Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 86: If you don’t understand, skip class.

Chapter 86: If you don’t understand, skip class.

Chapter 86: If you dont understand, skip class

As time went by, almost all the merchants in the entire front square came to 208. Especially after Beilan Dessert Shop formally signed a promotion agreement with the forum, an endless stream of customers came to inquire about advertising.

Jiang Qin took a look at the accounts and found that most customers were very interested in the homepage rotation, so much so that all four rotations were booked until the end of this year.

After deducting various discounts, the income from this sector has far exceeded the investment cost of the forum.

In addition, the long-term advertising space on the secondary pages and side pages has also found suitable customers, and the total revenue exceeded 100,000, which was relatively consistent with the later budget.

Once the bullet is out of the barrel, the gunman can rest.

Because as long as your wrist does not shake at the moment of shooting, most of the bullets can fly to the originally planned location.

Of course, as a college student, the first priority is to study. For Jiang Qin, it does not matter if his academic performance is excellent, but at least he should not fail the exam and retake it, otherwise it will be a bit embarrassing.

An advanced mathematics class at the end of September.

Jiang Qin felt like his brain was going to explode. He listened to the teacher's lecture and kept digging through his previous memories in his mind, only to find that everything he had learned had been turned into pieces.

I can remember a little bit, but I can't string it together. Even if I catch something vaguely, it will disappear soon.

Damn it, high mathematics really looks like love, its so **** abstract!

It seems that things that are not often used will be forgotten in a short period of time, but he can remember several paragraphs about drinking.

Jiang Qin couldn't help but touch his forehead, turned to look at Cao Guangyu, Ren Ziqiang and Zhou Chao, and found that these three people were listening seriously, nodding their heads from time to time, looking serious.

Those who can pass the Linda exam are not ordinary people in terms of learning. Even though these three people are usually not up to date, if they have knowledge, they really learn!

Jiang Qin finally knew how those middle-class students felt when facing upper-class students.

Please, can you please stop learning.

Old Cao, why dont you skip class and go out to play? Top up 100 and get 100 free at Dream Internet Cafe. Jiang Qin nudged Cao Guangyu with his elbow.

Cao Guangyu looked in disbelief: "Lao Jiang, did you buy your admission letter? Why is your study attitude not correct at all?"

Jiang Qin turned his head and looked at Zhou Chao: "Old Zhou, stop studying. Can't we fail the class together?"

Zhou Chao glanced at him: "Lao Jiang, you are different from me. Your family has a Bentley, but I don't. If I fail the exam and retake the exam, I will have no hope of continuing my studies. My parents will be so disappointed."

Lao Ren?

"I have to study hard. Besides, I have to accompany Pan Xiu."

Ren Ziqiang raised his eyebrows and spoke with confidence, as if he had a partner.

Jiang Qin sighed, held the pen in his mouth, held his chin with one hand, and gradually began to lose focus while looking at the blue sky outside the window.

Finally, when get out of class was about to end, the teacher in a gray plaid shirt suddenly put down his book, picked up the roll call again and called the roll again. Cao Guangyu, Zhou Chao and Ren Ziqiang suddenly showed expressions of lingering fear.

Jiang Qin had just said one more thing, and they might have fled.

Young college students are like this, listen to advice.

But now that their names were randomly called, they felt really frightened. How could they still do such a cool thing as calling their names after class?

Lao Jiang, get out of class is over, lets go to the Internet cafe!

get out of class is over, no serious person can go to an Internet cafe!

Jiang Qin picked up the book and ran away. After going out, he first took a look at the classroom next door and found that Class 4 did not come to class. It is estimated that the next two periods were scheduled until the afternoon.

So he took the elevator down to the first floor and went straight to the front square. At this time, two small trucks were parked in the front square, and workers in gray-blue uniforms were carrying promotional materials under the command of Lu Xuemei.

The designated partner of the School Beauty Contest, Bei Lan Dessert Shop, offers a 20% discount on the entire store, so you can support the goddess and cheer for the school beauty.

Is there any other clothing store that sells the same clothes as the school belle? You can wear the same style as the school belle and look as bright as the school belle.

In addition, Shengshi also made several standing plaques of department goddesses who signed licensing agreements, and placed them next to the fountain in the front square, far away from the huge ranking of campus beauties.

After this series of operations, the entire front square has completely become a test point for the school beauty economy. It feels like a school beauty-themed gathering. The whole scene is lively and the passenger flow is getting bigger and bigger. Even the teachers want to Can't help but want to come down and take a stroll.

In fact, whether it is Beilan Dessert Shop or Linda Fashion Store, the business has not been very good over the years.

After all, the Xitian Milk Tea Shop only had three customers in the morning. As neighbors along the street, their business would not be much better no matter how good it was.

This is not to say that the quality of their products is not good, or that their services are not adequate, it is simply because the front square really cannot attract people.

But now that the popularity has increased, there is no need to worry too much about the sales volume of the product.

To put it simply, the location of the front square is not very good, but Jiang Qin single-handedly solved the problem directly from the root cause.

There are many commercial areas in Linda. The most popular one is the Xueyue Supermarket, and the lowest one is the front square. But now the situation has changed, and the jewelry stores near the Xueyue Supermarket can't help but set up stalls in the front square.

The most obvious thing is that the part-time college student who promoted the campus card had been sitting at the entrance of the college, and he couldn't help but move here in the past two days.

Ive never seen so many people here

Lu Xuemei murmured, her eyes filled with infinite emotion. In just one month, the front square changed from a deserted place to a crowded place, which she had never dared to imagine before.

The one who did all this was the seemingly unformed "freshman" next to him.

"After the teaching building comes out, there is the front square, and the front square is directly opposite the maple forest. The merchants along the street look at Wangyue Lake across the maple forest. Although the terrain is open, there is air leakage on all sides. It is not suitable for commercialization at all and cannot gather popularity. Its normal. We used promotional materials and billboards to surround the place into a long street, visually turning a square that was leaking on three sides into a pocket. We used the crowded environment to enhance the shopping experience, and the business slowly increased. It will come alive.

Lu Xuemei was stunned after hearing this, her eyes widened slightly: "Is this important?"

Many people who do business are accustomed to seeing a Feng Shui master before choosing a location. This is probably the reason.

Isnt that feudal superstition?

Of course its feudal superstition. College students must believe in science and dont listen to my nonsense. Jiang Qin patted her shoulder and turned to go to the Xitian milk tea shop.

The corner of Lu Xuemei's mouth twitched, thinking that even nonsense can sound like the truth. No wonder you are the boss!

Because of the popularity of the school beauty contest and the milk tea flavor matching the character's biography, Xitian's business has been booming in the past two days. Correspondingly, Fang Xiaoxuan is also very tired.

Boss, there are so many people recently. Even my hands and feet feel weak after get off work every day. Fang Xiaoxuan complained when she opened her mouth.

Is it good to triple the salary?

Fang Xiaoxuan nodded immediately: "It smells so good."

If it smells good, do it well. Jiang Qin gave her an encouraging look.

But I dont understand, boss, cant you use the money to hire two more people to help me?

"I don't make money from the milk tea shop. What I want is the scene of a huge queue to attract new advertisers for me. It can be regarded as a kind of hunger marketing. If there are enough people, the milk tea can be made quickly, and the queue will be short, attracting Your strength is not enough, I will hire someone to help you when the heat subsides a little."

Fang Xiaoxuan didnt understand, but he should say it or not, three times the salary is really good.

It will be on the shelves soon. Please read more and read more. In these few days, you can check your results and write until you vomit blood.

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