Why are the Talismans I Drawn Banned Again?!

Chapter 132: The Great Buddha of Jiang Cheng

Chapter 132: Chapter 132: The Great Buddha of Jiang Cheng

Translator: 549690339

Although Mao Lang was not a numerical planner like Jiang Cheng, as an experienced Talisman Master, he was actually able to perceive a part of the “Heavenly Law.”

Generally speaking, the higher the rank of a Talisman, the more powerful it is.

This power is not just an increase in numbers, but an all-around enhancement!

For example, a first-level Purification Talisman can only remove the “residual poison” from other first-level Talismans, but cannot directly dispel the effects caused by the first-level Talismans.

However, if replaced with a second-level Purification Talisman, it can directly dispel the effects of a first-level Talisman.

If one goes even higher and uses a third-level Purification Talisman, then a first-level Talisman wouldn’t even be able to produce effects within the “residual might” remaining after the use of the third-level Purification Talisman.

Simply put, after the use of a third-level Purification Talisman, antibodies are produced, allowing one to directly immunize against first-level Talismans for a period of time.

This purification mechanism was also the source of Mao Lang’s confidence.

No matter what first-level Talisman you use, Jiang Cheng, they are nothing in front of my third-level Purification Talisman!

Under the watchful eyes of Li Youyuan seeing him off, the expectant grading teachers, and the enthusiastic audience, Mao Lang applied a third-level Purification Talisman to himself in advance, suppressed his cultivation level, put on the Magical Treasure plain long robe, and slowly walked up to the arena.

Mao Lang was already Jiang Cheng’s fourth opponent.

If Jiang Cheng could emerge unscathed once more, then his battle assessment score would become the most golden of all newcomers’ battle assessment scores in the history of Lotus University.

After all, Mao Lang was no mere senior coming to mix credit points but a real Foundation Establishment Great Perfection Cultivator, as well as an experienced third-level Talisman Master!

Although both were at the third level, Mao Lang had greater potential than Lu Wang because he was younger!

It was such a formidable Talisman Master who stood opposite Jiang Cheng, becoming his opponent in this battle assessment.

Jiang Cheng, as always, remained as immovable as a mountain.

He even wore a smile, reciting his usual declaration of “not taking the initiative to attack.”

“Respected teacher, as long as you are willing to concede defeat voluntarily, then I can choose not to make a move,” he said.


Damn, the one opposite is a professional teacher, and you still dare to talk like this!

Utterly arrogant to the point of lawlessness!

Even though the crowd below all doubted Jiang Cheng’s words, what was different this time was that no one booed him anymore.

They had booed him time after time before, but each time, Jiang Cheng had counter-killed the seniors, proving that he indeed had something special. He wasn’t just a clown freshman who only boasted.

Now, Jiang Cheng was facing a professional teacher, and even though the teacher had suppressed his cultivation to the Qi-training level, it was still unknown by how many grades he was stronger than Jiang Cheng.

Compared to the teacher easily defeating Jiang Cheng, the crowd preferred to see Jiang Cheng fighting tenaciously against the teacher and then winning with great difficulty!

The crowd was, after all, more fond of spectacles. What’s the fun in a teacher defeating a student in a regular manner?

They’d rather see the student win!

No matter what, Jiang Cheng was a student just like them, and besides, Jiang Cheng was handsome.

Compared to the greasy middle-aged Uncle Mao Lang, it was naturally the sunny and handsome Jiang Cheng who was more relatable!

Jiang Cheng, give grandpa a ferocious kill!

“Wow, Linger, how can your fellow countryman still manage to smile? I’m so nervous for him!” Cheng Bingxin said.

“He is always like this,” Yue Linger replied.

Jiang Cheng was always calm and confident, as if everything was under his control.

Just by being at Jiang Cheng’s side, Yue Linger would involuntarily relax.

Because everything was considered by Jiang Cheng for her, all she needed to do was empty her mind, follow behind him, and create value for him.

“1016, come on, use whatever moves you have,” Mao Lang said indifferently to Jiang Cheng from the arena.

Jiang Cheng was calm. How could Mao Lang be in a hurry?

Under the protection of the third-level Purification Talisman, any malicious first-level Talisman was nowhere to hide!

Go ahead and use them?

Jiang Cheng had never heard such a strange request.

Since Mr. Mao was so enthusiastic, it would indeed be disrespectful not to use the Reverse Direction Relaxation Talisman properly.

Jiang Cheng politely clasped his fists and took out his “Reverse Direction Relaxation Talisman.”

With sharp eyes, Mao Lang noticed some patterns on Jiang Cheng’s Talisman.

This Talisman seemed to be related to muscles.

No problem.

He had thought it was some kind of offbeat Healing Talisman.

It turned out to be nothing more than a routine “Physical Enhancement” Healing Talisman.

Just a petty trick.

And you dare to make a fool of yourself before my third-level Purification Talisman?

Under the watchful eyes of the spectators at Lotus University Stadium, Jiang Cheng applied a Healing Spell to his opponent for the fourth time.

In order to show respect for his opponent, Jiang Cheng even cast an additional spell on Mao Lang to prove that he, Jiang Cheng, was capable of using spells too, not just Talismans.

Mao Lang calmly accepted Jiang Cheng’s Healing Spell.

On one hand, most individual healings were “targeted attacks,” and apart from “Magic Defense Shield” and “Purification Spell,” there was really no dodging the effects of healing.

On the other hand, Mao Lang was confident in his third-level Purification Talisman.

Why couldn’t a third-level defeat a first-level?

A first-level Talisman couldn’t possibly…


Mao Lang’s stomach made a noise.

Then, he felt his intestinal muscles moving at a maddening pace!

The consequences of this motion made themselves alarmingly clear within three seconds—each and every “brick” was straining to the utmost.

Mao Lang’s face was a picture of shock, “Fuck! Why isn’t the Purification Talisman working?”

Of course, the Purification Talisman couldn’t work because Cao Wang had previously suffered the misfortune of it being ineffective!

As an experienced third-level Talisman Master, Mao Lang quickly understood the effect of Jiang Cheng’s Talisman.

His Healing Talisman must be for “repairing” muscles!

And this “positive effect” of “repair” was beyond any Purification Talisman’s ability to cleanse!

After all, whose Purification Talisman was designed to stop “positive effects”?

But the most terrifying thing was that this “positive effect,” which resulted in “accelerated intestinal movement,” was considered “a bodily voluntary action.”

This once again bypassed the range of cleansing by the Purification Talisman!

After all, whose Purification Talisman would prevent “normal physiological activities”?

Mao Lang now looked at Jiang Cheng with a look of disbelief.

If all the above designs were not coincidences, but intentional, it meant that this student called Jiang Cheng had an unbelievably profound understanding of the principles and mechanics of Talismans and various spells!

Of course, the most important thing was that this guy didn’t observe any Martial Virtue!

He truly personified the words “despicable and shameless” to the extreme!

But now, Mao Lang had no time to think further.

He had to do his utmost to suppress his physiological urge.

Otherwise, his name would resound throughout the Capital!

If he couldn’t hold back, the following conversation would occur:

Student 1: Senior, which year are you from?

Student 2: I’m from the year of Mr. Mao’s “Buhuai Haoyi” incident.

Student 3: What a coincidence, me too.

Student 4: I was there at the scene. I was the one handing the teacher paper.

“Li Youyuan! I can’t fight anymore! I concede! Find someone else to take over!”

Mao Lang made an urgent retreat from the stage and then found out that his limbs wouldn’t obey him!

When he tried to extend his left hand, he would extend his right hand, and when he tried to extend his left leg, he extended his right leg!

The entire coordination mechanism of his body was thrown into chaos!

Jiang Cheng revealed a smile.

It seemed that his casually researched little spell worked quite well.

[Name: Hand-Foot Disorientation Skill

Rank: Qi Cultivation

Type: Healing Spell

Effect: Resets the coordination ability of the target’s hands and feet, allowing them to reacquaint themselves with their body.

Precautions: Not recommended for use when the target is in a rush, as it’s likely to attract excessive enmity.]

Seeing Mao Lang step down and wanting to leave, Li Youyuan quickly went to stop him, “Mr. Mao, what exactly is going on with 1016?”

Mao Lang directly demonstrated his Foundation Establishment Cultivation and forcibly reversed Jiang Cheng’s little spell, and then hurriedly said, “Do whatever you want, but I can’t stand this Jiang Cheng any longer! Let me pass! Don’t stop me! Ahhh!”

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