With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 209 Research Facility (4)

Lin Fan still remembered the way that this Foundation Realm guard had calmly pierced him with his sword and thrown him down into the pit.

He did feel a bit of fear at first, but then after seeing through this Foundation Realm guard's cultivation with his Appraisal Eyes, that fear disappeared. In its place, were the flames of anger and the desire for revenge.

After all, if it wasn't for this Foundation Realm guard, he wouldn't have had to waste those DPs buying that pill.

Now that he had broken through and had received that special item as an inheritance, he was certain that he would win against this Foundation Realm guard.

But after this thought passed through his mind, he forced himself to calm down.

The reason was that it wasn't time just yet.

It was clear that this Master Feng was here to discuss something important with the head researcher, so if he were to act rashly now, he would lose out on some important information.

Not to mention, if he were to do something to them, it would mean alerting the enemy that they had found this base.

This was the last thing that Lin Fan wanted to do since it would mean giving up their one advantage of having the element of surprise.

But he did have another idea that he was planning on using later.

At first the two sides just exchanged greetings, but there was no hiding the arrogant tone in Master Feng's voice. It was the same arrogant tone that he had before when he was with Team Leader Sheng's group.

It was almost as if they weren't on the same side that he was even looking down on these researchers.

However, the head researcher ignored this and got to the main topic.

"Master Feng, what did you come here for today?"

Master Feng just calmly laid back on the sofa he was sitting on before giving a snap to his guard.

The Foundation Realm guard took out a document that he handed to the head researcher.

The head researcher was confused when he saw this, but after reading the document, he couldn't help asking, "Is this accurate?"

Master Feng gave a nod before saying, "It's finally time for us to put the plan into action." Then after a pause, his tone changed to a questioning tone as he asked, "The only problem now is if your experiments are ready for the next step of the plan."

As he said this, his eyes also narrowed to look at the head researcher.

The head researcher gave a snort before saying with a proud look, "You don't know how long I've been waiting for this. Do you really think that I would mess up at this point? Everything has been ready for a long time now, all that I'm waiting for is a chance."

Master Feng raised a brow as he looked at the head researcher with a look of doubt and asked, "Really?"

The head researcher looked right into Master Feng's eyes before suddenly standing up and saying, "Then come with me!"

Master Feng was surprised by the sudden outburst from the head researcher, but he was also curious why he would act this way, so he stood up and followed the head researcher out.

Lin Fan during all of this had been peeking at the document the head researcher was looking at from over his shoulder. While he didn't understand what most of the document was saying, he did notice that there was a place that was specifically marked on the document.

Since this was a location that they had marked and based on what they had said earlier, this was most likely the place that they were planning on enacting their plan.

Lin Fan made sure to memorize this location before following them out of the room.

They came back to the elevator and once again they took it down to the room with the giant jar.

When they arrived, even Master Feng couldn't help revealing a shocked look when he saw the giant jar in the center of the room.

But then he revealed an interested look as he came right up to the giant jar and even started tapping on the glass as he said, "I never thought that you would be able to come this far. This really is something else."

Hearing this, the head researcher held his nose up and said in a proud voice, "Of course. There's no one else that can do something like this, you know? This is all the hard work of yours truly."

The researchers who had been minding their business clapped along out of instinct when they heard this. They were already used to the head researcher's big ego and they knew that he wanted to hear applause when he bragged like this.

So they had learned to applaud at times like this out of instinct.

It was better than getting punished for not applauding.

The head researcher was naturally happy hearing this, but then he heard something that ruined his mood.

Master Feng turned around and said, "Then how strong is it? Does it have the special ability that we asked for?"

Being questioned like this was like having his work being questioned, which naturally made him unhappy.

The various researchers also noticed this, so they immediately made themselves scarce to avoid attracting any attention.

The head researcher narrowed his eyes to look at Master Feng before turning to the giant jar and saying, "It's capable of fighting someone in the Foundation Realm and I've confirmed the regeneration ability already, so everything is as it has been stated in the report."

Master Feng just said with a faint smile, "Is that so?"

After a long period of silence, he suddenly said, "Then how about we get a test of its power?"

The head researcher deeply knitted his brows when he heard this as he asked, "What do you mean? What are you planning on doing?"

Master Feng pointed at the creature inside of the jar and said, "My guard has been feeling a bit off these days and he wanted someone to spar with. How about he fight that thing?"

The head researcher had flames of rage flare in his eyes when he heard this, but he forced that anger down as he asked, "Master Feng, are you certain about this?"

He made sure to stress the final few words as he said this.

Master Feng just said with a casual smile as he patted the Foundation Realm guard's shoulder, "He's just waiting for you now."

The Foundation Realm guard had a calm look on his face, but he actually gave a bitter laugh deep down.

He knew that it would be troublesome to fight this thing and he clearly didn't want to do it, but he had to listen to Master Feng's words. It was his own fault for becoming a guard of the Feng Family…

The head researcher also had scruples since it was Master Feng's guard.

He knew about the Feng Family's influence and it wouldn't be a simple matter if he were to get hurt. He wasn't 100% certain that he would be able to stop the creature if it really went on a rampage after all…

But since it was a request from Master Feng, he had to give him this respect.

So in the end, he waved his hand at one of his personal research assistants and said, "Prepare to move Gigant to experiment room 4."

The research assistant took a look at the giant jar and then at Master Feng before giving a nod in response.

Even if he was only the head researcher's research assistant, this position meant that he was higher than most of the researchers in this facility. So after he received this order, he quickly gave the order to the other researchers to start moving the giant jar.

All of them knew how hard and dangerous it was to move Gigant, so they had all sour looks on their faces, but they still followed these orders.

The head researcher didn't care about any of them as he said to Master Feng, "Shall we head to experiment room 4 then?"

Master Feng nodded and said, "Lead the way."

They headed back to the elevator and then took it to one of the mid levels this time.

This led them to one of the corridors that Lin Fan had made his way through when he headed down to the main research room. Then they went into one of the doors that Lin Fan had gone past and they arrived inside of a giant room that had a large arena in the center.

Around the arena was a giant sphere of glass that completely separated it from the outside, along with a tube right in the center of that glass dome that was connected to the ceiling.

The head researcher brought Master Feng and his guard to the arena where he opened a door in the glass dome for the Foundation Realm guard to enter through.

As they stood beside the dome, Lin Fan also looked carefully at it to see what kind of material it was made from. He was surprised to find that it wasn't just any kind of normal glass, but rather his Appraisal Eyes told him that this was made from a polycarbonate resin.

That meant that this was bulletproof glass!

It seemed that they didn't just have access to futuristic technology, but also futuristic material refining techniques…

After the guard reached the center of the arena, Master Feng and the head researcher arrived at the stands on the side.

Seeing that there was nothing coming, Master Feng asked, "Where's the beast?"

The head researcher pointed at the tube that led to the ceiling and said, "Just wait and see."

Master Feng looked up at the tube leading to the ceiling, but seeing that nothing was coming, he couldn't help becoming impatient. After a few seconds, he asked, "What am I supposed to be looking at?"

The head researcher ignored this and took out something that was similar to a walkie talkie. He pressed the button on the side of this walkie talkie and said, "Send Gigant in."

There was a confirmation from the other side before there was a large sound that rang out.

The tube that led to the glass dome actually had a metal cover that blocked the tube off from the arena. This large sound was the sound of the metal doors suddenly opening.

Then there was a large wind that came from this tube that blew down on the Foundation Realm guard standing in the center.

Master Feng quickly asked, "What is…"

Before he could finish, there was a large "swish" sound before a loud boom as a large thing had been sent through the tube into the arena.

Once the smoke cleared, they saw that it was the creature that had been in the giant jar from before.

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