Who Let Him Cultivate Immortality

Chapter 340: The Everlasting Fairy’s Dilemma

The number of cultivation techniques stored in the Dao Seeking Sect’s Scripture Pavilion surpasses even that of the Great Xia Dynasty’s imperial palace.

Various cultivation methods from ancient times, along with those written by the sect’s predecessors, are all stored within the Scripture Pavilion.

Here, Lu Yang even found the “Pure Yang Technique” practiced by Meng Jingzhou.

Compared to Lu Yang, Meng Jingzhou’s technique is much simpler. The illustrious path has already been paved by the Single Spirit Root predecessors; as long as he follows this path, the destination is the glorious Tribulation Crossing Stage.

However, Lu Yang is unsure if Meng Jingzhou, who has broken through the limitations of the Single Spirit Root predecessors and created the Twin Single Spirit Root, can still walk the path they prepared for him.

“Why is it so thin?” Lu Yang wondered, holding the “Pure Yang Technique,” which detailed the cultivation methods for the Golden Core and Nascent Soul stages. Even if the language was concise and profound, it shouldn’t be this thin, right?

He opened the technique manual, only to find a single sentence inside:

“Keep going, don’t lose your virginity, cultivation is just beginning!”

Lu Yang: “…”

Indeed, the Single Spirit Root lineage has had many who reached the Unity and even the Tribulation Crossing Stages, and compared to these predecessors, the Golden Core Stage is just the beginning.

“So as long as you Single Spirit Root practitioners keep your virginity intact, you can keep cultivating, huh?”

Lu Yang had heard of a Single Spirit Root predecessor who painstakingly cultivated to the Tribulation Crossing Stage. Afterward, he celebrated grandly, renting out all the brothels in the imperial city and indulging for an entire month, single-handedly raising the spending threshold of the city’s brothels.

This is what you call retaliatory spending.

Single Spirit Root practitioners aren’t the same as those in the Buddhist sects.

Buddhism advocates eliminating desires, viewing beauties as mere skeletons covered in flesh, fleeting and unworthy of attachment.

Single Spirit Root practitioners, on the other hand, cannot eliminate such desires; in fact, these desires may grow with their cultivation level. Faced with this, they can only suppress and endure, to the point where even seeing a skeleton as a beauty isn’t out of the question.

Lu Yang also found a rather unique technique called the “Sacrificial Body Method.” As the name suggests, it’s a method that involves sacrificing parts of one’s own body. The idea behind it is that all things originate from nature and must eventually return to nature.

Since everything comes from nature, why not return oneself to nature?

To cultivate this technique, one must sacrifice a part of their body in exchange for a strong cultivation aptitude and an elevation in cultivation stage.

As a result, those who practice this technique often end up blind, mute, and with bodies in a state of disrepair, with some even reducing their bodies to mere shells through repeated sacrifices.

The technique is quite extreme but hasn’t reached the level of demonic cultivation.

One of Lu Yang’s senior brothers practiced this technique.

He sacrificed his appendix during the Qi Training Stage, his fat during the Foundation Building Stage, his hair during the Golden Core Stage, and his eyesight during the Nascent Soul Stage. Currently, he’s a nearsighted individual who wears glasses.

“All things originate from nature and must eventually return to nature. This sounds so familiar. The Immemorial Immortal said something similar to me. He told me that everything has a time of prosperity and decline, and that both are but fleeting moments in the grand scheme of nature.”

“Only by imitating nature and returning to simplicity can one maintain everlasting strength.”

“The Immemorial Immortal’s words solved a problem that had troubled me for a long time. Inspired by his words, I wrote the ‘Everlasting Immortal Technique’ and attained the Dao, becoming an immortal.”

“With your intelligence, Fairy, is there still a problem that troubles you?”

Hearing Lu Yang praise her so highly, the Everlasting Fairy beamed with joy, but then she thought about it and decided that she should maintain her composure in front of Lu Yang. She shouldn’t be so easily pleased by a few compliments, so she restrained her smile and said with a slight smile:

“Even though this immortal’s talent is unparalleled across ten thousand ancient times, surpassing even that of Ying Tian Immortal and the others, I still encountered difficulties when it came to becoming an immortal.”

Lu Yang nodded, acknowledging that becoming an immortal is a major focus for cultivators, and it’s understandable that the Everlasting Fairy would face challenges in this area: “Is it about how to achieve ariya-phala?”

“Which type of ariya-phala to form.”

Lu Yang: “…”

“At that time, I had many choices. I could have formed the ‘Tribulation Ariya-phala’ like Ying Tian Immortal, or the ‘Void Ariya-phala’ that comprehends the mysteries of space, or even the ‘Time Ariya-phala’ similar to Immemorial Immortal. But I wasn’t satisfied with any of these ariya-phalas, feeling that they didn’t reflect my true abilities.”

“Originally, according to my progress, I should have been the first to become an immortal, ahead of Nonuple Immortal and Immemorial Immortal. But unfortunately, I encountered difficulties in choosing which ariya-phala to form and couldn’t decide on one.”

“It delayed me for just a little while, really, just a little while.” The Everlasting Fairy gestured with her thumb and forefinger to indicate a short amount of time, emphasizing how brief it was.

Lu Yang had no idea how long her “little while” really was—whether it was days, months, or even years.

Given that the Everlasting Fairy dared to claim she was only sixteen years old, Lu Yang was highly skeptical of her sense of time.

“And then Nonuple Immortal, Immemorial Immortal, Ying Tian Immortal, and Qilin Immortal all became immortals one after another, leaving me behind.” As she spoke, the Everlasting Fairy wrinkled her nose, clearly displeased with Nonuple Immortal and the others for getting ahead of her.

“Finally, when Qilin Immortal became the last to achieve immortality, Immemorial Immortal spoke those words to me, which greatly inspired me. In the end, I formed the Everlasting Ariya-phala that they all envy!”

The Everlasting Fairy said this proudly, as it was the ariya-phala she took the most pride in.

To thank Immemorial Immortal for the inspiration, she specially prepared a table full of delicious dishes for him. Immemorial Immortal was so moved that he wept bitterly, lamenting his past decisions.

Lu Yang was deep in thought. The words of Immemorial Immortal contained profound wisdom, but with his current low cultivation level, he couldn’t grasp their full meaning.

Such hidden profundity, if explained plainly by someone else, would lose much of its impact.

He made a note of Immemorial Immortal’s words and continued to delve into the cultivation techniques.

Besides the common techniques found in the market, the Scripture Pavilion also housed some slightly different techniques. These techniques came from Lu Yang’s senior brothers and sisters.

Although his seniors weren’t able to create completely new techniques, they had no problem innovating upon existing ones.

For example, the technique Lu Yang was currently studying, the “Great Sun Dharma Body Technique,” involves comprehending the sun and harnessing its contained power to form a “Great Sun Dharma Body” that can incinerate everything. During the day, the power of the Great Sun Dharma Body reaches its peak, but as the sun sets and night falls, its power diminishes.

One senior sister made a slight modification to this technique and wrote the “Great Moon Dharma Body Technique,” which involves comprehending the moon and forming a “Great Moon Dharma Body” that is gentle as water and possesses strong healing abilities.

More importantly, these two techniques are compatible, allowing the practitioner to switch between the Great Sun Dharma Body and the Great Moon Dharma Body. The Great Sun Dharma Body can be used during the day, and the Great Moon Dharma Body at night.

And this is only the first layer, which can be cultivated during the Golden Core Stage and Nascent Soul Stage.

Upon reaching the second layer, one can summon both the Great Sun Dharma Body and the Great Moon Dharma Body simultaneously, a phenomenon known as “Sun and Moon Shining Together,” which doubles the power.

In the third layer, the Great Sun Dharma Body and the Great Moon Dharma Body merge into one, forming a new Dharma Body called “Tai Chi Transformation,” which combines the advantages of both Dharma Bodies, excelling in both offense and defense.

Lu Yang was deeply fascinated by this technique, finding it extremely formidable.

While on the first floor of the Scripture Pavilion, he had encountered a technique called the “Sun Watching Technique,” which stated that once one reached the Golden Core Stage, they could proceed to the second floor to learn the continuation techniques, the “Great Sun Dharma Body Technique” and the “Great Moon Dharma Body Technique.”

At that time, he had no idea that the continuation techniques would be this powerful.

“Who is the senior sister that created this technique? She’s amazing!”

Lu Yang checked the author: Yun Zhi.

He looked up and realized that, unknowingly, he had arrived in the legendary “Yun Zhi Area.”

(End of the chapter)

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