forward.

Instead of heading towards Master Feng, he snuck up behind the Foundation Realm guard.

Master Feng was only in the Eighth Qi Gathering Realm and wasn't considered a threat to him. The only one that was really a threat to him was the Foundation Realm guard.

So the one that he needed to take out first was the Foundation Realm guard.

He pulled out Gramr and snuck up behind him, not making a single sound. When he was finally behind him, he raised his sword and in one quick swing, he cut the Foundation Realm guard on the back.

As soon as his sword made contact, the illusion spell around the sword was disrupted and it was revealed.

His one mistake was that he didn't cut deep enough, so that one slash had only injured the Foundation Realm guard and didn't kill him right away.

Even though he had been injured, the Foundation Realm guard immediately pulled out his sword and sent a wave of sword energy at where the sword had been before. However, with Lin Fan's current speed, there was no chance that the Foundation Realm guard could keep up with him.

Seeing that he had hit thin air, the Foundation Realm guard immediately turned in the direction of Master Feng and started running towards him.

Master Feng had just finished doing his business and was about to put his clothes back on when the Foundation Realm guard ran over.

The Foundation Realm guard was naturally stunned to see Master Feng half naked like this, but he quickly overcame this shock and said, "There's an…"

Before he could finish, there was a sword that appeared out of nowhere that stabbed right into his chest and he couldn't finish his words. He just fell onto the ground with a single bit of breath left in him, looking up at where the sword just floated there in the air.

After confirming this time that he had finished off the Foundation Realm guard, Lin Fan released the illusion spell to reveal himself.

Both Master Feng and the Foundation Realm guard revealed shocked looks when they saw him as they recognized him immediately.

Wasn't this the person that they had killed last time back at the Clear Water Mountain?

Why was he still alive?

For the Foundation Realm guard, he was filled with even more shock because he could sense the aura coming from Lin Fan.

Not only had he come back to life, he had even broken through to the Foundation Realm as well!

Master Feng said in a shocked voice, "It's you? How are you still alive?"

This was the reaction that Lin Fan wanted, or else he could have stayed hidden the entire time and not showed himself as he killed these two. He wanted to take his revenge on them, so he wanted them to know who killed them in the end.

The Foundation Realm guard already couldn't do a thing since he was already too heavily injured, but Master Feng could still move.

It was just too bad that Lin Fan didn't give him a chance to run. With a single flick of his hand, he released his mirror spell that created three walls around Master Feng, only leaving the side in front empty so that he could face him.

When Master Feng had reacted, he realized that he couldn't run away at all, so he turned to face Lin Fan.

He knew that the only way that he would be able to make it out of here today was if he could convince Lin Fan to let him go.

As for force…wasn't there already the example of his guard?

Since his guard couldn't win, naturally there was no chance that he would be able to win.

Master Feng gave a cough and forced himself to calm down before saying with a smile, "This friend, this is all a misunderstanding. I'm sure that we can find a solution to this if we talk this out."

But Lin Fan just coldly said, "There's only one ending today, your death."

Master Feng's face turned stiff when he heard this, but he didn't give up as he said, "Do you really want to offend the Feng Family like this? There's nothing for you to gain from offending the Feng Family like this."

Seeing that Lin Fan wasn't saying anything, he thought that he had finally found a straw to grasp to.

Wasting no time at all, Master Feng quickly said, "If you let me go, I can guarantee a spot for you in the Feng Family. You should know that the Feng Family is one of the four families that created the Harmony Sect. As long as you work for our Feng Family, it'll be a chance to join the Harmony Sect!"

But Lin Fan said nothing in response to this.

Seeing this, Master Feng felt a bit worried and began trying to convince him even harder, "You want more conditions? Just tell me what you want and I'll get it for you! As long as you spare my life, I'll give you anything you want."

By the end of it, he had become truly desperate, but Lin Fan still stood there with a cold look on his face.

Lin Fan finally said, "I already told you, there's only one ending here and that is your death."

Master Feng knew that the soft method wouldn't work, so he used the hard method, "Do you think that you'll get away with killing me? As soon as the Feng Family finds out about this, you'll get your just desserts!" Then he added, "That is unless you let me go right now!"

Lin Fan shook his head before saying with a smile, "But who will know who killed you?"

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