Who Let Him Cultivate Immortality

Chapter 86: The Undercover Agent Hidden Within the Government

“Now many people are showing symptoms of excessive sleepiness. Could it be that the Life-Draining Talisman has already started to absorb the lifespan of ordinary people?”

Lan Ting shook her head: “Not exactly. Lifespan is the foundation of life and is not so easily shaken. According to your description, people have only started showing signs of sleepiness in the past few days. This is just the beginning. It will take at least half a month before the actual absorption of lifespan starts.”

“The process of formally absorbing lifespan is extremely long and difficult to detect.”

“However, there is a method to forcibly activate the Life-Draining Talisman.”

“What method?” Lu Yang pressed.

Lan Ting seriously explained: “By using the Life-Draining Talisman as nodes to form a Life-Draining Array and using human blood as a catalyst, there’s no need to wait for half a month. The array can be activated immediately, using the lifespan of mortals to enhance one’s own cultivation!”

In fact, the knowledge of the Life-Draining Talisman and Life-Draining Array is quite obscure, only mentioned in a few books. Since the Life-Draining Talisman is outrightly considered dark and forbidden, the books mentioning it are banned. Even those well-versed in arrays might only have heard of the name of the Life-Draining Talisman and not recognize its pattern.

It’s only because Lan Ting comes from the Moon Laurel Immortal Palace that she has access to these forbidden texts.

She modestly claims not to have a deep understanding of arrays, but the knowledge she has shown is far beyond mere “modest understanding.”

Lan Ting added: “However, the person who wrote the Life-Draining Talisman likely doesn’t know how to set up the Life-Draining Array. Before the array is activated, there wouldn’t even be signs of sleepiness, making it even more secretive. However, it’s also possible that the Life-Draining Array is currently being set up and not yet complete.”

Meng Jingzhou and Barbarian Bone, listening on the side, also realized the gravity of the situation. If everyone in Yanjiang County is showing signs of sleepiness, it means the Life-Draining Talismans are hidden all over Yanjiang County!

The person acting in the shadows has grand schemes! “After the Life-Draining Array is activated, to what realm can the practitioner be elevated?”

Lan Ting shook her head: “It’s hard to say, it depends on how much lifespan the array can absorb. We can’t see it right now.”

“Let’s go to the Great Stone Bridge and have a look. There might be more there!” Lu Yang called the trio.

To the west of Yanjiang County flows a large river known as Hidden Dragon River. The section of the river flowing through Yanjiang County is calm, often frequented by visitors, making it a distinctive attraction of Yanjiang County. The name “Yanjiang” itself derives from this river.

The “Great Stone Bridge” mentioned by Lu Zhi, the thwarted burglar, is located here.

At this late hour, not a soul was on the Hidden Dragon River. The four made their way to the Great Stone Bridge, searching thoroughly but finding no new Life-Draining Talismans.

“Indeed, our adversary isn’t foolish enough to place two Life-Draining Talismans in the same location.”

The next morning, Constable Wei sought out the Chief Officer Fang Qingyun.

“What’s the matter, Xiao Wei?”

“Master, have you noticed that recently, the people of Yanjiang County tend to sleep early and struggle to wake up in the morning?”

Fang Qingyun nodded: “Yes, I thought it might be because the cost of living in Yanjiang County has increased, but incomes haven’t, leading to significant life stress for the populace, who work hard during the day to make ends meet.”

Constable Wei rubbed his temples in frustration, choosing his words carefully: “Master, I know you aspire to be promoted and have been reading socio-economic books lately to lay a good foundation for your future promotion. But have you ever considered that you’re simply not cut out for development?”

“Just spit it out!”

“…Well, last night, a concerned citizen captured a burglar attempting to break into a house. According to the burglar, he accidentally acquired a piece of yellow paper that can induce sleep, affecting people within a fifty-meter radius to feel drowsy.”

Constable Wei took out the talisman from a box sealed with a talisman that nullifies its effects. He discovered that the sleep-inducing talisman had no effect on him but worked excellently on ordinary people, putting everyone on the night shift to sleep.

He had no choice but to lock the talisman in the box.

“Do you recognize this thing?”

Fang Qingyun examined it for a moment and shook his head, indicating he did not recognize it: “Prefect Li has seen much and knows a lot, perhaps he might recognize it.”

When they found Prefect Li, he was engrossed in handling official duties.

Both men admired Prefect Li greatly. As a Golden Core cultivator who had been in Yanjiang County for twenty years, Yanjiang County remained unchanged under his rule. However, whenever superiors inspected Yanjiang County or Prefect Li reported to his superiors, Yanjiang County always showed its best side, as if it had undergone earth-shattering changes over the twenty years.

“Prefect Li, I have a report to make!” Fang Qingyun said.

Prefect Li set down his brush and gestured for them to sit and talk.

Constable Wei reported last night’s incident truthfully and presented the talisman for Prefect Li to examine.

Prefect Li squinted, let out a light exclamation as if remembering something, and fell into thought. After a few minutes, he said, “If my memory serves me correctly, is this a Life-Draining Talisman?”

“Thirty years ago, when I was in charge of combating demonic practices in Poyang Prefecture and exchanging experiences with colleagues from other prefectures, one of them introduced me to this type of talisman, saying it was a Life-Draining Talisman that could absorb human lifespan and convert it into cultivation. It is undeniably a demonic method.”

Prefect Li solemnly said, “With the Spring Harvest Festival approaching, there will be a large influx of people from other prefectures and counties visiting, including both ordinary people and cultivators. The Spring Harvest Festival is our most prominent event in Yanjiang County; we cannot afford any mishaps. You must catch the demonic culprits behind these talismans before the festival begins!”

“These demonic culprits are utterly lawless, showing no regard for the court!”

“Chief Officer Fang, you must take this matter very seriously. If the Life-Draining Talisman becomes widespread, it will have endless repercussions!”

Then Prefect Li changed his tone: “Of course, if you catch the mastermind behind this, it will be a great achievement. I will report it to the higher-ups. If possible, you should try to have a breakthrough in your cultivation. That way, your promotion is guaranteed.”


“If there’s nothing else, you may leave. I have another meeting soon.”

The next day, Lu Yang and the others wanted to continue searching for the location of the Life-Draining Talismans based on clues. Before they could leave, the Helmsman Chu sent someone to call Lu Yang over.

Lu Yang didn’t understand why Helmsman Chu only called for him. He was on alert, sensing something unusual.

Helmsman Chu, sitting on a jade chair, supporting his head with his palm and wearing a mask, spoke in a hoarse voice: “I heard you caught a thief last night and found a yellow talisman that induces sleep?”

Lu Yang respectfully replied, “Yes, I suspect the yellow talisman is a method used by our demonic path. I intend to find the person who wrote the talisman, kill and plunder them, and learn the skill to draw such talismans!”

Helmsman Chu waved his hand: “While it’s necessary to maintain good relations in front of the officials, this time is different. This incident will be thoroughly investigated by the government, and with Golden Core cultivators getting involved, the truth will soon emerge. You should not interfere any further to avoid exposing your identity and getting yourself involved.”

“It’s just a talisman that induces sleep, not worth the risk.”

Lu Yang was shocked. Helmsman Chu knew about last night’s incident by this morning and even knew that a Golden Core cultivator would get involved, something even he was unaware of.

Helmsman Chu has planted an undercover agent within the government!

(End of the chapter)

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