Who Stole The Empress

Chapter 62: Roselyn's anger

Chapter 62: Roselyn's anger

When the interpreter heard her words, he looked at Cassion with a troubled face.

When Cassion, who was curious about what she said, urged him, the interpreter said as he did not have a choice.

She doesnt want to tell you..

What? Why not?

This time, before the interpreter could translate, Roselyn spoke  first.

[Why do I have to tell you? And to a rude man like this?] 

She said why she should tell the rude man her name.

Cassions face wrinkled at the interpreters words.

His face turned slightly red because it was not wrong, but he was still confident.

I want to be friends with you!

His brave answer instantly caused Satin, Asrell and the twins to open their eyes wide.

They shouldnt have laughed, but Cassians reply was so unexpected and innocent that it made them burst out laughing.

Owen grabbed his forehead and sighed, as if he had expected that.

His master was childish.

In truth, he had to be that way because he had spent his entire childhood on the sickbed, never really interacting with his friends or engaging in social activities, just living incoherently.

Tamon Krasis also did whatever Cassion wanted. 

Cassion grew up to be a free-spirited and senseless adult. Of course, Owen liked the purity of his master.

Until the last few days when he jumped into the sea fearlessly and went to the east annex.

Dont laugh.

Cassion warned Satin who was stifling a laugh, Asrell looked as if she didnt know what she had just heard, and the twins just looked surprised.

But Roselyn did not laugh. She seemed to be really angry. She was staring at him sternly with frosty eyes, as if she were the queen of a country, on the subject of slavery and concubines.

Cassion felt a twinge in one side of his heart. He lifted his head and puffed out his chest, as if to stifle the shrinking of his heart just like a mountain beast puffing out its body when it meets an enemy. 

I am going to ask my brother to give you to me, so you should know my name. Youll have to get to know me anyway.

The air around the table was buzzing with Cassions outrageous words. Even in the midst of it all, Cassion was imposing, as if he had said what needed to be said.

[You are very ignorant of your brother.]

Roselyn, who had been silent for a while, replied in a chilling voice.

The surprised interpreter looked at her, wondering if he should deliver those words.

What did she say?

Cassion hurried the interpreter on, and the interpreter had no choice but to tell the truth. 

 She said that you are ignorant of your brother.

Owen was the first to react. He stared at Satin with a pale complexion.

Satins expression did not change.

It was difficult to read his eyes, which were fixed downward. Still, for some reason, Owen couldnt sit still as if he were sitting on a cushion of thorns.

[The head of this family.]

Roselyn casually revealed something that everyone knew, but hadnt said.

Startled, Cassion raised his chin and responded proudly.

I dont ignore him, I just enjoy the rights he stole from me. Everything that my brother is enjoying is originally mine anyway.

Roselyn laughed for the first time at his words.

[Why do you think its yours?]

My brother is a bastard and Im a legitimate son, of course Im the original heir if you look at the legitimacy, but hes now the Lord of Krasis. So its right to take back what is mine.

[If you were the Krasiss master, would you have raised the status of Krasis to what it is now? I dont think so]

The interpreter, who had been busily interpreting, went silent at the force of Cassion slamming of the table.

How dare you! What do you know?

Just now Roselyns words dug right into Cassions heart.

Cassion had an inferiority complex with Tamon. His brother was so perfect. She never saw anyone better than him in every way.

That was why Cassion was jealous. That was why he was upset.

It was as if it was natural for Tamon to take what Cassion should have enjoyed.

Im good enough! D*mn it! What the hell do you know about anything! Youre arrogant!

How dare a mere slave touch his complex without fear!

Cassion looked unhinged, every angry emotion grazing his face.

Staring at him, Roselyn said.

[So youre going to hold a whip?]

I dont go around beating people up like someone else.

He replied through clenched teeth.

Perhaps that someone was his older brother, who was rumored to be a god of war, a demon, or some other rumor-spewing creature.

His inferiority complex was palpable in his words.

Her voice became even lower.

[But who is it? ..that swam in the sea at night, climbed up the wall and knocked on some womans window.]

Roselyns purple eyes glowed coldly in the sunlight.

It was at that moment that everyone in the room felt strange.

A beautiful woman brought by Tamon.

Externally, she was known as the slave he had brought from Nilux, but

If anyone talked to her even a little, they could tell that she was not a just slave.

Even though she spoke a completely different language, she was able to subdue Cassion.

The ruffian of the Krasis family, Cassion Krasis, was trembling as his face turned red at the mere sight of a womans gaze.

According to Cassions words, she dared to hold the nobility on the subject of slavery.

This lady

Satin glanced at Roselyn with concern and awe.

Of course, his master had brought her here, so he knew she was no ordinary woman.

Judging from the condition of her limbs and the wounds, they were the marks of torture.

But he was beginning to think that perhaps she was an important person, more than he expected.

Satin lowered his eyes more deeply. 

He liked Roselyn. He liked her calm personality, and it was also good to see his master who changed into a human being only in front of her.

But what he liked most of all was that she represented Tamon.

Satins lips lifted a little.


Roselyn was annoyed.

She wasnt angry that he had disturbed her sleep for three days. She was angry at Cassions rudeness.

Regardless of the actual situation, she was now Tamons woman. At least that was what was clearly known in the mansion.

But how could a younger brother be so brazen as to invade the bedroom of his older brothers woman?

This was an act of disregard for her, but it was also an act of disregard for Tamon.

Regardless of personal matters, the head of this family was Tamon.

Now Cassion was letting his personal feelings shake the family name.

[To ignore your brother would be to ignore your family name, and to ignore your family name would be to deny your very roots.]

 My roots!

[Krasis, right?]

At her decisive words, Cassion stopped talking.

[Remember that all that has been given to you is because youre Krasis. And right now, that Krasis Lord is not you, but your brother, Tamon Krasis.]

Tamon told Roselyn to ignore Cassion when she saw him.

Roselyn had planned to do the same at first.

However, she was strangely unhappy with Cassions attitude of hatred towards Tamon.

She could see at once that Cassion was a child. He was a man with no maturity, only a body that had grown up.

[You can never be a Tamon Krasis, even if you have what Tamon has.]

But that didnt mean he was a bad kid. He was just arrogant and disrespectful

Roselyn was offended.

[Please dont come again, for I do not deal with children who do not learn courtesy and manners.]

Roselyn rose from her seat.

Not only was the Empresss position, but also when she was just Roselyn V Sunset, she had never been this aggressive or mannerless to anyone.

But on the contrary, no one had ever been this unmannerly before her.

It was her way of giving back exactly what she received.

Not a plus, not a minus.

Roselyn dealt with Cassion with just that level of rudeness.

Oh, you.. ..!

In a daze, Cassion later called out to her, who suddenly moved away.

Roselyn didnt look back and the twins hurriedly followed her out of the room.

It wasnt until Roselyn had completely disappeared that Cassion finally realized that he had not yet heard her name.

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