Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 95: Come quietly

Chapter 95: Come quietly

Chapter 95 Come quietly

Mom, Im going back to school!

At the end of the National Day holiday, Jiang Qin ate dumplings made by his mother and boarded the train to Linchuan.

Today's weather is not very good. The whole sky is gloomy, as if it is going to rain. There is a hint of coolness in the air, which seems to prove the saying that one autumn rain and another cold.

After arriving at the station, Jiang Qin got off the train. Seeing the gloomy sky, he began to think about how to get back to school.

Direct buses can drive to the school gate, but taxis cannot enter the pedestrian street. If it rains, you will definitely get wet on the road from the pedestrian street to the boys' dormitory, and it is quite a long way.

Well, its really time to buy a car. I will be doing off-campus promotions in the future, and it will be very troublesome without a car.

Sir, lets find out more about Haoting Villa.

Miss, lets find out more about Haoting Villa.

A young **** the roadside was handing out flyers along the road. When it was Jiang Qin's turn, she was stunned for a moment, then opened another handbag: "Sir, do you want to know about low-rent housing?"

Jiang Qin frowned, avoiding the low-rent housing flyer, reaching out to grab a copy of the luxury villa, holding it in his hand, and walked towards the entrance of the through bus with a serious expression.

Really, not everyone in this world has such a thing as vision.

Staggering all the way to Linchuan University, the dark clouds seemed to be thicker, but no raindrops fell, just a hazy sky and faint thunder.

So Jiang Qin quickly returned to the dormitory and ventilated the room.

Lao Zhou's smelly socks had been hanging on the balcony for a week. When the window was opened, one of them blew away and fell into the gutter downstairs.

Jiang Qin's eyes couldn't help but freeze a little, and he thought seriously about whether he should destroy the other one.

Lao Jiang, are you back so early? Cao Guangyu reached out and pushed open the door, and shouted immediately when he saw Jiang Qin.

Jiang Qin turned around and looked at him: "Old Cao, I see you are quite popular on the forum. You are very popular, especially your five girlfriends who are my school beauties. The number of messages almost equals that of Shi Miaomiao." novel."

Have you watched it too?

"Of course I watched it, but I always felt like I was looking in the mirror. I vaguely felt that many scenes had happened to me, such as the competition between Cao Guangyu and the school beauty, and Cao Guangyu's Shura field. I had a strong sense of immersion."

Cao Guangyu sighed: "Damn it, I get angry when I mention this. A lot of people are clamoring to be real about me. Why don't they believe that I am a rich second generation?"

"Actually, I suggest you change your mind. Instead of forcibly establishing a rich second-generation persona, why not just make a funny v. You are very talented in this area." Jiang Qin wiped the table while passing on his experience.

Cao Guangyus eyebrows rose after hearing this: Is this human talk? Lao Jiang, do you think Im bragging?

Jiang Qin spat at him: "Don't I know if you have a girlfriend who is a school beauty and a Patek Philippe? What a fool, you copied my life."

Cao Guangyu blushed: "Then...how to make a funny v?"

Serious nonsense.

Isnt that what I do now?

If thats not thorough enough, just say that you built a manor with an area of 9.6 million square kilometers and drove to the toilet every day. There will definitely be people who like your humor. Jiang Qin gave him some advice.

It sounds unreliable. Id better continue to establish my second-generation rich persona. There will always be a bright-eyed girl who will believe me.

Jiang Qin patted Cao Guangyu on the shoulder and sighed slightly, knowing that this guy was just born at the wrong time.

With such an exaggerated character like him, if it were left fifteen years later, he would definitely be an Internet celebrity that will be responded to by everyone. However, this era is not yet the world of traffic, which leads to the talent being buried, which is a pity.

After packing up the dormitory, Jiang Qin took Cao Guangyu to Entrepreneurship Base 208, saying that he would let him visit the office, but in fact it was just to get help in cleaning.

The hygiene in 208 is easy to clean, that is, opening the windows for ventilation, wiping the table, and basically no need to do other things. After all, the National Day holiday is only seven days, so no matter how dirty it is, it won't get anywhere. After finishing it, Jiang Qin's phone started to vibrate, and the cute civet cat kept jumping in the list.

Jiang Qin, walk.

Its going to rain, Ill make you cry.

Go for a walk where you cant get wet.

Are you already at school?

"Not yet, but soon. Come to my dormitory and wait for me. Come quietly."


Jiang Qin felt confused after reading the news. What was the purpose of coming quietly?

But looking at the time, he felt that it was time to eat. He couldn't let Lao Cao help in vain, so he dragged him to the second meal on Xueyuan Road.

This place is relatively close to the female dormitory of the School of Finance. You can go directly there after eating.

As luck would have it, the two of them bumped into Jian Chun and Zhuang Chen as soon as they entered the door. They were sitting face to face. It looked like they had just arrived, and their plates were still full of rice.

"Old Cao, why don't you come over and say hello?" Jiang Qin encouraged him.

Cao Guangyu waved his hand while taking the dinner plate: "Forget it, I'm going to poach them. Apart from giving them a fierce test of love, it's actually of no use."

Jiang Qin was a little surprised after hearing this. Don't tell me, Lao Cao is really not an ordinary tough guy. He knows how to retreat when faced with difficulties. This is very scary: "Don't you plan to find a partner?"

Look for it, but it depends on fate, there is no need to rush it.

Where did you go on the 11th? How come you seemed to have enlightened your emotional intelligence?

Men always grow.

Cao Guangyu lowered his head to eat, but actually felt bitter in his heart. Damn it, he confessed his love to Jian Chun through QQ during the holiday, but was rejected harshly. The key is that she also remembered her name wrongly.

After finishing the meal, Jiang Qin threw the plate into the recycling bin, parted ways with Cao Guangyu, and headed to the girls' dormitory of the School of Finance along the way.

But before he had gone far, a black Bentley drove up on the college road. You didn't even need to read the license plate to know that it was Feng Nanshu.

Jiang Qin raised his hand and waved twice, preparing to wait for the car to stop, but the Bentley suddenly accelerated without saying a word, buzzed far away, and then quickly turned into the girls' dormitory area.


Jiang Qin narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression seemed a little incomprehensible.

Are you in a hurry to go back and wash your feet?

It is completely unnecessary for a gentleman to express his views in broad daylight.

At the same time, in the back seat of the black Bentley, Feng Nanshu was sitting upright, obedient, quiet, and cute.

And there is a woman beside her, wearing a long black dress, sitting noble and elegant, with impeccable exquisite makeup, bright eyes, and carefully cared for long hair on her head, black. Beautiful, her whole body exudes a kind of grace, confidence and elegance.

Feng Nanshu's hand was held in her palm and placed on her knees. Their temperaments were exactly the same.

After a while, the black Bentley stopped steadily in front of Building 7, and Uncle Gong's voice immediately sounded in the car.

Mr. Qin, Miss, the dormitory has arrived.

Tonight at 00:00, that is, in four hours, I will put it on the shelves. Please be the first to order, please be the first to order, please be the first to order!

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