Who Stole The Empress

Chapter 71: A mean woman

Chapter 71: A mean woman

Now she was really impressed with Tamon like that.

At this point, it looked almost like a beast.

Even though she didnt want to see it, her eyes went unnoticed in a strange, confused, and curious mind.

If youre going to keep peeking at me like that, you shouldve touched it. (Tamon)

In a voice that was clearly mischievous, he tried to move her hand which he was holding.

Roselyn was startled and tried to shake off his hand, but it didnt move.

The hand held by him seemed to be pulled to the place where his manhood rose lewdly.

Oh, no, dont. (Roselyn)

When was the last time you touched me without permission, and why are you pulling away now? (Tamon)

Her heart pounded with a sense of danger.

Roselyn stared desperately at him with a red face.

I didnt do anything. (Roselyn)

Its outrageous that you would dodge responsibility like that. Its not fair.. (Tamon)

He spoke in a regretful voice, but his lips were raised scornfully.

What kind of responsibility and avoidance is here?  It was pure coercion.

It was Tamon who had turned lewd just because she rubbed his shoulder once.

Its absurd that he put the blame on me alone.

Youre the one who turned.!

Roselyn immediately fell silent.

What? What? What is it? (Tamon)

Tamon asked back quickly, as if hed found something to tease her.

Oh, no.

If she struggled any further, she was bound to fall for Tamons tricks. Frustrated and looking for a way out, Roselyn looked at her hand, which was being held by Tamon. She immediately bit the back of Tamons hand.


She bit it with all her might, but all that did was make Tamon flinched.

But that was enough.

Roselyn quickly shook his hand off and jumped up from her seat, moving away from him.

Tamon stood there looking at his hand as if it was ridiculous.

 Roselyn stepped back a couple of paces in front of him and lifted her chin.

Ill go to Tanatos myself.

She was really proud of her teeth marks that remained red on the back of his hand.

How about that face that had taken a hit?

She smiled at Tamon, feeling completely satisfied.

Tamon, who was alternately looking at the back of his hand, where the teeth marks remained, and at Roselyn, who had moved away, suddenly turned his head.

He stared up at the sky for a moment, and then put a hand to his forehead. A weak breathing resonated, not knowing whether it was a sigh or not.

 He seems to be confused.

Watching him, Roselyn felt a little more confident.

A sense of triumph.

Tamon turned around again after a moment, touching his mouth.

Fortunately, it was only after his debauched and disheveled goods were back in place.

Hmmm, do you really want to go? (Tamon)

He asked as he took a slow breath.Roselyn nodded as if it was obvious and said,

Ill go. And Ill provide the necessary expenses.

Youre going to pay for the expenses? How? (Tamon)

I have several separate accounts. Some of them were set up by my grandfather and some by me.

Her grandfather gave her quite a few of them away as rewards for her studies and as extra prizes for chess games within the family.

At the time she wondered if she would ever get around to using it, but it felt very strange to actually have to use it for this now.

Her grandfathers insight always surprised and delighted her.

Thats right. You set up a borrowing account, didnt you?

Roselyn said she would pay him because she couldnt rely on him, but Tamon tilted his head, apparently very unhappy about something.

Do you have to use that? (Tamon)

 Why not? Im going to pay with my own money and pay you the amount I owe you. (Roselyn)

Tamons mouth twisted into a full-on laugh at her words.

He sighed quietly but said firmly.

I wont take it. 


As I said back then, I just picked up what you threw away. Why should I get paid when its my responsibility to take care of you?(Tamon)

He quickly closed the distance she had retreated from.

Then he grabbed Roselyns wrist and pulled her tightly against him as she tried to run away in surprise.

They were so close that their breaths overlapped, and Roselyns lowered voice warned him.

As I said back then, I never said I would give it to you. (Roselyn)

If you want to claim ownership, you shouldnt have thrown it away in the first place. (Tamon)

His lips hovered near her earlobe.

Her skin was hot when he touched it. His angry growl was fierce.

But compared to his temper, his hands that grabbed her wrists and his lips that came close to kiss her immediately were very calm.

As she turned away with a frown, Tamon whispered with a smile.

I told you, I wont force you. (Tamon)

But next time, dont say youll return what I gave you. (Tamon)

He kissed her cheek softly, hiding the ferocious momentum he had revealed.

Never. (Tamon)

It was a tight kiss that went from her right cheek to her left cheek, then connected the bridge to the tip of her nose.

Who had ever kissed her so sweetly?

She had to admit it.

Roselyn liked the warmth and peace this mans huge chest gave her so much it made her shiver.

Even her mother, father, grandfather, and brother, who had loved her so much, had never kissed her so tenderly.

This gentle touch was slowly and surely poisoning her like an aphrodisiac.

It was dangerous.

Roselyn held her breath and forced herself to suppress her elated feelings.

Get out. Dont get trapped. Dont be at ease.

She repeated the word no countless times. Only then would she be able to fully brace herself.

Tamons shoulder with a trail of poisonous teeth marks came in Roselyns shaky vision.

This was the man who had endured the pain of his shoulder tearing off to fulfill her request.

Now he was still looking at her as if he could bring her anything she wanted just by saying it.

She really couldnt understand Tamon. 

Why, why, why do you crave me so much?

Ive never given you anything, Ive never done anything for you, so why do you

She had to stay away from him.

Even if she gave him her body, she didnt want him to take her heart away. 

Tamons lips came down from her chin and circled around it.

The sound of their breaths mingled where they brushed against each other.

Just before the light overlapping of lips spread, and the hot tongue entered her intimate depths.

Dont love me.  (Roselyn)

 Roselyn forced her hardened tongue to move.

It was a good thing that her voice was harder because of that. All movements stopped.

He who had been giving her warmth, and Roselyn whose lips trembled at his warmth.

Dont forget your promise. (Roselyn)

Tamons red eyes shook  violently. But it was only for a moment.

Before she knew it, he opened his eyes and moved his lips that had stopped.

I wont do it. (Tamon)

At the same time, the two lips laced tenaciously.

Tamon bit and sucked her lips relentlessly.

Tormented by the relentless pursuit, he even swallowed her red tongue that tried to escape.

She thought she heard such a sound from his rough breathing.

But it was too intense a kiss to pay attention to that.

Her lips opened wide and a helpless stream of saliva ran down her chin.

Roselyn pushed him away, moaning as she sobbed, but she didnt want to miss this heat, this depravity that made her brain quiver.

The two bodies, which were urgently overlapped, longed for each other more strongly than ever.

While biting and scratching, the strength in their arms that held each other did not drop. 

At some point, all the clothes they were wearing came off and they hugged each other naked.

The sound of viscous water heated the room.

A breath that belonged to no one in particular became a scream-like moan.

Do you know that?

Tamon mumbled, biting her shoulder.

Sometimes you behave in a mean way.

The husky voice penetrated Roselyns ears loud and clear.

It was the voice of a man who was as debauched as he was lustful.

How upsetting that is.

Roselyns body shook wildly as he thrust in.

It was a shock she couldnt bear without digging her nails into his hard back.

You know that, dont you?

He laughed savagely.

Roselyn gritted her teeth and hugged his shoulder .

She didnt have anything to say to him yet.

As time passed, she might have something to say.

But now, at least now, she just wanted to take his warmth silently.

As he said, she knew she was acting cleverly.

But didnt he say feel free to use him?

So would it be okay?

If I pretend like I dont know and be greedy

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