With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 183 Cave Of Madness (4)

Seeing this, Lin Fan took a few steps forward out from behind the pile of corpses that he had been standing behind so that he was facing the creature.

The creature gave a low roar when it saw him, but it didn't do anything as it could hardly move.

Lin Fan could have knocked it out right away, but he wanted to see if he could communicate with it still. After all, this was a creature that was a chimera made from a human being injected with a spirit beast bloodline. He wanted to see if there was a chance that he could save this person.

So Lin Fan said, "I don't want to fight you. Please tell me if there's anything that you remember about what happened to you. I just want to help you."

But the creature didn't process any of this.

It heard these words, but it was as if it couldn't understand them.

It just looked at Lin Fan and gave another low roar in response to this.

Lin Fan shook his head and gave a sigh when he saw this. He could tell from the creature's eyes that there were no signs of recognition in them at all. He could keep talking to this creature all day, but he wouldn't be able to achieve anything.

Since that was the case, there was no need for him to continue talking to it.

With a wave of his hand, there was an ice club that formed over the creature that dropped down on its head.

With the weight that it had, if it was allowed to fall freely, it would have crushed the head of any normal living being. But of course, Lin Fan didn't want to kill this creature and wanted to capture it instead.

So he didn't let the ice club fall with its full weight and controlled its fall.

It fell with just enough force to knock out the creature based on what Lin Fan had seen so far.

However, to his surprise, the creature didn't even flinch when it was hit on the head with the ice club. Instead, it was the ice club that shattered when it hit the creature's head.

The creature wasn't able to dodge it because of the icicles around it, but it also didn't seem bothered at all by this ice club falling on its head.

Lin Fan knitted his brows, but then he condensed another ice club in the air above the creature. With another wave of his hand, this ice club also fell down on the creature, but this time it contained much more force.

But even then, it still wasn't able to knock out the creature and once again was shattered on the creature's head. Once again, the creature didn't seem like it felt it at all as it continued looking for a way to escape.

Lin Fan deeply knitted his brows when he saw this, but he didn't try it again. He knew that there was something that was stopping him from knocking out this creature, so he didn't keep trying.

Instead, he released his spiritual sense to sweep over this creature.

The creature could feel the spiritual sense that swept over it, but it couldn't resist at all since Lin Fan was at a much higher level of cultivation. Not to mention, even if they were at the same level, the creature wouldn't be able to resist since its spirit was damaged.

That was the effect of implanting a beast bloodline into a human body. The two different forces would naturally clash and damage the spirit.

This was also what caused the drop in intelligence.

With his spiritual senses, Lin Fan was able to quickly figure out why his ice club attack didn't work.

It was because the creature's head was too hard. Or rather it should be said that the creature's skull was too hard.

This skill was much thicker than a normal skull, so much so that it was a wonder that it could even fit in the creature's head. It was no wonder it didn't take any damage from being hit with the ice club.

Of course, if Lin Fan wanted to kill it, he would have no problem smashing its head in. It was only a problem when he wanted to knock it out since it was too hard to control his strength enough to do so.

So after some thought, Lin Fan decided to use another approach.

Through Greeny, he also gained a skill that allowed him to bind targets with vines. Since these vines were created with spiritual energy, they were much stronger than normal rope and should be able to hold this creature.

So with a flick of his hand, there were vines that suddenly came out of the ground and wrapped up around the creature.

It completely wrapped the creature from head to toe like a mummy.

Seeing this creature being wrapped up, Lin Fan thought it was finished. However, before he could release the flaming icicles, something unexpected happened.

There were thorns that suddenly came out of the vines.

These were not thorns that should have been on the vines in the first place, but rather they were coming from inside the vine cocoon. They were coming out of the creature that was being trapped inside of the vines.

The creature didn't stop struggling even after it had been completely trapped inside of the vines. Instead, it twisted its body and spun in place, using the thorns all over its body to cut through the vines that had wrapped it up.

With just a single spin in the air, all of the vines were cut to pieces and the creature was freed.

With the vines surrounding it, it had been able to melt most of the frost that had surrounded it and had penetrated into its bones, so now it had also regained control of its body.

As soon as the creature landed, it turned to face the direction that Lin Fan was in. Without any hesitation at all, it kicked off the ground and charged in that direction with its claws wielded.

It was just too bad for the creature that Lin Fan was already prepared for this.

With a single flick of his hand, the flaming icicles that had still been in the air flew out at the creature and pierced right through its claws. The creature might have been able to dodge if it hadn't chosen to go all out, using this one opening to try and catch Lin Fan off guard.

However, with the force that it had launched itself at, it wasn't able to react in time to the icicles that Lin Fan had shot out ahead of time. Even if it wanted to react, it wouldn't have been able to stop itself in time since it had been flying through the air.

The flaming icicles pierced right through the claws of the beast and sent it flying back into the wall of the cave. The flaming icicles were pierced right through the creature's claws and pinned it right up against the wall.

The creature wanted to struggle since its feet were still free, but Lin Fan had also predicted this.

When he had sent the first pair of icicles, he had also prepared a second pair that could be sent right after. When he saw that the creature was going to struggle, the second pair flew out and pierced its feet, also pinning them to the wall.

In the end, all four of the creature's limbs were pinned right to the wall and it wasn't able to move them at all. But even then, it wouldn't give up its struggle as it tried to break free with just its body alone.

Lin Fan gave a sigh when he saw this and he flicked his hand again, sending even more flaming icicles at the creature.

At first it was just a few, but by the end of it, there were more than thirty icicles that were pinning the creature to the wall. If it wasn't for the fact that the icicles were flaming icicles that cauterized the wound right away, the creature would have already bled to death.

But with these icicles stuck in it, it really painted a pitiful picture.

If someone were to see this now, they would even think that Lin Fan was the one bullying the creature.

But in a sense, that was also correct.

After thinking for a long time while the creature continued fruitlessly struggling on the wall, Lin Fan finally came to a decision.

He didn't have a way to safely restrain this creature and as long as that was the case, it was dangerous for him to try to bring this creature back to town alive…

While he could restrain this creature by pinning it down with icicles, he knew that this method was just too risky. There were many things that could go wrong if he were to do this…

So with no other choice, he could only finish the creature off since he couldn't just leave it here. Who knew what other kind of horrendous thing it would do if it was left here. The piles of corpses and the layer of blood on the ground was already proof of that.

So with a heavy heart, Lin Fan raised his hand to condense a sword of ice that was wrapped in flames and with a flick of his hand, he sent it forward to cut right through the neck of the creature.

The creature was shocked when it felt this sudden pain, but then its eyes suddenly cleared as it looked to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan could have swore that it mouthed, "Thank you."

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