Who Let Him Cultivate Immortality

Chapter 68: The Correct Way to Pass the Test

The crowd was stirred, not expecting the Everlasting Sect to place such high importance on this recruitment, with even the vice sect leader making an appearance.

The vice sect leaders of the four major demonic sects are significant figures throughout the Central Continent, and seeing one in person is usually a luxury.

Lu Yang, however, felt indifferent. It was no different from meeting an elder of the Dao Seeking Sect; it wasn’t his first time.

“Your current state is one of mere thought, with your physical bodies remaining in place. After the official test begins, all your cultivation levels and memories will be erased, placing everyone at the same starting point.”

The sect leader placed great emphasis on this test. In the grand scheme of conflicts, what’s most important is talent!

If they possess singular spiritual roots, natural immortal physiques, or demonic seeds from birth, then they would have the capital to contend with the righteous path!

For this reason, he had the vice sect leader meticulously design three tests to ensure the selection of true talents.

To prevent cheating, the sect’s secret methods were used to erase participants’ cultivation levels and memories, allowing for a true reflection of their abilities.

“The first test officially begins. The standard for passing is defeating the Liang Kingdom’s army.”

After the vice sect leader said this, everyone felt dizzy and disoriented, unable to distinguish directions. When they came to their senses, they remembered nothing.

“Where is this?” Barbarian Bone regained consciousness, still feeling dizzy.

He was disheveled, holding a broken sword, with his armor covered in blood.

Barbarian Bone stumbled a few steps and almost fell, but his personal guard quickly supported him: “General, please get on the horse. Now is not the time for integrity. The Liang Kingdom’s army is about to catch up!”

During the escape on horseback, memories related to the test gradually flooded into Barbarian Bone’s mind.

“There are two countries here, Liang and Jin, eternal enemies, each wishing to defeat the other. Jin is not as strong as Liang, and I am now a general of Jin, commanding the entire Jin army.”

“I was careless and fell into the enemy’s trap. I need to regroup and come back stronger to defeat Liang!”

Barbarian Bone forgot this was a test and only remembered that he was Jin’s undefeated general, determined to defeat Liang and protect his country.

In addition to background memories, combat experience also filled his mind, making him truly Jin’s undefeated general.

Unfortunately, despite Barbarian Bone’s rich experience, the generals of Liang were equally experienced, and he suffered defeat after defeat.

Barbarian Bone was highly esteemed in the army, with his soldiers placing great trust in him. They believed setbacks were temporary, and General Barbarian Bone would surely lead them to victory.

Barbarian Bone suffered another defeat. Honest by nature and experienced in combat, he couldn’t apply his knowledge effectively, always falling into the traps set by Liang’s generals.

“Puffing and panting, Barbarian Bone disgracefully fled to a cave. This defeat was utterly humiliating, the greatest shame of his life.

Outside, the bleak wind and bitter rain mirrored his increasingly desolate mood.

Thinking of his soldiers’ trust and the impact of repeated failures, he looked at his notched sword, wishing he could end his own life!

To die would be to escape all failure, all responsibilities towards Jin; it would all no longer concern him.

Suddenly, a spider caught his attention.

The spider looked strange, unlike any Barbarian Bone had seen before.

The spider was weaving its web, with the wind and rain from outside repeatedly destroying it.

Each time the web was destroyed, the spider would start over, undiscouraged.

Watching the spider fail and try again and again, Barbarian Bone saw a reflection of himself.

“You will succeed!” Barbarian Bone fixed his gaze on the spider, hope gradually rising in his eyes.

If the spider could persist, then as a human, could his willpower be any less?

Finally, after countless failures, the spider succeeded in building its web.

Barbarian Bone sprang to his feet, his fighting spirit ignited. If the spider could succeed, so could he!

A fierce fire blazed within Barbarian Bone’s heart. He was determined to regroup and counterattack Liang!


Barbarian Bone glanced at the spider, intending to thank it for the encouragement, but unexpectedly, a praying mantis suddenly appeared and killed the spider.

Initially, Barbarian Bone wanted to angrily crush the mantis, but then he realized the spider’s situation was much like his own. After succeeding, it became complacent, forgetting the dangers lurking in the shadows.

He pondered, “Indeed, perseverance is crucial, but strategy is equally important. Attacking the enemy when they’re off guard can have an unexpected effect!”

Eventually, Barbarian Bone used small victories to lull Liang into complacency, then launched a surprise attack with his hidden troops, breaking through the main force of Liang’s army and achieving a complete victory.

Barbarian Bone passed the test.

At the Everlasting Sect’s headquarters, the calm surface of the water reflected everyone’s performance in the first test, with the vice sect leader observing and evaluating.

“How is it? Any promising candidates?” The space twisted as the sect leader appeared. “Your first test is not easy. Facing continuous failures, one must learn perseverance from the spider and the element of surprise from the mantis.”

The vice sect leader shook his head, “It’s necessary. The righteous path is suppressing us, and the demonic sect has faced consecutive failures. Some within the sect are considering retreat. Our experience with Jin is so similar. Through this test, I want to select followers with firm willpower, nurture them into talents, and oppose the righteous path!”

“Opposing the righteous path requires more than willpower; it also requires skill. Learning tactics from both the spider and the mantis, how else can victory be achieved?”

The sect leader nodded, “Well said, that’s exactly why I had you organize this selection. The outstanding followers selected this time must be given priority in training; they are our reserve force against the righteous path!”

The vice sect leader pointed to a scene, “I have high hopes for this one named Barbarian Bone. His method of passing perfectly aligns with my intentions. This person will surely achieve greatness!”

The sect leader took a glance at Barbarian Bone and found him quite agreeable, “Then let’s see how the others performed.”

Standing together, the sect leader and the vice sect leader continued to watch. Suddenly, the sect leader asked, “Do you think there’s another way to pass?”

The vice sect leader firmly denied, “Absolutely not!”

“This first test is a segment of history I extracted, from a corner of the world in chaos ten thousand years ago. Back then, cultivators were far fewer than now, and Liang and Jin had even fewer. I based this test on those events to ensure its authenticity as much as possible.”

The Everlasting Sect invested significant resources to extract this historical segment, much to the vice sect leader’s distress.

“The general of Jin historically achieved enlightenment in a cave and defeated Liang’s army!”

“That was already a miracle. I refuse to believe there’s another way!”

The sect leader nodded; he thought the same. His question was just to avoid an awkward silence and make conversation.

Then, they saw Meng Jingzhou and Lu Yang’s methods of passing the test.

(End of the chapter)

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